Video Game University [Inactive]

"Do you need a place to sit? There's an open chair next to me." Mark noticed that she was shivering a little. He wasn't sure why, but he thought he might lend her his coat if she sat next to him.
( Qustion why do you blod what you say ?)

"O-okay " she sat down. In her head she thought," Good hopefully I just Saved this guy from embarrassing himself in front of that girl "
Not knowing what to do, Mark reached over and draped his coat over her shoulders. "Uh… so, what are you in for? I mean, not to make it sound like a jail. I mean, it is school, but… ugh, I'm sorry."
Mark pulled his hat from Addy's bag again and pulled it over his eyes. Why had she done that? Mark felt his cheeks blushing, he just hoped nobody payed too much attention.
Mark suddenly realized that Samantha still had his coat. So when things had calmed down a bit, he walked over to her and in an unwelcoming tone said, "I'd like my coat back now."
Samantha looked up in fear "Please don't hurt me" she held hip hop up to protect her. But of course the rabbit didn't do a thing for her, sense it was a stuffed rabbit
(I'm sooo sorry guys. I was on spring break and we left pretty suddenly.)

Leda cleared her throat after a few minutes and walked onto the stage. She tapped the mic to get everyone's attention. "In my hand, I hold the dorm assignments. Surprisingly enough, the dorms are co-ed, so more than likely, you will be paired with a member of the opposite sex."

She smiled at the nervous-looking students. "The tour will begin after the Headmistress gives her orientation speech. After the tour, I'll give you your room assignments." Leda flashed a grin and walked off, waiting for the Headmistress to begin.

"Why would you think I'd hurt you? Maybe that you practically humiliated me in front of my new classmates? Just give me back the coat." As Leda spoke, Mark had to sit down abruptly so as not to be disrespectful. Again, he was sitting next to the girl who cried 'rape'. "My coat please…"
"here take it " *she threw the coat at him "at least I'm not the one trying to. Hurt poor little girls " as she spoke she put her hood up and started to shiver more hopeing that he wouldn't yell at her
Mark blocked the coat, but a button whacked him in the eye. He flinched, then looked at her in astonishment. "Hurt poor girls? You've hurt me more then I've hurt you in this whole situation. All I was trying to do was be nice. I'm not good with the whole social thing, but I was trying my best. Then you just go and humiliate me. I don't know why I'm still sitting here."
Samantha sat there a moment and started to cry agin "I-mm sorry -I'm such a horrible person, I knew I shouldn't have come I could of stayed home and played games and not hurt anybody but no, hip hop just had to make me come here" she held up hip hop and frowned at him, as her tears streamed down her face
Mark sighed. "Look, it's fine. Just don't do it again ok? I'm not good with all this social stuff, so I'm awkward too. I'm just trying to make friends. Speaking of playing games. What are you here for?"
She looked at him a little confused, she slowly wiped her tears away "Im not awkward I'm normal just like everyone else jerk . And I'm here for fighting games"
"I'm sorry then. If you want to be normal like everyone else. I'd rather be special and live as myself. But hey, I'm a fighter too!"
Samtha looked away "I wasn't jokeing " she walked away to a table that was nearby and sat,she soon started to play around with hip hop
Mark stayed where he was. At least he had his coat back. He returned to his other seat and waited to be given his rooms.

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