• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings Violet Meadows ✿ Main




Sam raised his brows slightly as Leo refused to partake in the races himself. He guessed the little boats themselves hadn't coaxed the farmer down to the water like they had with Sam. Perhaps it was just simple curiosity. He wouldn't be the first to wander down to only watch briefly before going on their way.

His comment pulled a laugh from Samuel along with a light shrug of his shoulders "I mean. Maybe not in those words?" He answered after. His hands that were resting in his pockets retreated only for him to stretch his arms in front of himself a little. A bit of a joking exaggeration as he continued his words "And I'm in my mid twenties you know? My joints and reflexes aren't what they used to be." He joked as he flashed a smile.

After his less than stellar joke he shook his head as his stretched arms lowered. "Nah. I just don't think it would be fair competing against a bunch of kids you know?" He admitted, nodding to the only participants so far in fact being youngsters. "Maybe if some adults grab some controllers and jump in I will too. Otherwise I'm just happy to be a spectator today"

He squinted in thought when the prize was brought up. He actually hadn't checked "The prize changes every year. Normally it's just a gift card for a cafe here or in the city. It's probably one for Dreamdrop this year if I had to guess"

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✿ Code by Nona ✿

"pretty? Miss Busto I'd have to say at best I am a rugged handsome so don't take that away from me"
It was apparent by his smirk and blush that compliments were a huge boost for the young man, handing a low carb beer towards Alessia before getting another for himself. "I think i was more curious on the food stalls more than the boats, didn't realize people needed to sign up to play, I think I'll scout out the sheet and see if a place is left..."
Mike drank his beer and made a minimal effort of searching for a table with a sign up sheet or clipboard from his stationary standing position.
"I'm not fussed though, can always win next year"
Concluded Mike as he sat back down to stretch an yawn.

"you winning would require mass sabotage on the other boats"
Grayson chuckled but cut it short as a obvious tug on the line of his fishing rod occurred.
Alessia's invitation was declined with a polite smile
"I think I'll stick to fishing today, I plan on catching dinner for the girls and maybe sell the excess if the fish keep biting."
A brief bit of reeling and then a disappointed grunt sounded out as Grayson found his hook without bait or a fish. "want me to show you how to properly put bait on a hook Mike?"

"i used the pointy end what more could anyone do?"
It was if Grayson had been waiting to hear that question with the amount of words and information to leave his mouth
"well mikey see it's all about bait preparation, you may be to focused on slamming bikini bods to notice I brought worms bug bits and some fish sliced into bits as each have their own allure at least that's what I've found during my years of fishing which is not a professional level but I do pretty good I must say as evident by my bait prep you..."
"hey i killed those bugs this morning"
"...What's then important is how you actually bait the hook, depending on what your using and what fish you look to capture depends on how much and how it is placed but as you may not know humans have amino acids on their hands so it's important to handle the bait as little as possible because the scent will effect the..."

Grayson had a lot to say on the matter but it sounded like doubletalk to Mike who was quickly getting over the old man's smug 'matter of fact' speech "...see if I was to hook the worm twice whilst looping..." was more a interruption than a brief bit of advice
"Ey Busto, what say we leave the old pirate to his Ted talk and go anywhere else"
Mike suggested quietly while finishing his beer and standing up to help bring the notion of dissapearing quickly without sweft noticing.

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
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Liz woke to the sun in her eyes and with a couple of glances around her room, she quickly realized she had stayed up late working on a draft of her next book and had fallen asleep at her desk again. Sitting up, she stretched her back and looked at her clock and calendar. Almost 1 pm, she thought, Not bad considering I have no idea what time I fell asleep. And the date is Summer 4th. Wait why do I have the date circled? She stood up abruptly upon realizing it was the summer festival and she was running late.

A quick bit of freshening up and a change of clothes (in this case a sleeveless black top and jean shorts over her swimsuit) later, she was running out of her inn room and soon the inn itself. By the time she reached the beach she was completely out of breath and had to take a moment to catch it. She wasn't out of shape per se, she just didn't run like a madwoman on a regular basis. Yeah, let's go with that.

Looking around she saw people in the midst of various conversations and was thinking of joining one when a noise from her stomach reminded her she hadn't eaten breakfast. Seeing that there was food being served on the beach she decided that would be her first stop.

Date & Time: Summer 4th approx. 1 pm
Location: Lakeside beach
Activity: Heading over to the food tables
Interactions: None yet​



Cleo had noticed Felicia eyeing the shell she was handing over in an odd manner right away. Clearly Felicia wasn't the type to admire shells. Nonetheless, Cleo held out the pretty shell to the girl anyway, who despite being a little bewildered why Cleo would offer a pretty much worthless (in Felicia's eyes) gift, seemed to reach out for the thing anyway.

Cleo offered a soft smile as the girl pocketed the shell. Whether the girl thought so or not, Cleo wasn't really expecting the shell back from her and thought no more of the item after she handed it over.

She noted the new girls mood souring when Mason had arrived, though she didn't really see the reason why. It seemed he was having none of that though, already responding with a knowing smirk as he approached them both. A tone to match too. One thing was for sure. Short stay or not, Mason's aggressive friendliness and meddling was something Felicia would have to get used to. It wasn't something that dies down over time at all.

