~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]


The Idiotic Prince Of Nekos
Vixen yawned, as she flipped through a stack of papers. Her students would be arriving today, and of course she was excited, but she was also rediculesly tired. She had stayed up a very long time the other night, putting finishing touches here and there, to finish preparring for this day. But, now that it was here, she was falling asleep standing up. "How am I supposed to do this now?" She asked herself, rubbing her forehead. Her ears twitched, her four tails on the other hand were still. She was sitting in her office, at her desk, going over things to try to make sure everything was ready.

Yuu sat at the bus stop, his legs kicking back and forth calmly, and his tail set beside him on the bench. He munched on cookies, as he noticed his tail, and attempted to stuff it into his pants, as he stod up. Being made fun of time and time again due to his animal like features, and being told by others like him to hide them, he woar a hat, and tried to keep his tail out of view.

Being in no hurry to get to school, Taiki sat in a tree, relaxing. He had plenty of time to get going, it wasn't like it was starting right then after all. His wings fluttered a bit behind him, and strands of his white hair were in his face, I mean more than usual. Heaving a sigh, he relised he was going to have to go eventually, so he couldn't take a nap, so he sat up, and jumped from the tree. "I may not be able to take a nap." He said. "But, that won't stop me from having some fun, before I get tortured with knowledge." With that, he concentrated really hard, and luckily, his wings hid themselves. "Phew. Now, time to go. The day is new, the breeze feels nice, and I see people I need to prank." Walking forward carefully, he stayed hidden, and watched the boy from behind a bush. Then, he fell over, and began to breath like he was dying. "H-help." He said, holding back laughter.

When the boy turned around, and saw Taiki laying there, he hurried over. "H-hey." He said. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Taiki looked up, as weakly as he could. "I-I don't know what happened." He said. "One minute, I'm up and fine. The next, I'm feeling great pain, and fall to the ground. I think I need a hispital. Go get someone, and please hurry."

"R-right!" The boy replied. "I'll hurry! I'll get someone right away!" With that, he ran off.

When the boy was back inside his house, Taiki laughed, and pulled out some red berries. He placed them on the ground, and stommped on them, before running off to a different hiding place to watch.

The boy hurried back outside with a tall woman, and they stopped at the bush. "The guy was right here." The boy said. "I-I... Wait! Is that blood!?"

The tall woman laughed, "No." She said, bending down, and feeling the berry juice. "It's just berries. Calm down, Tom."

Shaking his head, the boy who was supposedly named Tom spoke. "I saw what I saw." He said. "There was a guy right there, he had white hair, and he said he was dying. He told me to go get help, so I got you, and then he was gone."

"You told me the story before." The woman said. "Now come on, let's go inside." She grabbed Tom's hand, and entered the house.

Taiki fell over laughing, "That was so funny!" He said. "That was great. One of my best preformances yet!" Then, he stood up, and dusted himself off, wiping tears from his eyes. "But, now that I've had my fun, I guess I'd better get going." With that, he headed toward the bus stop.
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Midorikawa Chiaki wanted to get to school early. He was the combat instructor, but he also was taking classes, so he wanted to make sure he had everything situated. He glided gracefully just above the clouds. Some birds followed him for a while. Birds got along with his kind well, unlike their relationship with humans. Flying was a little hard, because he had a backpack on. This backpack was bulging full of things that he'd need for other classes, his own class notes, posters and other assorted items to decorate his classroom, and of course his flute and two katanas. He struggled a little, but liked it because it was a good workout. As he flew, the cloud cast began to dissipate. Now underneath him was the school where he would work from now on. "Vixen's School for Those Struggling with Magic Abilities," he whispered to himself, "Huh, that name's a little long. How about something more along the lines of Vixen's Academy of Magic? No, too dark. Vixen's School of Assorted Magics? No, to silly. Vixen's Magic School? Eh, a little too generic. Oh well, I'll run those by her and see what she thinks."

