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Realistic or Modern Versipolis: Roleplay Thread

  • Foster Dickens
    Foster stayed with his gun readied, his finger just slightly farther from the trigger than it had been 30 seconds before. The wolf had apparently disappeared from sight, but that didn't mean it wasn't still out there. But people were still leaving the barn. He glared at the backs of Julia and Zach as they left the barn, and he glared at everyone that continued to remain outside even though the wolf could easily still be hanging around. At least Mara had gone to patrol instead of just standing there. The beasts didn't usually travel alone, and people just kept leaving, walking out like there was nothing to be worried about. It annoyed Foster to no end, as he faithfully manned his post by the barn door.

    He didn't necessarily want everyone to come back into the barn, Cain and Audrey being his biggest worries, but he doubted Julia would come back in without Audrey. Cain he wasn't as sure about. Maybe he could get away with not letting the man back in, but no, that would mean he would have to split his attention between two places. He sighed, grateful that the rain, at least, was clearing out. His vision was less obscured and hearing what was going on would be easier.

    The rain clearing was really the only reason he was able to understand what Cain was yelling. Foster's blood froze at the words, and suddenly his finger was right back on the trigger. His memories drifted back to his father's transformation. If the dogs were able to push off the transformation once, what was to say the couldn't learn to control it with enough time? Was it really that far off? Foster kept his gun pointed in Audrey direction, hoping that Julia would move far enough away that he could get a clean shot off if necessary. He wouldn't fire from this far off if he didn't need to -too many risks- but he prepared himself for the possibility of having to kill the girl eventually. If it was for the safety of the group, Foster wouldn't think twice about killing her.

    He didn't concentrate on that too long, his finger twitching as he began to worry. Instead, he called out, "Are we staying here or are we leaving? Because if we're not moving now, you need to get your asses back in here." He didn't bother hiding the frustration in his voice.

Interactions: Zer0 Zer0
Mentions: FireFlare FireFlare CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

A bold statement to make indeed, considering that Mara herself was far from being the leader. Though, her counsel was always a welcome thing to Zach. Of course, her thinly-veiled threat was less than kind. "She stays, until we know what she's up to," Zach said with a tone of frustration, "then again, I should be asking you about your intentions. You were on guard, and then you ran off. Maybe it's you I should be questioning. Or maybe it's fucking Tyson who did the same. No, Audrey's just on the top of the fucking list right now. And you goddamn well know that. Hell, the only person doing anything right today is Foster fucking Dickens!" His frustration clearly getting the better of himself, Zach was doing next to nothing to seemingly help the situation. Especially since, for emphasis, he kicked an old can into the wall loudly and obnoxiously, though not as obnoxious as the way his facts were all wrong.

He took a deep breath, and looked around the barn. Before him were people his age, or older even, but all he seemed to see were rookies, rookies that were going to get themselves killed. He so easily forgot what they endured to get where they were, what they lost or were attempting to gain. He sometimes hoped for an end to their struggles, as he had no idea much more they would survive like this. "She's just stupid as can fucking be, alright? Julia's out there right now, and if anybody's suspect, it'd be the grouch who sleeps on the loft." He'd have to talk this over with Julia, soon, and in private. It was a bad decision, yes, but it did not warrant exile. It warranted chastising, and a loss of trust. Audrey was a human after all, and she knew just as well as any of us that the world works against us all.


His fellow shifter took note of his disguise, and surely intrigue into their plot. "They are weak, those ones. I can smell it on them," the shifter said with conviction, his mouth salivating at the thought of his next meal. "I... I'll tell you what. Lie in wait, let me convince them that I am one of them, and we both feed upon them. You don't look the part." The other shifter, though, did not have any plans to share. Once he got them where he wanted them, they would be far too weak, far too outmatched. But then again, a partner would nearly guarantee for success. "I change my mind. I will give a signal when they are vulnerable, and then, we may feast upon them together. Sound like a plan?" Of course, this lycan had said nothing of the other female near them. No doubt he knew she was there, but that was by design. She was wounded, having been struck by a bullet. She was weak, worthless, not worth the effort. For the female to have given up so easily on the group is rather foolish.

