~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~

An easy way to fix this is to institute an order and atleast a paragraph per post like Im used to. This chaotic style really is too confusing for me.
Turn order would be a great idea, but then you'd get that one person who'd forget to go on for a week, then everybody looses out.
Lets ask angel~

To set up a turn order.

like...it doesn't have to necessarily be bob first then suzy after bob then Angelica...

like it can just be...

make sure the majority has replied before you reply again...
CelticHero37 said:
Turn order would be a great idea, but then you'd get that one person who'd forget to go on for a week, then everybody looses out.
Then just skip his turn, we have a GM for a reason.
Not everybody has to reply because...that's how rps die

but the majority.

the ones that are like...stick to it.

And ...this is what always bugs me.

If somebody's like "hey I gtg eat...or attend to life..." then...for the love of god I wish people would respect that ....and not be impatient little fucks and posts past him, just ignoring that he has life to attend to 
cuz like Monday...I'm going out on a maybe/not really/just let me call it one dammit date and like...I know if I try to be like "wait for me" they won't. :I
Raviael said:
Not everybody has to reply because...that's how rps die
but the majority.

the ones that are like...stick to it.

And ...this is what always bugs me.

If somebody's like "hey I gtg eat...or attend to life..." then...for the love of god I wish people would respect that ....and not be impatient little F**** and posts past him, just ignoring that he has life to attend to
Sure but when "life" takes up a week of time I am pretty sure that his life is just inconveniencing others too much at that point.

Moderation and Consideration, two things the GM has to have to see if skipping a post is good or not.
no no no I'm not saying a whole week thing

what I mean is...if somebody like Celtic has to go to WORK...he'll be on later that day...just let him go to work/school/church/a date/ whatever he needs to go to... wait for him

but if somebody's going on anti-internet vacation then....we'll work something out to where your character takes a break too cuz sorry we don't want the rp to die
Yeah, the problem is, I don't know how available I'll be tomorrow either, and I really want to get into this character, but I can't because I have to wait for this other guy. If he's even going to come back.
If he doesn't say "the character was being shy and not talking to him" or "something caught your attention" don't let your character be soiled because inactivity of another.
Raviael said:
no no no I'm not saying a whole week thing
what I mean is...if somebody like Celtic has to go to WORK...he'll be on later that day...just let him go to work/school/church/a date/ whatever he needs to go to... wait for him

but if somebody's going on anti-internet vacation then....we'll work something out to where your character takes a break too cuz sorry we don't want the rp to die
Of course, ever since I've come to this site, I haven't yet been in a RP like those im used to.

I am used to 2-4 paragraphs per post and usually 2-3 posts per 1-2 day's so that people have enough time with perhaps 4-8 dedicated RP'ers each doing the same in a turn based order.

Every RP here has been 1 -4 liners flung rapidly in procession. Its hectic and I cant keep up. I have to write 1 -4 liners to keep up and I feel horribly awkward doing that.

The long post per day method seemed so much better to people who had less time.
I'm the type that blends in with whatever the fuck everyone else is doing.

I'm in one rp..that well...unless something major is happening...it's a mess of one liners...so I post one liners but if it's full of a group that TRIES then yes I'd love to try too~

But there was this one time...this hypocrite who had been posting nothing but one liners said I needed to reply. NOTHING going on ...so I fed him back that one liner...then he was like "you really do try don't you?"

I posted like...a 50 page reply on word document and fed it to him...

he doesn't complain anymore ouo

But yeah...I've been doing an awful lot of 1x1s cuz of the whole length thing. I'd love to actually get far in a rp...but yet at the same time 1x1s can get old real fast...
I know what you mean. When people are working together, I do like the little faster pace that goes on. But this is just plain hectic. I wish the RP's I created got this famous.
I made like ONE rp...and I was proud of it. Had a whole bunch of people that posted nice long replies...it died though. I know why cuz it had this one chic...great writer. Yet she wants to rp in everything, loves being the main character complex and gets bored easily. So once she's bored...the rp just crashes. It's powerful...yet it pains me all the same xD
Honestly I think the reason why mine was so good (but it only lasted 3 pages...but I was still proud of it) was just the subject was 'Wonderland' (shhh I have that obsession) and well some good writers came in and I said "we have to get a majority of these roles filled out" and so she's like "I'll go call all my buddies 8D" and yeah. It's all a luck or chance deal I'm afraid.

Also..you gotta kinda know who you're dealing with.

RP enough through variety and you'll know who you'll want to and who not to accept. Now I'll see this rp that has potential- yet the person accepted all the people whom's postings/characters/etc makes me cringe so I know it will die out soon or not be as promising as it could have been. 
I'm not a picky person don't get me wrong- I don't go posting this and be like "ah this shit's great. Beat that. I'm the writing master." I'm just...eh...I'm there. I'm decent and I can satisfy. But still...you get what I'm saying
I completely agree. At first I was excited when the characters filled up so fast. Then I could tell it had overflowed when I stopped caring about the new characters. Heck, I tried reading some more of it and am just lost. All chance of salvaging my character is lost, unless I somehow decide to just ignore all the previous events. That just feels sloppy to me. I was so excited for this RP this morning. Now this is a major disappointment.
Yep. That's just going to be how most of these rps will go, sadly as it may be. And it's worse for me cuz I'm kiiinndddaaa an idealist xD ;

If you get good rps- the worry will be "will it last?"

if you get an rp that's long and going around ....it's probably not that good
Yeah, to be honest, my overall experience on this site has been high expectations, only to be disappointed at the end of the day. RP's are fun, and I do enjoy a little faster pace. But there still has to be order. So far, I haven't found much of a middle ground. It either goes way to fast and dies, or goes way too slow and dies.
Our human's gone.

This rp is gone XDD 
You know I figured something out through here...

I'm actually...a way too nice person. I hate upsetting people and for this site's that's bad.

If you're going to host a good ...GOOD rp...you're going to have to be a little bit of a prick on here.

But reality is you have to be on people's cases if you want to keep something flowing nicely
There's another problem… I was so lost, I didn't even know that was our human. There were just too many characters to keep track of. I find the ideal number of RPers in a story is 6 to 8. Otherwise it's either too boring, or to hectic. One problem I think is that people don't know when to say no.

And I agree with that second part.

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