
Lunatra sighed as Rei's voice went cold, returning to the general she knew too well. Silently, she followed him into the cave, looking up and scanning the scene, her gaze landing on Archer. She frowned slightly, sensing something different about him, squinting her eyes and staring intently at him. At last, he looked up to her, eyes glowing crimson, which made Lunatra stumble back, her hand flying to her mouth. A vampire. He was a vampire. She wanted to scream, to shout, to tear her hands through her hair. It wasn't the fact that he was a vampire that upset her, it was the fact that she wouldn't be able to protect him. Not if he was a vampire. "Lavrador," she whimpered, turning slowly to face him, "What happened?"

Suddenly, once again, she was frightened, her dark eyes wide, flickering from Archer, to Rei, then back to Lavrador. She wanted answers, she wanted to know what had happened while she had fled. She watched Archer carefully as he looked away from her, and over to the small girl, giving her a smile and kneeling down to her height. Blinking, Lunatra looked away, for it reminded her too much of Seara, of the young, innocent healer who had passed.

The shadows molded themselves around Adrienne as she let out a sigh, leaning casually against a tree not too far from the cave. Although she had not yet succeeded in killing Rei, she was a rather patient woman, willing to take her time to achieve her goal. So, for now, her sights rested upon the boy. He stood outside of the cave, a scowl on his face. Adrienne smirked at this, finding his frustration amusing, wanting to laugh at it. But, instead she simply smiled her sickeningly sweet smile, walking towards him, swaying her hips side to side seductively. Her silk dress was no longer in tatters, and clung onto her body in all the right places, revealing attractive curves and large breasts.

"Mikage," her voice sang into his mind as she approached him, raising her soft hand to gently caress his cheek, smiling beautifully, as if she were innocent and harmless. "Such a handsome boy, aren't you?" she whispered, fingers grazing down his neck, slowly turning into vicious claws. When she smiled again, it was taunting, almost laughing at him. "Such a shame," she tisked, her clawed hand now laying flat on his chest, "You would of made such a lovely play toy, my dear." Then, in a single swift motion, she dug her hand into his chest, tearing the claws across his heart, smirking victoriously. "All you wanted was attention. And now, darling, you'll receive it." She then yanked out her hand, holding his heart in her palm, a cruel glint in her eyes.

"What a wasted life," she whispered, clutching the heart tightly between her fingers. He wasn't dead yet, and he would feel the pain. The torture of her words, piercing his skin. "No one ever loved you. Who would love you, anyways?" She laughed loudly at the thought, tossing her head back, heart still in her hand. "My dear, dear Mikage, in doing you a favor by killing you! You won't have to suffer any longer. At last, you won't have to plead for Rei's attention." With those words, she let the heart slip from her grasp, landing on the snow, splattering scarlet blood across the blinding white. Then, she raised her foot and stomped on it, squishing it beneath her toe, smirking as the foolish boy perished, his heart under her boot.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment

I'm not editing anything <.<
Lavrador looked over to Lunatra, his hand dropping Kanin's as he backed away slightly. His hand's made their way to his skull as he hung his head in shame, his soft painful voice sounding as more tears trickled down. "I'm sorry... " Frau looked over at Lunatra as she demanded to know what happened, grunting again as he turned from her. He didn't care to answer, she is the one who took off. Such a horrible solider she was, to suddenly let her emotions sway over her.

Mikage walked around in the snow, his attention slowly being pulled away as he heard a dark voice. He glanced over as Adrienne approached, his head tilting in curiosity as he stood. He pulled back slightly as her hand slowly lifted to his cheek, its soft graze suddenly turning violent. He kicked himself backwards, but it was to late, his mouth filled with blood, his purple eye's gazing down to her arm, which still stayed lodged in his chest. His small hand grabbed weakly onto it as she wrenched it out, his heart being pulled out in front of him. Blood poured out of his mouth, like a fountain as his heart fell to the ground, his wide, popping eyes suddenly collapsing along with his body as she stomped on it. Blood squirting everywhere, a small tear running from his cheek as he feel to the ground dead. His body lifeless over a pool of blood.

Ark winced, his men looking at him in curiously as he pushed back in to his chambers, the doors swinging open. The two guards looked to each other then towards the swinging doors. There uneasy voices sounding as they spoke. "King?" Ark collapsed to the ground behind the door, his breathing heightened as he looked around dizzily. "Mikage?" He groaned his head dropping to look at the floor as he tired to pull himself together.

Frau and Caster winced, their hands quickly clenching at their heads as sharp pain forced them to their knees. Caster let out a painful scream and Frau forced his mouth shut, forcing his voice to muffle in his mouth. Caster hunched over, his elbows digging into the dirt as he clenched his teeth. His eye's widened as he looked up, his eye's veering over towards Rei. Frau still clenched in a ball in pain as he grasped at his hair, almost pulling it out as he clawed at it. Rei stood still, eye's wide open, filled with pain, his face turning pale as he coughed slightly. Blood seeped out of the corner of his lips, trickling down his chin. His hand grasped at his chest, his pale eye's becoming faded as he collapsed to the floor. He landed on his left arm, the other bent by his head as he fell unconscious, his body twisted to the side.

Caster pushed away the pain standing his histarical voice echoing in the cave. "KING!" He ran forward stumbling as he did, walling to his knee's as he pulled the King's head from the dirty ground. His body felt like it was on fire, sweat trickling down his face as droplets of blood dripped from his mouth. Caster looked around, his eyes looking for Mikage. He could feel it.. Mikage was dead. One of the fractions gone. This had never happened before, and not any part of him had considered the consiouences of one of them dieing. Caster quickly looked back to Rei, his voice sounding quietly. "God dammit Ark... WAKE UP!"

Caster was histarical, never in his life was he this scared. Frau jumped to his feet as he looked towards Caster, his eye's to moving to find Mikage. Veloren flinched slightly, his mind pushing forward into Solace and Ramzi's mind as they made their way threw the tunnels. "It seems Adrienne has beaten you too it.. However both of you pass for human. Try and join their group. It will be difficult, but I have faith in you too... "

GoddessOfGod CharChar45
Everything happened so fast, Lunatra didn't even have time to process it. Her attention had been on Lavrador, who looked at her with tears in his eyes, guilt clear in his expression. She opened her mouth to say something, to say it was okay, but, just as fast, she snapped it shut. Caster's scream echoed in her ears as she spun to face them, eyes wide, hands falling limply to her side. They were all in pain, Caster, Frau, and Rei, gritting their teeth as they gasped for air. Caster fell forward, clutching his temples, tears filling his eyes. Frau seemed more resistant, refusing to scream, although it was obvious he was in pain. And Rei... Rei collapsed to the ground, blood trickling from his mouth. His body was twisted, eyes devoid of any light, sending sheer terror through Lunatra.