If only it were so simple to call this nameless mutt by a name, but he had none, no not that he could remember. He had no recollection of who or what he was. It didn't matter, so why bother? What he knew was that he was in pursuit of his prey, an elusive, and ever-rare breed that travelled in packs, and were simply delightful. He did not want to share his kills, nonetheless, but if it meant prosperity, then he would allow this disturbing intrusion on his meal, and resist what urges there may be to defend his claim.
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- Mara Malvern -
" Barn "

A look of highly affronted disbelief overcame Mara's features. "I went with Audrey to protect her, because I didn't want her to be alone. I scared that dogman away." she said, indignantly, angrier than before. "And you suspect me?" she laid a mechanical hand on her chest.

She tch and looked away, hands on her hips, and glaring at the wall; Coraline peeked out from the hole in the ceiling warily, and flinched when Zach kicked the can away; while Tiramisu seemed to have decided to go back to sleep.

Mara didn't speak for a while.

"Audrey isn't stupid." she said finally, calmer now. "I know what I saw and heard, the way she was evading my questions. She didn't go outside all weaponless to pee, Zach, that dogman just stood there. looking at her. This close." she emphasized with her hand. "Have you ever even heard of such a thing? Audrey didn't even scream, she just stood there in front of it. If that doesn't ring alarm bells, and you think it was just a stupid decision on her part ---" she threw her arms up sarcastically and didn't finish her sentence, but her look was plain enough to understand that she was seriously doubting his judgement.

"Just remember that choosing who can stay with our group isn't about who's real in front of our faces, but who's real behind our backs, Zach." she left it at that. And after giving him a long look, went over to the opposite end of the barn with her bow and arrows to guard their rear, while eating some rat jerky moodily.

Now that she had something more filling to eat, apart from Audrey, Cain was crazy today. He was right when he said there was a dogman outside. Did he say that to get them to come in, or did he really know it was there too? . . . If he actually knew, then . . . that was suspicious. Maybe Mara chose the wrong group to travel with to the North after all . . .

JokerValentine JokerValentine

Julia Ferren
Julia could hear the group chattering amongst themselves, easily picking out Zach's pissed off voice. The hot-headed bastard was always cursing up a storm - not that she could blame him, especially in their current situation. Her attention would move back to Audrey as she spoke, she felt bad for the woman. "Hey, hey. It's alright, it's not your fault. What matters is that everyone is okay, right?" Julia would try to comfort the woman the hand on Audrey's shoulder would move to her back rubbing in soft circles. Julia would nervously look over to the group that was right outside the barn, her eyes spotting Foster who was at his post with his gun pointed right at Audrey. Was this really that big of a deal? Cain was a madman spattering lies just to stir the pot! Julia's seen people like him, the kind that takes advantage of people's fears and anxieties to entertain himself - there was plenty of that going around during the initial outbreak. She couldn't blame Foster's wariness but now wasn't the time to be pointing guns at each other, not while there was a real threat out here somewhere.

Julia heard Foster's frustrated question and that's when she'd turn to Zach to speak up, "No good to stay here." she would comment before thinking for a moment. "But if we move as a group it can still track us..." Julia would let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration; of all the times to have drama within the group it had to be now. Julia was worried about Audrey's safety it seemed that a majority of people were against the woman, "Alright, c'mon. Can you stand?" she would ask Audrey while standing at her feet, offering her help up. This was a big mess and why? She ran out in the middle of the night in the rain without a gun, while it was pretty strange sometimes people just need to get away destress - perhaps that's what she was doing? Bad luck, just bad luck it seemed. Julia wasn't convinced that Audrey was bad, even with Mara's argument. It was dark, it was pouring rain, visibility was obscured and the situation was muddled because of it. "Now's not the time to debate this, I say we pack up and leave. Before it comes back."
Zach Ferren
Chastising: Zer0 Zer0

This bullshit again. From what Mara was insinuating, it seemed as if those rumors about those dogmen that disguised themselves as humans were true, and not some exaggerated story. Mara really was going off the deep edge now, wasn't she? It didn't even make sense regardless, it couldn't possibly, as then they'd all have been long dead. What a funny thought indeed. Maybe Mara was one of them and had been trying to tear the group all along? Maybe she was the only one that was right, and much like the fair maiden of Greek legend, she could forecast the downfall of the group, and nobody would believe her. But what Mara had to say about what she saw, about Audrey simply doing nothing, it was unusual. Alas, it could not make sense, as how could Mara even be so certain what she saw was real? Maybe she was just groggy from sleep, or wired and paranoid, or just plain losing it.