She blinked when Felicia admitted to have never even seen a crab before. While she would have deemed that odd. She guessed that some places like the city had no beaches and if Felicia was from such a place like that she probably really had never seen one before. Of well. Shed get used to seeing all kinds of bugs and creatures if she was going to be spending summer along with the rest of the kids in Kore...or just being in Ms Hollies classroom at school. She'd have a different type of creature to show them almost every school day after all.

Cleo just gave a nod in agreement at Mason's demonstration on crab hunting. There really wasn't much more to it than that. The little buggers were fast but not that fast that they could never catch any.

Before Cleo could open her mouth to answer Felicia's question about being invited in the first place. Mason had already answered ahead of her. His answer was a little less than polite but he definitely had a point "It would probably be more odd not inviting you along you know? Then you'd be the only kid around we didn't invite and that would hardly be nice or fair." She answered herself after in a slightly less blunt manner, they had invited all the kids in Kore. Even if Leonie and Cress were keeping themselves busy with Guild stuff since Zach had moved away they had been invited at least. "It's really fun and You'll get the hang of it real quick I bet." She added after with an encouraging smile.
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✿ Code by Nona ✿

☀️Rui Dixon☀️
Interactions: Evelyn ( Nona Nona ) Gregory ( Redfork2000 Redfork2000 )
Mission: Food!

Rui crossed their arms and nodded thoughtfully, leaning back from him. “Mm...mm good idea. I didn’t pay much attention to the actual food once I found the treats, but it all looked yummy. That chef guy did all the catering, how neat.” Their idle praise was followed by a chuckle.

“Evie, if you get a break today you can use our spot too! Oh and I made a-“ Rui shifted the cookies to one arm and dug around in the pockets of their shorts to find something. “Mm! For you.” They stuck out their hand to offer a small bundle of colorful scrunches to her. “Hehe, there are two of each so you can share with Bork if you wanna. Or just keep them yourself.” Rui shrugged and rocked back on their heels, then took Gregory by the hand and started pulling him toward the food tables that just seemed to be getting more and more crowded.


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Amelia blinked a few times as Sarah answered, explaining how busy her days are being the main reason she can never visit the beach and how time consuming travelling to ans from work each day. It certainly did sound like an exhausting routine that was for sure. As organised and prepared for things as Amelia liked to be, she was sure she could not act near as chipper and positive as Sarah if she had the same amount of travelling and tight routine to worry about daily. She felt really lucky that Kore was small as it was, the clinic being a stone throw away from her home.

If anything she admired the young woman for keeping things in order like that with such a bright attitude. As soon as she mentioned a day of relaxation Amelia nodded, she definitely sounded as though she needed it that was for sure. "I bet. I hope you get a chance to enjoy it fully" she responded with a friendly smile.

She gave a soft laugh in response to her comments in Gregory. "I'd be a little but guilty of that myself sometimes, so I can't exactly blame him." Amelia didn't know the young man that well at all but she certainly could relate to being a bit more likely to lose herself in working than actually socialising outside of the clinic. "It's a little bit difficult to switch off work mode and look around sometimes." She admitted "That being said. He is very lucky to have a sister willing to look out for him and make sure he does poke his head outside for some air" she added after with a sure nod.

It was just about then that a familiar ball of energy bounced towards them. That ball of energy being the village tailor. While they weren't all that close, their bright personality always managed to put a smile on the young nurses face. She was sure they had that effect on quite a few of the locals. Just like that though, the Tailor had said their hellos and quickly moved on to their next target, Amelia's eyes following as Rui bounced off to find Gregory.

After their departure, Sarah continued to talk, answering a question Amelia was wondering but hadn't even asked. The question being about the source of the little treats that she had snacking on since arriving, with Amelia moving onto the third of without even realising.

Fettuccine Alfredo did sound really good and looking at the food on the other tables that he presumably made everything else looked amazing too. "I should probably slow down on these little cakes if I want to have room to try some of the other things he's prepared then, huh" she joked with a small giggle.

• More Info •

✿ Code by Nona ✿

Blythe Carolinia~ Location: Beach~ Interacting with Hollie

The blue-haired woman smirked at the rather energetic woman kneeling in front of her. Something like an amused hum vibrated from her closed lips. "Is that how mud masks work? How interesting. The extent of my skin care knowledge is pretty much just the skin care stuff Jamie leaves lying around," Blythe responded, telling a little lie as to how she got her hands on Jamie's skin routine. Jamie wasn't really one to leave things lying around the house. No, it was more that she got bored while in the restroom and decided to open up one of the wall cabinets to see all the bottles and jars neatly lined up. She wanted to reduce the time she spent on a screen, so, instead of bringing her phone with her into the bathroom, she just read the labels and instructions of the various items in the cabinet. Anyways, back to the bespectacled girl in front of her.

