Video Game University [Inactive]


a sad lil bean
jewlia submitted a new role play:

Video Game University - Only the most elite of gamers will be invited, and even then, it's a fight to the death to stay.

{Loosely based upon the TV show, VGHS, but not so much that you need to have watched it.}
You've completed high school, gamed all summer long, and now the moment you've been waiting for: 5 students will be invited to attend the most elite gaming school in the world, Video Game University.

You run to the mailbox, throw the various magazines and bills to the ground, only to find a single golden envelope.

You've been invited to...
Read more about this role play...
It was the first day of a new year at Video Game University.

Leda walked swiftly down the short hallway, and out the back door of the main building. Between the building she just emerged from and the secondary building, there was a large courtyard full of picnic tables for eating, studying, and just overall socializing. Today, however, a certain number of students had been invited to attend VGU, and were now waiting in the courtyard for the Headmistress to tell them what to do. { @Demesne }

Leda knew the basics of what the head of her school would say. She would welcome them, tell them the basic rules of VGU (No smoking on campus, no alcohol on weekdays or in the main building, be on time to classes, etc.) and finally she would introduce Leda, and let her give them the tour. Until then, Leda waited patiently on the side, holding a piece of paper in her small hand that had the rooming assignments on it.
Mark stood in a line of students, waiting for instructions. This was to be his first day at VGU. However, where most people were talking amongst themselves and getting to know each other, he stayed relatively silent. He enjoyed people's company, but he remember what trouble that got him into last time. He always fell in with the wrong crowds. Now he wanted to change it, he wanted to bring honor to his family and treat people with respect. He was done with the life of mischief.

Roz steeled herself for another orentation speech. Out of all the presentations she made through the year, orientations were the worst. Graduations, she could handle, exams, she could handle, disciplinary, she could handle, but orientation speeches were the absolute worst. This was her one opportunity to earn their respect, and that was one term she would not negotiate on. She fixed her hat, grabbed her walking stick, and walked onto the stage. She tapped the mic and smiled.

"Ladies, and gentlemen, sit. Please. Socialize, get to know each other. We will begin our orientations in half an hour." With a curt nod, she walked off the stage and began to walk among the students, eavesdropping for troublemakers, or those who stood out somehow. The quiet ones usually meant trouble, and those overly loud. She made mental notes of behavior and personalities, which would be remembered for dormitory assignments and classroom placement.


Addy strolled in shortly after the announcement. She had her carry-on bag with her, but the airport would be sending the rest within the week. Her bag had Maleficent on it, along with the signature raven. There was no mistaking her for a boring girl, with her rainbow hair and statement bag. Within her bag, she carried her cell phone, a Tide-to-Go! stain remover stick, a portable gaming device, her baseball cap, a bottle of water, a Cheshire Cat wallet, sundry other things that had long fallen into the black hole of a woman's purse, and a tube she vaguely suspected was once lipstick. She pulled out the now waxy blob and smeared it over her lips, fussing for a few minutes to get it all within the "lines." She tossed her hair and scanned the room. It seemed she was one if the earlier arrivals, probably due to the blue cab ride of near death. The driver ran not one, not two, but three red lights, and Addy stopped worrying about speed limits and instead focused on not vomiting during the few stops he did make. Addy did not give him a tip. She saw two other people in particular, a silent man and a girl she strongly suspected had been here longer than most. Deciding that the older girl was probably not here to socialize, she walked up to the man.

"Hey! I'm Addy, I'm a freshman for the Creators team. What're you here for?" She flashed him a wide Southern smile and let her voice drawl out a bit more than usual, finding Yankees tended to equate Southern with kindly.
Mark was sitting with his fedora over his eyes and arms folded over his chest, when he heard a voice. There was always that one person who just had to talk to the silent kid. Yet, he could tell that she wasn't looking for any trouble, so he decided to play along for a while. "I'm Mark, here for the fighting team. I'm also a freshman." Mark lifts his hat to see who he's talking to. "Addy you said? Need a place to sit?" There was something different about her that he hadn't seen in his friends, a sort of kindness that he wished he could have.
"That would be wonderful!" She dropped her oversized bag on the ground, too naive and trusting to care that someone could very well walk off with it. She sat down and habitually crossed her legs even though she was wearing jeans, a habit that was so deeply ingrained in her from Sunday school she very well could barely sit down without doing it, it was awkward and she would fumble. She tossed her brightly colored hair over her shoulder opposite him in order to see him better. Completely unabashed, she flipped his hat up.