"So you're the hero we need and deserve then?" he said, boiling furthermore with anger, "I asked you to man the door, and you instead left one person on guard instead. That left us vulnerable to an attack! You could have asked someone else to cover, maybe send someone else, but no. No wonder you los-" He so badly wanted to utter those words to her, that on account of her idiocy and hers alone she lost her hand, but she was protected by her map. If she walks away from the group, their hope of finding the famed Northwest passage fades into obscurity, and they will wander endlessly, hopelessly searching for salvation. "If what you say is at all true, dumb as it may seem, then the truth will come out. But to pin Audrey on some stupid ghost story some drunks told to scare their fellow survivors is... is fucking ridiculous Mara."

But regardless, Mara's actions might have saved Audrey's life, or cost one of their own. But now, who really was the one who was truthful, honest, and open? Mara knew the map in detail, but only her and nobody else. Mara seemed to think there was more to this apocalypse than anyone thought. Mara was blind to her own secrecy. It's a shame Zach himself never caught on to it. He was far too pissed at the fact that she demanded the exile of a group member based off of a myth. Nothing else was said to her as she walked to her corner of the barn. Zach had far too much to say, but had to do more than words to keep this group from falling apart in a single night.
Based on the shouts she was hearing along with the gun still aimed at her way enough to convince Audrey that the majority of then group was against her at the moment. It was extremely unsettling, although Julia calming her nerves was helping in keeping her potentially acting out.

That... that was the last thing she wanted.

Nodding as the other woman offered to assist her with standing, Audrey let go a few shaking breathes, glancing nervously towards the weapon Foster held before the two began to return to the barn. As they walked, her mind had finally settled. If she was going to have any chance of remaining in this group, she was going to have to try and explain. Where that would get her… well, she was going to have to wait and see.

Upon entering the building Audrey would’ve separated from Julia to find her things, grabbing her journal before moving towards Zach and offering it to him. “They aren’t wrong.” The woman would’ve started this carefully, but there being absolutely no hostility in her voice. Everything being consumed by the anxiety that was tearing away at her.

JokerValentine JokerValentine Malice Queen Malice Queen
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Cade made it to his feet promptly after he subdued Cain. He had a good idea on what a "raging man with an axe"'s reaction would be. His predictions were right when the first thing Cain did was turn right to him and shout. Cade's grip on his handgun tightened, but he didn't bring it out just yet. He gave Cain a look that said, 'Come on. Give me a reason to pull the trigger'. Thankfully, for the both of them, Zach arrived to 'defuse' the situation, because he knew what would've went down. At first he directed his shouting at Cain's mindless, murderous rush at Audrey, then it shifted to the rest of them. As he joined them for a moment and ordered them back to the barn Cade loosened his grip on his pistol, but still kept his eyes on Cain until he went to ramble to Zach about her being a traitor. He also said that she "wore their skin". What Cain was speaking of, to Cade at least, was completely moronic. A wolf that could shift to a human form? It sounded more insane than some of the climbs he had done before all of this.

He obeyed Zach's order to return to the barn reluctantly. He himself wanted to get out as soon as they could. He could see daylight on the horizon and the clouds began to recede and fade. Cade almost got down on his knees and prayed thanks for the end of the night. Not just because he wanted to get out of there, but because then they'd have a slight edge on any other wolves that may show up. He entered the barn with a sigh. Tonight was an absolute disaster, and above all, stressful. Seeing as basically everyone was involved, it was also a stressful situation for the group. He found a spot to sit on a hay bale and put his head in his hands.

He needed some time to decompress, but it would be difficult with the whole 'shifters and shit' debate going on. Cain spread his lies like a cancer and now everyone is on edge about it. Cade personally didn't believe it nor did believe it. It was an interesting theory, but there was insufficient evidence to prove it. He shook his head as he too began wonder if shifters were real or not. He told himself it was stupid, but it was something to be taken into consideration. What if Audrey was one of these so called shifters? If she was, wouldn't she have stuck by now? Wouldn't she have called in more wolves and killed them all? Could that have been why she just sat there, frozen in front of that wolf? All these questions he kept formulating and he so desperately wanted to know the answer to them all. If she hadn't done those things by now, wouldn't you think she was truly on their side? He stood up and began to pace the floor of the barn. He noticed Audrey approach Zach and hand him a note book, only fueling his questions. What was in the notebook? Why was she giving it to him? What did she say to him? Above all, the biggest question he had was who to trust. Should they trust the accused or the accusers?