"What if I told you that me and Jamie are just here to show off our sandcastle building prowess? Then, your question wouldn't be that silly because the answer would be no," she mused, shaking her head, "but anyways, yeah, it's more or less your typical festival set up. Lots of food. Lots of people. Jamie's probably getting a few for himself. Should we go meet hi-" She stopped as Hollie headbutted her knees. A light unf escaped her lips as she let both the light pain and surprise escape. "You okay? Need a hand up?"

queanbean queanbean
Gregory Wright
Location: Ocean Festival - Heading to the Food Tables
Activity: Talking to Rui - Heading to the Food Tables
-Evelyn ( Nona Nona )
-Rui ( queanbean queanbean )

Gregory looked at Rui as she talked about how she hadn't pared attention to the food yet, but that it all looked delicious. "Yeah, it looks very good." Gregory replied. "I don't know Diego much, but he does make some good meals." Gregory replied. Though it was Sarah who seemed most fascinated by everything Diego made. It was almost like she liked Diego more than as a cook...

Gregory was taken out of his thoughts as Rui grabbed his hand and started pulling him along with her to the food tables. There was so... much... people here. Gregory started getting a bit nervous as they got into the crowd. It all started to get him a bit dizzy as he saw so many faces around him. True, none of them were looking at him, but it still got him nervous nonetheless.
Sarah Wright
Location: Food Tables
Activity: Talking to Amelia & Eating
-Amelia ( Nona Nona )
Sarah smiled as Amelia replied, hoping she would get the chance to enjoy this day of relaxation. "Thanks darling. If I tell you the truth, I'm already enjoying it a lot. The food, the atmosphere, and the chance to sit and have a nice conversation with a friend. It's wonderful." Sarah replied with a friendly smile. "Though I'm looking forward to seeing the fireworks later. Greggie's in charge of them this time." Sarah added with a slight giggle.

Sarah giggled a bit as Amelia mentioned that she couldn't really blame Gregory, for she did the same at times. "Oh, I can definitely understand that." Sarah replied. "I myself get very immersed in paperwork when I'm at my job. My boss encourages maximum efficiency and minimal distraction as well, so I really don't have much of a chance to talk much while at work." Sarah added. It was a nicer way to say that her boss was very demanding, and expected a lot from her. Sometimes more than she could actually do. There had been quite a few times when she had to stay after work just to get everything finished for the day.

Then Amelia mentioned that Gregory was lucky to have a sister like her, looking after him and making sure he goes out and talks to people. "Aw, thanks darling. I really try my best to help him. I used to spend more time with him, but ever since I started my job in the city, I really don't get to spend nearly as much time with him as before. I don't want him to be a lonely man." Sarah replied. "It's part of the job of being an older sibling. As long as I have him around, I'll be looking after him." Sarah added.

Sarah laughed along with Amelia as she joked that she should slow down with the cakes if she wanted to try everything else Diego had cooked. "It's a good idea." Sarah replied. "Personally, as much as I love all of this, I really should try to limit myself a bit more. I really don't want to put on weight." Sarah added. She spoke of it in a light-hearted, joking manner, though it was a real concern of hers. Her love for chocolate, and having such a good cook nearby as Diego, meant that Sarah sometimes struggled to keep herself from eating too many calories. She wasn't fat, far from it, she was actually in very good shape. But she greatly feared the idea of gaining weight and getting fat.

With his attention on the boats Leo had not been entirely certain as to whether or not Sam was joking, even still the statement drew an amused puff of air from the ex-adventurer. As amber orbs drifted from the little crafts and toward the young farmer he saw the grin from the corner of his eye and realized this wasn’t more small-town modesty. This garnered another puff of breath and a soft tongue-in-cheek, “I bet.”

Then his brows rose as Sam continued, the older man turned his head and looked at the younger as if he had said something quite unexpected. This reaction lasted for only a moment, after that Leo’s expression returned to normal and his attention was directed to in front of him. He appeared to be in unnecessary contemplation over what Sam said, he also did notice that the young farmer was indeed correct about the current participants. Despite the obvious and not at all unreasonable reservations, he still thought Sam could take them. Maybe not the one on the left, he immediately corrected as that particular kid’s boat sped across the water with ease.

All at once Leo seemed to pull himself away from whatever musings that had captured his attention and returned it back toward Sam. In that same vague tone he said, “That’s quite noble of you, not stomping a bunch of kids that is. But you don’t have to beat them, y’know? Take a dive, throw the race or whatever it’s called. Or are you the type that never gives it any less than your all when you step into the ring?” He paused for a short chuckle, “You’re surprisingly merciless.”

Putting a pause to his little ‘Am I joking or being serious?’ game Leo turned the topic in a slightly different direction, “If you are going to race I wouldn’t waste the day waiting on competition. That gambling gremlin is probably looking for victims and plotting new tricks while walking around on her two little feet. Coincidentally that also happens to be her approximate height." He joked without any true malice.

“Gift cards…” he echoed after hearing Sam's answer to his question, “-a prize that keeps the winner spending in town. Pretty clever.”

Interactions: Nona Nona
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Jet Tanaka  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧​

Jet doesn't giggle at Sophie's pleading-stomach's noise, but it is a near thing. She manages to settle on only an amused look.

"I mean, I wouldn't say no to a little snack right now either, if that's more your style." She glances in the direction of the delightful-smelling food tables.

" ...Though, looks like it's gettin' a bit crowded up there. Diego's the man of the hour, I guess! Not to worry; I've got a plan." Jet feigns thinking for a moment, stroking her fingers across her invisible moustache and tapping her chin. Then she snaps her fingers and fixes Sophie with a bright and silly expression. "It's like this: we tag team it. We brave the lion's den together, maybe say hi to some of our dear residents, then we decide what we want and I pile our plates as high as I can while you make the adventurous trek to get us some cold drinks so we're not both standin' in line. Efficient, no? Or, well, I suppose we could both just go get food and socialize with everyone on the way, like the grown people we technically are. I gotta say though, my idea sounds way cooler when I say it out loud."


