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Realistic or Modern Viking Clan (Still accepting)

Haldor wasn't surprised when he ended up on the ground, however Halvar whinnied an bucked slightly in amusement as he trotted a few paces away to graze on the tall grass. Haldor listened to Adaline carefully with a grin on his face as she then reached out a hand, oh yes. As she laughed, he followed an grasped her hand but quickly pulled her to the ground and leaping to kneel over her on one knee, chuckling he flashed her a friendly wink an lifted her to her feet "Best be on your toes my leader, you are a skilled warrior and the village is lucky to have you" With that he whistled an Halvar tossed his head before cantering toward Haldor. The two had practised combat since Haldor had gotten him as a young colt. As Halvar came to canter by him, Haldor simply took a small leap an one foot was in the stirrup of the black leather saddle, he drew his sword still standing on the side of Halvar an extended his arm to slice through the belly of a near by dummy, lifting the sword up he climbed back into the saddle, Halvar growing with excitement he arched his neck proudly an began to take longer strides. Haldor grinned as he slowed Halvar to a steady trot, holding out a hand to Adaline "Double combat would be an interesting sight" As he spoke, Halvar trotted wide circles around her, his ears perked an a friendly expression seemed to dance in his eyes. As though he was playing a game of tag with the blond haired leader.
Adaline: When Haldor grabbed my hand I did not expect to be pulled down to the floor but it happened. As I landed on my back I laughed alittle and looked up at him shaking my head. "Hey you would be dead if you were someone else so I wouldn't need to be in my toes!" I say with a laugh as he helped me up off the ground. I dusted off my back and ruffled some of the dirt out of my dirty blonde hair. As he got back on Halvar I crossed my arms and smirked alittle. They both were like little kids when it came to almost anything. The only time Iv never seen them mess around was when they were in battle. "You still gotta fix the one you took the head off of." I say as I watch as they trotted around me. "But if you want double combat you might wanna stop Halvar from trotting around Or I'll have to fetch my horse." I say with a grin as I flashed a look to Halvar.

Since I was leader I had the pick of the strongest and well whatever I wanted in a horse. Some were jelouse and others wanted a foal to be born with the horse. If I foal was born though it would go to one of my children but that would have to happen in the future. I then looked back up at Haldor. "How about we just go for a ride?" @Boondox

Bjorn: "Nope. Girls can have that stance. I don't think I'll look very scary on the battle feild if someone saw me stand like that. Like come on. It wouldn't even show off my muscles." I say as I just followed her along to the trading areas. @JadeWuvsCookies
Einer shrugged in response, glancing at Katla as she made her way in the direction of the river. "Stay out of trouble girl." He called amusedly after her, before he decided to make his way back to the town. The forest was for too large for him to find Erik, he didn't have the slightest notion of where the boy could be. Alas, he had tried. Stretching his elbows, and walking away with a huff he cursed his luck. This day was overly eventful for his taste.

The walk back didn't take long, he made a note to check in on Astrid, make sure she had found Erik. Otherwise a search party would have to be formed. Of course there was the extra problem with people like Katla, she would need to begin training soon. It was mandatory, but she seemed like anything but a fighter...

Soon enough, Einer had made his way through the village, catching sight of Bjorn and Eina walking around, trading, whilst the ground of combat began to make itself known up ahead. The large man paced over to the training zone, and was both relieved and annoyed to find Haldor and Adaline training. He was glad Haldor was actually training... Less so with how he was.

Folding his arms, and frowning, whilst aiming a subtle glare at Haldor, he spoke up. "Enjoying ourselves, are we?" He asked, an ambivalent hint in his voice. The man wasn't Adaline's father by any means, but he was her guardian. No amount of leadership and authority on Adaline's part would make him approve of the duo's 'closeness'. He didn't particularly 'like' Haldor much, well, he didn't like any of the 'good' younger warriors. They were too damn confident for their own good. Yet he liked his relationship with Adaline even less.

@Boondox @AshleyBergie
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Haldor grinned as he halted Halvar in front of her an he raised an eye brow, he was about to tell her to climb on when she suggested they go for a ride, Haldor couldn't refuse a ride with Adaline. Halvar perked his ears an bobbed his head in anticipation at the word 'ride' "Well a ride sounds fine with me Adaline" Although just as he was going to suggest they go to fetch her horse, Einer was huffing an puffing his way. At the mans words Haldor nodded "Yes, I was demonstrating some moves that Halvar an I have been working on" At the mention of his action he then trotted Halvar over to the dummy he had beheaded an quickly stuck it back on, mounting up once more to walk his stallion calmly back toward the two, Halvar wasn't to fond of Einer himself but he knew not to step out of line with the leader standing by. Haldor glanced down to Adaline "Still up for that ride?"
Adaline: I was about to head off and fetch my horse when a deep voice came from no where. I turned to see it was Einer. I tilted my head and looked over to Haldor. The two seemed to not be big fans about each other. I just pushed it aside. The two good fighters with small tempers. I wasn't shocked they didn't care for eachother but at the and time they needed to atleast be able to deal with eachother in war which luckily they did. "Hello Einer. Did you find that kid at all?" I asked. Considering how many people were in the woods there had to be someone that found them or atleast saw the kid at some point. As Haldor rode back over to me and I nodded looking up at him. "Sure. Mind giving me a ride to the stables?" Since we were going for the ride it would have been best to ride my horse since riding behind Haldor probably wouldn't have been the most comfortable.
Bella smiled once more "I don't think your very scary at all, in fact a big sweet teddybear!" She put the bread in the basket and walked over to the man with weaponry "Two quivers of arrows and ya can have my doe with some berries and apples."

