• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings Violet Meadows ✿ Main




While she hadn't yet spotted the one shell she had her eye on earlier in the morning the stick she was using to poke at the sand had uncovered some others she liked the look of. She kneeled down to lift a few and place them in her little cat themed bag before continuing the process with the stick again.

That was until she was approached by Felicia. She blinked as the girl called to her her attention? Lowering the stick as she turned to face the girl. She was a little surprised the girl had approached her out if the blue like this especially with the two never having spoken before. Despite Felicia being around for at least a little while they hadn't really gotten a chance to meet properly, no time like the present she supposed.

Asking about the having a problem with the sand, Cleo smiled a little in response and shook her head gently. "I sure hope not. I don't think I'd win against this much of it" she answered gently as she then leaned down to pick up another shell from where she was poking with the stick "I just saw some nice shells is all" she handed the small shell she had just found to the other girl "Nice to meet you. I'm Cl-"

The introduction was cut short by a familiar voice shouting her name out and waving her down. The young boy armed with buckets and nets clearly having the days activities planned out. "Mason!" She greeted back with a wave as he dropped his stuff and ran towards them.

Crab hunting was the plan today for their little group. It would be close to the water but she knew her parents wouldn't mind too much if they were safe, no doubt Mason's brother was probably going to be close by to make sure they were. "I haven't spotted Connor or Chloe yet, but I doubt they are too far away"she answered immediately looking back at Felicia after nodding in agreement with Mason's offer "You definitely should join us. Have you ever tried it before?"
• More Info •

✿ Code by Nona ✿





The Ocean Festival! Star of the show of the summer’s beginning, this event kicked off the season as the first real use of the beach of the year, and a time when everyone could get together under the sun with food, games, and fun. A time to get to talk with the people of the village and forget their real lives for most of the day. At least, that’s how it was for most of the villagers. For the Silvers however, work couldn’t completely be left behind.

Lumina stretched as she finished up the finishing touches of a few projects. Setting her tools down with a sigh and noticing a few people in the square walking in the direction of the beach. Peering through the slightly swaying swings in the playground, ones she had been commissioned by the mayor to fix up last year. Couldn’t have kiddos playing on a busted playground after all.

Most of Lumina’s week before this had been spent coordinating with Evelyn. Building stalls, making signs, crafting up explosives-safe containers for the copious amounts of fireworks that would serve as the festival finale. Thankfully, around the 24th of Spring Rhys had given her the go-ahead to finally start back up on more labor-intensive projects. On paper, at least. His restrictions were followed to the t for the most part, and there were some trips and requests she fulfilled soon after her release from the clinic she most definitely shouldn’t have taken on. But workaholics gotta work, and Lumina hated sitting still and letting her forge and workshop go too long without use. The mine couldn’t stay unmined forever.

Elliot had spent a good chunk of his time since his arrival getting acclimated to Kore again. It had been an actual decade since he had lived here, but it really didn’t look all that different. The main change wasn’t in the village itself, but rather who resided in it. Some people he immediately recognized, but a good chunk of the people he would see milling about on a daily basis were anything but familiar. Getting to know new people wasn’t exactly his strong suit, but he figured if he was going to be moving back here for the foreseeable future, he’d get to it eventually.

On her way upstairs to get changed, Lumina felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Pulling it out, she noticed Hunter’s name plastered across the notification bar. A quick swipe, and it opened right to his message.

Omw to the Beach. Don’t be late! I’m going to be with Emily at the water see y'all there!
P.S. Mina let me know if you need help getting Ellie outdoors. Alessia already said she’d send Alabaster after him if needed.

A smile grew across her face as she made her way the rest of the way up her stairs and toward her room, stopping only momentarily in front of the room her brother was now occupying.

“Hey, Arty, looks like people are starting to gather down at the beach!” She called into the door, leaning slightly backwards to get a better view of him through the cracked door.

The room was an organized mess. Art supplies seemed to have spread across the floor and walls and shelves from the origin point of his desk, and yet everything seemed to have its place. This was evident in the way that Elliot moved while he was working, which just so happened to be what he was in the middle of doing. Practiced movements between canvas and a table covered in paint boards of varying shades of blues, greens, browns, and whites. A further look at the work would reveal an in-progress portrait of a tropical beach scene. Rather, just the waves and their connection to the beach. A fitting piece, given the day.

Elliot didn’t respond, instead waving the hand in her direction dismissively. Both were smothered with stains of paint. A surefire sign he was totally engrossed in her work. Lumina rolled her eyes at him, knowing exactly what kind of mood he was in. She was no stranger to it, after all.

“Fine fine, keep on working. Just know Alessia apparently plans on sending Alabaster your way if you don’t leave the house. Have fun!”

With that, Lumina gave him a wave he wouldn’t be able to see and closed the distance to her room. It was a few moments later when Elliot finally looked up from his work and back toward his door, and upon seeing nothing there immediately turned back toward the canvas.

Lumina threw open the closet and dove into the small dresser stored near the back, looking for something in particular. Once found, her work outfit was immediately exchanged for an ocean-ready one: a stylish one-piece suit and an oversized pink t-shirt that had been converted into the perfect cover-up. Strappy white sandals accompanied the look, as was a shoulder sling bag containing summer heat essentials. Sunscreen, a change of clothes, and her trusty industrial strength thermos for water to stay hydrated in the sun. She tied her hair up into a high ponytail, glancing into the mirror and nodding when she was satisfied with it. Then, she exited her room, stopping once again in front of Elliot’s room, this time pulling out her phone to reply to Hunter.

“I’m heading down to the beach now, I guess I’ll see you there?” She called out to him once more, with an expected answer of silence. “Cool cool, tell Alabaster I say hello!” She paused to type out a quick reply of “Heading out now, my brother is being slow. Save me a spot?”

The blacksmith made her way down to the forge, grabbing a wrapped parcel, and finally stepping out into the sun to begin the trek down the beach.

Like before, Elliot’s response was delayed. Wrenching his focus away from details of bubbles along the top edge and turning more completely toward the door at where he heard his sister saying something at him. He could have sworn he heard a familiar name amongst whatever it is that she said.


He barely had time to get the name out before a screech came from the direction of his window. Elliot’s head whipped around to see a chicken hawk perching on the windowsill. There was a moment of staring, wondering how the hell this bird had such comedically good timing, before there was another screech and it launched itself directly at his face. With a yelp, he dropped the brush and ducked, backing away from his canvas to avoid him.

