Violette Horizon [Sign-ups]


Jōnin of Silence
( Roleplay Storyline/Info: )


( I'll be posting the Role Play itself here once it starts. )



Place your characters here, I'll either accept them or ask you to change them a little.


Full Name:












Theme song:

Other such information:



Full Name: Violette Jane Lynne

Nickname: Violette/Purple(to people who are close to her and trying to be funny)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Appearance: View attachment 11797 (She wears a jacket and skinny jeans usually, but that's what she looks like)

Personality: She's very serious about anything that has to do with a goal and can be very focused, but she can also be laid back and enjoy a good time.

Backstory: If you want to know Violette's backstory, read the Storyline/Info sheet (link at the top) and everything about her that you need to know is there.

Good/Bad: Good

Skills(Natural): High Reflexes and a LOT of stamina.

Powers(Supernatural): Strength, Speed, Fire, Teleportation, the ability to disappear, and she can develop more powers.

Weapon(s): Katana

Wings(Optional):Black, bird-like wings that seem to disappear when she's not using them.

Theme song: I'm working on a theme song.

Other such information: She's a generally overpowered character, but she's the main character.
Full Name: Taint Dentai


Gender: male

Age: 15


View attachment 11793

Personality:Fast paced and quick to action. He wants things to be done fast and good, without delay but that also brings out a troubling side of him.

Backstory: Growing up along side his brother in the ancient clan their family has been apart of for centuries, he lived an innocent live full of fun and care-free days. His brother was all he looked up to and took in every word he said. During the few days after his 10th birthday his brother was tense, an ill-normal level considering their worry free lifestyle. The 3rd day after his birthday he laid to rest for anothertomorrow that would never arrive as it did the day before. What was even more odd was his brother came to say goodnight as he did every time, but added something "I changes" Not knowing what his brother was talking about, he closed his eyes and suddenly heard the scream of blood. He put on a coat fast and darted to the front of his home. There he watched his prized brother slaughter the village in front of him. Tears trickled down the boys face as the onslaught continued. As the last scream took its place in the sound, his brother began to approach him. He couldn't stop staring in disbelief of what he just witnessed. Avento flipped the blade and gripped the handle, dossing it in blood and tears. He commanded to take it and from shock he took the sword. He didn't even watch to see the brother that was his role model his entire live, leave without a word.

Good/Bad: Good

Skills(Natural):Critical thinking

Powers(Supernatural):Not shown

Weapon(s):Tear and blood stained sword


Theme song:

Other such information:



Full Name: Avento Dentai



Age: 19


View attachment 11796

Personality:He is very caring to his brother and himself. He is quiet to other people in his clans though. He is timid but angry at certain thoughts. Not afraid to fight for his thoughts

Backstory: Avento was born into a clan his family and a few others have been in for centuries. It was nothing special just a community living together to have a prosperous lifestyle. Being quiet he hears more then the loud people as is the course of man. While sitting in the market place waiting for a sale to open he hears a group of shady men plotting to 'kill the youngin' of the Dentai family'. Avento knew this was his own beloved little brother. He warned every official he could but none believed in the man. He knew his brother was weak and would not be able to save himself. the night of which he believed was the day of his brothers murder, Avento drew his silver short-sword and had his dues. No one in the village was spared, believe in no-one was his thought. Slashing through people he only wondered if they were the killers or not, crying followed each thought. He was all but finished when he found his brother, at the entrance crying in disbelieve. He stepped up to his brother, tears warming his face. He took his sword and grabbed his blade, gripping the silver blade with blood and tears streaming down its edge. He stuck out the handle to his brother "take it!" His brother shook in fear and grabbed the weapon. He couldn't stop the tears from flowing as he walked away from his prize brother. The walk from the village was one that made the man think of his actions into the future.

