Violette Horizon [Sign-ups]

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Full Name: Hatima Koyoshi Ledge

Nickname : Ima (pronounced eema)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Very straight forward, blunt, rude

Good/Bad: Depends on what she's fighting for

Skills: Fast and agile

Powers: Can bend light (make a room dark or bright, make rainbows, create surreal images)

Weapons: Throwing knives and powers

Theme song: Spirited Away- Dragon boy

(I'll post a pic of my character if I'm accepted! ^-^)
Full Name: Castiel Evans

Nickname: “Who the hell are you?”

Gender: Male

Age: 19


Personality: A thin trickle of blood ran down his nose as he wiped his knuckles against his bloodstained shirt. That kid shouldn’t have messed with him. He thought the kid knew his personality well enough to know not to hit him at the back of his head. Sadistic, cruel, vicious, murderer. These are all the traits that everyone who knew him would say. A ghost of a smile passed his lips as he kicked the limp body to the side of the dumpster. Nobody would find it there, at least for the time being. It can rot as long as it wants. It’s in a place where it belongs, with trash like itself. Stuffing his hands inside his pockets, Castiel walked slowly outside the alley with a smirk on his face. “Oh look. It’s time for dinner.”

Backstory: “You’re never going to do that again!” A loud whack resonated through the quiet walls of the Evans abode. A young boy fell on the floor with a loud thud, tears streaming down his cheek, mixed with blood that ran down from his forehead and cracked lips. Castiel’s father never liked him. He said he was skinny, timid, weak. A failure. Whatever he did, no matter how hard he tries, his father never seem to accept him. His mother died when he was a baby, and his father blamed him for everything thereafter. “It’s your fault! It’s all your go***mn fault!” Another loud thud echoes against the walls. “Why can’t you do the right thing?! Why do you have to be so stupid?!” Shut up, shut up shut up. Castiel covered his ears and shut his eyes, trying to block the oncoming pain. He was starting to get dizzy, red dots swam in front of his vision.

This had been going on every day, the same thing happening over and over, until one morning, he finally snapped. His father was murdered the day he disappeared. His father was stabbed a dozen times before his head was chopped off and left bleeding on the floor. On the wall was a writing done by a bloody hand: “Don’t worry father. I’m going to be strong someday. I’m going to be the strongest of them all. Watch me.”

Good/Bad: Bad

Skills(Natural): He’s adept with blades and handguns.

Powers(Supernatural): His powers are still dormant, although he possesses the ability to incorporate the element of fire into anything he touches. Of course, being a wielder of fire, he's powerless against the element of water. For example: If it rains, he'll not be as strong as he is from before, or he'll easily get exhausted.

Weapon(s): A dagger and a pistol.

Wings(Optional): N\A

Theme song: N\A

Other such information: N\A
@AliceBleu Accepted

@snowwinterfell Accepted

(I'm using a different Sheet format as I'm copying my character from an archived roleplay, so there'll be different slots.)

Full Name: Darren "Xeno" James Tucker

Nickname: Xeno

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Looks(Pic or describe): (Second image is just for the mask he wears)

Personality: Cocky, but he listens to people who are higher than him in command.

Backstory: Xero was a former ninja who was captured by BIO INT (Unimportant in this Roleplay) and executed during a mission of his. Its unclear if it was Askad (Deceased) or Headquarters (Destroyed by KARY-08 (Who is also deceased)) who was able to save him and use him for the XERO project. No one has ever been a match to his melee skills. Xero is unable to use firearms, however. His main sword is the Slicer and his support sword is the Hollow, which is invisible to the human eye. Even though Xero is under Omega's command, he hates him. Despite his dislike for Omega, he listens to his command and respects his combat abilities as well as leadership. Unlike Omega, Xero is prone to profanity, insults, rude gestures and entering a fight recklessly, although due to his speed and lethality, this does not seem to cause him any trouble.

Good/Bad: Bad at the moment

Skills(Anything, like cooking, engineering.): Melee skills, good with anything he can hit people with.

Powers: Extreme speeds (It's a power, so it's not just he can run fast.)