“Okay, I get it, I get it! Shoo!” Elliot yelled, scrambling over to the dresser next to his bed and pulling out a pair of swim trunks and a black button up. All while keeping an arm up to hold Alabaster at bay as much as possible. The bird, however, had no plans of leaving him alone, following and badgering him as he nearly fell over himself to get outside. “I didn’t think Less would have actually sent you already!”

Lumina was nowhere to be seen as the artist stumbled outside, and he figured she already made her way to the beach. Another screech behind him sounded off, and he groaned and began his own march there.

The blacksmith entered the main area of the festival, looking out with excitement. Especially seeing how her hard work was being utilized as the events were in full swing. Lumina’s eyes scanned the beach to see where Hunter was at the moment, but the smell of a nearby stall of food grabbed her attention away from the sand, and she wandered over to where it was coming from.

Elliot on the other hand, kept going further down the road all the way to the beach. Arms getting tired from holding them up against Alabaster. Though it seemed as his feet his the sand, the hawk miraculously found interest somewhere else and flew off, leaving the artist sighing and looking out at the crowd; covered in paint, exasperated, and Ocean-Festival ready.

Extra Info
Interactions: Nona Nona (Cleo) BriiAngelic BriiAngelic (Mason)​
Felicia looked at the shell Cleo had handed to her with a bemused expression, eyeing it with a raised eyebrow. She was unsure what to think of the shapely object. It was rather pretty with its pastel colorings and symmetrical ridges, but she could see no value to it beyond that. Felicia had no idea why Cleo would want to waste her time on such things, and as such stared quizzically at the other girl as Cleo introduced herself. That is, she did until Mason quite rudely butted into the conversation. Felicia turned her head to the boy and gave him a nasty glare as he babbled to Cleo. To Felicia, three was most certainly a crowd, and she didn’t appreciate his sudden appearance. “You got me name roight, I’m not from these parts. Just gonna be in town fer a li’l bit.” She tucked her hands into her coat pockets, then continued. “I ain’t nevah even seen a crab either, so I dunno how ta 'unt them. Why do you lot want me to come with, anyways? 'S not loike we are friends or somethin'." She grumbled gruffly, digging the heel of her boot into the sand while looking out into the blue ocean. She swept a finger across the shellthatwas now tucked into her coat pocket, still being clutched with her hand. Cleo had probably wanted the shell back, but Felicia had no intention of giving it to her, not that Felicia wanted it either. It was just a stupid shell, after all.

“No, I think not.” He softly declined as his attention was drawn toward the action on the water.

Idly he began wondering how long this particular event had been running at the festival. Apparently long enough for Sam to create his boat racing dynasty. Why again did that seem so fitting for him? He wanted to give that some lazy consideration but decided it was perhaps a question for another time.

Leaving his thoughts Leo broke the brief silence he had created, “So, you spend most of your time conversing with various farm animals or helping setup festivals, yet you still routinely win it all. But this is the year you feel rusty? Interesting. I suppose it is old age catching up with you, huh? Has anybody ever told you that you have an almost indecent modesty?” The short spiel was told in a way that could have been either half joking or semiserious, Leo let his words and the slight curl of his lips be the good nature.

Truthfully the little boats gliding over the water could only draw a lukewarm interest from Leo. They were objects with a craftsmanship and careful detail that he could easily admire yet would almost certainly never feel a need to shell out cash for. He had seen enough of boats for one lifetime, and besides that his luck with the vessels was atrocious anyways. If anything he was sparing them from an early forced retirement by abstaining.

Then a question sprang to his mind that needed answer, “What is the grand prize by the way?”

Interactions: Nona Nona



She guessed cheese crackers were a good enough reason for her fluffy companion to leave her on her own. While some would argue that she should go check where in fact the pooch had gone, Evelyn didn't seem too concerned. Bork was a free spirit so him wandering off like that was normal and he always found his way back to his owners. Besides there were so many people she could catch up with here and while an entire afternoon seemed more than enough time to have before the firework show she always found festivals flew in fast for her so she wanted to make sure she had a little time to enjoy herself before having to worry about getting things moved around for that part of the day.

Before she could go enjoy herself, checking on the status of said fireworks crossed her mind yet again. She supposed a quick check up would soothe those thoughts they were the last part of the festival after all and everything else seemed to be in order and running smoothly. With that in mind her feet had already taken her towards where the fireworks were to be set off from. Though right now the area was empty. Which was fine, it wasn't like she expected the fireworks handler to set them up immediately and watch them like a hawk all day. He had to enjoy the festivities too! It was more her checking to make sure to make sure to check if any help was needed if they were there.

As if perfectly timed, the fireworks handler himself had just arrived, calling her name in his usual gentle tone but at a loud enough volume to catch her attention. The person in question being the resident inventor of sorts, Gregory. Even in their adult years Greg was just as quiet as he was when they were all kids. Not that his shy demeanor ever deterred Evelyn, she had always made time to talk to him when at school regardless if he actually wanted her to or not and with Sarah also being a friend of Evie's Sarah never discouraged her from doing so either. Hearing the young man's voice, she turned on her heel to face him, her hands clasping together as she gave a bright smile in his direction "Ah Greg! No no. You are just on time! I was just checking if the fireworks had arrived okay but it looks like you have it all covered"

Having him reassure her that he'd do a good job had her nod in response "Well of course! That's why I asked in the first place. I'm just glad you agreed on such short notice" she quickly responded. Honest with her answer too. The guy she got in for the firework displays in the past from Salus town had ended up being double booked and cancelled at the last second. While she betted some of those at the guild probably had some kind of licence to cover handling something like fireworks the beeline the guild had made to the clinic made her a little weary of enquiring about it so she felt Gregory was probably her safest choice.

Now she just hoped the fireworks they had required were okay. Their usual guy also brought his own fireworks so that meant sourcing their own this time too. Luckily her father seemed to locate some through Leo. They seemed a bit suspiciously affordable but Leo was a trustworthy guy so she was sure that the items would be fine.

