• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy  𝑽𝑬𝑵𝑬▿𝑭𝑰𝑪𝑰𝑼𝑴 ﹚app


Roleplay Availability

  • intro

    witches' road

    chant ver.


    he years come and go at Scholomance College of the Arcane Arts. Its old, weary corridors have seen some of the brightest witches and warlocks of their age. Young minds who grow up to be famous duelists, fearless dragon tamers, and brilliant potioneers. Some return to Scholomance to be immortalized in the school's history, others merely fade from memory as time comes to pass.

    Such is the case for one Scholomance's most infamous headmistresses, whose name was stripped from the books and likeness torn from the walls. Oh, what was it? Gods, it has to have been nearly three hundred years now. Difficult to remember such things when the headmasters who came after tried so hard to erase her existence from the school's long history. Ah, well. Best not to dwell on the past.

    Another term is just around the corner. No doubt Bucharest's arcane district is filled to the brim with students and faculty alike preparing for the new year. It won't be long now before everyone's bound for the castle. Yes, best to remain in the present and look forward to the future to come. After all, there's discovery and delight lurking around every corridor.

    Off you go, then. To a year of curiosity and mystery!




darkest hour,

wake thy


magic, dark academia


int. check

spots open




♡coded by uxie♡



application info.

- name, age, gender, pronouns
- first or second year, mastery, specialization/focus (under the umbrella of that mastery)
- short blurb on personality
- short blurb on backstory




Kunzite, whose house values intuition and flexibility. Its colors are lilac and silver. Semper crescens, the house motto, translates to "always growing." Students in Kunzite have masteries in Alchemic Arts, Magibiology, and Elemental Arts.
 ✛ Specializations within the Alchemic Arts mastery include alchemy, potioneering, transmutation or transfiguration, and more.
 ✛ Specializations within the Magibiology mastery include herbology, magizoology, herbalism, and more.
 ✛ Specializations within the Elemental Arts mastery include water magic, fire magic, wind magic, and more.



Azurite, whose house values wisdom and empowerment. Its colors are azure and silver. Voces omnes potestatem habent, the house motto, translates to "all voices have power." Students in Azurite have masteries in Arcane Arts, Abjuration, and Arcane History.
 ✛ Specializations within the Arcane Arts mastery include necromancy, divination, curses, and more.
 ✛ Specializations within the Abjuration mastery include healing, magic negation, barrier magic, and more.
 ✛ Specializations within the Arcane History mastery include ancient language, arcane anthropology, ancient arcane history, and more.

role three


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role four


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role five


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

role six


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut sem in purus rutrum laoreet. Duis eget blandit ante. Mauris nec lectus ut lacus imperdiet consequat. Sed sit amet elementum orci. Vestibulum at orci molestie, dignissim libero quis, vestibulum magna. Maecenas in pretium ante. Sed laoreet metus a neque rutrum, et tincidunt dolor cursus. Sed accumsan leo odio, sit amet cursus sapien placerat quis.

extra information.

abjuration - 0/2
alchemic arts - 0/2
arcane arts - 0/2
arcane history - 0/2
elemental arts - 0/2
magibiology - 1/2

Students are all 20+ and human. Queer, BIPOC characters are more than welcome. Scholomance accepts students who have completed their compulsory arcane education from anywhere in the world. We will be accepting two students per mastery at this time.

Roles are not first come, first serve. We will complete an application process so no time is wasted on a CS prior to an acceptance.

♡coded by uxie♡
alex huang

second year
lthough he appears kind and charming when you first meet him, Alex is a mischievous gossip in truth. Curious and nosy, he loves to pull up a chair and watch as drama unfolds. Sometimes, he even gives a little push here and there to rekindle the fire. Nothing brings him greater joy than to know what's going on in the lives of everyone around him, except perhaps when those people come to him for the latest update in someone's passionate affair.

Maybe gossiping and making light of situations is just because Alex is an asshole, or maybe it's something more. His family is messy and always has been. Despite their many flaws, however, the Huang clan did everything in their power to uphold a perfect image. It was suffocating. Alex wanted to scream at the top of his lungs every time his father pretended he wasn't involved in some shady scheme, or when his mother acted as if she didn't have a lover on the side. He nearly pulled out his hair when the family swept up all the drama about his older brother dating a Mundane, a taboo for a family so deeply imbedded in Taiwanese arcane history. Gods, don't even get him started on his darling little sister's addiction to pixie dust.

Ultimately yes, Alex is still a bit of an asshole. But gossiping is also a coping mechanism for him. If he can't air out his own family's closet, then at least he can talk about someone else's crazy aunt.

It's hard to put an end to bad habits when he's roaming the halls amongst some of Scholomance's most dramatic witches and warlocks. Alex had taken a few years to focus on his herbology after compulsory school and amongst the magical flora there was hardly anything to talk about. He had no choice but give in to his family's wishes and attend a prestigious college. He still refused any campus in Taiwan, instead opting for somewhere nice and far away, like Romania. Who knew getting back on the gossip train would do such wonders to his mental health.

Alex is set to begin his second year now, and gods is he thriving.


23, cis man, he/him

Minato Yaobi

# Second Year

# FC: Chen Zheyuan

♡coded by uxie♡

Pronouns: He/Him = Cis-Male
Age: 22
Mastery Specialization: Arcane Arts = (Focus) Divination
Personality: With a manipulative mindset, Minato isn't all that bad. He fancies in expressing himself through quotes and stories and can be really interesting to describing minor details. He tends to observe everything to it's deepest, truest nature until it's unable to hide anymore. Humor is one thing, being blunt/candid is another. He has a two-set personality. One when he's rude intentionally, and nice intentionally. See, he'll joke around playfully with good sayings while when he's rude, he's just pointing out a major mistake someone's made. It's probably bullying in some cases, but Hanako considers it as light sarcasm. But he is very understanding, and can emphasize/sympathize for those who went through tragic stuff just like him. Yet, despite him not looking like he doesn't have insecurities, he does. Feeling weak or sick in front of others, having to depend on people- Hanako's really independent! He's an ambivert, flirting with the girls or just peacefully sitting in the corner while listening to arguments.
Minato had ended up being his family's only hope and smartass. His older brother and younger sister were dumb as a sapling, and he was almost always forced to help them with their studies. Being smart and all led to good grades, and his whole family was proud. But his siblings depended on him way too much- they had to learn things the hard way! He moved away, doing his own studies and natural life in peace until he was forced into college. His parents had pre-signed him up into one without him knowing, so now he had no choice! But at least Minato took a liking all around and adjusted with his first year. Now came his second-how would it go? More disputes and annoying, stuffed-into-schedules into studies, or something more explicit and fun?
(Not including uniforms if there are any)
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