Weapon(s): A lot of custom made sword (Like Slicer and Hollow) that are bound to him and he can summon and destroy at will.

Wings(Optional): Pitch-Back bird wings.

Theme song(Optional): Don't feel like getting one.

Alive or Dead: Alive

Reason that Raven/Bad Guy Leader has noticed them: He's not really on either side, is just against certain members of the SCG.

Nationality: Germany

Parents(Optional): <<Files Deleted>>

Siblings: <<Files Deleted>>

Other such information: See quotes (Below last one)

Role for SCG/Badguys: None

Quotes:"Heh, I suppose bringing down that dip-shit clown did pay off." "Shit! I stubbed my pinky!" "She's dead, unbelievable." "I hope you choke on them!" "**** you, seriously." "I can't believe you need this energy, for me to carry your ass around and make awful jokes." "****, Lay off the burgers, you weigh like a ton" "I hope you made your peace with god... CAUSE I'M COMING FOR YOUR NECKS!!!" "That's the spirit motherfuckers!"

Full Name: Ethan "Omega" Awry Jackson

Nickname: Omega

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Looks(Pic or describe): (For the mask)

Personality: Calm and collected; the opposite of Xero

Backstory: Omega was a former commando before he was somehow put into coma,and then used for the OMEGA project (Unimportant). Later, he was given command of the Bolverk Squad. He is extremely good at torturing his enemies and total destruction. Omega seems to be brothers with the team's melee expert Xero. Omega is considered perfect for being ruthless with his enemies and a natural leader. He is half human, half robotic. His signature weapon is Joy, a .65mm handgun capable of piercing even the thickest armor (The Colt version of Joy shown in picture). Due to his heavy use of guns, many opponents under estimate his close quarters combat capabilities. His incredible strength and endurance allows him to deal heavy damage in melee, often preferring to use suplex's, slams, and other wrestling moves to dispose of his enemies. He often has a calm demeanor even in the thick of battle, the complete opposite of Xero.

Good/Bad: Bad at the moment

Skills(Anything, like cooking, engineering.): Extreme precision with guns, like, inhumane precision.

Powers: His over-average strength that allows him to keep himself out of trouble in close-quarters combat.

Weapon(s): A lot of custom made firearms (Like Joy) that are bound to him and he can summon and destroy them at will. Also the Longinus Knife, a long knife that Omega also has, but this is Zero's only melee weapon other than his fists.

Wings(Optional): Pure-white angel-like wings.

Theme song(Optional): Meh.

Alive or Dead: Alive

Reason that Raven/Bad Guy Leader has noticed them: Just go back up and read Xero's.

Nationality: None

Parents(Optional): <<Files Deleted>>

Siblings: <<Files Deleted>>

Other such information: Nah, no quotes for Omega either, because Xero just says a lot of funny things.

Role for SCG/Badguys: None right now.
May I perhaps join?

Full Name: Helbrecht Aschenwandler

Nickname: I am Helbrecht.

Gender: male

Age: 28


, he was never seen without his helmet, he is standing at a truly monstrous height of eight feet. Always does he reek of spilled blood.

Personality: apathetic, agressive at heart though most often calm and silent, honorable, merciless, self-loathing, hateful, hopeless, cynical, obedient, brutally honest.

He also has a maniacal hate for fairies.

Backstory: Born he was as the normal son of a blacksmith, not much known is about his mother, only that she was a valiant knight, who soon vanished while serving, only a few years after giving birth to her child.

While one may have thought that his father would have wanted him to become a blacksmith himself, his father rather saved all the money he could gather to send Helbrecht onto the academy of the order of the Templars, where he followed in the footsteps of his mother, of sorts.

Or so his father thought, at least.

Not much is known about what follows after, due to the fact that the order was highly secretive, except that he absolved his training, but always exhibited signs of mental instability, he complained about hearing voices in his head, speaking to him of untold destruction and never-ending bloodshed.
Beyond that, of course also his sudden and rather unnatural burst in growth, heralding the size he would reach today, yet his body remaining fully capable of sustaining it somehow.