Redirecting her thoughts to the matter at hand she turned her attention back to Greg "Either way I'm sure you'll put on a great show Greg!" She assured him once again. Her eyes drifted towards the stall and activities all around "I'm sure you have some time to spend freely before getting down to setting everything up right? I hope you stop by some of the stuff we have here and relax a bit. I'd hate for you to miss out on the festival because you had to help us out"

• More Info •

✿ Code by Nona ✿




Those one or two bite sized cakes she had planned to nab might have been turning into three. Or at least two now and maybe one for later. She was sure she could find some way to keep it in her bag right? Maybe that was a bit of a weird thing to do…? It probably was. Perhaps she could just ask who made it for the recipe instead so she could bake them herself on one of her days off…

As she pondered about the possibility of recreating the cute little cakes and smacked on cake number two she hadn't noticed Sarah approaching the snack table she was at. She blinked a few times with the cake still in her mouth. Taking a bite from it and lowering it from her mouth after to greet the girl. "Oh! Hello" she greeted with a sheepish smile after she finished the little snack.

While Amelia spent a lot of time busy in the clinic she was still fairly acquainted with Sarah at least. Of course She knew a lot of the locals from them stopping in at the clinic for various reasons anyway but Sarah was the kind to talk to everyone. A trait a good handful of those from Kore seemed to have from what the young nurse had noticed over the past year she had been here.

"I'm doing pretty well, Thank you!" she answered politely with a nod "Just enjoying how nice the weather turned out to be. I actually haven't stopped down at the beach often before so it's nice to get a chance to"

The thought of getting to go down to the water for a while actually seemed a bit exciting...as long as she didn't over think about the things that could go wrong in the ocean… oh great now she was thinking about it. Her gaze drifted down towards the water and all those that were near it seeming more than fine to get her thoughts back on track. The beach wasn't the only thing she was excited about. It was the fireworks in the evening that was attracting her to the festival in the first place. It was certainly an excuse to do some light stargazing after, that was always fun to her…

She managed to stop her brief thought detour to answer Sarah back. Her green gaze moving back to the girl talking to her "What about yourself?"

• More Info •

✿ Code by Nona ✿

01BB9692-CE88-4B08-859B-A044E1C69CED.png☀Rui Dixon
Mood: Playful
Location: Ocean Festival
Mission: Just saying hello~
Interactions: Sarah, Gregory ( Redfork2000 Redfork2000 ) Rix ( Lumina Lumina )

"Ahh, what a gorgeous day!" Wind billowed in the floaty coverup Rui had tied around their body. They weren't much one for swimming, but it was nice to lounge around in the sun now and then. "Rix, c'mon, they're getting started with anything. We want to get a good spot, don't we?" Their sibling was practically toting behind them, having been given the task of carrying the blankets and towels and baskets - Rui needed a free hand to hold down their big floppy hat so it didn't blow away after all. The smaller of the twins grinned and pranced down to the sand, digging their toes in when they found an apparently suitable spot to hunker down for the day. "Mmm! Feels so nice..."

While their sibling set up fort, Rui took it upon themself to wander over to where the snacks and goodies lived - keeping an eye out for the inevitable spread of sweet treats. It didn't take too long to find and they eagerly loaded up a napkin with cookies and candy. If anybody asked, it was definitely going to be shared between the two (but we all know Rui was just going to eat them all on their own, hehe). The white-haired hooligan was halfway through a cookie when they looked up and noticed a familiar face approaching.
“Sarah~!” Rui called out and waved as they waddled over, cradling the snacks and slyly scooting into the conversation, shyly nodding to the nurse. “Did you come alone? Where’s Gigi hiding?” Lifting a hand to their forehead like a periscope, Rui looked quickly around.
Spotting the quirky, quiet inventor put a sparkle in their eye. Rui shot Sarah a knowing wink and finger gun, then slipped away to involve themself in a little wholesome mischief. The word “relaxation” might have come up in the conversation Gregory was involved in - perfect timing really, because what was more relaxing than hanging out with a sweet little nothin-but-trouble?

“There ya are Gigi~” An unmistakable sing-song voice came from behind and a sucker-sucking Rui soon followed. “Lovely day isn’t it? Good to see you!” They grinned childishly and slung an arm around the other’s shoulder, pushing the lollipop into the corner of their cheek.
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BC55523E-2B6A-4AAB-8A6C-88ED468BF6DA.png🌸Hollie Mackenzie🐛
Mood: Exhausted, excited!
Location: Ocean Festival
Mission: Breakfast!
Interaction: Blythe ( Salvagers Salvation Salvagers Salvation )

Hollie squinted as the brightness of the sun outside her eyelids was stolen away by someone’s shadow. Luckily, her lids fluttered opened to reveal a wonderfully familiar face. “Blythe!” She grinned, then rolled over onto her belly and up onto her knees to better look up at the tall woman. “You think he would? I’ve heard there are some super fancy muds out there. You know, it’s just the minerals really that tighten your pores and squeeeeeze everything out. Bentonite, I think, is usually used as a purifier for all sorts of things (1).”

Science aside, Hollie tipped her head and smiled sweetly. “Are you guys here for the festival? That’s a silly question, everyone is here for the festival.” She wiped the mud off her face and wiped her glasses on her waders, then blinked a couple times and looked past Blythe at the still-growing crowd. “How does it look up there? Lots of snacks? I should grab something for breakfast... I lost track of time down here, ahh.” Hollie leaned forward and bumped her head against Blythes knees.

(1) Iran J Public Health. 2017 Sep; 46(9): 1176–1183
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Gregory Wright
Location: Ocean Festival
Activity: Talking to Evelyn

-Evelyn ( Nona Nona )
-Rui ( queanbean queanbean )

Gregory smiled shyly as Evelyn assured him that she trusted him, telling him that's why she asked him in the first place. She mentioned she was glad he had agreed with such a short notice. "Well, I was glad to hear I could help with something important." Gregory said. He sometimes felt like at times people wouldn't take him too seriously, with all the wacky inventions he made on a regular basis. But as shy and isolated as he was, he did want people to take him a bit more seriously, and to appreciate the hard work he put into everything. If there was one thing Gregory valued the most about himself, it was the fact that he took his work seriously, and would always do his best in any task he performed.

Evelyn also said that he should take his time to enjoy some of the activities here in the festival. To be honest, Gregory was a bit nervous about the amount of people that were here, but nonetheless, it couldn't hurt to try some of the food, and maybe enjoy the beach. Sarah had told him that Diego was cooking a lot of the food for the festival, and from what he had heard, Diego was an excellent cook. "Sure, I think I might go ahead and try some of the food and enjoy the beach for a while." Gregory replied. He was still a bit nervous, but that was something that always happened when he was among a crowd.

