
Well, since we are using the U.S. Army standard, the minimum age of enlistment with parental consent is 17 and without consent is 18, meanwhile the maximum enlistment age with no prior service is 35. I don't think this has changed much since WW2 and that is what listed on the u.s. army website today, but someone may correct me on it if it was different in the 1960s. So, 17 through 35 is what you are going for in that sense if the person is JUST entering the army.
SwiftThunder said:
Well, since we are using the U.S. Army standard, the minimum age of enlistment with parental consent is 17 and without consent is 18, meanwhile the maximum enlistment age with no prior service is 35. I don't think this has changed much since WW2 and that is what listed on the u.s. army website today, but someone may correct me on it if it was different in the 1960s. So, 17 through 35 is what you are going for in that sense if the person is JUST entering the army.
Thank you so much! :D
"The punishments for being a fuckhead are severe."

I laughed. A lot.

My grandfather was in the Vietnam war.

Wish he would tell me stories.
Random thought popped into my head, and I wanted to ask: Exactly what is the make-up of the 1st Infantry Marauders? are we an early onset of light infantry, special forces, or just a newly formed infantry Regiment?(the name 1st Infantry Marauders does sounds like something unique, but wanted to make sure). Do we have heavy weapon teams with us (mortars, etc.), or are we again more SF with mostly small arms, squad machine guns, and any At we can find? I am curious because I had some ideas about what Ken would be drawn to in terms of infantry assignment and what would be expected of everyone in the Marauders.
Sorry guys! Had to sleep. First off; the 1st Infantry Marauders are a unique team in itself. They aren't special forces by any means; but they are definitely a special team. They operate as a singularly Infantry team, receiving their support from other regiments.

The 1st infantry marauders were never meant to leave Vietnam, and were created to be sort of a suicide squad. They don't have their own mortars or air support assets, but they get support from other units/regiments if needed (which sometimes doesn't go over too well.)

My character sheet is almost done fella's! Sorry for the wait. This unit will make a shit ton more sense as we start the RP I'm sure.
To slightly elaborate, these boys are a nomadic unit! There were a couple units just like this such as LURST and so forth. They were given a regiments name to make them sound a lot larger than they actually are (WW1-2 technique, there were never 101 different regiments in the screaming eagles) they are simply unfortunate souls that happened to be placed in a small platoon that is attached to multiple units/brigades.
Thanks Carnage! But yeah, instead of a 1st sergeant leading them; it's going to be a chief warrant officer. It's a weird and completely made up experiment that I've always been trying to implement somewhere. But these guys will be attached to units that are real; dependent on where they were in Vietnam at the time.

@SwiftThunder Very well thought out character there bud! He's also very original, I like it. You're accepted of course, didn't want to dirty up the character creation area with 'acceptance posts'.

Everyone else is looking very good! When you all are done, I'll read through it to get a feel for everyone. So far so good though; just remember you guys have already finished basic training, and you are headed to Fort Polk Louisiana to conduct your AIT (Advanced Individual Training) with your new unit.
SwiftThunder said:
Random thought popped into my head, and I wanted to ask: Exactly what is the make-up of the 1st Infantry Marauders? are we an early onset of light infantry, special forces, or just a newly formed infantry Regiment?(the name 1st Infantry Marauders does sounds like something unique, but wanted to make sure). Do we have heavy weapon teams with us (mortars, etc.), or are we again more SF with mostly small arms, squad machine guns, and any At we can find? I am curious because I had some ideas about what Ken would be drawn to in terms of infantry assignment and what would be expected of everyone in the Marauders.
And even further elaboration! We are the latter, a small infantry team that's going to be attached to most other units throughout Vietnam. We are mostly small arms, with one or two machine gunners. Every soldier is also a certified and trained tunnel rat as well (you're gonna have a bad time bro). This unit has exclusive permission to call for fire whenever they please, and ROE's are extremely lax.
@DrCompton ! Good to see you here man. Since your character seems to have been in country before; I'm going to make him a Sergeant. He pretty much rotated back from Vietnam and had his unit switched from 1st infantry division to the 1st infantry marauders. Since everyone just got out of basic, and is going to Fort Polk; I think it would be cool for you to be the machine gun instructor for the unit. That's if you're up for it anyway, the RP is going to start in the states at first so these guys can be integrated into the team.
It's all good man, we were in need of a NCO character regardless; and I'm sure you can handle it, haha.