After this, at the age of 16, he vanished from any known record, reemerging a decade later, and since then did nothing but seek out opponents to fight and kill, searching for the best and brightest to spill their blood, proclaiming his bloody deeds in the name of the Lord of Blood and Slaughter.

Good/Bad: Lawful Evil

Skills(Natural): He is a natural fighter, blessed with great strength, his speed faster than one would think from his massive form, but what is truly remarkable is his utterly terrifying endurance, combined with his great weapon-skill turning him into a truly frightening opponent when it comes to purely physical combat.

Powers(Supernatural): He never appears to tire and he has survived wounds that would have easily killed others. Beyond that, he also appears to have a strange defence against intrusions upon his mind, not exactly a defensive wall, but something more elusive. Anyone who was tried to read his mind found themselves soon raving and gibbering nonsense, before having to tear their connection from him or otherwise risk going insane.

Weapon(s): A bastard-sword, in itself not truly remarkable, though he is easily capable of using quite a variety of different weapons and styles, ranging from the mundane mace and axe to some of the more exotic.

Wings(Optional): none

Theme song:

Other such information: There are two items that defy his intimidating appearance: A small, shoe-sized casket forged into his armor's breastplate, and onto that a small brass-medallion attached with chains over the casket, both items adorned with paradoxically peaceful imagery, such as a calm water, a bright free sky and a harmonic plain of flowers. While the knight himself is often caked in blood, Helbrecht always keeps these two items clean and safe from any harm, often seen to rather risk injury than have these memoirs damaged.
Full Name: Tyler Alon

Nickname: Flood


Age: 15

Appearance: View attachment 12352

Personality: Outgoing, friendly, helpful, apathetic at times, and nice.

Backstory: Revealed IC

Good/Bad: Good

Skills(Natural): Parkour master, brilliant, and weapons expert

Powers(Supernatural): Control over water and ability to incorporate water into weapons

Weapon(s):Dual Pistols, Katana


Theme song: Carry On By Avenged Sevenfold

Other such information: I like Llamas
[MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] save me a spot please? I'm working on my character sheet now
Full Name: Darlene Elizabeth Smith

Nickname: Little Devil, El

Gender: Female

Age: 10

Appearance: A girl of small size, most are quick to underestimate her. She has that sweet, dangerous look of innocence and purity, with her long, golden locks, and electric blue eyes. She's no taller then 4'5, but is rather strong. Her body is one packed with muscle and endurance, even though her fair, and rather adorable, appearances deceive her enemies into believing otherwise.

Personality: Darlene plays herself off as any normal 10 year old girl, innocent with a love for dolls and other games as such. Yet, her true nature is devious and vicious, with a love for blood and torture. Most who have seen these true colors of hers tend to avoid her, frightened by her violent ways. She is one who plays games with her victims, singing while commencing in rather brutal acts of torture.

Backstory: Once upon a time, Darlene had been innocent and young, and found no fun in the game of cat and mouse. Her fun consisted of playing outdoors and climbing trees, for she had been much of a tomboy, until certain events changed her, which will be mentioned later. She spent her time with her brothers, learning to swim, to fight, to ride a horse. When it was cold, she spent her time indoors, singing with her mother, learning the lessons on cooking, sewing, and music. This life was hers up until she was seven years old. Then came the year of hell.

All of it occurred in a single night. People broke down the doors of their homes, shouting out orders, sharp and quick. Darlene remembers screams, cries, and the sound of blood splattering the walls and floors. She felt hands grabbing her, clutching her in places where she wished not to be touched. Husky words in her ear, harsh laughter. "Such a pretty princess, aren't ya?" They crooned with a cackle, as she sat there helpless, crying and shrieking for her mother, for her father. No one came to her assistance, no one even tried to save her. She had been alone and abused in many more ways then just one.

After that, she was held captive for a year, tied up with rope in a old, worn out barn. Men did unimaginable things to her, and, ever so slowly, piece by piece, bit by bit, she lost her sanity. What once had been a light of innocence had turned and formed a shadow of twisted insanity. There would be times when she randomly burst out laughing, and couldn't stop. Her captors called her a witch, which she accepted with a cheeky grin. But the abuse never stopped, and, at last, she made her move.