And as he finished saying that sentence, he heard a familiar voice from behind him. But even if the voice wasn't enough of a giveaway, the nickname "Gigi" certainly was. Gregory looked behind him, and saw that Rui was there, Gregory was a bit uncomfortable, first because he didn't really love the nickname, but never really called it out in anyway, and second, because he wasn't a big fan of physical contact. "Oh, h-hello Rui." Gregory replied, nervously. "It's nice to see you too." Gregory added, chuckling nervously.
Sarah Wright
Location: Ocean Festival - Snack Tables
Activity: Talking to Amelia
-Amelia ( Nona Nona )
-Rui ( queanbean queanbean )

Sarah smiled as she looked at Amelia, the girl seemed to be really enjoying those cakes. And Sarah couldn't blame her, she had quite a sweet tooth herself, specially for chocolate. She smiled as Amelia said she hadn't had a chance to enjoy the beach too often. "Oh, I can relate to that, darling." Sarah replied. It was one of those expressions she seemed to use all the time with friends and family alike. Anyone who had known Sarah for a while knew that once you became friends with her, she would call you 'darling'. It was a sign that she considered you a friend and enjoyed spending time with you. "I've been really busy myself as well. It isn't easy having to wake up before sunrise all the time to go catch a bus to the city." Sarah added, giggling a bit. "But I guess that just makes days off all the more special." Sarah added, smiling as she grabbed another chocolate treat to enjoy.

As Amelia asked her back, Sarah smiled, as she finished eating the chocolate treat. "Well, it's very relieving to have a day off like this, to be able to relax and spend some time with good friends." Sarah replied, smiling. "To enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful ocean, these delicious treats, I really needed a day of relaxation like this." Sarah added, smiling as she took a moment to glance at the ocean, watching the waves crash onto the shore, producing that relaxing sound. "Besides, it's a great chance to get Greggie to go out and talk to people. I tell you darling, somedays it seems like if I weren't around, he'd be spending his entire life inside his workshop. He's very dedicated to his work, but I really wish he was more open to talking to people." Sarah explained.

Just as Sarah finished talking, Rui came over to them. Sarah gave her a warm and friendly smile. "Oh, hello Rui! Really lovely to see you here." Sarah replied as she saw her. Rui asked Sarah if she had come alone. No doubt about it, she was looking for Gregory. Sarah giggled a bit. "Oh darling, you know I wouldn't allow Greggie to stay home alone when a big festival like this is taking place." Sarah replied with a smile. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Evelyn put him in charge of the fireworks, and you know Greggie never likes to disappoint anyone." Sarah added. It seemed like Rui had already spotted him, and winked back at Sarah. Sarah just giggled, smiling as she saw Rui run off to go see Gregory.

Sarah turned back towards Amelia. "There's so many nice people here in town, I'm sure Greggie could make lots of good friends if he just gave them a chance." Sarah added. She grabbed another chocolate treat, this was her third one already, and took a bite out of it. She didn't start speaking until she had swallowed, she had always been a person to use good manners and etiquette. "I heard that they have Diego cooking a lot of the food for the festival. I've personally been really looking forward to try some of the different dishes he's made." Sarah mentioned. "I heard that his fetuccine alfredo is truly amazing. I really have to try it for myself." She added, giggling a bit.

  • Ashe.Duran.full.2676579.png
    Date: Friday, Summer 4th || Ocean Festival
    Time: 1pm || Early Afternoon

    Interacting With:
    Emily ( Pik Pik )
    Evan ( Doughnut Doughnut )
    ~ Beach By The Water ~
    秋空サウダーヂ (Autumn Sky Saudade) || Hunter’s CS File

    Somehow he wasn’t too surprised by the response he got from Emily. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck as he let out a little sigh not knowing where to start. He figured he might as well stop her from burning any more than she already had. As he brought out the sunscreen from his bag he continued.

    “I suppose you don't need to bring a blanket but it is preferable to most. I mean I don’t like getting sand down my trunks and I can’t imagine it’s any more desirable for you. Sunscreen though… well you certainly shouldn’t be feeling a burn. That’s so dangerous Em, the sun can wind up leaving you with blisters if you let it get too far. Here let me-”

    He poured some on his hands before going to spread some on her shoulders and back.

    “-there. At least now you're somewhat protected.”

    He passed the bottle over to Emily before he got back to setting up the beach blankets holding down the ends with miscellaneous things from the bag. He hadn’t brought any beach chairs since he figured that he’d be mostly in the water with Emily.

    “Be sure to get the rest of you too though! As for what it does… sunscreen blocks some of the harmful light rays. While some sun is good for your health it’s not good to overdo anything. And! Be sure to reapply it whenever your skin feels warm again! Don’t think that just because we’re swimming that you can get away with not wearing any, water makes it worse.”

    He took a breath aiming to continue when he heard the music coming from another’s phone. He listened in for a second before hopping back to answering Emily’s questions. He'd have waved the man down but it seemed he was busy trying to get a tan.

    “-oh uh. Eating before swimming is an old wives tale. It comes from a good place sure but it’s not dangerous, just a caution to not overdo yourself. There’s no worms in this beach at the very least, and I’d much like to avoid jellyfish. They have their legs are able to sting and irritate humans and- what do you mean does the water make you sick? HUH? Why would I plan for us to go swimming if it did?”

  • 71135a403fe6643047d5c4db056c4c66.jpeg
    Date: Friday, Summer 4th || Ocean Festival
    Time: 1pm || Early Afternoon

    Interacting With:
    Felicia ( Firelie Firelie ) Cleo ( Nona Nona )

    Chloe & Conner ( Vagabond Vagabond )
    Cressida & Leonie ( Lumina Lumina ) Zach ( screaming armadillo screaming armadillo )
    ~ Beach ~
    No Need || Mason's CS File

    Mason shot back a wide grin as he heard Cleo call back, even if he could practically feel the teasing eyes of his brother from not far off. His grin only became a more lopsided smirk as he saw Felicia glare at him. Oh so that was how it was gonna be huh? He could almost laugh at her saying that she wasn’t gonna be around town long. Right. That’s what he thought too when they moved out to Kore. Oh well she’d come around to it with time.