With that, Chiaki angled toward the school and touched down in the courtyard. He stretched his wings out a bit, then shoved them into the holes in the back of his shirt. He didn't need to do that here, but it was just habit. Anyways, wings got in the way if they're not held back properly. This way he didn't have to worry about them. "Now, where do I check in?"
Ozoiya strolled down the school corridor having been there since early that morning. His loose suspenders smacked his thighs with each step as they hung down off his waist. He was truly excited, he loved to see the new potential in each student and to see new creatures. And he felt something nice about this year, like this one would be the most exciting.

Ozoiya fumbled with his satchel before chalantly setting it on his shoulder in time to see a red head. Instantly recognizing the person,

"Midorikawa Chiaki, correct?" He called out to the instructor.


Bonny walked up to the school innocently her hood which was topped with two long bunny ear hid her face from anyone around her. How was she supposed to survive here, why had she been invited when she's a mere girl. There was nothing special about her, letting out a small sigh she took a seat on a lone bench.
Airin walked up to the school he could tell it was quite nice looking even through his hair covered his eyes and his head was down. He carried several large bags that clanked as he progressed even closer. There was a smile on his lips and he was humming a turn that had been stuck in his head all day. He was eager to get set up and meet the students, and this thought made him quicken his step.

Zenton tugged a shirt over his head as he ran to the kitchen. He'd fallen asleep as he was still getting used to being up during the day so his sleeping cycle was off. But he'd done it so he could attend the school and he was determined not to be late. Quickly draining a glass filled with blood he headed out the back door. Having a quick look around he poked his wings out and took off in the direction of the school.

Zack was sitting in a chair in some hallway while Faira talked to the principal. He really didn't want to be here but there wasn't much he could do about it. In fact there was nothing he could do about it Faira could bend him to her will with her magic. For a split second he cursed being a fire elemental, but quickly he disregared that thought and sighed heavily. He was getting really bored, he'd already listened to his entire playlist he realized as I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan came on again. He was getting ready to barge into the office.

Faira had entered Vixen's office and set her hand down on the desk. "Good morning, Vixen. Nice to see you again." She said smiling. Her and Vixen had met before in fact they were friends. "So you remember that kid I've been telling you about, Zack? Well, I brought him he's going to be attending the school too, though I'm sure you already knew that."
A while back, when Fei was nameless and first asked to be an instructor for some magic school- Fei had to take a big first step out into the real world because his delightful nest up in the mountains with his beloved mamma bird was much too far from the new Academy.

"I'm sorry Mamma!" he had said, sobbing and hugging at her beak. "I must go! It's for the best! Our colony of bird friends have been at danger for a long time, thanks to the lack of berries and numerous predators found up in the mountains! But working at the academy....I must do this! And then I can buy all the berries I want and we can all share and live in peace and harmony! Really we can- Lil' blue will sing us a harmonious tune!" Not thinking that hey my mother is a bird god and we could probably get all the berry offerings we want he set out into the big world- flying away from his gigantic mountainous nest - sobbing.

Now the time for the first day of Vixen's School for those Struggling with Magic Abilities has come forth, and Fei had to force himself to wake up upon morning sunrise.

"nnnghh~~ I don't want to get up...they don't need the flight instructor on the first day....I can just sleep in a little longer..." And so he nuzzled back into his man-made nest, perched atop of the most convenient place: the Academy's roof. Well hey, if Mamma bird's nest was too far from the school, and I don't know much about distance anyways- or this stupid stuff that the people here try to call 'rent' and 'private property' I could just settle right here atop the school. That way no matter what, I'll never be late!

And that was a small inside scoop on what's going on in the head of the bird man Fei...part one.



A beautiful and bright colored eyesore of a young woman stood in front of the Academy, already ready to start her day. She had the utmost confidence that she could play her duty out well...though she was slightly frustrated and ill with herself in wondering on why it was that she had even decided to be a teacher at the Academy in the first place. It was something that had bugged her since she agreed to it, and she took it out brutally on her paintings, and even her magic had almost gone all out of whack. She then had to proceed for the next couple of weeks focusing on nothing but meditation.