"Hey, you're not even remotely ugly. Why are you hiding under there?" She knew her social graces, and didn't particularly care at this juncture. She said it lightheartedly, with a smile, and hoped he didn't take offense. She was aware of how forward he was, but she particularly liked him.
Mark noticed Addy's travel bag. He didn't know how much stuff most people would bring, but she sure brought more than him. He glanced down to his tattered hiking backpack that contained a few changes of clothes, some school supplies, an out-of-date computer, and a picture of his family. He also had a bow staff fastened to the outside of the backpack. At first he wasn't sure how to respond when she pushed his hat up. This was the first time someone had touched his hat to lift it up, rather than shove it further down. His first instinct was to slap the hand away, because 'nobody touches his hat'. But he caught himself just in time. Those were the behaviors he wished to correct. He didn't want to be the mean thug that bounced around doing dirty work for gang leaders, as he had once done. Instead, he grabbed his hat and rested it on his knee.

After taking a quick breath to relax, he said, "Thanks… you're not remotely ugly either. I don't mean that you're not ugly like a tv remote… I mean, you're ugly like a…" Mark always hated when he got his mouth moving too fast. He could never keep up with his own thoughts. "Ach, you're not a remote, I mean, you're beautiful... and I like your name too. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot, you'd be better off talking to someone else" Mark quickly flipped his hat back up, hoping she hadn't caught his outburst. Most people didn't listen to him anyway.
Addy couldn't help herself, she busted out laughing. Now, Addy is not the kind of girl who giggles. Oh, no, she laughs like men burp- with pride and their whole body. Her sides shook, her legs trembled, her chest heaved with the effort of taking in that much air to exhale it again right away in a full-hearted laugh. She threw her head back and her hair tumbled down from her shoulders, her eyes pinched at the sides as she looked at him. "Thank you, it's nice hearing I'm beautiful, even if I'm a TV remote. Just please don't try to change my channels." She grabbed his hat and stashed it in her bag. "There! Now you have to show that face off. Smile, live a little!" She completely ignored him comment that she should talk to someone else. She liked him, even with his quirks.
Mark felt warm tears building up in his eyes. He had just blown it. Probably the only nice girl that would ever chance talking to him, and he fumbled it up! Then he realized he was starting to cry and tried to pull it back. Was he that weak? This made him angry, which then made him sad again, because he didn't want to be angry. Then he heard the girl begin to laugh. If his own torment hadn't been enough, now she was rubbing it in his face with a wholehearted laugh that turned all the heads near him. This just added to his belief that no one could be trusted. But then she returned with a kind comment and lifted his hat off again. Mark's emotional change turned him into a slot machine. His eyes wide open, though still a little watery, like the slots. His mouth hung open, ready to accept the coins. His cheeks were red, like the painted decorations, and his arm zipped up in defense, turning into the lever. All Addy had to do was pull, and Mark would go tumbling down the row of chairs in a complete daze.

Mark had been taken completely off guard, which he did not like, but at the same time, he was ecstatic that the girl had persisted. It took Mark a few moments to work down his emotions, but when he did, he just buried his face in his hands. He needed to get it together. He began to tap his foot on the ground nervously. Then, he finally looked up with a small smile and said, "Ok, sorry about that. So you're a creator you said?"
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Addy noticed his temporary panic, and went over her options. She could either make him laugh or try and comfort him. She saw that trying to comfort him would probably only mortify him, but she could probably make some sort of joke out of the situation. She looked about frantically for material, praying almost as fervently as she did (asking God for the same thing too) every Sunday, hoping someone would do something mildly entertaining she could improve upon. Only several seconds before she was about to just start dancing herself, he returned to a normal enough state to ask about her.