    He scanned the beach a bit once Cleo mentioned having not seen Conner or Chloe yet, before nodding along in agreement. Strange. Were they off with their brother still? He'd expect them soon, they were never too far away from the fun. For now, he'd entertain himself with the new girl because while he was fully intent on letting the girl get her bubble burst with time, she went and admitted she’d never seen a crab before. Now that was a travesty if he'd ever heard one.

    “Wait you’ve never seen a crab before? Then we’re definitely taking you with!”

    He started to get louder as his smirk changed back to a real smile again as excitement took back over his reins. He made a motion with his hands panomining swinging a butterfly net at the sand.

    “Whoosh- That’s all it takes. Don’t worry I brought a few extras with ‘sides Jasper never wants to crab hunt recently he’ll probably just be recording or talking to people. But anyways to answer your stupid question we’re inviting you around ‘cause it’s not like you have many options. You can spend your life as an outcast or actually have some fun and make friends. ‘Less you’re planning on playing with Cress and Leonie instead ‘cause I dunno if they’re gonna make their way down as well now that Zach’s moved away.”

    He tried not to get his hopes up but it wasn’t like Kore had an extensive amount of kids. Hell there really was only a handful they didn’t even have enough for multiple classes like the city. He’d learned fast that if he wanted to have some fun he’d need to put himself out there, hell he even had fun hanging with baby Chloe now. But it was up to her on how long she wanted to play the loner act.

  • ingrid_solstice_knight_slide01.png
    Date: Friday, Summer 4th || Ocean Festival
    Time: 1pm || Early Afternoon

    Interacting With:
    Grayson & Mike ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )
    ~ Beach ~
    Dried Up Youthful Fame || Alessia’s CS File

    The store was busy as late arrivals came in drones once the town reminded some of the tourists that the store would be closed during the festival. While most were probably familiar with the fact that Bon Marche rarely put up anything for the Ocean Festival, because why wouldn’t she celebrate being freed from her frequent spring allergies, tourists were always shocked at the idea that they actually had to plan their day in advance. She generally found favor with them as she played the good boss card, not that her employees would mind taking shifts like in the Flower Festival if she added a sign up sheet, a few rare exceptions liked to curse at her for daring to be closed.

    She always found them the most hilarious. Bon Marche was the most convenient general store in Kore, and her business reflected it. She pulled the numbers even with shockingly low prices for goods because she never turned down a good deal. She’d sent out Alabaster after Elliot earlier which was probably for the best as he would have never stood for such a riot in her store. Luckily enough as her adorable little oozles came out of the floorboards she could hear the annoyance shout as he left running.

    She let out a little giggle as she threw a treat to the slime before she went to lock up. With the short amount of hours they’d intended to be open today she decided to just open up shop with herself and Mirko, though he’d been released early. Which was probably for the better considering she doubted he’d have let the man run off even if he knew she had it.

    With a quick trip upstairs she changed into more appropriate beachwear. Perfect for both the beach and the boardward and even having a metal clasp to attach her swords sheath to. After all, she may be a shopkeeper but she was still a member of the adventures guild. Judging by the morning she’d already had and the fate of last spring's big festival she figured it was better to be safe than sorry.

    As she arrived at the festival grounds she saw a few familiar faces seemingly relaxed out blissfully enjoying the sun. What a curious sight indeed. She walked down the steps of the boardwalk to approach them before she planned to do a quick patrol. After all might as well check in.

    “Fancy seeing you guys here. Planning on bickering away the festival already huh?”


Dr. Rhys Wright
1 P.M
As he was wandering, Rhys noticed someone approach him. He recognized her as Lola, and thought that it would be nice to have a nice conversation with her. "Good afternoon, Miss Rodiguez." Rhys smiled as he politely greeted Lola, "Yes, the food looks absolutely splendid this afternoon. I was trying to locate something for lunch before I go and explore the festival. And, by the looks of it, the cooks have really outdone themselves. Tell your brother he did an excellent job." He could feel a slight bit of hunger gnawing at this stomach as he spoke. He skipped breakfast this morning to make sure all his clinic duties were taken care of, and now that decision was starting to bite him back. Suppose it was time to start picking something to eat.

Mid-thought, Rhys heard another voice call from behind him. He looked over and saw Ms. Emma McCree came over to talk to them, and she too was someone he didn't get a chance to talk to often. "Miss McCree, its a pleasure to see you as well." Rhys listened to Emma talk about how she didn't get to come to these events often, and it made him think. These festivals, even though he had only been around for a few of them, were a way to bond as a community and take a much-needed break. Rhys glad she was at least able to make it to this one. When she stopped herself, Rhys spoke up, "No, no, it's no issue. I'm happy you were able to make it, Miss McCree." As they chatted, Rhys spotted a fresh BLT sandwich on the table next to them. Perfect for the occasion, and perfect for lunch. He grabbed it, and then returned his attention to the ladies he was talking to. "So, what did you two plan on doing today? Any activities or just enjoying the sunlight?"

Location: Ocean Festival
Mood: Relaxed
Currently: Talkng, Finding food
Interaction: Redfork2000 Redfork2000 Doughnut Doughnut

  • dddyoe3-b9553aa3-1a50-4b26-845d-48a8d27dfeac.png
    Date: Friday, Summer 4th || Ocean Festival
    Time: 1pm || Early Afternoon

    Interacting With:
    Lumina ( Lumina Lumina )
    Thomas ( Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne ) Emily ( Pik Pik )
    Kei, Kalani
    ~ Food Stalls ~
    Best Part || Kana's CS File

    After a full season of back and forth, Kana was finally falling into a routine again. Even if that routine was a little more structured than she actually liked. Either way it wasn’t like she was really able to change things, so might as well roll with them. The morning rush came with a fierceness that hadn’t been seen in the days when Kalani owned Dream Drop. If nothing else she had to admit that Kei knew what he was doing. He’d even added in more staff so she didn’t technically need to stay full hours… but she still hated anyone touching her set up!

    She’d growl if anyone so much as tried to touch her machines. She was Kore’s five star barista dammit! Her costumes this time followed a Little Mermaid theme, which wound up striking up gold! That is if Emily hadn’t nearly wound up six feet under thanks to her designs. With a bit of finangeling they managed to fix her up in a happy medium outfit. Good to know she’d need to take in account grace. It was so different when it was just her and Kai working the coffeeshop.