Good/Bad: Bad


Powers(Supernatural):Mind powers to be developed

Weapon(s):Sword, meditation, eyes


Theme song:

Other such information:
[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] Generally accepted, although you could go into more details as far as what you meant by "eyes" as a weapon on Avento.
Full Name: Royalia Wenkert

Nickname:Royal,Roy,or Lia


Age: 16

Appearance: View attachment 11800

Personality:Trusting to almost all,and rude to the ones she does not trust.Quick to judge,but very friendly.Good Listener,Playful,Helpful,ditzy.Her personality does a 180 most of the times,she turns from a ditzy kind-heart to rude and cynical witch.

Backstory: Roy was birthed into a family of powerful people.All ranging from buisness mogul to Master Ninja.The union of her parents was a very unsual one,but both sides of the family were control freaks.Her mother's Martial Artist/Mafia/Ninja family had power in the underground,but held none in business.Her father's business Moguls/Models/Senators family had the power in business,and bith families need each other so they could rule the world.With the marraige and the birth firts born,they would be a amazing family,the child would a monster in business and in combat.Roy did not mind all of this growing up,but she was soon tired of all of this and ran away.Because of her extensive training it was terribly hard to catch her.

Good/Bad: Good

Skills(Natural):Flexible,Acrobat,Martial Artist,Negotiation,Ninjutsu

Powers(Supernatural):Life-Force Manipulation - Roy is able to manipulate her own Life-Force to form all kinds of affects,such as chi for physical combat or aura for long ranged attacks.She can also do Mana for magic.She can take the life-force residue,from murdered or people who died early,and use it for herself.She can track people by the life-force they may have left,and she can taste their life-force to find out more about them

Enhanced Combat - Roy excels at combat,in and all forms.She can learn to use just about any weapon just from touching it,and she turn almost anything around her into just as deadly as a fully loaded machine gun.With her natural speed and power,she can create razor wind with just a quick swipe of her feet or hands.

Weapon(s):Chain and Sickle,Short Blade,Twin Handguns


Theme song:

Other such information:
Full Name: Aetherius Volkraz

Nickname: Aether

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: View attachment 11806

Personality: Cruel, malevolent, sick and twisted. Finds great joy in gore and blood, loves to toy with victims. Loves to read. Loves to walk. A gambler, and he loves to make deals. He is also a man of his word.

Backstory: Aetherius had a very normal upbringing, for the most part. He was a normal child, playing around like normal children do. But one day, when he was about 7, Aetherius got a bit rough on the playground at school. A young boy named Julius tripped him as he was walking, and this made Aetherius quite angry. Unknowing how to deal with this anger, Aetherius grabbed the boy by the neck, and dragged him to the merry-go-round, and placed Julius's head in the way of the bars. Aetherius proceeded to spin it as fast as he possibly could, he loved watching the child's head bounce with every hit. That was the day Aetherius was sent to the Psyche Ward, and the day he learned to kill. May 15, the date tatooed on the inside of his right forearm, it's a date quite precious to him.

Good/Bad: Bad.

Skills(Natural): Analytical, Logical, and Intimidating.

Powers(Supernatural): Aetherius can transform into any type of cat, (Sabre tooth, Tabby, Lion, Tiger, Cheetah, etc.) Can also temporarily vanish into dust.

Weapon(s): A knife with a handle hand-carved from the tusk of an African-Elephant. A 13 foot thin chain.


Theme song:

Other such information: He believes himself to be a 'Fallen Angel'
Full Name: Sanz Vurrein

Nickname: Frost

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: View attachment 11811

Personality: Quiet most of the time, he doesn't say things unless he actually means them. He is very bad at working with others, oftentimes acting without telling anyone. Despite his failing at teamwork, he genuinely cares about people, and will not hesitate to put himself in harms way for them. Above everything else, he is tenacious. He will never give up on something he has put his mind to.

Backstory: If a young boy were to be left in the northern tundra, with nothing but snow, cold, and wild beasts for company, he would die right? That was the very situation Sanz was found in. He doesn't remember his parents, his earliest memories are of the empty wasteland. He was found at the age of 12 in that place, half-naked and malnourished, but very much alive. His rescuer . . . was his uncle, who had come to find his sister, but only finding a boy in her stead. The man taught Sanz the more civilized ways of communication as well as combat, but a spark of the wild always remained in him.