Now the time has come, the first day of the Academy or more formerly addressed as Vixen's School for those Struggling with Magic Abilities. Well, that's what it really was called but more generic commonly placed humans easily mistaken it for a challenged school - something that was disrespectfully brought upon as a joke by the more immature part of society. That would probably mean outside of school, students would be given hell about it if they were the type that blended in with society...and then that would only bud problem children and that was just what this woman was hired to take care of. Problem children. Or rather, problem solving. That's what her role as a teacher was...to solve problems. And this woman, whom went by preferably as the name of Amaris, wasn't sure how well she would be able to handle such a job but she was hired and she had always had an arrogant kind of confidence in her- feminist and all. So, without changing her facial expression and deciding to stop 'admiring' the school's front doors, she nodded and made her way inside to see what all she had or could do before the first day of the the school actually started.
Hannibal walks through the halls, looking for a place to apply for attendance. "Anyone here to help me out?" He asks. "Im looking for a place to sign up for this place."

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Trucy's eyes slowly began to snap open, and she gave out a nice yawn before her mind suddenly became aware. There was a loud banging at her rooms door, and it sounded like it was her mother.

"Trucy! It's your first day school! Get up!" Her mother shouted, angered her daughter was just now getting up. Trucy herself was surprised, her alarm must of been on snooze, as it hadn't went off to wake her up. "I'll be out in a minute!" She replied to her anxious mother; walking into her closet before preforming her first magic trick of the day, getting ready. Trucy quickly took out a new magicians outfit, slipping into the flashy thing before finishing it off with her red silk scarf. As her mother was about to break into the place, Trucy opened the door, giving a pose to show she was fully dressed. "Tada!"

"You're...going to wear that to that...interesting...school today?" Her mother questioned, not exactly happy she was going in the first place.

"Of course! It is a school for those struggling with magical abilities, right?" Trucy replied, excited for her first day. Her mom, however, gave her a somewhat regretful look, wondering if Trucy was being serious or not. "It's...more like for those who are challenged..." Her mother told her, but Trucy didn't care, this was a day she was surely to remember.

"I have to go mom, I have to run to the bus stop!" Trucy replied, pushing her mom out of the way. She glided down the oak stairwell, opening up the door to the outside world. Trucy was excited, starting her run for the bus stop.
Vixen looked up, with a small smile. "Oh?" She asked. "Well, I look forward to meeting him. Is he in the hallway?" She stood up, and shoved the stack of papers into a drawer in her desk. Grabbing two golden hoop earrings, she put them into her fox like ears, then shifted into her natural fox form. This was her speacial way of greeting her students, she let them see her in her fox form first, and then her human form later. "Well, let's be off then." She said, after making sure her spirit jewel was locked away safely.

Yuu who was saticfied that his tail was now hidden, attempted to sit back down. But, that just irritated his tail, "Ow." He grumbled, before stuffing another cookie in his mouth. "This is terrible."

Taiki hurried over to the bench at the bus stop, with a big smile on his face. His cloak blew in the breeze, and he sat next to Yuu. They didn't say anything to each other. For, Yuu was to busy eating cookies, and Taiki was to busy being proud of himself.
Kyrin walked down the street, her hood up and her hands in her pockets. "I hope this school isn't like an alternative school... All, friendship and sharing..." She muttered, her canines sinking into the small stick she had in her mouth.

Walking up to the front gate, she looked around. "Looks surprisingly... Normal." She said, raising an eyebrow and continuing through the front gates and into the courtyard.

Slipping by any other potential students, Kyrin managed to get inside the school without having to talk to anyone, and hoped she wouldn't get lost.
"Sure is." Faira said as she followed Vixen out of the office to where Zack was sitting. "Zack this is the principal, Vixen." When there was no response she pulled his head phones off and repeated herself.

