~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~

Yeah that's me....I can't say no to shit XDD

so yeah...you have to to have a good rp.

You have to pick up on people's mistakes and slap them with it....I know a duo that did that...and have to say, even though it kinda made you nervous they kept you in line and it was a good rp while it lasted.
I've tried to get involved in about 25 rp's while i've been on here. To be honest, I think I've only rp'd in two that were any fun. But sadly, nobody has posted in them for weeks. Is nothing sacred?!
I'm sorry, I'm still stunned from this rp. I poured my heart into that character, and now I'm sitting here with absolutely nothing to do.
yep, same here. Well..I didn't pour my heart into this character...but I have plenty others. I don't like to get my hopes too up ._.
Honestly, I was fine until the whole monster bit happened...

I loved the "Well That Escalated Quickly" picture- I think that explained how everyone was feeling.

Normally, I'm not able to be online as often, so I know my posting will be less frequent once the weekend is over. I'm sorry if I personally have made it difficult for anyone to keep up- I'm also trying to find a balance because I like to stay active but also wait for a good amount of other people to post. But recently I've had someone (in a different RP, not this one) get on my case about not posting faster today because she has multiple characters and whatnot. So some of that may have projected to here, for fear that the people I'm in conversation with will get mad at me for not replying faster.

It makes me sad to see you go, and I do believe it's not too late to work through it.
Personally I agree with MidnightPhoenix1123. I think we can save it if we try. And I don't like to complain but you guys should be ashamed. Making another rp that's basically this one and then advertising it on here?! That's completely rude and uncalled for.
While I understand that things have gotten a bit out of hand I'm trying to make this work as best as I can. I respect your right to leave and make your own rp, but taking my idea and making your own idea and then advertisimg it in my own thread isn't accepatble. That is quite rude and disrespectful and I've removed the offending post.

Not trying to be rude or anything, but...
I did not leave.

I've yet to sign up for another rp.

Yes we talked, and he just wanted to create something for himself. So...I'll join both but mind you, I did not leave. And I apologize for coming off as rude as those were not the intentions.
I really don't think it's a problem if anyone wanted/wants to leave. It's not like anyone can force you to stay, and that's not what I'm trying to do. I just think if I were the author, I would be really hurt by all of this. Yes, it's kind of confusing right now, and she knows that too. But it's not exactly her fault that some things just keep...(I quote from everyone knows who) "appearing out of thin air" and "descending from the sky". It's kind of a hard place to be in when people, like the one referenced in the previous sentence, basically demand attention- because I'm sure she's also trying to be patient and reasonable about it. I don't know, maybe this is my own patience talking, but this RP only started Friday, meaning it's still just beginning really. And compared to another RP I've been in where I missed about 50 pages of one-liners between the same 2 people by going to school, I guess I just don't see this as hopeless.
Understandable. I mean people are coming in, taking place of those who have quit. So we still have hope. One mess up. It happens. We can get through it. Angel posted the update about the new rules and that should help run things out smoothly- we just need to find a way to get through the barriers of the sudden characters MIA but we'll figure it out surely.
I don't want to leave, I have just become so confused that I don't even know how to salvage my character, because he would have been involved in these events in some way due to him trying to be punctual. I'm not saying it's the author's fault either, it's the fault of the people who don't have restraint to wait for others. The author made a great role play, it just got so popular that it spread into chaos. Yeah, I agree, when things started just "appearing" that's when I felt really lost. As for fifty pages of one liners, that could just be a conversation, but this was a bunch of pages filled with random major events. I'd like to continue, I just don't know how that's possible.
Hey guys how do you change the colour of your text? It makes it easier to differentiate when a character is talking and when not.
@V1ncentFur When you type in the box, there are a lot of little like buttons at the top of the box. The one that's an "A" with an underline has text colors
I really want to try and do this RP again but I just don't know what to do at this point...

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