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- Ruins of Ancient Bind -
"Beneath the Archean's Helmet"

L stared at Sassy hard, as though she was trying to see right through her, then she relaxed. "Alright . . ." she shuffled forward back to Ralph. "Then . . . I'm okay with the shortcut too."

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Isa Bianchi -

Isa chuckled quietly, shaking his head with an impish grin. Amused. Then he pushed his coat a bit to grab his staff from the belt holster, the gems in the eyes of the carved raven glowed. “About running in trouble, would an illusion do? I can make an avalanche to disguise us, just stay somewhat close to us.”

”If someone can make strong cold winds, it’ll be more convincing.” If they all agreed, the redhead muttered his spell as the group moved. A pulse of Semi-transparent flames domed over them as sounds of the chocobo and polarbear dog’s running was covered by the rumbling of snow and rocks echoing the walls.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Sassafras Jenkins
- The Fridge, Ruins of Ancientbind -
Beneath the Arhcean's Helmet​

The known troublemaker didn't seem capable of keeping a straight face for long and as L stared her down, she inevitably broke into a broad grin and waggled her eyebrows at the Gnome, nodding as L decided to trust her and urging Ralph to lean down so she could offer her hand to L and hoist her back up, "chill, bro. I'm all kosher," she smiled as she drew her goggles back down over her face, "oh yeah... one of 'em... pretty good with illusions (under her breath: as if that weren't obvious) so in the event we get separated, the code word is 'soy sauce and honey'.... just so we know it's us and not one a them."

"uh yeah Red... sorry, can't help ya' with that one," Sassy snort laughed and followed along as they began moving down the shorter but more dangerous path.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Ruins of Ancient Bind -
"Beneath the Archean's Helmet"

L laughed a little at Sassy's eyebrow waggling. "Soy sauce and honey, okay!" she laughed again.

Moss turned his head and whispered to Isa. "We gotta tell them what we know later too. I forgot all about the whole thief thing." he was in disbelief at himself. He smiled at the too-long-has-he-not seen it familiar raven staff and flames of Isa's spell casting, as a curtain of ever flowing avalanche of snow and frost cloud fell down upon the companions. Okami barked nervously, looking around, thinking it was real, but Moss soothed the polarbear dog with rubs and a soft hush, telling it to look at Ralph and see how he's okay with it. Okami didn't seem to understand, lazily closing its eyes, enjoying the rub, but the polarbear dog was soothed, and off they bounded in the lead.

As they traveled, Isa could tell immediately that their mark never passed through the passage they chose. As he was concentrating on the illusion, Moss, with Sassy's help, took the role of guiding the group through the glacial cave and crumbling ruins at a fast ride. Tongue lolling out, Okami bounded through the ice, unnecessarily splashing on the cold brooks and icy fjords that criss-crossed the crashed slanted stone streets of the ancient once flying city. They traveled through a dark, slanted, and sometimes rotated ninety degrees landscape. As a roaring avalanche with glowing lantern lights inside.

Monsters moved out of the way of the rumble and cloud of ice and snow. Only to be freaked out when they see the back retreating as it cascaded down, not leaving a single trace of snow. Nothing dared bother the moving avalanche. And with only their footing on the slippery ice to watch out for, it had made the journey much easier.

In the afternoon, they started to come upon signs of living: burned out braziers, frozen trash discarded carelessly at the side, a path tread often that led to a wide brook that had a rusted pail. The group chose not to stop. They were an avalanche, and the avalanche came upon a large chamber of ice lit with many braziers where the remains of a giant tree stump that spanned the cavern, white and pale jutted out of the earth. It was surrounded by a ruined courtyard, very beautiful if not for the stack of bandit homes hammered at the side.