"When you said vixen I didn't think you meant so literally." Zack said looking down at the fox in front of him. But a harsh look from Faira and he kept any other remarks to himself.

Airin was in his classroom as he'd just finished setting up. The room was now filled to the brim with odd plants, colorful liquids, and much, much more. Satisfied with his work Airin decided to go see about meeting the other teachers.

Zenton landed on the ground tucking his wings back in. He took a hop skip and took off running toward the building, but as he neared the school he realized that there were very few people about. He slowed to a walk guessing that he wasn't actually as late as he thought.
Armaris found her classroom quite easily and entered in, quickly frowning when she saw how dull and empty it all was- not to mention kind of cold. Clicking her tongue in a slightly irritable way, she began to pull out of her purse 3 pints of paint in the 3 basic warm colors and a few paintbrushes of different sizes.

"Perhaps if I were to paint a sunny canvas on this wall it will manipulate my brain into thinking it's a sunny summer's day and give me warmth." She nodded slightly over the thought. It was all about the mind games after all, basic human or not. With that, or with any kind of knowledge if she even had the complete liberty to graffiti the walls with art- she began to paint away.
The bus arrived, and Yuu grabbed his box of cookies, and his bag, before getting into the vehicle. He sighed, knowing he had to sit down again, "Great." He said. "I've always wanted to have my tail aputated."

Taiki happily got onto the bus, and sat down, still grinning. He was having a great day so far, but great days can easily turn into sour ones.

Vixen took no offence to the comment, "Yes." She said. "I'm a Kitsune. My full name is Vixen Chi Heart, you may call me Ms. Vixen, or Ms. Heart." She sat down, her tails making weird swaying motions.
Great another Ms. kind. Zack hated the formality of adding Ms. and he didn't like how it made it sound like she was in charge of him. "Whatever. I'm Zack." He said deliberatly not intorducing himself with Zachery. He hated being called by his full name. "Oh, and I'm sure you've already heard but I'm a fire elemental." He added giving a proud smile.

"Well, better then last time you introduced yourself." Faira said handing back Zack'z head phones.
Hannibal found the office for sign up. "I would like to attend this school." He said to the clerk. "Anything i can do to get in?"

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The bus driver looked back, "Are you two my only passengers?" He asked, looking a bit confused.

"I think so." Yuu answered, looking up from his cookies. "But, I at least, am in a hurry. So, if you could get us to Vixen's School for...oh whatever. You know which one I'm talking about, right?"

"Yeah." The bus driver said, beginning to close the door.

Taiki looked over at Yuu, and tilted his head. "You're going there too?" He asked. "And, you're in a rush? Are you one of those people who loves learning or something?"

"No. I just don't want to sit on my tai-" Yuu stopped. "I mean, I just don't want to be late for my first day." He glanced out the window.

"Well then, hello Zack." Vixen said. "Yes, I guessed. "But now, I'd better hurry to the main classroom. I must be there when the rest of my students and teachers arrive." With that, she began to pad off in the direction of the science/normal classroom. Seeing all the potions, she smiled as much as a fox could, her potions master must have arrived already.
"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be so late!" Sorrene said to herself as she ran out the door, slamming it behind her. She began her sprint to the school, nearly running into and almost knocking over several people before she had even made it across the first of many streets.


Sorrene folded her wings as she landed in front of the school, letting them settle against her back. She walked briskly towards the front doors, throwing them open as she walked inside. Her shoes clicked loudly on the floor with each step, her bright blue eyes flicking from door to door.
It's going to take me all day to find the principal's office, she thought.
Hannibal finished applications and waivers, he heads on over to a room filled with strangers. And sat down, waiting for the teacher or principal to enter.