She shook her head violently, her hand over her mouth as she bit back a shriek, gaze glued onto his limp body. "R-Rei?" she whispered, her voice cracking as she took a single step forward. There was no reply, not a single movement. Panic filled her as she ran towards him, feeling as if she was being dragged down by cement, tears pouring down her cheeks. "Rei!" she cried, falling to her knees beside him, clutching his shoulders desperately. "Wake up, dammit! Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" Her arms trembled as she shook him wildly, her whole body shaking as a swirl of emotions swept through her. Then, she gave up, sobbing as she fell forward, her face landing in his chest.

What had happened? Why was he as so, limp on the ground, no light in his eyes? Lunatra answered her own question, her eyes darkening and hands clenching into fists. "Veleron," she hissed, jerking upright, hands pressed onto Rei's chest. "That bloody bastard..." She squeezed her eyes shut, searching through her mind, finding the block that had been put up, keeping him out of her mind, and keeping her thoughts to herself. She then put all her mental force against it, pushing with all her might. At last, the wall broke, crumbling to the ground, allowing him full entry into her mind. Alright you damn bastard she hissed, eyes flying open as she focused her thoughts to him, You wanted to get into my mind, well here you go. Now I want to compromise. Not fight, not try to kill each other, but compromise.

As she mentally spoke to Veleron, Lunata stood, her expression cool and unreadable as she gathered her things. Her bag full of supplies. The dagger gifted to her. Her bow. Her arrows. She brushed her fingers through her hair, then braided it quickly, letting it run down her back. Using water from her canteen, she washed the blood and dirt from her hands, arms, and face. When she rose again, she was a solider, not the silly young woman who had fallen in love with her general. She looked put together and pristine, ready to face anything. Calmly, she walked to the entrance of the cave, pausing to glance over her shoulder, her gaze flickering to Archer and Lavrador. To be safe, she dug through her bag, pulling out a chunk of garlic and dropping it at the entrance, to make sure they wouldn't try to follow her.

She then returned her attention to the outside world. There was still about another hour or two before dark, enough time to get as far as possible from this cave. Enough time to find Veleron, and try to compromise. To try to save Rei. He wouldn't like it, that much she knew. But she also knew she couldn't stand seeing him like this, weak and helpless on the ground. And who would miss her besides the two vampires who could not even leave? She meant nothing to Frau nor Caster, and she hoped that would keep them out of her way. And Kanin and Cain? They would be safer there, to stay in that cave. The same went for the little girl, who Archer seemed so willing to protect. They would all be so much safer in that damned tunnel.

Archer had not expected for the girl to come and protect him as she did, holding up the larger boulder effortlessly, shielding him from the falling rocks. He smiled at her because of that, gently reaching over and pulling the boulder from her grasp and resting it aside. The pebbles and stones had now stopped falling, and there was now no more need for her protection, although he was indeed grateful for it. "Thank you," he said softly to Cry, smiling at her and kneeling down to her height, reaching out and ruffling her hair. Already, the scratches and scars on his back were healing, as part of his new abilities. He barely felt them anymore, and it was more of a slight soreness shivering down his spine. "Are you okay? No scratches or bruises?" he asked her, watching her with concern in his crimson eyes.

It was then that the man tapped him on the forehead, shocking Archer as he spun to face him, teeth bared as a low growl rumbled from his throat. You will do. That's all he had said, and Archer looked at him in confusion, gaze flickering between him and Kanin, a brow arched questioningly. What was that supposed to mean? He would do for what? It made no sense, so Archer shook it off, letting his gaze wander to Lunatra, watching her as she tried to process everything, looking absolutely terrified. He gave her a slight smile, ready to go and talk to her, to explain things, when the scream filled the room. Archer winced, slapping his hands over his ears, jerking upright to see who caused the sound, scrunching his brows together.

All three generals withered in pain, Caster crying out as he clutched his temples. Archer quickly took it all in, leaping to his feet and pushing Cry and Kanin behind him, eyes narrowed. "What in the bloody hell..." He muttered, eyes widening as Rei collapsed to the ground, blood protruding from the corner of his mouth. Lunatra shrieked, and Archer stood there in shock, unable to move, watching as his sister ran to Rei's side, shaking him violently, begging him to wake up. Tears poured down her cheeks, and Archer stepped forward, holding out his hand to touch her shoulder, but hesitated, watching her back with his crimson eyes. He then pulled his hand away, stepping back as she sobbed, clutching onto Rei like a lifeline.

And, as fast as she broke down, she seemed calm once more. She stood, her gaze cool and unreadable, gathering her stuff silently, eyes narrowed as she maintained a cold demeanor. Yet Archer could see the slight shaking of her hand as she strapped her bow to her back, the slight fear glinting in her eyes as she glanced over to Rei's limp body. But no one else would notice these things, for no one else knew her like he did. And he also knew she got like this when about to do something that put her life on the line. "Lunatra!" he called out as she began to exit the cave, running after her. It was then that the stench hit him, and he staggered back, gagging and crinkling his nose at the horrid smell.

"Lunatra?" he choked out, looking up to her as she spared him a glance, slight regret in her eyes. The sun shimmered off her hair and skin, dancing off the snow. "Lunatra, stay here," Archer pleaded, gasping out the words as dizziness swept over him, "Stay here. Rei wouldn't want you to do this." He stared intently at her, eyes watering from the garlic, trying not to suffocate on the scent. She simply looked away, unmoving, her eyes faraway. At last, she spoke. "I'm sorry, Archer." His heart sank as she turned on her heel, breaking into a run, going towards the woods, leaving behind everything else.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment

It took me forever to write this >.< hope it's somewhat good
Caster looked up, his eye's watching Lunatra was she packed her things. His head spun for a moment, vibrating his mind shaking. He winced slightly, looking down at Rei.. Not not Rei, Ark. His hand gently touching his feverish form. Lavrador jumped up suddenly, his eye's widening as he looked to Lunatra, her form moving into the light. He could feel it. The barrier torn down from her mind as he lunged forward. He came skidding to a stop as the smell of garlic reached his nose, his form stumbling back and landing on his rear. His eye's watered slightly as she walked out, her eye's locked with her brothers.