Good/Bad: Good

Skills(natural): Primal reflexes, strong, can get through most terrain/obstacles easily

Powers(supernatural): Sanz can lower his body temperature to sub-zero levels. This allows him to survive in extreme climates, as well as cause living tissue (and most other things) to freeze on contact with his body. He can also freeze moisture either in liquid form or vapor in the air to manipulate ice. This ice has no supernatural properties in and of itself unless he is actively manipulating it (so it can be shattered normally unless he actively wills it not to)

Weapon(s): His body. Sanz learned how to survive on his own in the wilderness without weapons, and still to this day refuses to us sophisticated ones. He is not above throwing his surroundings, but no weapons is carried on his person.

Theme Song:

Other such information: nothing for now
[MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] @TheWorlf321 Both Accepted, it's great we already have a bad guy.

[MENTION=3672]Ixidor92[/MENTION] Completely Accepted: About your theme, you could have just chosen the song, but you know what the f*** you're doing. I love TTGL
Full Name:

Aria Ankoku


Aria (i guess...)






View attachment 11820


Aria is very serious and doesn't even know how to smile. She doesn't let her guard down easily and doesn't trust many. Aria is very smart, and though she doesn't seem like she doesn't want to interact with others, she actually just doesn't know how to. Some people think that she's scary, because she can't stop glaring whenever some one talks to her. One of her favorite places to be is the library, and she doesn't really like loud places. She is also very organized.

Back story:

Aria lives on her own, but she does have two very loving parents. Her parents live in a different country, and are always very busy, but they are kind people and are always happy to have company. She moved away when she was thirteen, and her drawings are all worth a lot of money, so she sells them in order to pay rent in her apartment.

She was born with wings, that started out grey, but darkened as she got older. Her parents were a bit freaked out about the wings, but they slowly got used to them and enjoyed watching her fly around.




Not very strong, faster than most,
excels academically.


She has the ability to fly, because of her wings, but can also control the shadows/movements of others for a short amount of time. She has photographic memory, and the ability to read the minds of others, but not the best at it.


When using a weapon, she uses a set of Kusari-gama, which is an ancient Japanese weapon that is a lot like a chain scythe, only lighter and faster.


Black feathered wings, that she often keeps folded up when not in use.

Theme song:

Other such information: idk what to put here lol.....
((Under construction! Strongly subject to change, being as I do not like the Bio))

Full Name:
Andre Deus

Nickname: Hey, you

Gender: Male

Age: 200ish

Appearance: (Does anyone know how to grab old attachments?)

Personality: Easier shown than explained. As a child, his personality was shaped immensely. His mother was a drug addict, his father was abusive, and his older sister molested him. On top of that, he was well unliked at school, in a large amount of fights, bullied by those he feared, and never looked upon as normal. Surprisingly, he made it through while keeping an amount of sanity. The only thing that really drove him to keep living was his abilities; he constantly wanted to seek out what made him what he was. The fact that he had something that no one else did, made him feel somewhat special. But being scared by his child hood, he brought about only death to those he saw as lesser than he. One of the larger influences of his personality is his father. His father would constantly put him down, as well as beat him; thus giving Andre a mindset to prove everyone wrong. Feeling that everyone thought him as nothing, Andre usually hurt more people than he intended. All he has ever really wanted, was to fit in, to be loved and accepted. To be a real man, a real person amongst the crowd.

Backstory: Andre has been around long enough to say he has lived twice the amount of any other. At a young age his powers were immediate, although, as immediately as he found them, he could keep them in check. Through school, through the regular life of any other child, he grew, but at the side, in the secret, in the shadows, he practiced his skills and expanded his knowledge and power over his abilities. And he moved on, from his family, still seemingly as if he was just another child. He moved onto the military, there he was taught how to properly kill, properly survive, and how to be a real modern warrior. Also, while in only a tiny bit more seclusion, he could further expand his powers, and even use it on poor people who found themselves unlucky enough to be alone with him. By the time he left the military, he had already lost count of how many he murdered for the sake of his own knowledge. From there, he joined sports, sports that test skill and durability. Being as he had powers among any other, he was successful in all subjects. That wasn't enough, he wanted more, so he used his abilities to help in underground sports, illegal sports, where killing was a source of entertainment. Again, he succeeded and rose beyond any other. By the end of it all, he found himself rich as he could possibly be. No one knows that he still lives, no one can match his lifespan, his power, but perhaps there is someone out there that is like him. Now he searches, for any sign of any such person, but his blood boils still, to prove that he is stronger than any other.