There was a makeshift barricade here, but at the sight of the roaring snow and cloud of frost, the look outs had hollered, "CAAAVE IN!" and retreated into the rocks, until they saw that the avalanche was confined to this space and then leapt over the barricade without leaving a trace. There were dozens of these bandits, all gaping, each of their expressions a varying degree of "What. the. heck?" as this avalanche plume rolled past them, not really harming or burying anything under frost.

"That's a darn wizard! Casting illusions!" pointed one.

"What in blazes? Get em!" said another. And arrows where shot at the fast moving avalanche, as a handful of them scrambled to mount giant rams. A battle horn resounded all along the chamber, as the weirdest chase these bandits had ever had in their lives began.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Art by Sebastian Kowoll
- Isa Bianchi -

“Yea, I forgot too.” Isa whispered back to Moss, shuffling a little closer so he can hold on better. Hearing Okami’s nervous barking and looking around, the redhead comfortingly patted the polar bear dog’s back and sides. He looked at Sassy with a grin, chuckling. “That’s fine~”

As they traveled, the redhead noticed the lack of footprints and pointed it out. “Seems like they never went through here, so we might have a chance to catching up to them.” Then he focused on the spell, gripping onto Moss’ shirt and staff tight. Lucky for them, the monsters roaming around hadn’t dared to near the group, believing they were an avalanche.

After a while of travel, seeing the signs of a living group nearby, Isa just held on and breathed. Hearing the bandits on the outpost yelling a warning. Hearing footsteps running away only to sputter out in surprise in the group’s illusion. The redhead couldn’t help but smirk. Moss can hear him chuckling in his quiet prayer. “May Ancient Loki watch over our little ragtag group.“

Annnnnd there goes their cover. “Incoming~” Isa warned the rest as a horn was heard throughout the cave.

Zer0 Zer0
Sassafras Jenkins
- The Fridge, Ruins of Ancientbind -
Beneath the Arhcean's Helmet​

Moss was right, Ralph had all the chill of his companion which was likely a testament to either their bond or the fact that he was used to all the chaos that seemed to surround the one known as Sassafras Jenkins. Or maybe it was his protective eyewear and hood, it was hard to tell. As the rushed through the caverns, Sassy had to attempt to refrain from laughing and hollering as they went. It would ruin the illusion to have someone hooting and cackling from inside it, but that didn't stop Sassy from donning a big goofy grin as she held tightly the reigns and made sure that L didn't fall off as Ralph splashed around similarly to Okami, seeming to enjoy his playful companionship and criss-crossing his own splash patterns with the other's.

"Here we go..." was the phrase that slipped past Sassy's lips as they came upon signs of more discerning life and she hunched down over L slightly, though this effort didn't help in the slightest as the individuals they passed were a bit more discerning than Sassy could have hoped and realized the source of the so called avalanche sooner than she would have liked, "sh--"

Isa's reaction was a bit more helpful than Sassy's, but regardless of his warning, it didn't help Sassy as she was struck by the arrows being shot by their pursuers. She groaned at the impact and inhaled sharply, squinting her eyes shut for a moment as she held the reigns more tightly before turning back and in typical Sassy fashion, hollering at the ones shooting them, "Oi you blackguards! This was a new coat! If you hit my bird I'll be back for your livers!"

She then turned back towards the front, leaning into L a little bit, "are you okay? If I go down, you keep going, Ralph'll carry you on."

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Ruins of Ancient Bind -
"Beneath the Archean's Helmet"

Moss looked back. Seeing the incoming barrage he turned, standing on the stirrups and slid his shield behind Isa.

Thwack, thwack!

The arrows were deflected. "Sassy, stay close to me, I'll protect you! Isa, please take the reigns." He stood up on the saddle, lightly held his shoulder, then front flipped, landing behind Isa, and sat back to back shield up. He pulled a throwing knife out of his belt.

"Sassy?!" L had exclaimed when Sassy groaned. The little gnome suddenly had flashbacks . . .

* * * *​

They were climbing a black mountain side.

