~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

Sorrene shook her head dissapprovingly, and focused her attention on Raziel.

"Raziel, what's wrong? Is there anything I can do to help you?"
The shakalaka bumps into sorrene, shaking out of fear. "Chum-chum sorry- alaka. Me get lost- alaka." He said.

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Sorrene didn't pay any attention to the Shakalaka following them: she walked with Raziel, and then, she found it. The principal's office. With a satisfied smile, she led Raziel towards the door.
How did this thing even get in the school? Talk about a migraine, Bram groaned mentally. He had completely spaced out during Raziel's meltdown and he only came back to the present when this... Thing, started talking. Bram stepped around it and sighed, following the duo to the principal's office.

The shakalaka wore an acorn mask with a spiral pattern as eyes. he had a stick with a smaal beast head replica as a weapon. "What is this place-alaka?" Chum-chum asked sorrene. "is this temple of big people?" Hannibal was just as confused as bram was.
"Let me put it this way. This is a place of learning for magical people." said Sorrene calmly, kneeling down so she was at eye level with the Shakalaka. She curled her hand into a fist, then opened it, and when she did, a tiny orange flame sprung to life in her palm.

"Funny, I can do the same," Bram chuckled, creating a blue flame in his palm. Perhaps using Hell Fire in broad daylight wasn't a smart idea, but oh well. It was pretty.

"whoah! Chum-chum like magic. and me like Zin-hu aswell." he said as he does a shakalaka dance. "I have a name, chum-chum." Hannibal said. "Show us a trick-alaka!" chum-chum shouted out of excitement. "You do not want to see my tricks." hannibal replies with a vibe of insecurity.
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"c'mon big guy. show us a trick." chum-chum said. "I do not want to, i am a fraid of hurting you all, since i cannot control it." hannibal replied, getting frustrated.
"Here, why don't I do something?" said Sorrene. She once again closed her hand and opened it, and it looked like she held a tiny sun in her palm. She silently prayed she wouldn't break anything as she cast the spell at a nearby wall. A ball of bright sunlight floated by the wall, and after about 15 or so seconds, it faded away. The wall was a bit charred, but other than that, everything remained undamaged.
"WOW!!! Me like magic fireball! It bigger than rathalos fire!" chum-chum exclaimed excitedly. "Ok Hanni, your turn." he adds. Hannibal grew nervoius and afraid of hurting everyone with his "trick".
Raziel could sense the danger, it was calling to him. He walked in between hanibal and the others. "You can show, and they can hide behind me." His voice ringing different to before, it was darker, hollower and had far less emotion in it.
"No." he said. "We need to be outside, away from anything that runs on energy." He turns and gets on all fours, then dashes off into the back courtyard. "I am probably going to regret this." he said to himself as chum-chum chased him. "wait!! Me chum-chum come too!!!" he shouted.
Raziel shrugged and followed suit. It appeared that no one was going to be harmed today. Not even himself. once he reached the courtyard he collapsed, losing consciousness. All tenseness in his body releasing.
Chum-chum turned around and tried to wake raziel. "Wake up!" He shouts. Hannibal picked him up and layed him next to a tree.

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Sorrene jogged over to Raziel and the others and mentally searched her bank of spells for something that could help. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. She readied a healing spell, then cast it on Raziel. It was only an apprentice level spell, so it wasn't that powerful, but it was the best Sorrene could do.
Raziel's eyes opened, not due to any spell because he was not hurt. He looked up, blinking to see Sorrene standing over him with a concerned expression. "um... I guess I blanked out for a minuter... sorry..." he looked around, he had been moved. they were outside now, not that he minded.
"What you are about to witness is very dangerous and very volatile. so stand back if you do not want to get shocked or afflicted with dragonblight." he said.

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