Good/Bad: Bad

Skills(Natural): He has spent time in the military, so he knows his way around firearms. As well he has been trained how to survive and how to fight. He has trained himself to be able to kill, and how to be unmerciful. From his time alive he has expanded his knowledge of common tactics and strategy. Anything having to do with combat and survival, he succeeds in. But he does not know basic things that he would need without his powers.

Powers(Supernatural): Biological Assimilation

Weapon(s): He is a weapon, but he trained with any other thing that could be used.

Wings(Optional): Nope

Theme song:

Other such information:
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] You're accepted as you are, he kind of matches the person who killed Violette's parents. Anyways, like I said he's accepted but if you make any major changes to him please tell me afterwards that you've made the changes.

Also, Weirdbraxto was just asking if that was who it was, you don't need to change the picture if you don't want to.

[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] [MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] [MENTION=3672]Ixidor92[/MENTION] [MENTION=4375]Aria Rising[/MENTION] [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

I think we've got enough people to start soon. I'm probably going to have it up around 10:00 AM EST tomorrow.
I'm going to join, if you didn't notice how much I stalked this thread. It'll only be a moment.~


Full Name: Niche White, Cliche White

Nickname: (Niche | Cliche | Both)

Ni, Sweet Angel | Cli, Sweet Demon | White sisters

Gender: Both Female

Age: They are both 16, but Cliche is about 9 months younger than Niche.


Normal appearance

Revealed appearance

*Note, Niche's revealed appearance DOES NOT have wings.

Normal appearance

Revealed appearance

*Note, Cliche's revealed appearance DOES NOT have ears.

Personality: Niche is rather quiet, silent-minded, and reserved. She tends not to speak her feelings, but she treats her sister like she is a queen of sorts, always prioritizing her over other things, always listening to her, always agreeing with her. On the job, she takes things very seriously, and gives nothing else (but Cliche of course) a second thought.

Cliche is the more expressive one, showing emotion, mostly stubbornness and forced stupidity. She might not be as determined as her older sister, but she is more reliable in the way that she actually speaks what she thinks (truthfully harsh). She's like the 'tsun' without the 'dere'.

Backstory: Niche and Cliche were children who were forcibly bred among special types of humans (which I shouldn't go into much detail now since it's a we-shape-the-plot-roleplay hahaha). They were prototypes for a (...) called the (....), who's main objective was to create a perfect militia to (.....). Things failed, with the end being Niche and Cliche killing (almost) every single person that was connected to this (...) in some way or another. As they grew up, they became mercenaries and assassins, who would kill people for payment. They have yet to find a permanent job (for killing).

Good/Bad: You can't really predetermine their alias, since they are like mercenaries/assassins, but I will most likely place them as bad.

Skills(Natural): Sibling coordination, where they work best as a team and never apart. When working together, they act more efficiently, with increased movement speed and better attacking strategy.

Both of them are fleet on their feet.

Niche, from pure experience, may try and figure out an opponent's movements just by looking at them. It may not work on seasoned fighters, of course.

Cliche can determine fighting ability, but it might not be as reliable on certain people.

Powers(Supernatural): Revealed. They can change their forms temporarily, which changes their appearance and physical ability, making them stronger than they once were. In these forms, they are granted special powers.

Niche can create light, ethereal energy* out of her own stamina (or change things to said energy out of said stamina), which is able to pierce or knock things down with ease, depending on why and how it was created and how much stamina was put into it. The thing is, while using stamina, that if she uses this power too much she will get exhausted, sometimes to the point where she will revert back to normal state.