"Liliana, if I go down, you keep going, alright?!" A man, garbed in templar armor, his short wavy brown hair being whipped by the biting winds of the Thousandcut Badlands, handed her the vault key.

"Larc, stop talking like that, put it back in your pocket and climb!" She shouted, keeping her head down under a blue cloak that board the three headed dog emblem of the Cerberus Tower. Larc grabbed her foot.

"Please." He said from below her, his green eyes pleading.

"You're planning something ---" began Liliana, but he suddenly tossed the key up and she scrambled and caught it, almost losing her grip.

Larc had rapelled down.

"Wait!" Liliana pocketed the key and went down after him.

"You can't beat Giovanni! Come back!" She followed him.

* * * *​

"No. I will hold you and save you." She turned around the saddle and clutched Sassy's sleeve. "Please turn around." With her other hand, she pulled out a trauma kit from the depths of her messy tangled hair, and with graceful practiced movements, Sassy felt a little needle pierce her back and then there was no pain anymore. L's hands were moving across and under her armor. Arrows were pulled painlessly. Stiches pulled at her skin, and a refreshing sort of magic, as though Sassy was suddenly breathing fresh air spread to her entire body down to her toes. Sassy felt very alive!

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Katsuya Katsuya
Sassy Health = Fresh + extra 1 temporary Hp that lasts for the entire battle
Sassafras Jenkins
- The Fridge, Ruins of Ancientbind -
Beneath the Arhcean's Helmet​

While Moss had successfully protected himself and Isa from the onslaught of arrows, Sassy hadn't been quite as successful. While she had succeeded in protecting L, she hadn't faired as well herself. Despite the dizzying effects of the pain, she kept her wits and gave Moss a firm nod when he called out to her, patting the side of Ralph's neck and yelling, "Stick close to the others, Ralph!" in acknowledgement to the command, Ralph picked up his pace to run side by side with Okami.

Sassy's grip tightened on the reigns and while L couldn't exactly see the expression, Sassy squinted her eyes closed before shaking her head and laughing weakly, "yowch! That kinda' smarts!" she then glanced down at L as she spoke and pressed her lips together into a line before nodding firmly. She had already instructed Ralph and as awkward as it was to turn while in motion on top of being injured, she did as told, using what remained of her strength to begin casting a spell.

She winced at the feel of the needle before her eyes widened slightly at the fact that she no longer felt the pain and she laughed again with more energy, "girl, I don't know what you're doin', but keep it up!" Sassy placed her hands on Ralph and drew in a deep rejuvenating breath as she used him as a conduit for the Entangling Nightshade, the magic flowing through him and to the ground before driving straight towards the ones that had been firing their arrows at the group, "pod rakata na Uroda možebi ḱe ve zaglavi!"

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Archean's Hammer -
"Sunset, The Fridge"

The moment she cast her entangling nightshade, the colossal dead tree creaked, and then suddenly pale white roots erupted from the ice. The air was filled with the surprised cries of the bandits, as the roots wrapped themselves around the rams, snagging them, causing some to stumble and throw off their riders.

"Whoo!" whooped Moss.

The avalanche turned a corner, and was out of sight. No pursuit came after them. Days later rumors would spread about some crazy lady druid who appeared in caves out of nowhere beneath the Ancientbind ruins in the form of a thunderous glowing avalanche, who made the dead white tree come to life. Needless to say the spooked bandits skiddadled out of that chamber and moved somewhere else.

At the end of the day, they had crossed beneath four mountain ranges, and came out of the caves on a ledge overlooking the wide north west river where boatmen with their trades were passing under the watch of Carvers protecting the trade route from brigands and monsters. Okami was exhausted, having followed behind Max's bike and the caravan all night last night. Moss didn't sleep a wink either, choosing to ride beside Isa. There was one defining landmark here. The fallen hammer of the Ancient turned into a makeshift little bunker by The Godfather's men.