Time: After ~1pm
Location: Lakeside Beach
Action: Talking to Sophie
Mood: Playful

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Interactions: Sophie Borghese
Redfork2000 Redfork2000 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧​
Summer Storms

Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne

"Splash! Hahaha, I still got it! Almost Four minutes none stop of holding my breath age hasn't affected this body one bit. Now, none of those youngsters will be able to challenge me haha." Rising out of the water would be the town's resident small trickster gremlin aka Summer. Summer had been out enjoying the nice summer weather all day pretty much testing all kinds of things how fast was her swimming speed, how fast could dive, and how many seashells can she collect in a minute all things she needed to be flawless at to ensure that she could win any summer bet that came her way. Making her way out of the water she would grab a towel from her things and dry herself off now what should she do fireworks are not until much later. Hmm, maybe ill join the water balloon fight later but who would I convince to challenge me the supreme ballon thrower hmm. Let's get a snack ill figure it out after that. She would then walk over to the dessert table picking up a few mini cakes too much on while she listens to Eveylin on stage. Suddenly the ground beside her shifted and the food on the table bounced up and moved a bit strange is their kids playing around here. She would get down on her knees to cheek and who would she find than the librarian himself. "Oh. Hi, Thomas happy birthday it looks like I was the first to find you, I wonder if ill win something for it. Sooooo why are you hiding don't you want people to say hi to you on your special day. Oh don't tell me your shy or are too nervous to talk to someone is it a girl? no, wait a boy? or maybe both oh my you dog come on let's go talk to them ill be your wingman if that's what you need. Come one let's go!" And without even listing to any complaints or agreements Summer grabs Thomas's arm yanking him out of from under the table. "Let's go adventure awaits Tommy boy!"




Today was one of those days that the pet store, Paws n Claws, happened to be closed because the ocean festival was today. They were open for most of the other holidays/festivals that came about, the hours were usually just cut short so it was nice having a day of not working, even if they did enjoy their jobs. This was their first festival while being back in Kore and it was exciting to say the least! It was definitely Isaiah's favorite one, seeing as how much he loved being near the ocean and water. Asuka was mainly excited for the food and friends she was going to see. She had a few chances to catch up with a few of them here and there, but only for a short while. After that, she mainly saw them in passing while either on her way to work or dropping by their respective stores to chat.

Asuka was the earlier riser of the two siblings, getting up at 8am to head over to their pet store to make sure all the animals were set for the day. She hadn’t bothered waking Isaiah up, knowing he would be grumpy for a good portion of the morning. He wasn’t always the easiest person to wake up, she definitely didn’t want to deal with that whole mess. Not to say her brother was a late riser, they mostly got up at the same time if anything or he would wake up a little earlier than her to go on a morning run before work. He just wasn’t good with having other people try and wake him up, it was like coaxing a child to get out of bed. Not immensely hard, but definitely not easy. Asuka was sure Isaiah would wake up in a little while anyways, no point in poking a sleep bear who was coming out of hibernation soon.

Moving back to Kore, they had to put a lot of work into fixing up the store. Cleaning up the place was the easy part, but there was a few things that were in need of repainting and shelves that needed to be fixed. They also needed a new sign for the store name. The two had been brainstorming for a shop name since they had come back and nothing had really clicked until a few days ago. There were times that they thought a name sounded good but would eventually not sound as good as they use to. It was basically a lot of trail and error coming up with names. They definitely needed to get a sign made, something Asuka would have to ask Lumina about at some point about getting a commission done and getting a few paint brushes from her too. Paint was definitely a need too, mainly for the sign and the basically a repaint of the store, though she wasn’t entirely she where exactly to get that. She’d make a trip to the general store tomorrow and see if they had anything, if not then she would just ask Alessia to order some for her.

Asuka spent a good portion of her morning at the shop, making sure all the animals were attended too and having a little bit of fun with them before heading back home at noon. She still had to get ready after all. Walking through the front door of their house, Asuka made a b-line to her brothers room to see if he had gotten up at all. With it being a few hours later, she figured he would be up by now.

"Hey, are you ready yet? The festival is about to start.” Asuka questioned, pushing her way into Isaiah's room.

"In a little bit, I just have to finish this up really quick." Isaiah muttered, seemingly typing away at his computer.

Asuka peered over his shoulder to see what he was working on, a flyer type format on the screen. Animals from the shop were the for front of the paper with the word adoption is big bold letters. The photo appeared to be pretty good quality, she wondered if he hired someone to take those photos. Probably not though, Isaiah had taken a sudden interest in learning photography not too long ago and was really improving with his work. If he wasn’t taking pictures of the ocean or nature in general, he was taking photographs of her or the pets around the shop. There were times he would take pictures of strangers, with their permission of course, but that sort of occasion was pretty rare.

“You can finish it later, it’s not going anywhere. We need to get ready.”

"It'll only take a few minutes, I just need to find the correct font."