Cliche is almost the opposite. She is able to wield a disturbance aura, that is both dark and corrupting, and mold it into certain forms like Niche's light aura. It will cause non-organic material to deteriorate when in contact for a certain amount of time. Like Niche's power, it is harnessed by stamina, and if she uses too much she will get exhausted and revert.

*See Niche's revealed appearance, with the headgear. It looks like that.

Weapon(s): Their powers are their weapons, to the addition of Niche having a spear and Cliche having throw-able, mini sawblades.

Wings(Optional): None.

Theme song:

Other such information: None.
[MENTION=3862]C h a t N o i r[/MENTION] Accepted, I was going to say something about the powers, but you made it clear that it was downsides.
Full Name: Lucian Durant

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 15


Personality: Lucian is short tempered and has little to no patience for people who annoy him or with people he doesn't like. He's usually quiet but he is forced into talking he's not exactly what you'd call nice. Not easily trusting.

Backstory: Lucian and his twin brother were born into a small community. At age 5 they realized they had powers and began to openly use them. Well, the entire community began to fear them, their own parents included. They were severely neglected and basically only had each other since no one in the community would talk to them or even look in their direction. As they grew older their powers grew until finally their parents downright refused to keep them anymore and kicked them out. A few years later, Lucian went back to the community and electrocuted most of them to death, not all only because his brother stopped him. A lot of the time Lucian complains about his 'goody two shoes' brother but has always stayed with him.

Good/Bad: Bad

Skills(Natural): Strong and quick reflexes.

Powers(Supernatural): Electricity manipulation. He uses this power mainly for offense but it can be used for defense too. He can charge the area around his body with electricity or just plain electrocute other people. He can't use his power without being around something electric so if he's in a desert landscape he'll be powerless. He's at about half-strength when he's not around his twin after a long period of time.

Weapon(s): Handgun

Wings(Optional): None.

Theme song:

Other such information:

Full Name: Lorian Durant

Nickname: Lor

Gender: Male

Age: 15


Personality: Lorian is basically the opposite of Lucian. He's more open and friendly and is easily trusting and a very bad judge of character. Usually he puts his trust in the wrong people.

Backstory: Same as Lucian.

Good/Bad: Good

Skills (Natural): High agility and fast

Powers(Supernatural): Air manipulation. He can use air for both offense and defense purposes such as changing the air pressure around someone so that they run out of oxygen (he can't hold this for a long period of time and if the other person is stronger than him, they can break out of this) and he can make a sort-of 'air shield' around himself and mabey one or two other people to defend against weak attacks. Also he can manipulate air currents so that he can fly but at the moment he can't fly very high. He's at about half-strength when he's not around his twin after a long period of time.

Weapon(s): scythe strapped to his back.

Wings(Optional): No

Theme Song:

Other such information:
I will be joining, please excuse me as I am in fact new to this site.

Not new to rping, but still, I might not know some your 'diplomatic' codes.
Full name:Demetrice Jackson





Personality:Zero is a more under the radar type guy,perferring not to be really seen or heard so that noone has any reason to mess with him.He does like a lugh though,he can be easy going as well and very trustworthy but does not trust anyone else very easily.

Backstory:When Zero was first born it was very hard for him and his mother,with him being a vampire his mother asked his dad who wanted nothing to do with him to make a mask that would hold him back and force him into calmness and would not want any blood till needed.After being hunted his father was killed and left his fortune to Zero but since he was to young his mother managed the money so they could live better.They lived in harmony for many years and were left alone till one night when he was thirteen a fire started and unable to save her and her son his mother covered his body with hers.In the morning he was found,a few minor burns but his mother was a charred corpse and when he heard that though him into a giant rage,he tore down half of the city he was in and killed more than 500 000 people,all sucked dry.When the army got involved they detained him and sent him to a multi-secured prison and stayed there for 2 years before getting off with a bail from his private funds.Every since then he's lived by himself in a abandoned mansion near the forest.


Skills(Natural):He is very athletic and loves to run,or bench more than he is able to.WHile detained he learned the military martial arts style S.C.A.R and dozen more fighting and gun training.