    Granted she vastly started to prefer this, even if she’d never admit it to Kei. The best part of the new manager? She could go bother Thomas and not need to skip work for it. After the last rush she went running out towards the library. Unlike the others she was Ursula herself! Which meant she was already dressed perfectly for the beach with her black one piece being hidden under a violet and black skirt giving her the appearance of Ursula’s grand tentacles.

    Unfortunately it seemed no amount of yelling and shouting would get the man coming out. What a shame. She was in no mood to give up but she heard the familiar shrieks of a familiar bird. Before long she’d found Alabaster circling her up. She looked at the bird in confusion, sure she’d fed him once or twice but not nearly enough for him to be looking for her… ah! Of course she’d come running from Dream Drop! She probably still smelled like their specials with how she had to help Emily switch clothes. She looked at the time and saw the festival had already been going on for a short period of time.

    “Oh-oh no. Well I guess he’s not around. That’s unfortunate… Hey alabaster watch for Thomas for me okay! If you do I’ll give you nice juicy turkey wings!”

    The bird seemed satisfied with her response. She didn’t think he’d listen long, Alabaster seemed to only do that for Mirko and Alessia, but at least it’d give Thomas some reluctance to go off and hide at least. She smirked before waving grandly at the windows of the library.


    With that the girl was off to the beach. She’d not had time to hit up Bon Marche today but she wasn’t too called one way or another. She knew she could still have plenty of fun on the boardwalk with the festival games. Heck maybe she’d even hit up the boat races! She felt and heard her stomach growl. She’d been skipping breakfast so she could have a nice big lunch day with Thomas but until then she really should find something to snack on while she looked for him. Luckily enough as she arrived on the boardwalk she smelt the sweet delectable scents of seafood and candy.

    She started into a sprint and could only barely stop herself in time before she smacked into a much smaller girl.

    “EEEP- WATCH OUT. Ack. You okay Lumina?!?!”

    She hadn’t smacked into the girl at all but she still felt a little dread. The last time she saw the girl she had just woken up from a coma, a short one but a coma nonetheless. The girl may have been the town blacksmith and could probably hold her own but all Kana saw was a short little huggable cutie.

    “Oh my gosh. Sorry! Sorry!”

Lola Rodríguez
Location: Ocean Festival - Food Tables
Activity: Talking to Dr. Wright / Enjoying the food
-Dr. Rhys Wright ( AmazingAllyCat AmazingAllyCat )
-Emma McCree ( Doughnut Doughnut )

Lola smiled as Dr. Rhys responded. It wasn't surprising to her that the people loved her brother's food. She definitely did. In her opinion, Diego was the best cook she had ever met. Though there might be some bias there, since after all, he is her brother. But nonetheless, she loved his food. "Oh, I'll be sure to let him know you enjoyed it." Lola replied with a friendly smile. She was already enjoying some of the nachos with refried beans and guacamole, eating it reminded her of her hometown. This recipe in particular was one that was passed down to Diego from their grandmother.

Lola smiled as she saw Emma come over as well. "Oh, hello! Really nice to see you." Lola said to Emma. She giggled a bit as Emma started talking, and then stopped herself asking if she had started blabbering again. "Oh, don't worry, it's fine. It just means you're very excited, which I really wouldn't blame you for. They're wonderful, and they give us a chance to relax and spend time together." Lola replied with a smile. "I just hope Diego finished cooking soon, I wouldn't want him to miss out on the chance to enjoy the event." Lola added.

Lola then turned back towards Dr. Rhys as he asked if they had any plans for today. "Well, I'm really not sure. There seems to be a lot of activities to try out, so I'm not sure what to try first." Lola replied, thinking about what she should do first. "It all looks like fun. The sandcastle building, the boat races, the water balloon fight... it's kind of hard to choose where to go first." Lola said, smiling. "Did you have anything in mind?" She asked back.
Diego Rodríguez
Location: Ocean Festival - Food Tables
Activity: Finishing cooking / Heading over to the Food Tables
-Lumina ( Lumina Lumina )
-Kana ( BriiAngelic BriiAngelic )

Diego was just finishing the last few dishes that needed to be cooked. It was clever to bring this little kitchen along with him, that way he could cook even more here at the festival. It seemed like it would be very necessary too. With all the people here, many of them were already gravitating towards the tables with food. Just to mention a few, there was Amelia, Sarah, Dr. Wright, Emma, his sister Lola, and it seemed like even more would come over to try some food as well. Better get these last few dishes ready so he can join in. Finishing up a few seafood dishes and some pasta, he was finally ready to join the rest of the townspeople for the festival. He decided to take this last few dishes to the table himself, and not bother anyone else.

Arriving at the food tables, he placed down the last few dishes, and just looked at the wide variety of foods there were on the table. Truly a feast for the eyes and nose as much as it was for the mouth. Diego let out a subtle grin, he was satisfied with his work. Ever since he was hired to work at the Dream Drop Coffee Shop, Diego had given himself the goal of making a reputation for himself here as an excellent cook, and as such, he always strived towards improving his culinary skills even further.

As Diego admired the product of his work, he saw someone coming over to the food tables, no doubt attracted by the smell of the food that was set here on the tables for everyone to enjoy. That seemed to be Lumina, the local blacksmith. He just watched as she approached the tables, where the food was. A wide variety of meals, there was something for everyone to enjoy. Pasta, sandwiches, seafood, salads, fruit juices, rice dishes, and much more.

He also noticed someone else approaching quickly as well. It was Kana, definitely a familiar face to Diego. They both worked at the Dream Drop Coffee Shop. However, Diego watched as Kana kept on running towards the food tables, before almost crashing straight into Lumina. Diego even closed his eyes for a moment, believing it would be an actual crash. When he opened them though, he realized that luckily, Kana had been able to stop herself on time. Seeing what had almost happened, Diego walked over to where the two girls were, not far from where he was standing. They had both been coming in this direction after all.