The party had caught up to the lead Therias had on them yesterday. All that was left to do now was wait and try to identify them from the boatmen that pass through every now and then.

To the north of the party was the last mountain where the river went in another underground cave at the base and then emerged on the other side. There was a water gate here made of bone and rusted steel guarded by naga. Some of the canoes went through, while some boatmen docked their canoes on the edge of the river, away from the current where there was a grove of red-autumn trees. There was a small camp here. Half-carver camp, half-resting place for those who want to rest for the night before moving on. There were no buildings, just tents. There was no place for lodging, but there was a huge mess tent where people could buy food and get warm around the huge smoking bonfire that heated up this giant pot of gruel that was never put out, according to L. Surrounding the camp were tents of the people who wanted to rest close to the Carver's protection for the night. There were even chocobos tethered around some of them.

What would the group like to do?

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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Sassafras Jenkins
- The Fridge, Ruins of Ancientbind -
Beneath the Arhcean's Helmet​

"Ha!" Sassy blurted as the plant life did her bidding and entrapped the bandits. She stood in her stirrups and clapped her hands together before pointing at the confused and tangled group, "Ha-ha! That's what you get!" she turned and looked at Moss as he hollered and gave him a thumbs up before crouching back onto Ralph and turning around once again, looking down at L with a big grin on her face, "I'll just call you Lucky from now on!" She laughed loudly and gave the Gnome a hug before helping her turn around too.

Any victory, no matter how fleeting, was a victory nonetheless and once they arrived at the end of the tunnels, Sassy packed her pipe and started smoking once the ruckus had died down and they were in a more peaceful situation, she even offered the pipe to L. As they reached the encampment under the protection of the Carvers, Sassy honestly had no desire to camp there on account of being quite certain that news of her antics in Sanctuary had already been spread this far and was content to snuggle up with Ralph under a wooly blanket close to but still outside of the camp as she smoked her pipe and applied udder butter to Ralph's legs as she massaged them after removing her gloves.

She didn't turn her nose up at the others however, if they decided to camp more so with the Carvers rather than away from them, and the way she figured it, she could keep a better eye out for a group of three that might arrive at the camp after them. Ralph was enjoying the comfort Sassy offered him as she leaned against him but as the others also prepared to rest, Sassy called out, "hey Red! Ya' think... ya' might be able to give me one o them disguises?"

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -

As Moss flipped over him, using his shoulder to balance to land behind him, Isa took Okami’s reigns. “It’s okay, Okami. Just be next to Ralph. There ya go~” It’s easier to have the illusion over them now, being this close. Doesn’t mean they were safe yet. The redhead became worried when he heard L cry out, looking over to see Sassy bloody from the arrows. Thankfully, L healed her and Sassy gave a bit of her own magic to the bandits. Stopping them in their tracks with white roots wrapping around the rams.

Isa couldn’t hold back his laughter when he heard Sassy’s words. “Woooo! Heheh-!” Then they turned around the corner, out of sight and out of mind were the bandits. Believing it might be easier for their journey, Isa kept the illusion up. When Moss settled behind him, the redhead lightly patted his arm, and whispered with a secret warm smile. “Thank you.” For keeping him safe and wanting to defend Sassy and L as well.

At the end of the day, the group saw light from the camp. Isa took down the illusion before the carvers were alarmed and sighed in relief. Now being aware of their surroundings for once. He noticed how Sassy preferred to rest with Ralph before looking at the tired Okami and Moss. He smiled, getting off the polar bear dog’s saddle.

“Let’s rest, hm?” Isa is planning to keep an eye out for the thieves as they waited, just outside of the carver’s camp but close enough to still see from the bonfire. He patted and rubbed Okami’s cheeks and ears, smiling like a goof. He’s sooooo fluffy~ “Who’s a good boy? You are~ Yesh, you are~” He cooed happily, unable to resist the fluff.