"Yeah! I've just known computers my entire life. When they were first coming out my uncle had a thing for them, he built some of the first computers in fact, so my grandmother knew they were the future and she got me my own computer since I was two. I learned how to type my own name before I could scribe it, I would get so impatient waiting for my mom to type it in so I could start my Freddy Fish games. When I was about 10 I started messing with files, corrupting mostly blank Microsoft Word .doc files, .docx didn't even exist yet!, to scam my teachers for extra time on assignments. Since then, I've just been so in tune with coding, I just don't even think about it anymore. I got tired of listening to the outside world telling me I couldn't, or shouldn't, write my own code and play football on Thanksgiving and order the turkey premade, so I usually work with headphones on now, but I've been so passionate for so long I probably don't even need them. It's just such an amazing thing- taking your ideas and making them interactive. You can dream up a character and throw her into polygons, then go back and sculpt her to exactly match your imagination. People can finally understand exactly the story you're trying to tell! And, entertainment value aside, my favorite project of probably all time was creating an interactive "Spoon Theory" game for a friend with lupus. It's all about explaining life with a debilitating illness, and it was one of my first builds. HTML and Adobe Flash were all I really knew back then, barely even C++. I've obviously grown a lot since then, but the idea that I helped her explain something like that to people, and that it brought several people to tears, that literally changed her life, and I love that! If I could do that then, who knows what kind of games I can make here? I'm SO excited for this!" With a slight squeal, she smiled and lifted her shoulders in what was almost a shrug, but instead simply an outward expression of "yes, this really is the end of my Shakespearean monologue." She was unapologetic for her ramble, so excited to finally talk to someone who would, hopefully, understand her passion.
Mark wasn't sure where to look while Addy was talking. When he looked into her eyes, he couldn't help but blush because she was just so upbeat and accepting him. No one had ever treated him like that before. He didn't want to look down further, because then she'd probably think he was a pervert. He hadn't realized how hard it was to be respectful to a girl. Disrespect seemed easier, but that wasn't him anymore, and it wouldn't help anyway.

He looked to the ground and felt more comfortable, but now he was detached. He wanted to give her the attention she deserved. Taking a deep breath, he looked back to her. Her face was brighter than ever. It took all of Mark's concentration to pick up the jist of what she was saying and stop himself from drooling like an idiot.

Once she finished, it took him a few moments to snap out of his trance. So this is what it meant to be mesmerized. Finally, he responded, "Wow! That sounds like you've go your life sorted out. And who says that you can't play football on Thanksgiving? That was really nice of you to help that friend of yours too. I've always like computer programing, but my knowledge is nothing compared to yours. Anyways, my computer's way out of date. I don't even know if it can connect to the internet anymore. If it can, it takes half a day to load the google start page. But hey, you're cool, you know that? I only wish I could have had a life like yours." Mark looked back to the ground. He shouldn't have gone there.
Samantha sat at one of the tables staring at hip hop (her stuffed rabbit ). She looked up real quick to osuch the area , mostly to see if any one was coming. After a seconded or two she went back to hip hop. Three thoughts came to her head. "They could kill me, they could use me for sexual perposses, or I could kill them". She softly scope to hip hop "Hip hop why do not have an ak47 with you, or better why can't you summon subzero" she let out a little chuckle. "Image that, subzero just pops in going around saying hello, in a Brittish voice, and then rips some guys spin out" she thought she started to laugh more. After laughing a little to loud, she put her hands up to mouth to stop. She put up her hood so, nobody would see her. She was wearing a comptly pink sweatshirt, with some simple blue jeans and black shoes. She then sat there motionless.
Addy noticed the new girl come in and waved. If she walked over, she walked over. Otherwise, she was content to continue her own conversation. She had found someone quite entertaining in this group of standouts, someone she genuinely liked. She was quite inexplicably fond of him, and found his awkwardness endearing. She scratched at the corner of her eye, drawing attention to them subconsciously. She found them to be the prettiest part of her, so when trying to look pretty, she would always blink and lightly scratch at them. Leaning in slightly, she cocked her head to the left and her her hair fall down as she examined him. His bearded face was scruffy, and she was unsure if she should point out a small white... thing in it. She made some faces while she thought without realizing it, scrunching and biting her lip as she tried to determine the best way to proceed.