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Vixen hopped up onto a chair, and sat down at the desk at the front of the classroom. Hipefully everyone would arrive soon, she didn't want to wait or keep anyome else waiting for long. For, believe it or not, she was the impatient type, and didn't enjoy waiting for anything, if you didn't get that impression from the letter she sent. Licking her fur, she tried to have patients, as she got ready to talk to the stuudents and staff.

Taiki sighed, "That sounds like something someone infected with learning syndrome would say." He said. "Learning syndrome, is when you get a bug that makes you love school. Now, answer me truthfully, do you enjoy knowledge?" Raising an accusing eyebrow, he scooted closer to the edge of the seat.

Yuu shook his head, and decided to ignore Taiki. He wasn't obsessed with learning, he just didn't want to get yelled at after sitting on his tail all day. That would be a drag. With a sigh, he remembered how uncvomfortable he was, and grumbled.

"Grumpyness is a side affect!" Taiki shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Yuu. "I knew it! You are infeccted, aren't you!?"
"Come on, Zack we need to head that way too." Faira said and began to walk down the halls at a slower pace then Vixen had taken but still it wasn't too slow. Zack pushed out of the chair and followed behind Faira. He didn't really care but whatever awaited them was surely more entertaining then sitting in an empty hallway.

Airin remembered he'd left something in the classroom so he headed back, but when he got there a fox was in the room. Knowing that this was no ordinary fox right away, from the four tails he walked over to it and stuck out his hand for a shake. "Hello my name is Airin Gabfjiuevsalb, but you can just call me Airin, or Mr.A if your a student. Which I'm assuming you aren't but one never does know." Airin smiled.
Trucy ran with all her might, sprinting across blocks in an attempt to reach the bus stop. But then, a thought occurred to her, the school was much closer, why not run there? She quickly did a 90 degree turn, changing her attention to the schools direction. No need to be worried, I'm sure I'll make it. Trucy thought, her cape flowing majestically behind her.
Kyrin jumped at the sound of shoes clicking surprisingly fast down the hallway, the twig almost falling out of her mouth. Turning her head slightly, she saw a girl walking at a good pace down the hallway, her blonde hair flying behind her as she went. Turning her head back and pulling her hood lower, Ryan hoped the girl wouldn't try to talk to her, but figured it would happen anyway.

Maybe if I slip into this side hallway... No, that wont work. Ah, it's inevitable. She thought, shaking her head slightly.
The bus Yukihime had chosen to ride was much to crowded for her liking. She had intended on taking a nap on the way to the school, but sadly a portly man sat in front of her and was dead set on chewing his chips as loudly as possible. She rubbed her temples and settled on looking out the window. Her guardian had insisted that she not carry electronic devices such as iPods or Mp3s so she had nothing to block out the noise. When a white haired boy began to shout she whipped around to face him and the poor fool he was yelling at. They looked like nice people and perhaps they were merely goofing off, but that did not deter Yukihime's bad habit.

"Hmph. Only fools and attention seekers call out loudly to make an example of themselves. How foolish and immature." She glared condescendingly at the pair. Why do I do that?! I'm so stupid! Idiot Idiot Idiot! She berated herself mentally, all the while keeping the mean smirk upon her lips.
North grabbed his backpack and raced toward the door. He had overslept, but there was still a chance he could get to school without being late. He was honestly excited to attend Vixen's School of Magic...or whatever it was called. He couldn't remember, but he knew it was something like that. North liked going to school because he loved learning and meeting new people. So, when his parents suggested this school for him, he agreed without a second thought. North raced down the street, dodging obstacles easily, and soon found himself in front of the school.


Orca grumbled as she made her way to the campus. She had been on time until her mother reminded her to bring her sealskin. The stupid thing was so heavy, and Orca really didn't want to bring it to her new school. Why would she need it there anyways? Plus, imagine sitting in your new class at a new school next to some girl you've never seen before and she opens up her backpack and has a sealskin inside! Orca could only imagine how much that would freak someone out. She trudged through the halls, aimlessly wandering until she could figure out where to go.

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