Isa perked up, looking over Sassy, and blinked. Then he grinned impishly. “Comin’ right up~ Just hold still for a moment.” After making sure Moss, L, and Okami were okay, the redhead stood the crazy lady with his staff in hand. Muttering under his breath as a soft pulse of semi-transparent indigo flames came out from the staff, weaving over the crazy lady and her large bird. To them, they’ll feel slightly warm like they are covered by a light blanket that’s clingy to their forms. To the folks around them, Sassy and Ralph are an old gnome couple.

”There~ What do ya think?” Isa asked, grinning. Small disguises are easier to handle and he didn’t need to focus as hard like the large ones. He pulled up his furred hood, wanting to warm up his red ears. “I was thinking chocobos at first, but meh.”

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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- Carver Rest Camp -
"Sunset, Archean's Hammer The Fridge"

"You're welcome, Isa." Moss squeezed his shoulder, and it felt unsure for some reason. His thanks was genuine, but Moss seemed to hesitate with his expressions. He flipped back to take Okami's reigns, his hand on Isa's shoulder trusting, yet quick and hesitant in their warmth .

All the time Isa had been gripping his shirt sitting close, Moss would relax, leaning back to him on the saddle, but then he would sit up straight all of a sudden as though trying to be proper and careful with his closeness .

Now at the end of the day, outside the camp of the Carvers, Moss nodded, dismounting. "Yes, let's warm up." His hand automatically reached out as if to hold Isa's, but then weirdly swerved to straighten Okami's saddle unnecessarily.

He smiled warmly as Okami leaned his large head into Isa's arms, closing his eyes lazily, then flopping in front of him bear paws on either side, as he stretched with his rump up. He licked his hands then rolled with a heavy thuff on the snow to expose his belly, tail wagging.

"I'm going to be their gnome daughter!" said L. After making sure no one was looking, she pulled out a small blue backpack heavily decorated with beads and sewn patch badges, a spellbook, and a piece of pink wax from her hair and then muttered her spell. The gum turned into pink dust, spreading the illusion down her hands like paint, and L became an inch chubbier, blonde hair straightened out to a brown ponytail, and with a stretch of her face and a blink of her eyes, she was an entirely different gnome with travelling clothes that matched the traders coming up the river. "If anyone asks, I'm Matilda Belladona. Mother, let me change your wet bandages." And she went around Sassy-gnome to check her wounds again.

Moss checked that no one was looking too, and then cast his own spell, his hands glowing white, atlantean runes like tattoos swirling up his arms, and there was a dark haired unshaven scraggly bearded boatman with a sunburned face in his place with a different backpack.

"How will you disguise yourself, Isa?" asked Moss. "Will you be staying close to Mrs. and Mr Belladona?" He smiled at the Ralph-gnome. Isa was still wearing the same clothes Therias had seen him in.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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- Isa Bianchi -

He returned to Okami’s side after hearing Sassy and L’s response, rubbing his fluffy belly when Moss asked him the question. Isa paused and looked at him, realizing his misstep. “Oh! Right! Uhhh-“ He looked around and pointed back where they came from, to a large ice covered rock. “I can change there. I’ll be back.”

Clutching his bag’s strap, the redhead lightly jogged behind the rock that’s further in the darkness. After a few quick minutes, he came out in a different attire. Long and billowy grey pants that’s held up by the dark brown belt that’s looped around his waist. Black button up dress shirt tucked in and lavender suspenders over his shoulders and clipped to his pants. There was a cute lavender-white striped bow tie around his neck. His dark brown boots underneath the pants sleeves. Black gloves still on his hands. He wore a grey trench coat, hiding the staff that’s hooked on his belt, and a round wide brim black hat was held in one of his hands. He actually looked like an archeologist with this getup, normal enough but the materials felt soft and fancy. He asked Moss for one of his knives to cut the long side fringes and putting it in his bag. “I’ll burn it later.” He explained.