"Is everything ok?" Diego asked. Despite his rather serious expression, he was still very caring and protective. "That was very close." He replied.
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Grayson and Mike was about... three quarters into a argument about proper reeling technique when Alessia interrupted with her charming voice to ask a modest question , both men laugh but Grayson is the first to answer. "well i cant imagine it will be the entire festival, Young Ceede's first event in Kore shouldn't be spent with me that's for sure."
Mike's laughter ended as a obvious truth was said
"I say he has two more drinks then tries to win the boat race"
"oi, I'll have one more drink and then I'll flirt with Amelia cause its not just mine but everyone's dream to date a hot young nurse. Also if I don't make her blush at least twice a week I feel I'm doing my job as adventurer wrong"
Grayson silently nodded in agreement as he once fulfilled that dream many decades ago.
Mike's sentence changed midway when he turned and saw what the store owner/adventurer was wearing.
"Ay Essia you wanna bet money on the size of, whoa... Miss Busto I hope you don't mind me saying you are gorgeous in that swimsuit, the teenagers would say you look banging and I can only agree."
Grayson smirked as he shook his head but he to would agree with the teens in saying Miss Busto is a beautiful lady.

Mike handed off the rod to Grayson to stand up and brush whatever sand was stuck to the back of his shorts.
"can I offer you a beverage or a ice block? I have all sorts and I'm not to upset when it comes to sharing"
Mike points to the esky he brought with alcohol, soft drinks and lemonade/raspberry ice lollies
"ooh pass me a-"
"I am tremendously bothered when it comes to sharing with you."
Mike muttered loud enough to cut off sweft's request.
"But anyone else is free to have whatever"
Mike's smile shines as he denied Sweft and then gave vocal confirmation that everybody else is ok to take anything. His face turning serious for a moment as he turned to Grayson
"Cept the kids can't have grog...
don't let any kids take bottles, the cans are fizzy drinks and they can pop one of them"

Graysons one eye slanted in a mixture of annoyance and disbelief, unsure if Mike was being serious in his need to state the obvious fact that children should not drink alcohol.

( BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Mike and Grayson talking to Alessia Busto)
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Emily Sapphire

BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

"Sand in my oh no your right that does sound really unpleasant." She glances down at the shortness of her bottoms just the thought of having sand in no just no. "Wait the sun can cause blisters I thought that only happened o .... Epp!" Emily would then be cut off from the feeling of cold sunscreen being rubbed against her back and then being then spread crossed her shoulders. "Ah um think you I already feel a little bit cooler, but um a slight sooner warning would be nice." After regaining her composer Emily would take the bottle and start getting the rest of her body. "So the sun will slowly harm you? I think I've read something on this once." She looked over her body it did seem like it got a slight tan so maybe that's more than enough sun then. Emily would then stand up straight again when Hunter returned to his lecture in a more aggressive tone dropping the bottle in the process. "U understood I won't do it again wait wouldn't the water just wash it off dose that mean Id have to really in the water too?" Now that feels like a silly question. "Oh um people in the city tend to say these things all the time but now that I'm hearing it from you I kinda feel like an idiot for believing them."

  • ingrid_solstice_knight_slide01.png
    Date: Friday, Summer 4th || Ocean Festival
    Time: 1pm || Early Afternoon

    Interacting With:
    Mike & Grayson ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )
    ~ Beach ~
    Real Thing || Alessia’s CS File

    She was quick to switch to a smirk as Grayson tried to get Mike to move out and be social that only grew when she heard Mike start to semi ramble about Amelia. While anyone back in Jupiter would get a hard glare of warning it wasn’t like Mike was a bad guy. She went to plop herself on the blanket beside Mike as she pointed in his direction.

    “Oh what’s this I’m hearing? So you’re the one who’s been flustering Amelia all up every time I come in. Better watch out pretty boy, I’m very protective of my friends.”

    She would have continued to tease but Mike quickly turned the conversation to herself. Not that she minded, while she may have chosen a bit more of a modest bikini she sure as hell wasn’t shy. She may not have been as busty as some of the others of Kore but she was well built with lean muscles and soft curves.

    “Oh just now noticing huh? Why how flattering.”

    She sat back into a recline enjoying the sun as she was offered a drink.
    Hmm sure she’d planned a little patrolling but she was mostly here to enjoy the day. She thought it over before nodding opening having made her decision.

    “Guess I’ll take one of whatever you’ve been enjoying so far. Have you already signed up for the boat races? I’ve never bothered but usually it’s pretty fun to watch. What about you pops, you planning on coming with?”

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Jet Tanaka  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧​

"It really is! The people here love their festivals, and I mean, I guess I'm no different now," Jet says, with a vague hand gesture at herself. "I only just missed last year's ocean festival, so I'm glad to be around for it this time. I really haven't gotten to know everybody like I should, yet."

Jet shifts her weight onto one leg in a lazy-casual sort of way, noting Sophie's nervously stiff posture. It was difficult, sometimes, the balancing acts that were her professional and personal relationships. It was hard to keep the lines drawn between patient and friend like she was meant to, when the town's population was already so small and she was so new to town in the grand scheme of it all. To tell the truth, despite her people-person nature, she hadn't made many friends yet over the past year that she didn't feel the need to hold at arm's length in order to keep up her image of distantly friendly and easy to talk to and nothing more.

She peers down at Sophie in the half-beat of thoughtful silence. Jet knows Sophie probably even less than she does most of the other townspeople, having never really spoken other than when crossing paths in their daily lives. Though, from what she does know, Sophie seems like she could use a bit of a helping hand when it came to initiating social interaction especially with dashingly handsome newcomers to town. Well, that's not an issue. Jet's special talent is carrying a conversation 'S kinda part of the job description.

"You know," Jet starts, throwing her beach towel over one shoulder like the way cool guys in highschool romcoms carry their jackets. If she had sunglasses she would peer over the top of them right now. "You can let yourself relax and take it easy today. We're all just here to have fun, yeah? Speaking of, if you feel like braving the crowd, you're more than welcome to come with me to find a spot to sit closer to the water. Gotta be more comfortable over there, 'specially in the sun." She wiggles her eyebrows in a way that she hopes conveys just how much she recommends sprawling in the sun like a cat.


Time: ~1pm
Location: Lakeside Beach
Action: Talking to Sophie
Mood: Contemplative, at ease

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Interactions: Sophie Borghese
Redfork2000 Redfork2000
Sophie Borghese
Location: Ocean Festival
Activity: Talking to Jet
-Jet Tanaka ( lunar_moth lunar_moth )

Sophie smiled slightly as she listened to Jet. "They sure do love their festivals. It's admirable the amount of work they put into them." Sophie added. Jet mentioned that she hadn't gotten to know everyone enough yet. "I can relate to that." Sophie replied. "I really haven't had much of a chance to get to know the people here either." Sophie replied. "There's always a lot of paperwork to do, and well, I haven't been here for that long to begin with." Sophie added. She really did wish she could get to know the people here in town. She wanted to have friends, but she always found it hard to start a conversation, specially with people she didn't know very well.