Powers(Supernatural):When his mask is taken off he is thrown into a frenzy,striking and killing anything within seconds without hesitation.He can run at speeds from 200 to 400 mph when able and can carry 10x his own weight.

Weapons:He carries a Raging Bull revolver on his right hip and two 9mm pistols around his torso.He will at times use his fangs but only in the most dire times.

Theme song:

Other Information:None.....I guess.....
Full Name: Nimrai Margyll

Nickname: Nimmi, Fairy

Gender: Female

Age: 18, body stopped aging at thirteen


Personality: What seems like a sweet and gentle noblelady, Nimrai is actually quite cruel and manipulative. She puts out a face of sweetness and kindess to fool people into believing that she is harmless. In truth, the girl is cold and doesn't really care for people. She is also quite mad and goes into fits where she screams and sees things that are not there. When angered she will try to keep her calm, but depending on the situation she might just get rid of whatever angered her. Nimrai is quite violent as well and enjoys the suffering of others.

Backstory: Nimrai was born into the Margyll family. After years of trying, her family eventually had her. Conception was hard in the Margyll line and many babies did not make it out of the womb. Nimrai herself was a stillborn. But her mother was a strong sorceroress and she called upon help from the spirits to bring her child life. What happened next was the demon spirit Emyg'n Sii'zi who was pulled in by the spell and bound to Nimrai. So she cried and so they were bonded, tied together. Yamda, Nimrai's mother, did not realize what fate she sealed onto her daughter or the price that had to be paid for it. For as soon as Nimrai started crying, Yamda fell into a horrible sickness.

For the next several years of her life Nimrai had one constant companion, Emyg'n Sii'zi, who she called Emerys. Sometimes they would visit her dying mother. While Emerys was worried for her, knowing that he was partly to blame for this, Nimrai herself had no qualms with her mother dying. She was sweet to her mother and would often bring her pretty things, but she was a rotten person to her core and often told her mind companion that she hoped she would die soon.

Due to the spell-bounding, Nimrai developed powers. Her wings, although small, were a sign of the spirit that lived inside of her. She was surprised by her ability to perform supernatural feats, different from how her mother could do them. She felt special and often boasted.

During her eighth year of life, her mother pasted away and her often absent father, returned more often which upset Nimrai. Also Emerys, who was usually a passive observer to Nimrai's activity, found that he could take control of her body. Afraid of what she might do, he only did it when she was asleep. But he felt that she knew. They could often share thoughts, but each were able to build a small wall between them and hide some things. Nimrai was much better at it. Eventually she claimed that living with Emerys inside her mind was driving her mad and she had to find a way to get him out. Emerys feared for his life.

She was thirteen when she found a spell from her mother's collection. The spell would kill Emerys and during the ritual, he fought hard against it. This lead to a split and Emerys became a physical being although he was still a demon. Nimrai realized it was too late and that she was already mad and chased Emerys off.

Stil retaining her abilities from before, she worked hard to take other her families's estate. She found out later that the splitting caused her to stop aging, but she does not see a problem with it for now. She had just taken out her father and rules the Margyll estate but plans on leaving to seek more power.

Good/Bad: Bad

Skills(Natural): Emotional manipulation, skilled liar, resistant to disease and illnesses and possibly poisons

Powers(Supernatural): Can creature and manipulation water in all forms (gas, liquid, solid); Slight mind reading power; Can induce fear into people but must be at least 5 feet from them.

Weapon(s): Doesn't normally use one, but likes knives and posion

Wings(Optional): In her appearance picture. Always out but small enough (half her size) not to cause too much problems

Theme song:

Other such information: She has a telepathic connection to Emerys but rarely uses it and blocks it off most of the time.

Full Name: Emyg'n Sii'zi

Nickname: Emerys, Bull

Gender: Male

Age: 18, is technically over a century old


Personality: Emerys is a mostly shy person. He had trouble communicating his feelings and what he wants to do, after living his life as an unseen spirit and then inside the body of someone else. He has trouble opening up and getting close to people as well due to this. Emerys is very gentle though and likes to help others if he can. What he lacks in social skills, he makes up for in effort. Emerys enjoys the simpler things as well.