"Well.. Um... Yeah... Soo... Internet huh..." She was so distracted, she was absolutely fascinated by the white dot. But she knew she had already touched too much, she didn't want to be perceived as weird. She made awkward small talk as she stared at his face, watching it move up and down with his jaw in the tiniest of motions as he breathed. "Yeah... My life is pretty good, I guess, it's finally getting interesting at least. So... Hey do you have a middle name?" She was scraping the bottom of the barrel with that question, she knew, but it was as if her every brain cell had diverted their energy from socializing to the white dot.
Mark noticed that Addy waved to someone. Then he could tell she was pretending to be interested. That was it, she had found a more interesting person, she wouldn't give him a second thought. At least she hadn't asked about his past. Or maybe she was staring at his beard. He knew he should have shaved it. He subconsciously rubbed his beard as he was thinking, finding a piece of cotton stuck in it. Oh great, was she staring at that?! Where did that even come from?! And what was his middle name?! What kind of question was that? Well, it was harmless enough. No one had ever asked him that before. "Oh, uh… my middle name's Yoshi… I mean, Ujiyoshi." Mark started to blush again, she would for sure leave now. What was he thinking telling someone his middle name.
"Oh thank goodness you found that cotton, I was trying so hard not to stare!" Addy laughed at herself, not quite with her whole body, but with her upper half. "That's such a sic name though!" She was content to stay, she liked him. She realized that up until now she had been quite domineering with her conversation, so she decided to ask him a question he could talk about. "So, where are you from?" ((Dun dun DUUUUN!))
The question hit Mark hard. He wanted to be able to open up to her, but simply the fact that she was still there. He didn't know how much more she could handle of him, and he didn't want to seem desperate. Finally, he sighed and decided he could reveal a little of it. "Well, I was born in Ireland. But I was orphaned as a baby. I don't know who my parents were. I was brought to a relief agency in America. They tried to stick me in foster homes and I kept getting kicked out for…" Mark stopped himself, he almost let his big secret slip. "Well, anyway. Then I was finally adopted by an immigrant family from Japan. I don't know why they thought that was a good pair, but I guess it helped me out. My father had trained as a traditional Samurai." If Mark didn't ask another question, she would probably come back to his secret, so after a short pause, he barked out, "Where are you from?"
Samantha saw a girl wave at her. "Hip hop someone just waved what do I do, do I wave back or hid or, god why can't you talk and why haven't we brought to are rooms yet, I would love to be inside " she looked at hip hop with depsprate eyes. "Come on say something, ..... Nope he still can't talk " she put her head on the table. "Now she'll forget I'm here and then she won't walk over here and kill me yay it will be all good and then hopefully I'll be able to play some capcom vs marvel or something " she was talking to hip hop in a soft and quite voice.
"Oh, me? I've never left America, in fact, this is my second time out of Tennessee! The other time we went to Cape Cod on a summer trip. My life has been pretty boring honestly, that's why I left home. Home was... well, boring I guess. Everything was just... boring. I would rather something have been bad than boring some days, honestly. Life was so bland, I'm talking so typical it's atypical. Center of the bell curve you know? Just always smack dab center of the bell curve, never too liberal, never too conservative, never too religious, though that's a joke, but always just fervent enough to ensure I had no social life, progressive enough to give me a computer but traditional enough to not let me use it..." She steamed at this recollection, her home was still a sore point for her. It would take her a while for the homesickness to kick in, and until then, she was determined to be bitter, and to express her naivety through her bitterness about such a normal life. She smiled back at him, and realized it was her turn to ask a question again.

"So. If you could be any animal you want, which one would you be? I know it's weird, but it just says so much about a person, who they are, what they value, and all. It's like a Rorschach test, but without all the inkblots and shrinks staring at you."
Mark couldn't believe Addy was still talking to him, he wanted to run up to everyone and tell them what a great friend she was. But then they might all want to be friends with her! He didn't want that. But then he felt selfish for wanting that. He was always going back and forth on things. She on the other hand seemed to be right where she wanted to be. Was it her religion? He couldn't tell what made her so interesting. Then he spotted the other girl, she looked lonely. Why hadn't she come over? To be honest, he was glad she hadn't nosed into this conversation, it was the best one he had ever had. Then she asked him another question! "What animal? I know this! I'd want to be a tiger… no, an eagle. Ooh, or a cheetah. But I like dogs too." Oh what was the use, he was going to be straight with her. "...I want to be a Wookie". He covered his mouth right after, regretting he had said it.
Samantha sat there watching the two, she realized that the guy was failing hard on talking she decide to help him. she just didnt want to talk so she walked over to the two and stood there, she held hip hop in her hands, "hello " she spoke so you could barley hear her

( srry its not as long )
Mark jumped when the other girl spoke. He hoped she hadn't heard what he had last said. "Hi… um. I'm Mark. What's your name?"

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