  • 1bf683d31c31b6fe21b3ece7517d177a.png


    On edge, slowly getting back to being normal. Questioning what the hell is going on.
    The people in the barn
    None at the moment

    So much was happening at that moment. Guns were fired, lead was flying and there were shouts. But what was outside was what everyone hated and feared, a dogman. The creatures that turned life to Hell. Devin remained within the barn, his gun clutched in his sweaty hands. He was going to keep this thing from coming into the barn. He cocked his gun, listening to all the commotion. Even some things about Audrey being a traitor or something Cain sprouted. He rolled his eyes, sighing to himself. He was being such a pain right now. But the thought lingered in his mind, he started questioning the decisions of the young woman. Why would she go out while it was raining? If she was going to the bathroom, why take so long. He sighed as the commotion finally ended when word got out the blasted thing escaped.

    Devin growled angrily, how could they have let the thing escape. They should have killed it. All the trouble its kind had caused, there would be one less on the streets. It is true they used to be human, but not anymore. That was gone. He huffed to himself, emptying his gun's chamber and put the gun back in its place. He sided softly, placing a hand on his forehead. He soon listened to all the yelling and the conversations that were happening. And boy, there was a lot happening. Devin crossed his arms and looked around, deep down, he did kind of blame Audrey for leaving in the first place, but it got out of control when Cain said something about a dogman. He huffed loudly, he was getting too old for this. When Zach lost his cool with Mara, he couldn't really blame him, but he didn't have to do that.

    Things were just getting really chaotic, but a choice had to be made, were they to stay, or leave the barn before any more dogmen come. Susan looked over towards Devin, speaking up, "What do you think we should do?" She asked curiously, having tried to keep her brother calm. Devin shifted his dark-colored hues to his sister. He honestly didn't know what was a good idea. If they left the group, it would be fewer in number and not that many mistakes, but ambushes would be easier. Leaving the group was not an option obviously. However, he did think that leaving the barn could be a good idea. That chances of more dogmen coming by were high and he didn't want to lose anyone. Plus it was raining, how far could they get in the storm. They could wait and leave in the morning. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair, not sure on what to do. "I don't know. I really don't." He said in a low tone, looking towards the others. He returned his gaze to Susan, "Hold that thought." He walked closer to the smaller group, listening in to hear what was going on for right now.

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Funny, how mused the Muse of Cade. This lie, the lie of the shifters existing, so true was it that it spread like a cancer. The evil tendrils of the thought had crossed through the ether so far, it now obscured the visage of reality. Cade was more astute to the plotting of Cain, the one who had seemingly stirred within them the fear of this reality. To honest Mara, it was what she saw out of Audrey. The cohesion of the group was started to crumble, as indeed it was that black cancer of a thought prying them apart at the very seams. The group had turned upon itself, Mara on Audrey, Cain on Audrey, Audrey on Cade, and Zach on his responsibility to prevent it all. What sort of leader could have led this turmoil to cause? Surely the same one who continued to let it develop. Mara's remarks still causing him to seethe, the male found it tough to restrain himself. Yet, were not those the only ones that dared defy his wishes.

Tyson had fallen silent, much like the many nameless faces of the group. The loyal Devin, unknown to Zach, had started to turn his back to the leader, just as Mara had done. If not to aggravate the situation further, the ever deceptive Audrey had now shown her true colors. Such colors were the ones found in a journal of sorts, and quickly she presents it to him. Eager to see what lies inside, the survivor turned open a page, and read a few of the words to himself. He looked at the drawings, the notes, pausing for a moment to think of what he was now reading. Was this a ploy? Was this a form of his mutiny, for the group to rile him up in conspiracies? No, that can't be right, that's too organized. And Judging by Cade's surprise, it surely was not expected of the woman to pull such a stunt either.

Were Zach a brilliant genius, a true sense of a leader, he perhaps would have taken greater precaution. The shifters, unknown to him, had torn apart groups in their deceit, mimicking a member, gaining their trust only to become a meal. And now, he was supposed to believe that Audrey was one of them? "I..." the words wouldn't come out for Zach. Whatever words he had to say, they were stuck in his throat. Was he supposed to believe in a drawing? Some stupid bored kid writing fantasy stories about how she was some sort of werewolf beast, some sentient and conscious monster. He was supposed to believe that? Then he recounted what brave Mara had to say. "it isn't about who's real in front of our faces, but who's real behind our backs." Audrey was being real to him up front after she had allegedly deceived Mara. Somehow, it didn't make sense.