Feeling a vibration in her back pocket, Asuka pulled out her phone and looked at her screen only to see a text from Hunter. With a quick swipe of her finger, she pulled up the message and responded.

Might be a little late, Isaiah's being a pain.

"That definitely won't take a couple minutes," Asuka stated, glancing up from her phone to look at him. "I'll turn it off if you don't start getting ready."


With an exasperated sigh, he closed the tab and pushed himself out of his seat. While it wasn't much of a threat considering the document saved any time he did anything, he didn't want to keep dealing with her antics. "Fine, now get out."

Asuka grinned before leaving his room, closing the door behind her as she left. She was a little much at times, even if Isaiah did love her.

He quickly got himself ready, wearing just a simple tank top and swim trunks, throwing on a blue hat. Getting in the water was part of his plan today, it was such a nice day out that it would be weird to not get in. Unless he took his camera, then he’d probably just end up taking pictures of the ocean and whoever happened to be in it. Isaiah knew he could just hand his camera over to Asuka or one of his other friends to watch it for a bit, he just didn’t want to burden someone else with his belongings. This camera was like a treasure to him and he would hate for it to get ruined. Thinking for a few moments, he decided to take it with him anyways. Packing up his camera and lenses into its bag, he put it over his shoulder. Taking a quick look around the room and realizing he had everything, he left his room to go wait for his sister in their living room. It was a few more minutes before she came out, beaming at the fact that he was already sitting out there waiting for her.

“I’m so excited to eat the food there, I bet it’ll be delicious!” Asuka clapped her hands together, smiling as she walked beside her brother towards the beach. “Aren’t you excited?”

“A little. I’d say I’m more happy then excited.” Isaiah admitted, chuckling at his over excited sister.

As the two neared the beach, an alluring scent caught Asuka's attention. It smelled so good, she was dying to go over to the food stand but didn't want to ditch her brother as they had just gotten there. The food looked like it was hot and fresh, she really wanted to try it out now rather than later. Turning to Isaiah with a hopeful look in her eyes, he chuckled and waved her off, watching her eyes gleam with excitement before bouncing off towards the food stands. Strolling alongside the beach, Isaiah decided he was going to use this time to take a few pictures before meeting back up with his sister.

Extra Info

As the heels of her dark shoes softly tapped against stone Aria found herself taking the opportunity to savor her peaceful minute alone. One of the few she had since the day began. With festivals come tourists, a lot of them in fact, and as the young station attendant quickly discovered that meant busy days. Busy being a pretty subjective description, if it was actually busy she wouldn’t have an almost hour lunch before the next train arrived. Following that, another gap and then another before the departure rush kicks in. So no swimsuit today, just the old reliable uniform. A bit warm but not unbearable, yet.

As smooth stone became gritty sand Aria suddenly realized that she was going to be fruitlessly smacking grains of the stuff out of her shoes for days. She huffed, considered making the short trip back to the inn for her sandals, or did she put them in her locker at the station? No, they were definitely waiting for her on the bed…or was that the parasol?

“Corn nuts!” She exclaimed seconds after coming to a stop, her frustration drawing curious glances from nearby tourist which only caused her legs start moving again, this time a bit faster than before.

Both seeing how hopeless her cause was and wanting to enjoy what time she had, Aria continued to the festival. Not exactly sure what she was going to do but hoping to find somebody she knew, preferably very soon. And as luck would have it, her green eyes fell onto a familiar figure just steps ahead. The horseshoe over her bed was doing wonders already!

"Lizzie!" She called out to the blonde as her pace quickened to a trot. "Glad I could find somebody so quick. Have you been here very long or did'ja just get here as well?"

Interactions: Flintstone Flintstone

Dr. Rhys Wright
1 P.M
Rhys felt the summer breeze start to hit his face as he listened to Lola. "Ah, I understand, it's a hard decision," He started to reply, gently pushing hair out of his face as he spoke, "As for myself, well, perhaps some sandcastle building is in order. I've never had the opportunity before and I thought it might be some fun." Rhys started to unwrap the sandwich he took and began to slightly lean against the table. "After, well, I was planning on sitting by the shore, but, there's so much to do. Sitting around would feel almost wasteful, you know?"

Rhys finally took a bite out of his sandwich, trying not to scarf the entire thing down. He didn't want to portray himself as an unmannered eater to Lola and Emma, but he was starving. Rhys spoke after chewing, "No matter what I end up doing today, I'm just appreciative of a day where I don't have to be worried about work." As much as Rhys hated to admit it, running his own clinic was a lot more stressful than he originally thought. He's lucky that he didn't have to run it alone, but it was still a lot of work to be done. That's why Rhys made absolutely sure everything back at the clinic was taken care of, so no forgotten responsibilities would be looming over his head, and he could enjoy this festival in peace. Assuming nobody gets injured. Maybe that was something that he shouldn't start to think about. Rhys took another couple of bites from his sandwich, hoping the food would help his stomach forgive him for skipping breakfast as Rhys let his attention return to the conversation.