The man gladly accepted and with a nod he gave her arrows, then giving him the doe she offered with some berries and apples.

"Now, Iv got to head back home if you don't mind. I'd like to go for a swim if you want to come. Its a nice day but rather warm. "she took the basket from Bjorn and threw the two quivers over her shoulder as she headed back to her home.
"Nope. I am not a teddy bear. Nope nope nope. I'm a manly man so Sh! I'm not a teddy." I say with a small laugh as she placed the need in the basket and took it back once she got the arrows. I then stretched out my arms and put my hands behind my head. But doing that my muscles flexed hard. My chest got slim and more toned as I stretched all of my upper body.

"I'll just meet you back down by the water then." I say throwing my arms backwards rolling my shoulder with a small crack. I sighed in relief and started to head back to the lake.
"Uh-huh.. well manly man quit showing off and get over there. I'll be there in a minute." With that she walked to her home and put things away, then walking to her room she began changing again.
Eira sort of shrugged as the rest of the world seemed to forget about her again. She soon found herself sitting high up in a sturdy tree's branches, the place she usually took her naps, and started to sing... For herself, and for the forests.
Bjorn: "No No No. Manly men can show off. They have a right. Girls are just jelouse because they don't got the sexy muscles." I say with a laugh as I walked back trough the village and to the lake. I plopped down in the sand and watched as the sun began to go down
Haldor grumbled an waited for Einer to protest but he swiftly grasped Adaline by the wrist an lifted her up onto Halvar, who neighed with amusement, Haldor gripped the reins in a single hand an used the other to help keep Adaline on board "Hold on, we need to make a break for it before The bear protests the idea!" With that he kicked Halvar into a speedy gallop an headed for the village, the stables was just on the far side. As the entered the village, for the safety of the people Haldor slowed his mount to a steady trot. Halvar arched his neck an made himself look mean as they finally halted at the stables "M'lady you have arrived" He grinned an glanced into the stables as one of the blacksmiths waved at him from a few feet away.
Adaline: As I was pulled up onto the saddle I placed an arm around Holdars waist as he darted off to the stables. As we passed people I could see they didn't care much for the horse at all. As we entered the village in a way I laughed at the way Halvar acted. And as we showed up to the village I slide off of the saddle and headed in to fetch my horse. Meadows. Weird name I know but I saw her in a meadow and it stuck. I saddled her all up then hopped out trotting out of the building and over to Holdor. "Ready?"


After changing in her swimming clothes ( fur like bikini that covers everything) she took off at a run for the lake and when she arrived she jumped in with a dive. After coming back up she looked at him on the sand and smiled "Water too cold for ya, Bjorn?"
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Eira stared up at the sky and the leaves that blocked the rest of it from view. She continued mumble singing through her song. It was something about a little bird that fluttered from branch to branch, nest to nest, because it couldn't find its proper home. Her long, long wavy hair fell sweetly over the branch she rested on, a few leaves and flowers braided in.
Halvar and Meadow had been together for a long time an he quickly let a soft snort out to greet her as Haldor gave a light tug on the reins "Yup, want to ride to the beach?" Haldor knew very well that Halvar would have his fun prancing through the water. His eyes then fell to her horse, Meadow was such an interesting color horse compared to Halvar or any of the other war mounts, usually they tried to keep them dark in color but people of high rank usually had more uncommon horses.
Bjorn: "Nah just relaxing in the fun. Gotta great the tan. Makes the mucked pop more." I say with a small laugh as I put my ax to the side and stood up heading to the walkers and dove in. The water was cool compared to the air and it was much needed with how humid it was outside.

Adaline: As I troyed out Meadow kept her head high and shook out her Maine as I pulled her to a spot. She called make to Halvar as she started to hoove the ground. I laughed alittle and nodded. "Ya sure. I know a small area where no one really goes. It's away from the main area of the beach. Much more peaceful and the water isn't so high as it is by the loading area." I say with a smile as I clicked my tongue and Meadow galloped off to the area after flicking Halvar in the face with her tail.

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