Being out on the road for so long wore the truest of souls weary. Surviving day after day, putting one's life into the hands of others. Through so many trials, so many obstacles, so many deaths, and it all came down to this moment. Where members of the group had threatened to depart in selfishness. But if it was by Fate to send the weary aimless into the remains, destined to walk among No Man's Land for the rest of one lives, chased by the hounds of hell, so too did Fate have other plans. For nobody knew it, though the dark clouds had passed, darker ones loomed. How the group, what remains at least, would weep for the ones to meet a dismal death so soon.

The journal still clutched in his hands, Zach read it again. Some the words he didn't know, or couldn't read. He didn't understand what "cerebral" or "regression" meant exactly, but the more he read, the more weight he felt. What was Audrey's play on this? Was she a prideful artist that wanted to show her creative spirit had not broken? Or did she seek to admit she was a creature of fable. So much had happened since the outbreak, to see the nature of humanity become feral, r their very own group to break down, that maybe a wolf that could masquerade as humans wasn't so far off.

Zach turned to Julia, her sympathetic gaze never wavering. He looked to Cade, his prying eyes searching desperately for what lied in the notebook. He looked to solitary Mara, her confidence in Zach oh so wavering. Faced with the safety of the group, he had no choice. He had to give in to what Audrey wanted out of him. "Foster, Cade, take Audrey and lock her in a stall. She tries to flee, you know what to do. Everyone else, pack your shit up. We're leaving as soon as we can." The fix was temporary, but he still had to decide what to do with this threat. Cain had admitted it first before anyone had, though Zach did not know. Mara saw it, and Audrey confessed it. Whether she came to her senses and let loose this charade, or he took her out to the pasture one last time, let her look upon the flowers before freeing her from the group (of her mortal coil) would be for him to decide. If only he had the time to think.

Mentions: Malice Queen Malice Queen StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Zer0 Zer0 FireFlare FireFlare CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Cheshire Grin Cheshire Grin Raku Raku
- Mara Malvern -
" Barn "


Mara watched Audrey come back in the barn with guarded eyes. Her brows furrowed when she presented Zach a notebook she hadn't noticed before, but it was her next words that made Mara's jaw drop. Her heart pounded and in one smooth practiced motion she had an arrow knocked and aimed at Audrey.

But she didn't shoot. Oh, this lady. Those were the eyes of someone anxiously confessing with the intent of peace.

What the bloody barnacles she was friends with them all along? Her eyes looked between Audrey and Zach, saw him try to speak but seem to be loss for words --- Mara couldn't take it. "Don't move, Audrey." she said calmly, and slowly came as close as she dared to look at the journal over Zach's shoulder; above Coraline worriedly whimpered, "Auntie."

If it was possible, Mara's jaw dropped even lower, and she now looked at Audrey with fear, which instantly turned into that same I'm-going-to-kill-you-before-you-kill-me steely look she gave that other dogman. But then Zach's words --- his merciful words, actually, caught her by surprise.

Okay, Audrey's been a friend until today happened, Mara didn't know what she was doing with that dogman in the rain. Even if she asked Audrey what was that all about, there was just . . . she just couldn't trust her. This could be just a distraction, yet if she shot Audrey this instant she could get shot by the others who might think she lost it. So she gritted her teeth and clamped her mouth shut.

Springing away from Audrey quickly, Mara whistled for Tiramisu and told Coraline they were leaving, and ran out of the barn like someone avoiding a live grenade. "Crazy, crazy." she muttered to herself, as she mounted her horse. Ropes won't hold a dogman. And to tell two people to approach her, Zach's just . . . he's too much of a nice guy. Mara knows, I mean, she couldn't shoot her too because they were friends once. No, this softness is going to get them killed.

Tiramisu galloped out into the new dawn, circling to the side of the barn where Coraline climbed down the drainage pipe and Mara hoisted her up behind her. "Audrey's a dogman." she said in a voice only her niece could hear.

"W-what?!" said Coraline, looking back at the barn in shock.

"We're leaving this crazy group, Coraline. We're going to the north by ourselves."

"You're going to abandon them?"

A pang of guilt. "They have guns. They are many. They can take care of themselves." said Mara firmly.

"But . . ." Coraline's shoulder slumped. This was happening so fast. She wanted to say goodbye. She liked Julia, and Zach, and Audrey, and the others.

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