Location: Ocean Festival
Mood: Relaxed
Currently: Talking, Eating
Interaction: Redfork2000 Redfork2000 Doughnut Doughnut
Sophie Borghese
Location: Ocean Festival
Activity: Talking to Jet
-Jet Tanaka
( lunar_moth lunar_moth )
Sophie listened to Jet's plan to get food and drinks quickly. That did sound like probably the best way to do it. As much as she would've wanted to socialize more, she wasn't sure she would be able to do that. She was really shy after all, and this idea sounded like it would get them to a more relaxing situation quicker. "I think your idea would work out nicely." Sophie replied with a shy smile. "We'd get our food much faster that way." Sophie didn't know Jet that well, but she was definitely a lot more comfortable spending time with just one person then being in a crowd. "In that case, I think we should go now." She suggested.

Upon walking closer to the food tables, the crowd seemed more and more intimidating. Sophie's heartbeat accelerated by quite a bit, as she worried about what she would say when they got there. Would everyone look at her and catch their attention for being Mr. Borghese's daughter? Did they think she was arrogant because she didn't talk to them much? There was so much going on in her mind right now, she was worried of making a fool of herself in the middle of such a crowd.
Lola Rodríguez
Location: Food Tables
Activity: Talking to Dr. Wright / Enjoying the food
-Dr. Rhys Wright ( AmazingAllyCat AmazingAllyCat )
-Emma McCree ( Doughnut Doughnut )

Lola nodded as Dr. Rhys said that with everything there is to do, just sitting around would be a waste of time. "I agree. To be honest, sandcastle building sounds like a lot of fun." Lola replied with a sweet giggle. "And I can't wait to see the fireworks as well. I heard they're beautiful." Lola added. This was her first year in town, so it was also her first time seeing the fireworks they had at this event. Lola looked at the food on the table, and saw another thing that caught her attention: Tacos. She grabbed one and took a bite. Yes, it tasted just as good as always. Diego would make these all the time back at home, and Lola loved them, which was pretty apparent thanks to the smile that had appeared on her face as she enjoyed the taco.

As Dr. Rhys mentioned that he appreciated a day in which he wouldn't have to worry about work, Lola glanced over at where Diego was. Hopefully he'd get a chance to enjoy the festival as well. He wasn't cooking right now, but apparently he had gotten distracted with something else. What was it? Something going on with Kana and Lumina apparently? She didn't know, but it was typical of him. He really had the older brother instinct well engrained in him, always striving to help and protect others. "I just hope Diego doesn't miss out on the fun. I'm not sure if he's even done cooking." Lola replied. As much as Diego loved to cook, Lola was hoping Diego would take some time to relax today.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Jet Tanaka  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧​

The two of them reach the food tables -- or, well, they try to, at least. The crowd is still so congested that really they're not even close, just another wayward pair of souls lost to the endless void surrounding the beacon of hope that is Diego's cooking.

...Okay, it's not that dramatic. It's like six people. Still too many to handle on an empty stomach. Jet can't even tell from here what kind of food is laid out for the taking, she just knows that it smells wonderful and oh my god are those tacos we have to get closer.

But Sophie's a little fidgety at her side, and in about .5 seconds, Jet forms a master plan in her head in order to distract the crowd's attention away from Sophie so she can pick out her food.

Step one is sliding in beside the people standing around, all non-chalant-like, to swipe a pair of paper plates from the corner of one of the tables. She has to scrunch her broad shoulders up a bit to avoid clipping anyone on the way, and she probably looks like a turtle, but it's cool because plates have been achieved.

Then, very quickly, she passes a plate into Sophie's hands, whirls her around so their positions have been swapped and now Sophie is the one next to the tables and Jet is partially shielding her like a very tall and not-at-all-subtle-- well, shield, and then Jet turns her head to look at the rest of the crowd and she says, probably a little too loudly,

"OH, hi guys! Fancy meeting you here. Seems like the food table's the place to be right now, huh? Have you tried the tacos yet because they're great," Jet says, devolving into flat rambles, because she's just remembered she's very clearly holding an empty plate and also everybody saw her walk up to them in the first place.

Truly, her genius, it is... astounding, sometimes. Lord above only knows how she was allowed to graduate from a fancy university and get a job here. Maybe her brain cells only work when there's thousands of dollars of tuition on the line. That's probably it.

Well. At least the plan worked, because now everybody's too busy looking at Jet to take any notice of Sophie yet. Mission accomplished.


Time: After ~1pm
Location: Lakeside Beach, food tables
Action: Being a master of deception
Mood: ...Well, at least it worked

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Interactions: Sophie Borghese
Redfork2000 Redfork2000 , anyone who had the unfortunate luck of being around the food tables at the same time as Jet and didn't have the sense to ignore her *:・゚✧*:・゚✧​
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Liz was just about to head over to the food tables when she heard a familiar voice call out to her. Turning her head in the direction of the voice, she saw Aria jogging towards her. "Ah Aria, I just arrived myself as well. Stayed up late working on a novel again," She admitted sheepishly. Taking in the younger woman's appearance she added, "I see you've been busy with work yourself."

As she was about to speak again her stomach growled and she smiled sheepishly at her companion, "I may not have had time to eat before I came here. Care to accompany me to the food tables? We may both live at the inn but we haven't spoken with each other much and I'd appreciate the chance to get to know you a bit better."