@Stew I'm loving the 'Joker' character haha, we needed a class clown character for the platoon. So far we have...

The degenerate

The honorable

The scrawny and scardy cat

The crazy machine gunner

The momma bear

The war crime/war hero

The jock-turned-soldier

And now the Joker!
[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]I'm loving the 'Joker' character haha, we needed a class clown character for the platoon. So far we have...
The degenerate

The honorable

The scrawny and scardy cat

The crazy machine gunner

The momma bear

The war crime/war hero

The jock-turned-soldier

And now the Joker!

Heh, which one's my character?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Omg Rico makes my character look like a punk bitch from CS alone! This is probably going to get very crazy quick :3
@SimplyCarnage Welcome to the Army... :)

@PlaguedWithInsanity He's definitely the Jock-turned-soldier one, unless I read your bio wrong haha

EDIT: Completely just tagged the wrong person... Sorry insanity! Btw, do you want to be the final NCO character? So far it's you, me, and DrCompton. You're choice though.
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Non-Commissioned Officer, ranks Corporal-Sergeant Major in the army.

Corporal->Sergeant->staff sergeant->sergeant first class

Master sergeant and First sergeant are the same grade, but MSGs are not in command of troops, where 1SGs would be.

Then you have Sergeant Major
@Kai Ghoul

Then yes, I'll take the NCO position.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Thanks DrCompton! But yes, I'm thinking of making your character a corporal.

@SimplyCarnage Finally creates the highspeed hippy character that annoys everyone in the barracks with her guitar! This is looking more and more like a real platoon by the minute. I'm going to have to go for a few hours; RP may actually be able to start either tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
Oh screw you! D:< lol Jking.

So what's the setting going to be like for everyone's first post? Are we just going to be getting off the bus and meeting the command?
Yup! Their missions aren't going to be heavily explained to the troops however, and the only people allowed to fully know are going to be the shadowy chief warrant officer and the newbie 2nd Lt. Btw! This will be the issued uniform, can't have a suicide squad that doesn't look badass compared to the other troops.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4224dc5218bab8338ad67d422a5f5124.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54329" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.4224dc5218bab8338ad67d422a5f5124.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Of course there will be modifications to the uniform, such as having no ranks or name tapes sown on. The only patch would be the 'Viet Cong Hunting Club' one. I'm not sure if @Kai Ghoul wants helmets or not, cuz he always hated them lol.

There's a reason for the uniform, the Army wants these guys to look like 'important' soldiers to the VC and common troops, even though they are anything but.



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WOOT! Boonie hats all the way, all day every day... though having a helmet would be nice too. Also, noticed we got a crazy machine gunner type now. I was kind of expecting to morph into that down the line. Oh well, I 'll just be sure to become the Designated Marksman for the platoon. :)

Edit: Also, weird thing I just picked up on, I count as least 3 different people born and/or raised in the great state of Texas or south in general in the character list. Southern accents and "y'alls" all round!
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Oh yeah! We actually lack designated marksmen as of right now. Well, you would have the M14! You can say you scored 40/40 on your rifle card, which pretty much automatically guarantees you a M14 at your unit.
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SimplyCarnage said:
Oh yeah! We actually lack designated marksmen as of right now. One sec; let me look something up real quick.
Well Designated Marksman in as much as that existed in 1965 U.S. Army units, I actually know little of the format for that era of infantry platoon, but I assumed there must be something close to that since every platoon almost always has their own crack shot.

Edit: Yeah, I would love the chance to wield an original era M14, having shot one in the present I know those things can kick all kinds of butt. So aye, I think I will go with that 40/40.
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