Insanity had fully taken its hold, and the little girl tore away from her bounds, holding nothing but a plastic spoon in her hands, meant for picnics and eating, not a dangerous tool. Yet she used it violently, gauging out eyeballs, laughing loudly as they screamed and shrieked in pain. She did not leave a single one alive, old or young, innocent or not. And, under the soft, gentle moonlight, she danced in their bloody remains, singing sweet tunes of revenge.

Good/Bad: Bad

Skills(Natural): Being as young as she is, Darlene does not have many natural abilities that give her advantage over her enemy. She relies much on clever ways to bring down an opponent, and also uses much creativity in a fight. She is light and swift, ergo, she can easily dodge and fit into smaller spaces. She also is able to climb trees without trouble, and has precise aim, giving her advantages with knife throwing and archery.

Powers(Supernatural): A quite interesting skill she acquired is her voice. It is one of a sweet, soft melody that can lull people into a sleep supposedly peaceful and kind. Yet, with her voice of beauty, they are plagued with feverish nightmares that can, on rare occasion, become reality. It mainly depends upon Darlene's will, if she wishes for them to suffer much, or if she wishes merely to frighten them. Another ability she has is giving others minor hallucinations of their worst fears. This mainly works if they have a fear of spiders, or something else that can be physically there. But, for fears that are mental, they are unable to be placed in the others imagination.

Weapons: She usually only carries around a small dagger. It's made of dark iron, almost black, with a curved blade rusted from years of not being used. On occasion, she will carry a bow with her, usually one she made herself. Otherwise, the dagger is her only weapon, but not her only means of defense.

Theme song:

Other Info: none

((I promise I won't be overly graphic in the roleplay))
Full Name: Lyatt

Nickname: The Mad God; Mad God; Mad King

Gender: Male

Age: 15


View attachment 12603

Personality: A child of curiosity and madness. He enjoys exploiting and observing other people struggle. He is very self centered only motivated by anything that finds him receiving something he wants. He can range from evil to good depending on which side you are on. He is a lunatic bent on his own will... making him highly dangerous and unpredictable. Child-like and psychotic. His cackling laugh and madness sends chills down peoples spines. "When the mad god appears, all time and reason vanish and all that is left is despair." -survivor

Backstory: The boy known as Lyatt was born into the world something was always a little off with him. At age 5 he realized his powers and developed an insatiable thirst for chaos. He forced his parents to kill each other with his powers watching them stab each other to death and licking his lips. Laughing at other peoples despair and reactions to his illusions and chaos energy has earned him the name Mad God or Mad King. He is well known by gangs and leaders and city officials... he is an untouchable enigma of danger and madness. Now a Vagabond he travels the city seeking things that interest him. He has found a girl with purple hair who he has found a particular excitement for and has caught his eye. Biding his time to appear in front of her, but is he friend or foe?

Good/Bad: Chaotic neutral

Skills(Natural): Fast reflexes, overwhelming presence, and a mind like a tactician.

Powers(Supernatural): Illusions that he uses to drive people in the depths of despair he can create anything. Chaos energy fueled by emotions of others rage, anger, hate, sadness, suffering and pain all let him create a black energy surrounded by an ever changing flame (that symbolizes the persons emotion) that he can manipulate as he pleases.

Weapon(s): masks (created from chaos energy) this stored energy takes the shape of theater like masks. These masks take the form of actual tangible illusions that can touch and interact with real life objects.

Wings(Optional): none

Theme song:


Other such information: @CharChar45 [Extra Back story] He had a newborn sister who he did not kill. She was put up for adoption following the gruesome deaths of the parents. (if you are and stealth are okay with it.)
[MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION] I'm up for the extra backstory!

[MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] would it be possible to get a quick summary of what's happening so far? If not, I don't mind reading through everything.
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Basically everyone's just fighting, if you want to go more in depth then you can read it but that's basically it.

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