Date: Summer 4th
Location: Lakeside Beach
Activity: Speaking with Aria
Interactions: Aria ( screaming armadillo screaming armadillo )​

❀ Hollie Mackenzie ❀

Location: Getting food
Mood: Silly
Interactions: Blythe + Jaime ( Salvagers Salvation Salvagers Salvation )
Mission: Fooood


"Buh-" Hollie steadied herself and rubbed her reddening forehead - the color of the bump quickly matched the hefty flush of embarrassment across her cheeks.. "Ahh, sorry sorry. I'm ok! I guess I'm more tired than I thought." She took Blythe's hand and picked herself up, then brushed the sand off of herself and straightened up her glasses. "You said Jaime is getting food? Mm! I could use some of that, hehe. Let's go join him." Clutching her friend's hand, they headed toward where all of the food was set out and just waiting to be devoured. "There's even going to be a sandcastle building contest, huh? Sounds like fun. I'm no good at architecture but I'll cheer you guys on. If there was a frog catching contest though.... I think I already would have won! Oh I can't wait to get this film developed and add that bugger to my collection. Bly you should have seen him, ah. Probably the biggest frog I've seen at the lake yet. I could barely hold on and..." Hollie's enthusiasm of her hobbies could go on endlessly, and she babbled the whole way up the beach.

Despite it being crowded around the tables, it wasn't difficult to find the final piece of their trio perusing the yummy-looking options. When the two girls got close, she let go of Blythe's hand and waddled over to him. "Good mORNing~!" She called, beaming and still bruised. She propped one hand on her hip and her elbow on Jamie's shoulder, then rubbed her chin with her thumb. "Hmm, hmmm? What looks good to eat? I'm starved."

With her mud-caked waders and tousled bun she certainly stuck out, especially when everyone else looked so nice for the festival. At least she had a bathing suit on underneath.

❀ ❀ ❀

So she wasn’t the only bird too late for some worms, that was a little comforting. Actually, was Hunter still playing around at the inn? He did mention something about going for a swim with Emily, that she was positive on, but when the swimming was supposed to happen was a little fuzzy. Text him? Hmm, better not. She might give Lizzie the idea that she was boring. Anyways they’ll probably bump into each other eventually. With that Aria hopped off that train of thought.

At the mention of Liz’s novel in the making the young attendant had to hold her tongue, certainly she wanted to ask a question or three about the new work but wasn’t sure if that was something which could be talked about in public. Better to stay on the safe side. The topic of her clothes? Now that she could respond to, although her first instinct had been to needlessly worry that she got train grease on her shirt again when she noticed Liz looking her over. Luckily that wasn’t the case, at least from what she could see in a quick inspection.

“Ah, yeah. You know how it gets a little hectic.” Quite the understatement with everything going on around them, even more so since their “home” recently became a greater revolving door of new faces. She did not hear the rumbling stomach next to her, so naturally Aria was not very giggly seeing Liz’s slightly embarrassed face, if anything she was a little confused. “Oh sure sure I’d love to, although I wonder if anything will be left. It looks like that’s the hotspot right now.”

Interactions: Flintstone Flintstone

  • ingrid_solstice_knight_slide01.png
    Date: Friday, Summer 4th || Ocean Festival
    Time: 1pm || Early Afternoon

    Interacting With:
    Mike & Grayson ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )
    ~ Beach ~
    Wonder Why || Alessia’s CS File

    She smirked as Mike explained that he was more rugged than pretty. Of course he was right, the calluses of his adventures and the marks left behind from exploring couldn’t add up to pretty in anyone’s right mind though he was certainly handsome but that’s why it was so much better to tease with. She could always enjoy a little back and forth with her fellow Guild members.

    She popped open the beer he handed her with one single motion as she grabbed it. She took a quick swig from it as Mike explained how he probably missed the sign ups. She brought the can down again before chuckling.

    “That makes two of us. I forgot all the forms at the Flower Festival. Wound up getting a pretty chill day enjoying the other stalls but that definitely cut into profits. Hoping to make up for it with the ocean festival’s profits. I added some more stock so as long as Mirko doesn’t leave the stall unattended we should see an increase compared to last year.”

    She let out a sigh as she took another swig of the can. Ack she went back into shopkeeper mode. She was here as a guild member today, she had to be alert. Of course that didn’t mean she didn’t plan to have fun. She listened in quietly as Grayson started to explain how to properly fish.

    She never was a huge fan of fish. She enjoyed it well enough so long as they weren’t frying it but it never was something that made her jump. Still she couldn’t deny the art of fishing was always something that interested her… so long as she didn’t need to get anywhere near a boat.

    “Ey Busto, what say we leave the old pirate to his Ted talk and go anywhere else”

    At that she downed the rest of her can.

    “Sound’s good. Might as well check out some of the events. Hey maybe it’s not too late to go sign up.”