A harsh, critical voice pierced her head, its cold lingering feeling consuming her "Ahhh, it seem's my theory was correct. If I kill all of Ark's fractions he will slowly die.. Interesting. I have no reason to negotiate with you. After all. I will only exchange his life for Lavrador's.. You will not find me girl. I have already made sure of that. " His haunting voice lingered for a moment before dimming. Veloren did not expect Adrienne to act as she did. But he was happy now. After all he had finally confirmed the real King was not Ark who stood in the Kingdom, but Rei would stood with the generals. Who would have thought?

Caster's eye's glanced up to Lavrador as he backed away from the entrance. Caster yelled, his voice less hysterical now that the pain began to subside. "Lunatra.. Even if you leave.. --" His sentence stopped, his head tilting down to see nothing there. Rei's body was gone. Caster lifted his hands to look at them making sure her wasn't hallucinating from all the pain. Caster quickly stood his eye's shooting out of the gave onto a hazy form. A hand grabbed Lunatra, his sweaty, hot, boiling flesh rubbing onto her arm as it stopped her.

Heavy panting came from the man who held her in place, his weak pale eye's faded as his body hunched over slightly. Caster's voice sounded again as his eye's adjusted to see the figure. "Ark! " He yelled walked forward slightly, the sun hitting his face as he watched Ark's weak body hold her in place. His breathing was heavy, it was the only thing you could heard as he spoke, his form breathless. "Don't.. " Blood still trickled down his lips, his form trying to pull her forward, but instead collapsing into the snow.

Caster's eye's widened, running out and kneeling next to him, his fingers feeling the pulse on the side of his neck. "Lunatra, if you leave he will follow you in this state... You will kill him... " Caster snapped at her, as Frau slowly approached the both of them. It didn't matter to Frau, he would not let her leave. It would only risk Ark's condition, and who knows how that would effect his fractions. Frau looked back to Harmin, his eye's narrowing as he spoke. "Don't you have something to help him... " Caster to looked back at Harmin awaiting a answer.


Wonders if Char realizes Rei is actually King Ark. >.>
Solace snorted, at the vampires speedy display of loyalty.. " But, without this one here with you my Lord, who else will kiss your ass on such a level? " Solace smiled. " Don't worry it will be quick, assuming Ramzi is competent enough to get us there. " She then turned and followed Ramzi down the tunnel.

Solace was eager for this, she had very little intention of bringing Ramzi back alive however. Veloren had enough followers, she didn't like so much competition. " So, Ramzi.. Lets get there quickly, so we can have a fun time with the kills. I should be able to keep up with you, go as fast as you can. " Solace considered a damsel in distress plot. " Perhaps I could use him, if of course the group is large enough to need to do so.. Distract the main party by him attacking me, and running off.. Leaving me with the sweet one who stayed to make sure I was ok.. Assuming they are the right kind of group... " Solace's mind during the journey would continue to plot fun ways to get the job done.

( Erm, so I guess I wait for the leap out of the bushes chance when we arrive? xD )
The first to fall was cain . No noise but he held his heart a little as if it wa about to jump out on it's own. He gritted his teeth as he began to hugg and pant trying to find a way to breathe just one ounce of air. Kanin looked back toward him and ran over trying to hold him up frofalling. "whats wrong..cain tell me." Hamin reaching for her , he tried to pull away but fell back a little. Faliing onto one of his knees he tried to cover his mouth. But something wwas crawling out. In such a state of pain he could not full control his power sos the small boy he had eaten started to climb his way out. Even thought it was an illusion his body did not shift.

Back in the king's chambers his real body popped awayke. Coughing he stumbled a little to get out of bed. "d..damnit." Trying to reach the door he grabbed onto one of the curtians but fell on his side. " ah hell.this is troublesome." Back to where kanin was hamin had to open his mouth to shove the kid back down. His pale hands comming from within his throat he took his and began to shove it. Hamin's real body sighed as he snapped his finger conjuring up a little magic , trying to make the illusion go away."As the illusion was about finished shoving he boy back down it vanished leaving traces of wind.

Kanin set down cain, so he could lie down on the cold ground as she drug him out into the snow. leaving him in pain she ran over to where caster was and knelt down. Her tempertature so high out of all the confusion the snow beneath her knees began to melt. Looking over the body the name rang through her ears. " ..father"
Caster tisked, his hand over Ark's forehead, his skin burning, the heat from his sweat burning into his flesh. He spoke softly his gentle yet scared voice taking over. "We need to lower his tempture ... He's burning up.." Frau looked down, carefully kneeling down, his hand grazing Arks cheek. He squinted slightly, as he to tisked at the feeling of his tempture. The snow around Ark's hot body turned to slush as he panted his mind not fully conscious. Frau kneeled down, his form gently touching the other side of Ark. Caster readjusted as Frau placed his hands ontop of Arks chest.

Both Caster and Frau's hands glowed, the pained look on the Kings face fading away as his eyes opened weakly. The sound of Kanin's voice sounding as he turned his head slightly. His entire body felt weak, pain in every limp. For his fractions the pain was minimal compared to his, after all it was his soul that had been destroyed. He gave a week smile as hand raising gently to touch Kanin's cheek. His eyes haze over as his weak, yet gentle voice sounded "Kanin, shouldn't you been sleeping..." He was confused, his state of mind shaken as his hand dropped from her cheek.

The sweat from his brows slowly lessened, his tempture slowly dropping and Frau and Caster shared their power with their original half. Casters hands moved again to touch his bare skin, it's texture bareable as he gave out a sigh. "His tempture is dropping. " caster gave a sigh of relief as Frau looked over to Kanin.

The fake Ark stood, his body being pulled into his room were Harmin stood. The fake Ark brushed off the pain, straightening for a moment as the pain subsided. He raised his hand, his glare watching him palms as they slowly stopped shaking. "Mikage?.." His eyes narrow as they moved to Harmin. He could hear the soft crys of his men calling him from the other side of the door. He sighed calling back to him that he was fine.