She smiled a bit as Jet told her she can relax and take it easy today. She even suggested that she could come with her to find a spot to sit closer to the water. Sophie thought about it. Well, she didn't know Jet very well, but well, that could be said about almost anyone in town. But she did seem much more outgoing and confident than Sophie was, and would probably be willing to start conversations with others, and might even help her introduce herself better to other people. It sounded like a good idea. "It sounds like a good idea." She said.

But all of a sudden, her stomach growled a bit, causing her to get a bit embarrassed. The truth was, she was a bit hungry. She glanced over towards the food tables. There was a lot of food, a wide variety of dishes to choose from. But there was also a lot of people there as well. Of course, Sophie wanted to make friends, but walking into such a crowd like that might prove to be a bit too much for her to bear with.
C4A2DBA6-82AB-4E7F-A261-6BB9A426AF0E.png☀️Rui Dixon✨
Mood: Playful
Interaction: Gregory ( Redfork2000 Redfork2000 )
Mission: Have fun with Gigi

Their significantly more shy friend’s chuckle and tone was noticeably awkward, although Rui thought it good to occasionally nudge people outside their comfort zones. Not in an aggressive or dangerous way or anything- they just really wanted people to be able to expand their experiences and live life to the fullest.
“Enjoying the festival so far? If you aren’t doing anything you should hang out with me.” Rui grinned and shifted the lollipop to their other cheek. “Mm, did you see the food yet? I think I took every strawberry cookie there is. I’ll share with you if you want though. If you ask nicely.” The brim of their hat caught a breeze and fluttered, dangerously close to flying off their head, so Gregory was saved from further contact by Rui’s need to peel themself off and cling to the brim.

“Mmh, stay put.” They wiggled the hat on a little tighter with a scowl across their face, though it was only temporary.

“Anyway...” Crisis averted, Rui turned back to Gregory. Their head tilted to the side to match the sweet smile replacing the scowl. “We have a great spot by the water and lots of stuff to drink. I even brought a kite! Did you know there’s going to be a water balloon war? What do you want to do, Gigi?” There was a childish, yet wholesome glitter in their eyes.
Gregory Wright
Location: Ocean Festival
Activity: Talking to Evelyn
-Evelyn ( Nona Nona )
-Rui ( queanbean queanbean )
It was clear that Gregory wasn't very comfortable. It wasn't that he disliked Rui. Far from it, she was usually very cheerful and nice. She was just a bit overwhelming at times. He glanced at Evelyn for a moment, his expression almost saying "please help me". As Rui asked him if he was enjoying the festival, and if he had seen the food, he was about to reply, but just then, her hat almost flew off her head, causing her to get distracted for a moment to grab onto her hat.

"Uh..." Gregory began, now she was talking about the water and the drinks, she brought a kite, and about the water balloon war. "Uh... I think I might go ahead and see what there is to eat. I'm a bit hungry." Gregory replied shyly. He always ended speaking so little, in contrast to Rui's more outgoing and talkative nature.

Magic Loving Librarian
Thomas Pasquerella


Summer, the warmest, most active season. The thought of it filled the eccentric librarian's head with far-off memories of simpler times when his parents would pry him from his home while his siblings willingly jumped into the family van. It would always be the day after summer break started, they would all leave the city for the summer to visit his mother's hometown. Kore, the very same Thomas found himself in now, as the Ocean Festival consumed the day. Thomas's father always said that the eldest's child's birthday was the easiest to plan for since it fell on the festival. Even so, the librarian almost dreaded it in his youth, the number of people, the heat, the noise, it was all a bit much for Thomas.

His birthday started earlier for Thomas than most days since he knew She was going to try to catch him early. And Kana had, last year, since Thomas decided to sleep in and not be aware of the outside when he tried to open the library on the 4th of summer of the prior. The moment he had unlocked the door that day he had been pulled out and forced to interact with others. The thought of it woke the sleepy bookworm extra early. He knew he'd have to leave the library today one way or another, and so Thomas chose to do it on his terms. Forgoing any of his flashy 'mage' robes for the day, Thomas opted for dark blue swimming trunks, a white T-shirt, flip flops, a ball cap, and a dark brown hoodie. With this look, Thomas was as far from his typical aesthetic as normal, allowing himself to sneak away from his own home with confidence the blue hair giantess wouldn't find him.

Leaving before first light, Thomas went to the first place he thought he wouldn't be looked for, the woods. It was a risky gamble, but he wasn't found and killed time until the festival started to get set up. Walking around the wilderness in flip-flops wasn't his best idea, truly, but it gave him headspace to breathe into himself instead of focusing on the library. It's been six years now since he came to Kore, hoping to find something, anything to link to magic. Most he had heard were rumors and tall tales, even so, it always felt like it was two or three steps away. It was enough to drive a man mad. But more than that, his search had made him distant from his siblings, for which he didn't envy his father. Having to deal with five children, including Thomas, after the loss of their mother. But now Thomas had his youngest sibling, his little brother Allen, helping out in the library for the summer in exchange for help with future college stuff. While the helping later might annoy Thomas, the extra help and having family nearby was nice.

Somewhere between 11 am and noon Thomas came out of the nearby woods, having stopped and sat in various places first. By that time a lot of stuff had been set up, or rather, started to be set up, this allowing Thomas to snag a bit of food while poking around what was what, as is his custom for any town event. Though with this one so close to the water, this night owl shut-in was a bit on edge. Just looking out at the ocean made a chill go up his spine, the endless blue merging with the sky somewhere beyond the horizon. Thomas's pointing around nevertheless continued up until Evelyn got on the stage, to which point he had avoided the blue-haired one. His gut feeling told him some bullshit was about to hit his fan, the day had gone too smooth thus far. He found himself at a sweets table, eating a piece of cake, managing to get a bit of frosting on his cheek, Thomas immediately ducked under the table at the mention of the word birthday. So it began. He knew he'd have to do better than last year, but not this much effort. Finishing on his cake while sitting in the sand, under a table, he took a deep breath and peeked out from underneath, not forming a plan.

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