It's about time to go. If we leave in a few minutes, it should only be a three-hour drive. 22-year-old Steve Freeling had decided it was time to leave Agartha and return to Kore. Almost everything was already packed in the trunk of his car, with small items in the glove box. The tall and slender young man took a final glance at the mountain home that was full of holes, his three-month-old daughter, Nausicaä held securely but gently in his arm. He wore a red hoodie from his high school days that had faded to pink, its hood down his back, a pair of blue shorts, and a pair of white sneakers. His blue eyes went wide at the sight even now. She did a lot of damage. What was it even about?
"She knocked those holes in Mrs. Saotome's walls, and she's gonna pay to fix them. Right?" The woman Steve was thinking of was his ex-wife, Charlotte. She'd even knocked a hole in the door that destroyed the area surrounding the doorknob. A neighbor had seen everything Charlotte had done and so Steve was cleared of any wrongdoing. In the aftermath, the landlady, Akane Saotome, had told Steve he didn't have to pay any damages because he was essentially blameless in his wife's actions. What did I even do to make her break a plate across my head while I was sitting at the table?
"Ready to go, kid?" The red-haired, green-eyed three-month-old only looked at him as if she was thinking, Why would I want to stay here? This rather one-sided conversation had been going on for a while. "I guess that's a yes. Do you think I should call your grandparents or just surprise them? Eh, let's surprise 'em."
With that, he secured his daughter in a car seat in the backseat before securing himself in the driver's seat and turning the car on.
"Okay, let's go home!" There was very little traffic, so the drive was around three hours, much like Steve had thought it would be. It was about 1 o'clock in the afternoon when he made it back to Kore. He noticed a large amount of activity upon entering his hometown.
"Huh?" Oh, that's right! Today's the festival, isn't it? Looks like this is a good chance to see everyone again. He left the car at his family's farm and decided to walk from there, taking Nausicaä with him. I can't believe it's been four years already. "You're gonna meet some of your dad's old friends today."
As he was passing by the beach he saw a familiar face. He advanced closer, trying to see who it was. Isn't that...? I haven't seen her since before she moved away. It is her. We grew up together.

Extra Info
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Mike put his empty can in the esky and retrieved another as Sweft continued on about the nuances of the hook and the precise artistry and skill required to be the very best like no one ever was. To catch them is Graysons test, to roast them is his cause...
"fishing trip! It's you and me, you know it's my destiny! you teach me and I'll teach- oh there gone"
With his hook perfectly ready the old man cast the line in spectacular fashion.

Mike cracked his beer open and took a sip as Alessia and he walked towards the crowds away from the old man who quite possibly might be a plagiarist. Pushing the straw hat secure onto his head instead of sitting aloft in his mess that's called hair, mike attempted small talk "food smells good, and there's no seaweed on the beach.. must have taken a bit to clean. Think they get free food for putting up the decorations an whatnot? whenever I drink beer I get hungry for red meat or fried chicken... not a summer food but next time im in the city ima get stromboli"

During this small journey the adventurers pass two kids fighting over a Body board with no sign of a parent walking over or shouting to intervene.... "excuse me"
Mike sighed before gently picking up the larger boy by his singlet to hold in the air for a moment as the smaller boy got off the ground still clutching the board. They looked similar, most likely siblings fighting over who gets the first turn "how about you play scissor paper rock to decide ay? No one likes to hear the screams an shouts of little kids mmk?"
Mike smiled as friendly and polite as he could manage, "thanks mister" the younger one says with no regard for stranger danger. The older of the two seemed more in shock that he was just picked up with one hand but younger bro was already starting the game "sciss-or, pap-er, rock!"

Mike sipped more of his beer and caught back up to Alessia with a swift power walk "I actually really feel like two different kinds of stromboli"
It was stated as if he had discovered a mystery.
BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
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Before Evelyn could answer anything that Gregory had said to her. The town tailor had made an appearance with their target being today's fireworks handler 'Gigi' quickly swooping in to lead him off with flinging their arm over his shoulder and suggesting he should go grab a bite with them. Evelyn had of course caught Gregory's quick glance for help but had no intention on actually acting on it. Giving a knowing smile first with a shrug she then looked towards Rui instead. He'd be fine. Who better than their energetic tailor to drag him around to make sure he enjoys himself.

When Rui invited her to their spot if she found the time she gave a nod, about to than them for the offer before the had reached into their pocket to give her something. With a curious gaze she took the bundle being held out to her, said bundle being an array of handmade scrunchies in a bunch of different colours. "Oh! Rui! These are so cute-" she began but like that Rui was already running off and dragging Gregory with them. "Thanks! And have fun you two!" She called out after them as they left.

She took two of the deep blue scrunchies she was given to tie into her current buns since they were a perfect match for her outfit she had put on over her swimwear already. She'd need to remember to get something nice for Rui in return.

She tucked the rest of the cute gifts she had just received in her bag she left the firework area. Again set on doing another round of checking things were running smoothly. It wasn't really needed as things very much seemed to be going well so far but double checking gave her peace of mind when taking any time to enjoy the festival herself later.

Another visit to the food tables had the pink haired woman to slow a little. She hadn't gotten much time to eat while getting everything ready this morning. Perhaps a quick snack was due. It was definitely due…

While not being the most healthy option after skipping breakfast, the sweets had caught her attention. Purely because of how good they looked. Eventually eyeing a little sweet pastry after a while of staring she made her way to the stall to get herself one. After doing so she quickly noted she wasn't the only one at this stall. Spotting the grey haired actor currently examining the stall. He was seemingly alone right now but assumed Blythe probably wasn't far away since she'd usually spot them together most of the time. She gave a bright smile and a friendly wave to match "Trying to make up your mind?" She asked as approached him "It's a little difficult when they all look so good, huh." She joked with a light laugh.

• More Info •

✿ Code by Nona ✿


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