Ramzis smile, no response, his form just in a sudden sprint. His speed as incredible, though he held back slightly to make sure she could follow. Twist as turn in every which way as he carefully followed his nose. "The look on your face tells me you have a plan? It won't be so easy of Adrienne has shaken them." He glanced back at her, surprise to see she actually kept up. His smile, something was never right with her, she always seemed misplaced. Even surrounded by thousands of blood thirst vampires, she still seemed cruel. Such an unusual human. He sighed turning his head back as they ran threw the tunnels. They were almost their, the end of the tunnels quickly surfacing.

GoddessOfGod CharChar45 Harusun
Solace kept up with Ramzi, but not without considerable effort.. She had overestimated her own speed. " I might have one, tell me what you know about the enemy we are after, and tell me if you smell any unrelated groups of humanoids nearby before we reach our destination. If they are weak minded they should be empathetic towards others. " Solace said all this without ever actually looking at Ramzi, even while she spoke she still seemed deep in thought, her amber eyes pulsing, and bulging as the wheel in her head spun.

" One human.. Hostage,.. Two humans Test, and Hostage...Three humans Test, Hostage, FUN. Four humans.. Test, Hostage, Fun, meal for Ramzi.. No Humans.. Well.. It won't be as fun, but it will be almost as easy.. Also, I wonder if I cou-.. " Solace kept up a perfectly malicious grin, as she continued to consider fun plots. But this could all be pure speculation, or pointless.. For Solace was never one for self control. A plan could be abandoned in the blink of an eye, for a chance at speedy satisfaction..
Lunatra shuddered as his icy voice echoed through her mind, shivers quivering down her spine. His tone was final, giving her next to no options to save Rei. She squeezed her eyes shut, taking a deep breath as she made up her mind. Rei had once asked her who she would choose if it came between him and Lavrador and her brother. She hadn't known the answer then, and figured that was one question she could never solve. Yet she solved it now, almost shocked as she sent her words to Veleron, eyes still shut. "I'll bring you Lavrador..." That was a promise, she would bring him Lavrador, "But leave Rei out of this. Leave him alone." He had nothing to do with this, nothing to do with what Veleron wanted.

A warm, clammy hand gripped her shoulder, and she turned around, eyes widening as she stared at Rei. Blood protruded from the corner of his mouth as he attempted to pull her back to the cave, simply falling forward as he did so, Lunatra acting on instinct and catching him, her arms under his. It had been a single word, don't, and Lunatra was reluctant to listen. But Caster made a good point, if she continued, he would follow her, which would kill him in the process. She winced at the thought, holding onto him tightly, gasping as she tried to lift up his weight. "Caster, I need water," she snapped, flinging Rei's arm around her shoulder, then wrapping her arm around his waist to support his weight.

Slowly, she made her way back to the cave, holding up Rei as she practically dragged him inside. Gently, she rested him against the wall of the cave, placing a cool hand on his feverish forehead. "My god Rei," she whispered, face pinched with worry, "You're burning up." Her fingers brushed against his cheek, sweeping away the sweat on his face, dropping it to the cave floor. "Lunatra?" She didn't even look up as Archer spoke, gritting her teeth, holding onto Rei's shoulders tightly. "Lunatra..." She continued wiping away the sweat from his brow, somehow keeping a straight face, although her hands trembled. A hand rested on her shoulder and she swiped it away, squeezing her eyes shut. "I can help him Archer... I know I can, god dammit."

There was no reply, just silence. Lunatra bowed her head, burying her face in the crook of Rei's neck. "What in the bloody hell happened, Rei?" she whispered, eyes tightly shut. "Lunatra..." Archer's voice was stern, his hand tight on her shoulder as he pulled her back, crimson eyes glaring accusingly at Rei, "He's not Rei. Never was. Rei is just something he made up to trick all of us." Confused, Lunatra looked up to her brother, yanking out of his grasp. "What do you mean, he isn't Rei?" she snapped, narrowing her eyes, gaze sharp. Archer's words came immediately, quick and sharp, like a stab wound to her chest. "It's Ark. This whole time, Rei has been Ark."

At first, Lunatra didn't believe it, didn't want to believe it, opening her mouth to snap back a retort. But, just as quick, her mouth slammed shut, and she spun to face Rei, shaking her head back and forth repeatedly. She could see it now. She could see clearly, not Rei, but Ark, who she had grown to despise. "Why?" she whispered, scrambling away from him, her voice shaking, "Why did you lie?" Part of her was angry, part of her was sad, and part of her... Part of her still cared about him. And she had no idea which part to listen to.

Bloody hell, I see y'all's post after I post x-x uhh... Well crap

Darktanion GoddessOfGod
Caster watched Lunatra carefully, her small form dragging Ark back into the cave. Both Frau and Caster glanced at each other, then slowly stood following Lunatra. Caster watched carefully as Archer told her the truth, his real name that she had laid death ears on till now. The look on her face said fear, anger and anguish. Caster carefully walked over, his hand gently touching his forehead. His tempter had rose again, his chapy skin covered in sweat as he struggled to breath. Frau moved next to him, blocking Lunatra as he gave a her a stern stare. His dark blue eyes shifting to Ark as he leaned down his hand to laying on his chest, his tips aglow.

They would not let home die. They had already began to feel better, so he must be too right? Frau glanced up at Lunatra as she spoke, wondering why he lied. His eyes narrowed as he spoke. "He never lied... After all you never asked.. Not that I truly believe he would have told you otherwise ... No one has ever known he was the original. Even before the war.. You honestly thought a general had the power to save your life? No.. Ark was there. His soldiers went to kill you... And he stopped them. He didn't want to see a innocent child die.. So he rewrote your memories. Too save you.." Frau's voice was cold, to the point as he spoke. Caster cleared his throat, giving Lunatra a warm smile as he spoke. "Don't be so upset.. " he glanced over at Cain and Kanin. "Not even his right hand or daughter knew.. No one outside of us fractions did... "

The sweat on Ark's forehead began to lessen again, his face cooling slightly Caster pulled his attention back to Ark. Frau quickly spun around, his icy cold glare meeting with Lunatra. He kneeled over her slightly as she pushed herself back. "He was an idiot to save someone like you. You who so easily challenge him. What girl? So now that he wasn't the person you thought he was, he's not the write person now!? So selfish.. No wonder he hid you. Cause he knew if I realized a spoiled wrench such as your self existed I would have killed you a long time -" a hand grabbed his shoulder, immediately causing him to spin around as he heard a weak voice behind him. "Enough.."