Though he didn’t expect Moss to offer help. With a warm smile, Isa nodded and let’s the merman paint his face and hair, just trusting him with the disguise. “Thanks again, Moss.” Looking at the others to make sure they don’t see or notice, Isa reached over and squeezed his hands before letting go and sitting still with his eyes closed.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Carver Rest Camp -
"Sunset, Archean's Hammer The Fridge"

After Isa changed, Moss told Okami to stay, then gestured Isa follow him behind the frosty rock again. He sat cross-legged in front of him in the snow and took out things: ink, coffee beans, ash from his spell component pouch, whatever he can use to disguise Isa face.

Familiar warm hands touched Isa's face and Moss suddenly sighed homesick and relieved all at once, but his hands stilled in hesitation again, until Isa squeezed his hands. Moss looked up hopefully. He took a deep breath.

"Isa." he said softly. "Do you have someone that you love?" Moss waited in silent anxiety.

Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -

Isa followed Moss, sitting in front of him as he started to brew something. He sighed quietly as familiar warm hands cupped his cheeks, happy to feel them again after a month and so. Though he opened eyes, indigo blues staring back into anxious teals.

”You.” Isa answered in a timid mumble, his heart squeezing in pain at the thought of Moss already finding someone now- “D-did you find somebody you love?”

Zer0 Zer0
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Sassafras Jenkins
- The Fridge, Carver Rest Camp -
Archean's Hammer​

"A disguise for Ralph here too would be awesome," Sassy finished rubbing in the udder butter, which was a thick and scentless lotion made from purified lard and used to keep his skin from cracking in the cold weather, plus it helped to sooth his legs after all the running he had been doing which he was reasonably exhausted from, laying with his head against the ground and his eyes closed, though as Sassy moved to stand up as Isa directed, he opened his eyes and raised his head slightly to watch. Sassy cleaned her hand off and put her glove back on before making sure that Ralph's legs were covered and stood as she waited for Isa to do his magic.

Ralph looked a little more alert after the warm blanket of magic fell over him, and even a bit confused and startled as he looked at Sassy, "shh-shh... it's okay bud. It's just me," Sassy rubbed his beak with her fingers which actually just looked like a little old lady Gnome rubbing her husband's nose. After Ralph was relaxed again and laid back down Sassy laughed abruptly and gave Isa a thumbs up, "thanks Red! This is perfect!" She was obviously highly entertained by the illusion and from there went about the task of gathering up some dried plants, sticks, and any larger dead wood that hadn't already been claimed by the camp in order to build a fire for them before she sat back down next to Ralph.

"That's right Lucky! Join the Gnome party!" Sassy laughed as she stoked the fire some, making sure that it would be enough to keep them all warm. She grinned as L got into the illusion and nodded, "right right, then we'll be Mr. Bucephalus Belladona and..." she thought for a moment, her eyes squinting, "Mrs. Edwina Belladona!" she declared as she lowered both her winter coat and her leather armor from her shoulders so that her back was more visible and only her blue tank top and leather corset were in the way at all and turned her back towards her 'daughter.'

Once she spied Moss' disguise, she grinned at him, "hey Horny Boy! That's a good look for you!" She then cackled in a way that was befitting of her own disguise and looked at Isa expectantly and watched him move off to change, reaching under the blanket covering Ralph to collect an assortment of mushrooms and moss which she offered to Ralph who at it lazily before she got herself some jerky and offered a piece over her shoulder to L. She looked a little disappointed by Isa's disguise, expecting something just as amusing as what he had given her and took a firm bite of her jerky, chewing slowly while she waited for L to finish.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Carver Rest Camp -
"Sunset, Archean's Hammer The Fridge"

"Horny boy?!" repeated Moss in an expression of whaaaat. "Don't say that out loud like that, Mrs. Edwina," he touched his horn, "or people will think I'm a pervert." he looked around.

L laughed. "So I'm Lucky, Isa is Red, and Moss is ---"

"I'm Mr. Mumbo in this disguise." interrupted Moss.