Backstory: Emyg'n Sii'zi was a spirit born out a terrifying ritual gone wrong. He realized soon enough that he was unlike some other spirits and too "young" to matter. So he spent most of his days wandering among humans, but never seeing or effecting any. What happened next was the demon spirit Emyg'n Sii'zi who was pulled in by the spell and bound to Nimrai after she was born a stillborn. So she cried and so they were bonded, tied together. Yamda, Nimrai's mother, did not realize what fate she sealed onto her daughter or the price that had to be paid for it. For as soon as Nimrai started crying, Yamda fell into a horrible sickness.

For the next several years of her life Nimrai had one constant companion, Emyg'n Sii'zi, who she called Emerys. Sometimes they would visit her dying mother. While Emerys was worried for her, knowing that he was partly to blame for this, Nimrai herself had no qualms with her mother dying. She was sweet to her mother and would often bring her pretty things, but she was a rotten person to her core and often told her mind companion that she hoped she would die soon.

Due to the spell-bounding, Nimrai developed powers. Her wings, although small, were a sign of the spirit that lived inside of her. She was surprised by her ability to perform supernatural feats, different from how her mother could do them. She felt special and often boasted.

During her eighth year of life, her mother pasted away and her often absent father, returned more often which upset Nimrai. Also Emerys, who was usually a passive observer to Nimrai's activity, found that he could take control of her body. Afraid of what she might do, he only did it when she was asleep. But he felt that she knew. They could often share thoughts, but each were able to build a small wall between them and hide some things. Nimrai was much better at it. Eventually she claimed that living with Emerys inside her mind was driving her mad and she had to find a way to get him out. Emerys feared for his life.

She was thirteen when she found a spell from her mother's collection. The spell would kill Emerys and during the ritual, he fought hard against it. This lead to a split and Emerys became a physical being although he was still a demon. Nimrai realized it was too late and that she was already mad and chased Emerys off.

Emerys left the estate, but he was afraid that people would misjudge him due to his appearance. He has kept mostly to himself, but he helps out people when he can. Emerys wanders again, only this time he is a physical being.

Good/Bad: Leans good, but considers himself neutral

Skills(Natural): Has incredible strength, balance and speed

Powers(Supernatural): Can see spirits and talk to them; Can read people's surface emotions; Able to manipulate water and ice to a certain degree; Can also cloak himself sometimes

Weapon(s): He carries an axe on him

Wings(Optional): None

Theme song:

Other such information: He has some female mannerisms too from living inside a female body for so long.
Full Name: Darc Mitello

Nickname: Midnight (This is what he goes by throughout the Roleplay)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: View attachment 12285

Personality: Isn't very serious, ever. Likes a good fight and likes to aggravate people.

Backstory: Midnight grew up with thieves and murderers for the first 15 years of his life, but the person that was raising him was killed when he was 15 and the rest of the group that he was with didn't think he was much help, but if they let him go he'd know who they all were. They decided to kill Midnight because there was no other choice. At the execution, all the lights went out and when they came back on the executioner was dead, his heart in Midnight's hand. Midnight's eyes were pitch black, and it was obviously so. The rest of the time, the lights were on but they might as well have been off for everyone, the chaos was everywhere. People trying to run, people trying to get away from the demon that was killing everyone. No one survived that massacre, but most were found right where they died. Some decapitated, some seemed to be of perfect health before their death, some there was so little evidence of them left they couldn't be recognized. After that incident, he's hated people, no, not people, he's hated everything.

Good/Bad: Bad, but he's on his own side.

Skills(Natural): Good at acrobatics

Powers(Supernatural): Manipulates dark energy (can form darkness to become solid objects or even beings), lighting manipulation (although the lighting is black and doesn't generate light). He can also disappear without a trace.

Weapon(s): He uses his powers only.

Wings(Optional): No

Theme song: None

Other such information: None

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