His eyes widened as he looked over Ark. Caster's looked to him, his eye's just as wide as he spoke "Ark! Stop moving around.." Caster reached forward pulling him back from Frau, his heavy panting and slight coughing causing Caster to check his tempture again. Ark tried to pull away, but his body was to weak, his strength like a child's to Caster. Ark grunted slightly, his form slouching on top of Caster. Frau huffed at him, standing with hands folded in displeasure.

Ramzi glance back at her, his speed not adjusting once, despite that fact he could see her struggling slightly. He closed his eyes taking in the scents. "One human, five Dragons and two vampires..." He sniffed again. The last scent was unsettling, mixed and new. "There is another, but the species is unknown.." He looked forward again taking a sharp left, causing his boots to skid in the dirt for a moment, dust jumping into the air as he lunged forwards down the next tunnel.

Veloren smirked, not responding to Lunatra as she offered Lavrador to him. To him she was so closed mind, and now that her brother has pointed out her lover is the King himself. The person who he speaks to kill with Lavrador, what will she do? Will she allow he love to kill her friend? Is she so selfish? She must be if she was willing to allow her friend to suffer under his rein.




Cain had clamed down but kanin was sitting beside cain holding her legs. " was father" Cain groaned a little as he looked upwards toward kanin. Her heand on her cheek as she watched her father from a distance." It was him all along." Cain looked over toward ark, his fixed mixed with anger and sadness, a hint of relaxiation knowing the king didn't go into a complet turmoil while he was away. As he looked over he realized hamin wasn't there. " where is hamin." Kanin shrugged as she stared at ark with sad eyes.

Hamin slowly stood coughing a little as he wiped his mouth. " god that felt like someone ripped my heart out." He held onto his chest as he took in deep breaths. " an illuison very well played my king, even i couldn't see past that" Hamin smirked as he checked his pulse. " i won't be fooled again..ah wait " He held his fingers to his neck, himself calming down again. " itll be a while before i can send another out.:"He sighed slumping down into a chair. " what wil you do about king."
Lunatra winced at Frau's words, her hands clenching into fists, hair falling in her face as she bowed her head. Every word was just another wound, another slap in the face, silencing her almost immediately. She did not say a word, not even after R- Ark, not even after Ark told him to stop. Because, every word he said was true. It had been stupid of Ark to save a foolish girl, just because she was an innocent child. She was a spoiled wench, selfish and arrogant. So she remained silent, not saying a word, unable to look at anyone in the tunnel. There were no snarky remarks, no cool, uncaring statements. Just solemn silence, her eyes glued to the ground.

"You're wrong." The voice surprised Lunatra, and she looked up, her gaze landing on Archer's back as he stood in front of her, glaring at Frau. "Yes, she tends to act before thinking, and speaks her mind, but she is not, in any way, selfish. All I've ever seen her do is sacrifice herself to help others, and don't you dare say otherwise. And don't you ever insult my sister again, or I swear to God..." His crimson eyes glowed angrily, body tense as he stared the general down, fists clenched at his sides. Slowly, Lunatra reached out, grabbing his wrist and gently pulling him back, shaking her head slightly. She didn't want him to lose his temper, to end up getting himself killed.

He hesitated as she pulled him back, opening his mouth to say something, then snapping it shut again. With a sigh, he turned away from Frau, giving him a final death glare before walking away, leaning against the tunnel wall. It was then that the scent wafted up his nose. He stiffened, arching his head upwards and sniffing the air, eyes narrowing at the two distinct scents. One was human, the smell almost bitterly sweet, like a lemon with sugar. The other was a vampire, the sickeningly sweet scent making him crinkle his nose as he straightened abruptly, eyes flashing. "Someone's coming. Two people, to be exact, a human and a vampire," he spoke so rapidly, so fast, he could barely understand his words.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment
Ark grunted as he stood up, his body shaking with difficulty. Frau shot a glare at Archer as he fled to the wall of the cave. Ark smiled, his hand gently raised to graze Lunatras cheek. His eyes widened as she flinched away from his graze, her eyes refusing to meet with his. His heart sank as he stood, pulling away from her, a weak hurtful smile on his lips. He walked past her, a lighter smile coming to him as he touched Kanin's head, his light weak voice sounding. "You don't think I would ever stay in the Kingdom knowing your out here alone?" He leaned down kissing her forehead.

He smiled pulling away from her with a light smile, and just as quickly as his body stood, it vanished, leaving nothing behind except dust that had picked up by his boots. Caster jumped up suddenly yelling out "King?!?" Frau's jaw dropped, he never thought the King had enough energy to 'jump'. Ark reappeared in the snow, his body collapsing on one knee as he clenched at his abdomen. He glanced up, a weak voice sounding again. "Mikage?" His body lay splattered on the floor, crimson red covering the snow. He pulled himself up and walk over to the lifeless body, a tear running down his cheek as he kneeled down. Despite the fact Mikage was him, he was still like a son, like family. As was all his fractions. His hand clenched on his back as his head fell loose on his neck.

((Sorry on phone, kinda short :P GoddessOfGod CharChar45 ))
Appearing besie Ark was an image that would send him in rage. The oracle's body was standing over him smiling. Quikcly the illusion vanished as it turend into hamin. His side clenched, blood falling from his pants and onto the snow. " my king ..what will you do." He looekd down smiling off the pain. Traveling to the after life to talk with the oracle cost him something , since the oracle wasn't letting him leave without a gift.

Cain struggled ot his feet as he slowly walked out of his cave slowly. "" He slowly walked to him, his side hurtting a bit as he stopped feets away from him. Looking down toward the dead mickage hamin looked up toward his son. " havent you seen to much death already." Cain's eyes widend as he looked away." Hamin smiling a bit he waved his hands infront of cain's eyes causing him to go blind but only for a few minutes.

((Do I have this right?~ Also, sorry for making this post abnormally short, I wanted to submit something before things really piled up on me.))

Cry smiled, she getting praised once again. Archer pat her on the head gently. "Did good." Cry nodded to herself, then watched Archer go as she was pushed back. She stood up bright and tall, smiling, the wind lightly moving her hair.

... But the air had a bloody smell. She could recognize it within a few seconds, and she turned to the others. Rei, Caster, and Frau quivered in pain although Rei's condition seemed worse. The mass of blood was coming off from a different place, along with the smell of garlic, which didn't affect her much but distracted her.