"-- and Mr. Mumbo is Horny Boy!" She looked at the back of Sassy's hair thoughtfully, as she changed her bandages. "What's a good nickname . . . " She accepted the jerky with a thank you. Okami came sniffing over, despite Moss telling him to stay in place. He seemed to think that if he crawled slowly, his master wouldn't notice he left his position.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

* * * *​

After Moss and Isa went behind the frosty rock, Moss sagged in relief at Isa's answer and a big smile spread across his happy face. "No, I was depressed!" he said immediately. His hands twitched after holding back since yesterday and leaned forward to hug Isa.

"Who would have thought, huh? That you went to Sanctuary to meet L too." Moss shook his head in regret. "Had I known, we could have traveled together!" He thought back on the past month. "Isa, I actually went back to the beach. After I read your letter, I couldn't take it, I had to see you again, but of course, that was a day later and you weren't there anymore." he said sadly. "So . . . how has everything been? Apart from yesterday, how has the past month been? Were you able to find Manuel?" he added in a whisper.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Isa snorted loudly, smiling behind his hand as he chuckled from hearing Moss’ nickname. “How about Tutu? Ballerina?” He pondered some more. “Goggles?”

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

Behind the frosty rock, Isa hugged Moss back. Squeezing him tight as he listened to the merman’s words. “O Moss.” He squeezed him tighter. “I know! We could have traveled together, but you know what? Now we can.” He whispered before leaning back, smiling warm. “All last month, I prayed and missed ya dearly. Sang the song ya sang before . . . ”

At the Manuel question, the redhead shook his head. Smile pinched into a frustrated frown. “No, I haven’t. Actually I’m here because of my unc-...because of Manuel. He knows about L and what she knows from a letter she sent him. Apparently plans changed and he is looking for her at the moment.” He whispered before huffing. “So I’m here to make sure he doesn‘t grab her or the thing we’re chasing for.”

Zer0 Zer0
- Carver Rest Camp -
"Sunset, Archean's Hammer The Fridge"

"Well Penny got the thing we're chasing for. They might meet up together. We've got to tell L and Sassy this --- oh, right! I need to disguise your face!" he added as the sun went down. The sky turned into maroons, dark purple clouds, and inky black in the west, dotted with winking stars. Moss began to quickly paint, though he was distracted by the feel of Isa's face. "My mind is in two. On one hand it's whirling about the vault, in the other . . . I want to ask, Isa, what do you want to do with our relationship? Do you want to continue dating while were searching for the vault of memories?"

Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -

“We should tell them now then. After this paint job- heheh.” Isa chuckled, cheeks heating up by the gentle touches on his reddening face. He can feel the care, though hesitant, shy almost.

“Tell me about it.“ Isa agreed, understanding what Moss meant by his mind torn in two. He closed his eyes as Moss painted on his lids too. “Yes.“ The redhead didn’t hesitate in his answer, taking a deep breath to calm down his beating heart.

“The vault is important, but it shouldn’t stop our caring for each other. When we’re out like right now, with a task in mind, we should focus on the task. That’s priority number one. When we’re not, then we can be affectionate. We can still cook together or read in front of the fireplace when we’re resting.” Then Isa stuttered, Moss can feel his face heating up some more; steaming hot. “T-that’s if it’s okay with ya, of course.”

Zer0 Zer0
Sassafras Jenkins
- The Fridge, Carver Rest Camp -
Archean's Hammer​

"Pffffft... yeah, if they are totally dense and can't see what's staring them right in the face," she laughed as L ran down the list of all the nicknames she had given them and looked at Moss as he corrected her before laughing more loudly at L's response and when Okami came sniffing around after the jerky, she picked a large chunk for him and offered it up, unfazed by the fact that he wanted some and perfectly okay with sharing.