"Mikage..." Cry trotted off, switching between running on all fours and leaning down on two. She soon arrived, the scents coming to her in a wolf-like sense. She could see that someone had been there and where she had gone, since the trail was still new. "Will pursue... Avenge... Misses Mikage." Cry pounded against the ground once more to follow the trail left behind.
Unintentionally, Lunatra flinched back from Ark's touch, turning her face away, unable to meet his gaze. She wanted to melt into it, to hold him close, but her automatic reaction was otherwise. And, by the time she opened her mouth to apologize, he was already gone, her cheek warm from where his fingers had grazed her skin. She raised her hand and gently touched the skin, staring at his back, before letting her hand drop by her side, sadness in her eyes. She was really screwing things up between the two of them, wasn't she? Sighing, she massaged her temples, her eyes flickering to Archer as he mentioned that two people approaching, arching a brow at his words.

"Where's Cry?" he asked abruptly, looking around the cave with a frown, crimson eyes shining with worry. Lunatra followed his example, her gaze landing outside, seeing Cry's small form trotting out in the snow, getting farther and farther away. Archer saw her at the same time, and cursed under his breath, running forward in a blur. Lunatra called out a warning, but it was too late. The sun had already touched his skin and he flinched, darting back and slamming against the cave wall. "Bloody hell!" he shouted, yanking his hand through his hair. Lunatra chewed on her lip, looking to Archer, then back to Cry, letting out a huff of air. Then she ran forward, chasing after the girl, darting pass the others outside. "Cry, wait!" By the time anyone had realized what had happened, she was long gone, running after the girl.

She could here the small footsteps padding through the snow, followed by larger ones. Of course, she was being followed. How cute. Adrienne smirked at the thought, her legs dangling off the branch of the tree as the two got closer. Once the girl was in sight, she jumped down behind her, reaching out to yank her back by the hair, slinging her arm lazily around her neck. "Tsk, tsk, child," she cooed in her ear, breath cool against her skin, "Chasing after the bad guys will do you no good, sweetheart." This child was foolish for coming after her, foolish for thinking she could get justice.

"Let her go," the voice was cool and hard, and quite familiar. Adrienne smiled, spinning to face Lunatra, the girl still in her grasp. She had an arrow knocked in her bow, aiming it towards Adrienne, eyes narrowed and locked onto her. "And here comes the hero!" Adrienne said with a chuckle, "I have a question for you, dear. Does it hurt, knowing that you're in love with the same monster who murdered your parents?" Lunatra stiffened, her hands tightening on the bow string, jaw clenching. "Knowing who he is, what he's done?" She clicked her tongue, smiling in satisfaction as her face went white. "And you still love him. Your parents would be ashamed of you, my dear. So, so ashamed. Is this how you wish to carry on your family name?"

Lunatra's hand shook as Adrienne spewed out her cruel words, jaw clenched as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Shut up," she hissed, gripping onto the bow like a lifeline. "You're simply a piece a filth..."

"Shut up."

"Incapable of protecting anyone..."

"Shut up!"

"No wonder Ark doesn't love you."

These words were like a slap in the face, and Lunatra stumbled back, dropping her bow into the snow. "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" She screamed the words, her whole body trembling as Adrienne merely laughed, still holding onto the girl.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment
Cain Ear's twitched to the words of in love. He gritted his teeth as he turned around. " no human shall love the king, he is taken." His back cracking to hte pain of his wings being forcefully reavealed. Kanin looked toward kanin and smriked. " i knew it." Cain looked toward kanin with a disapproval look. " this is no time for jokes." Hamin stood with his arms crossed smililng at him. " you definetly have sharin's side of emotions but no use wasting them on attention to the matter here."

CCain gritted his teeth as he turned toward hamin. " how would you know what emotions im feeling." Hamin narrowed his eyes as he snapped back. " because we are blood, what pain you feel i fell..taht is the difference between us and the other dragons, do you not understand we are breed with different blood, now hush and cam yourself." Cain stepped forward as he bared his fangs," ARK IS MINE" Hamin's vein snapped as he walked over grabbing cain by the throat. " stop acting like a selfish child ..if you love him so much enough with this jealousy and help him, see what he needs, tend to him..GOD me being away this much , made you turn out like this. Cain glared then lowered his eyes as he looked away. Hamin releaseing his clutch he looked back toward ark. " children"

Cry was focused on the trail. She payed attention to where it moved, where it curved, and how strong I was. She finally reached one particular tree where the scent was potent, but she was taken back when her hair was pulled from behind her. She rose off of her hands, standing up fully, being pressed into Adrianne's body. She lazily wrapped her arm around her neck. Cry growled.

Soon another figure arrived, one she knew in spite of Archer. It was Lunatra, his sister, who had followed her to the lady who grabbed at her neck. "Lunatra?" Cry gave her a confused look as Adrianne turned around to view her. "Followed me?"

Adrianne seemed to enjoy her company more than Cry did. Spitting oh taunting remarks, Lunatra's emotions were beginning to boil. Adrianne laughed in response, and Cry decided that was the time she broke free.

Cry first bit down on her arm with her oversized canines. She pushed her arm off, turned, then forced her head into Adrianne's chest in the hopes that she could send her back a few. Cry retreated back to Lunatra's side, looking up at her. "Lady says nonsense. Don't listen."
Arks attention to Mikage didn't falter until Lunatra went running past them, his eyes slowly tracing her as she did. He stood up, letting out a painful breath as he pulled himself together. "We'll that is just the question isn't it?" He grunted as he stood, his eyes narrowing as he heard Lunatra yell. Ark quickly reeled around, his hand grabbing Cain and pulling him forward. "Enough... Cain you do not love me.. You love my fragment.. Since I meet you I have been Rei.. Not Ark... We never switched.. This has always been me...I'm sorry.."

Adrienne cold voice was disstilling, her eyes just as piercing as 'Rei's' eyes when he's angered. She stood tall, her cold, hateful eyes watching Lunatra as she spoke. A slight laugh came from behind her, a grin drawing across familiar lips. A sudden thud was heard as a huge pile of snow fell down suddenly, it's white sparkles covering Adrienne. Cold eyes laid upon the heap of snow, as crystal gizers slowly spidered their way into the snow. Adrienne becoming consumed by ice, their forms turning cold as it froze like a ice sculpture.

Behind the frozen utensils stood Ark, his foot set sternly on the tree in which the snow had fell. Cain right behind him as Ark gripped his wrist. His pale almost white else glistening against the sculpture. "Cain.. -" he coughed slightly pulling his foot from the tree as he wiped away the blood. "It's time to go.. " his gaze moved over to Lunatra, his eyes quickly moving away as he turned from her. "Try not to run out on your own.." He lifted his fingers to his lips, a motion of a whistle, but still nothing was heard. He paused for a moment listening, then sighed as he moved past Lunatra.

Lavrador jumped up, like a blur appearing in front of Archer, his hand raising to graze Archers skin. He had a look of concern in his eyes as the skin slowly healed, his voice sounding again. "I-I'm sorry..I didn't.." He shyed away, his eyes moving to the ground in shame and he grinned his teeth.

Frau and Caster had made their way outside, both of them standing behind Lunatra, arms crossed as Ark moved past them. Ark grunted as Caster turned toward him, his body hard and heavy to carry in the snow as he carefully pulled his weight. His voice croaked slightly, his hand outstretching as he spoke. "Harmin, guide the others back to the Kingdom.. I will join you later.." He walked past Harmin and moved into the cave his hands grabbing up Lavrador.

Lavradors eyes widened in surprise as he was lifted away from Archer, his wrist being held by Ark as he tugged him behind.

GoddessOfGod CharChar45 Oitetment 
Sorry phone again. And poor Cain >.< Denied! Shut down! Called out! Wahhhhh!
Lunatra froze in surprise as Adrienne fell silent, now covered in a layer of ice, Ark standing behind her. She held a hand on Cry's shoulder, her body still shaking with anger from Adrienne's cruel words. What would her parents think of her falling for the man who had ordered their death? And how much of that, exactly, did Ark hear? Her face burned red at the thought, eyes averting to the ground as his gaze swept over her, keeping Cry close to her body. She was tempted to ask, tempted to ask him if that last statement Adrienne made was true or not. But she was also scared to hear the answer. Would the answer be a yes or a no?

"Come on, Cry," she said at last, gently pushing the girl forward, following behind Ark and Cain. Her eyes remained glued to the snowy ground as the made their way back to the tunnel, a small, faint smile flickering on her lips at Arks comment about her running off. "I'll try," she replied, for a moment smiling fully, her eyes twinkling. Yet, just as it came, it went away, and she went back to her silence.

When Ark ordered Harmin to order them to the kingdom, Lunatra came to a halt, head jerking up, eyes shooting towards him. Was he crazy? If he stayed here by himself, he would get himself killed, or kidnapped, or worse! He was in no state to be alone, unless he planned on keeping Lavrador for company. And what about Archer? What would happen to him? Her eyes flickered to him briefly, then to Ark, a slight huff passing her lips as she placed her hands on her hips, arching a brow. "You're crazy if you think you'll stay here by yourself."

She was looking straight at him, her eyes stern and concerned, lips pursed in a thin line. She wanted to stay with him, desperately so, but also was not sure if he wanted her there or not. And she would not stay with him if he didn't want her to. "At least one of us should stay with you. You're unable to take care of yourself, let alone defend yourself, and I won't let you stay here alone." She snapped her mouth shut at that last statement, wanting to smack herself for going too far. She hadn't meant that negatively, nor did she mean it possessively. She just wanted to keep him safe.

Darktanion Oitetment GoddessOfGod
A large vent of hot breath touched the back of Lunatra's neck, the sound of snarling and tongue smacking coming from behind her. Ark whirled around, a grin coming from him as he set his eye's past Lunatra, his cool gaze lightening. A large white creature vented his nostrils at her back, it's head bending down to her height. It must have stood ten feet tall at its hips, its long coarse tail whirling back and forth in the wind. IT had a large white snout, rancid breath that cloaked coarse fangs. It's coat was thick, natted at all ends, its color blending in with the white snow. It's form could almost be considered invisible in the snow if it wasn't for its bright yellow eyes. At first glance the creature was horrifying, but at a distance all you could see was a gorgeous wolf.

Ark's gaze shifted to Lunatra, a sigh coming from him as she stood stubbornly. He yanked Lavrador forward, his heart dropping as he clenched his eye's shut, his skin hitting the light as Ark pulled him forward. He shook for a moment, his mind jumping in anticipation as the light danced on his skin. Yet, he felt no pain. He carefully opened his eye's, his eye's widening as he looked at his arms, light hitting him in the brightest of rays, yet he felt nothing. A slight shifting like aura was present for a moment as Ark glanced back at him. Lavrador quickly looked up to him, his eye's widening in surprise. Ark was doing something to stop the light from hurting him? How was that possible?

The more Lavrador thought about it the more he realized the truth. As a child when ever Ark had come over Rohan was seen in the rays of the sun, yet he never once got burned. He could remember getting angry with his dad for not coming outside once. Was this why? Because Ark wasn't around to protect him from the rays? Which brought up the next question. Why was he protecting him from it? Lavrador gulped, his head spinning. This couldn't be good. Ark walked past Lunatra, carefully petting the beasts fur. He pulled Lavrador over and pushed him up onto the beast. Lavrador's small hands gripped the beast, his upper body hunched over in uneasiness as he shivered slightly.

Ark glanced over at Lunatra, his voice stern and cold. "You can still be concerned about that.. Even after everything that women said to you? " He let out a sigh of emotion, which contradicted his stern voice. He gripped the fur on this beast back and pulled himself up, his foot swinging over to the opposite side. The beast side stepped as he looked over to Harmin and Cain, Cain still lost in Ark's words. He hated to bring down the truth on Cain. But he had too. Cain loved his fraction who stood in the Kingdom. He only loved the idea of the King.. Not the King himself. "Return as soon as possible... I will be back when I can.. "

Frau glared at the King, his voice rigid as he spoke "And what do you suppose we do with the other vampire?" Ark glanced over to the game, his teeth grinding. "Leave him... " "Bu-" The King glared down at Frau, his icy stare shutting him up immiedatly. Caster stepped forward his soft voice trying to calm the situation. "King, she is right... You can't defend yourself in this condition. The fact that you are even using your abilities if very off-setting. Please reconsider... "

"This is not up for discussion.. "

"What could possibly be so important King.. You have hid so much from us. We are apart of you, yet you block us from your mind as though we might betray you... "

Ark ignored him, making a clicking sound at the beast as it became impatient.
So what Adrienne had said was true. Ark didn't love her. What was she thinking, anyways? He was a king, a dragon king. And who was she? Just a human. A foolish human girl who chased after a man she could never have. All he seemed to do was hurt her, his affections erratic and rare. And she was sick of being confused, sick of not knowing what to feel. She was sick of being hurt at every turn, around every corner. She was sick of tears, and she was sick of these crazed thoughts clawing at her head. Overall, she was tired of loving someone who didn't love her back, as childish as it was. It was painful, too painful. All she wanted to do was forget.