"Red," her nose wrinkled up in distaste as she spoke around a bite of jerky, "those are terrible nicknames!" She shook her head and waved her hand holding the jerky, "keep tryin'!"

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Carver Rest Camp -
"Sunset, Archean's Hammer The Fridge"

"Of course I want to!" said Moss holding Isa's hand for a moment, before continuing to ink his eyebrows in the now dim light. "How do you feel about showing affection in front of the others? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Especially Max, since we'll be sharing a room with him . . . and . . . he hit on you when you looked like your mother?" Moss had an expression like ooh-not-good. "Better not tell him you were looking like your mom." he chuckled.

Katsuya Katsuya

* * * *​

In the Carver's camp, braziers sprang to life casting the tents and wooden barricades in the flickering orange light of fires. Men patrolled around carrying torches. The Mess Tent in the middle of the camp was alive with the sound of merry eating, talking, and a song or two, as boatmen talked about trade and exchanged news on their journeys to and fro the north of the Fridge and Sanctuary. A couple of folks could be seen arm-wrestling and betting, some were gambling, some boatmen were setting up little quick boxes showing off a couple of wares people might be wanting that wasn't offered in the camp: booze, medicine, and better food than the gruel from the large pot hanging from the center. A couple of people walked back to their tents to get an early sleep for an early start the next day.

L finished in ten minutes, and went over to a brazier to dump Sassy's bloody bandages. "I'll check out what's for dinner and poke around later. For all we know they're here already and just mingling with the crowd. Do you want any food, mother? What about you Okami? Mr. Bucephalus?" L giggled at the name.

Okami, who had been pawing Sassy's knee for more food, barked at L and now went to her, wagging his tail. He was so big, L hardly reached his elbow, and nuzzled his face into her and flopped down then looked up with begging eyes.

L's entire face transformed into awww and cupped his cheeks. "I cannot resist you. Was this how Mr. Mumbo picked you? If so, I wouldn't be surprised."

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Sassafras Jenkins
- The Fridge, Carver Rest Camp -
Archean's Hammer​

The arm wrestling was something that Sassy really really wanted to get in on, but she kept her distance with a dissatisfied and somewhat longing look on her face as she watched them and took an even longer time to chew her jerky as though that would fill the void of not being able to join. That and she supposed the trio they were after could have arrived before them since they had a head start but wasn't willing to risk missing their arrival since it was just as possible for them to still be on the way given the fact that her own group had taken the short cut and been running basically the entire way.

The jerky she had waved at Isa dismissively had been given up to Okami shortly after he had started begging for more food, who was she to resist a sweet face and hungry animal? So she had to collect another one to chew on thoughtfully and fell into character when L called her mother, "certainly me girl, I'll take some o that there gruel they be fixin'... ey ey now! Address yer father properly there!" She exclaimed as she grinned at L and her attention drifted back towards the gambling that was going on in camp while her right hand moved to rest on Ralph who was already fast asleep.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

“Ya first! Red is too obvious.” Isa replied, waving his hand to gesture his hair. Grinning impishly as he chuckled from Sassy’s distaste for his nickname options. “I’ll think of better ones when ya do.”

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

The redhead snorted at the mention of Max, trying so hard to hold back his amusement. “I’m fine with not being overtly showy with our affections in front of others. And I won’t. Poor guy is already awkward enough as it is, with him hitting on me and all . . .” He seems decently nice, what with the apology. The redhead didn‘t have the heart to troll him afterwards either like he would have with others. The regret he showed was genuine and Isa can respect that.

Suddenly Isa shuddered, not from the cold, but from disgust from a memory. ”I’m still trying to forget his buddy kissing me after the fight was done too. Ugh. I just want it gone already.”

Zer0 Zer0
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- Carver Rest Camp -
"Sunset, Archean's Hammer The Fridge"

"Wait. What?" said Moss. That last word was said in a high pitch breaking voice of sadness that he was trying to hide.

Katsuya Katsuya

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