"Let it drop, Caster," she snapped, spinning sharply on her heel, strapping her bow to her back, "No point to it anyways." She paused, her back still towards Ark, fingers twining together. When she spoke, her voice was cool, emotionless, and slightly defeated. She had given up, and wanted to just leave. "I think it's best that I go my own way. Archer and myself." Her words were calm and clear, leaving no room for arguments. She would wait until dark, then travel with Archer away from here, away from the hell she dragged them into. "And that's final." For a moment, her gaze flickered to Ark, eyes daring him to challenge her, daring him to say a word against it. Part of her wanted him to, just to cling on to the feeble hope that he did care.

My king i have hardly the time to guid children back when i must take care of my own. He opend up his mouth wide as screams and crackign was heard. Ofcourse this seemed wweird to others but it was noraml for him. He loved his power but hated the images. A small boy began to climb our of his mouth then drop to its side in the snow. Falling behidn the boy a tall female and a medium one fell to. HHamin shut his mouth closed and for the first time he did not smilel. motioning towardcain, cain looked over no emotion in his eyes as he walked toward him. " they will be your guide."

the bodies began to move one by one as they stood. Ark should be familar witht hese since he showeed him the image a few days ago. Lea was standing besdie the mother sharin while the small boy that was in ark;s room stood beside them. Hamin shoved cain behind him. " meet my family..sharin my wife, lea my daughter and cain my son." Cain looked down toward the boy. Their bodies reacked of death and blood, but their bodies were pale and perfect. " they shall guide you, moving through the afterlife they know this place fromthe back of their hands." He turned toward ark trying to give him a smile but a glare with a grimmaced face shows through a little." we will be on our worries though he will be back.." Kanin jumped up from her feet and ran towards hamin. " where are you taking my knight."

"somewhere my princess..why ask" Kanin pouted as she reachedfor cain, but trying to grab his wrist, her hand slipped through." Ahhh..cain." Hamin gave her a wide smile as he gently pushed her back. " where were going is no place for a girl like you, but rest assured i wil lbring him back in one piece." Kanin looked toward cain with a frown. Hamin nodded to her thenwaved off toward the others but turned around to make sure cain was in good condition to travel, but ofcoure through his stomach. He can''t carry as he is now but he will be willing to rest inside hamin, he thought. 
Darktanion if thats the case the only thing to solve rejection is to make him a lifeless doll take away his emotion and there he will be fine
Arks eyes narrowed, his eyes cold as Lunatra spoke. His eyes flickered over to Hamin and Cain, his daughter protesting their separation. Ark grunted, biting his teeth as he muttered at Lunatras final words. "Right.." His hand wrapped around Lavrador holding him in place as he winced at Lunatras words. His heels pressured the side of the beast causing it to take off. The beasts speed was incredible, it's form blurring as it ran threw the snow, kicking up dirt and snow. A small tear ran from Lavradors cheek, his body going limp in Arks arms. Betrayed and left again he thought. But he knew this was gonna happened didn't he? He was all to familiar with the feeling.

Ark glanced down at Lavrador, his body gently leaning against his like a rag doll. A sharp noise sounded in Luntras head, a stringing violent feeling as Velorens voice sounded. "Seems your of no more use to me... Such a shame.." The voice suddenly cut off, their connection severed as the pain subsided. This was his plan, he knew Veloren was using her, so if he left and took everything that connected them. Now she would be safe and Veloren would only come after them. Cain and Kanin would be safe, as well as his fractions. Not even a mile into the ride Ark gave out a deep breath, the sweat reappearing on his brow. He felt like he was gonna fall off the horse, his body reeling sideways as the pain surfaced to his face.

The fake Ark grunted, pushing himself from the floor as he coughed. The pain finally subsided, the feeling if numb gone as he pushed himself to his feet. "Damn, is he insane... Haha.. Wait am I?" He spoke so suddenly, his eyes flickering up to look for Hamin. "Hamin, you know.." He spoke blindly, his eyes gazing at the floor. "It's not wise to mess with the under world.. You should reconsider taking Cain there." He grunted, sitting next to him on the bed, his hand clenching his side as he pulled himself together.

CharChar45 GoddessOfGod Oitetment
Lunatra was silent as Ark galloped off, her body trembling as she made her way in the cave. She had lied. She was not leaving with Archer. This was something she had to do on her own, without putting anyone's life on the line. Yet she wanted to wait until dark to leave, finding more comfort in that then traveling in broad daylight. So, until then, she would stay with her brother. She hoped he would willingly stay behind, but doubted it would happen. Everything was already planned out, everything ready to go once she left. "Lunatra." She barely looked up as Archer spoke, silently gathering her things, checking her supplies in her bag. "Lunatra," he repeated, this time louder. She still ignored him, holding the dagger gifted to her in her hand. Carefully, she set it on the ground, deciding to leave it behind.

"Look at me, for Chrissakes." Lunatra froze as Archer spoke, her memories going back to after she had kissed Ark. He could barely look at her, and she had said the same thing. And now, it might of been best if that had never happened. Slowly, she looked up to Archer, not speaking, not a sound passing her lips. Sighing, he stood, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her. Lunatra did not move, did not hug him back. She just sat there, face stony, eyes holding back tears. "Love sucks, Archer," she said at last, her face falling on his shoulder. He chuckled slightly at this, holding her tighter, eyes floating towards Kanin as he sighed. "It does, doesn't it?"

Slowly, but surely, the ice coated over Adrienne's skin began to crack, bits and pieces falling to the ground. At last, it fully broke, shards of ice shattering everywhere as Adrienne gasped, falling to the ground, her lips blue from the chill. She shivered, ice blue eyes narrowed as she rose to her feet, arms wrapped tightly around herself. "Alright, Veleron," she said out loud, shaking the snow from her hair, "Do I have your permission to kill the annoying bitch? Or is she still useful to you?" She gritted her teeth, angry at the fact that she had been frozen solid by that foolish Ark. Yet, she knew if he tried to go after him, the girl would get in her way. So she would kill the girl first, if Veleron okayed it, then continue her sights on Ark.

Darktanion GoddessOfGod Oitetment

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