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- ? Back to the caravan -

The rabbit smiled and said with an understanding tone to Moss. “Young L is right. We can go together, more manpower.” Then she chuckled. “I’m fine if you wanna call me Wild Flower. I’m used to the name now.”

She listened to the gnome leader and nodded. “Alright then. Yes, thank you, Uroburos. It was nice chatting with you again after so long.” Wild looked at her companions and shook her head silently. She heard her answer for now and will think this through. Once they were done and said their goodbyes, the rabbit felt herself being sucked back down, through the white depths, through the white winter skies that’s no longer as sunny as before, through the roof, ceiling, and now-


Everyone will see Wild flower faceplanting on the floor, her paw off the orb and leaning slightly up. Ears twitching in irritation. She grumbled as she looked up, sniffing. “I’ll never get used to that.” Isa, who was sitting next to Moss with a marker in his right gloved hand, offered her his left hand to stand. His staff leaning on the sofa‘s side. Outside of the windows, they can see that Isa created a snowstorm surrounding the caravan, leaving them in the eye of the storm.

T-there’s a snowman army outside too.....was everyone making snowmen while waiting? Moss could tell which ones was Isa‘s because of the funny positions; like one doing a z stance with a little snowman on it’s arms, doing ballet.

“How did it go?” He asked, grinning widely. Happy that he was able to draw cat whiskers and hearts on Moss’ cheeks, curling lines on each corner of his mouth, and cat eye slits on his eyelids.

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- Isa's Caravan -
"December 19, 600"

Moss was oblivious. "Isa, I finally know of away to get my friends back home! Two ways, actually, both dangerous, but I don't care! I'm just glad to actually have something with a degree of certainty." he held his shoulders, looking relieved and the happiest Isa has seen him in a while. He looked lighter, more energetic, ready to go and get things done.

And then L burst out laughing.

"What?" said Moss.

"Your face!" she giggled. Sassy who was petting Nibblet stopped holding back and laughed as well; Vidya and Max we're looking at the snow storm outside, never ceasing to be surprised at what Isa can do. It was unspoken, but Isa can feel that his companions regarded him with respect, with all his reputation and magic prowess. He was beginning to be followed, and he can tell with how the others would wait for him to speak, and there was also an affection towards him, because he seemed to be oblivious at how powerful he was and he never even bragged nor pushed his weight around.

Moss took one look at the marker, and then at Isa's green. He deadpanned, and then pounced to wrestle the marker away from him and have his revenge.

L hopped off the sofa to avoid the tickling and flailing legs and looked up at everybody. "Okay, I will help with the portal. I can help you guys get stuff that you need to fix it."

Vidya, sensing the meeting over, nodded and said: "I'll go ahead then and send a message."

"I'll take you to Sanctuary." said Max. "I'll try getting more people to help."

Sassy grumpily said she'll just wait in the caravan and think of a way to sneak in, since she can't go to Sanctuary. "Dumb bear." she muttered, and with that everyone broke off to do their own thing.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa’s Caravan -
“December 19, 600”​

Wild thanked Isa for the hand, standing up again as he pulled her up and patted her skirt. She decided to start cleaning again only to freeze and stare at Moss before looking away. Her cheeks puffed up as she excused herself out. Not wanting to be rude and laugh at Moss.

At the news Moss gave, Isa sucked in air, eyes widened as his grin transformed into a smile of pure joy and relief. The redhead wrapped his arms around the merman’s waist and squeezed momentarily before leaning away to look at his boyfriend’s brightened face. “That’s great, Moss~ A step closer to your goal!” He said over L’s laughter. Then his impish grin came back, waving the marker that’s between his fingers at Moss’ face

”Oops~ Sorry~” The brat wasn’t sorry. Not at all.

As soon Moss started to move, Isa tried to stand up and run- but it was too late! He was caught before he could even stand on his feet, tackled to the floor with a thud. He held the marker far out of Moss’ reach, squirming and laughing and cackling as he was being tickled. Arms and legs flailing as they wrestled for the marker. The redhead was just happy to take everyone’s mind off his bruises and dream, even if it was for a second or two. Feeling like it was his fault for disturbing the somewhat off balanced peace this group had this morning.

“Hahahahah! Ow! Heheheheh~ Not a chance Moss! No-! Aha Hahahah!”

“I’ll keep young Sassy company— would you like to help me make lunch later?” Wild flower asked the grumbling cat lover, peeking out from the corner of the room with a swirly mop in paws.

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- Isa's Caravan -

"I'd love ta, auntie~" cackled Sassy appreciatively. At the same time whisker-heart-cheeked Moss triumphantly yelled, "Aha!" and proceeded to draw flowers poking out of Isa's neck tattoos.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Wild Flower giggled, nodding her head. Ears flopping as she hopped around as she mopped the floor.

Moss didn’t know, but Isa pretended to ‘not’ see Moss itching over his reach and just let him take the marker. Letting out a ‘hey!’ before snorting into his chuckling. The redhead was wiggling, laughing as he tried to lean his face away from the marker—-did Moss have to draw on his neck, that fiend?! He shivered at the feel of the wet tip touching his warm neck as the merman drew on top of his tattoo ring around his neck.

“Aha, he says!” Isa started, his grin spreading wide as he just gave up and flopped his head on the floor. Revealing his neck more while looking away with a playful pout, hiding the large bruise on his face on his left side. “One day, Moss Agapiméni mou. Revenge will be mine and I will cherish it- pffft! Hahahah!”

That ‘threat‘ was forgotten that day.

Later, Isa smuggled himself, L, and Moss to the portal that was close to Sanctuary. Using his illusion spell to disguise them all as wild animals that’s passing through and looking for shelter. Once inside, he took off the disguise and lit up the room with a subtle yellow fire. Then he checked what was wrong with the portal, seeing it’s familiar gears and runes once more. The redhead stayed there for hours, asking for help to hold something or to pass a tool or ask an opinion from Moss and L of what it might the gears be for. Not minding to teach the both of them a bit about machinery should they ask him about that.

Few hours later, as the sun started to go down to sleep, Isa leaned away from the portal‘s gears and wiped the sweat off his face. Grinning in satisfaction as he found the source of this portal’s troubles. “See that ice that’s sticking out in here? On the rings of the portal? It‘s messing with the runes and bends the metal around it. That’s why the portal isn’t connecting. We need to melt the ice and carefully pull that jade thingy out.” He looked at the pair, grinning.

”That jade rock is the power source and it’s an old kind of power too. So we need to make sure this thing is rigged to be removed and hidden from sight once the portal stops working. Also safe from the explosion too, we can pick it up after The Godfather’s men goes in.” With that and copying said runes on a normal piece of paper—-thank goodness he had the foresight to bring the paper and marker that he stole back from Moss—-, he asked the other two if they would like to return to the caravan for dinner. Then followed them from behind as he disguised them once more. Turning off the fire before leaving.

Once they arrived the caravan, the redhead opt to their bedroom to study the runes. Using the book he stole from his uncle’s thieving henchmen as a reference to what some of the runes mean and use it to his advantage. “Let me know when ya wanna start cooking dinner, Moss. I wanna help.” Isa piped up with a warm smile, his neck still has the flower drawings all around.

And just as promised, Isa came out of the room once Moss called him out to help for dinner. He ate with everyone and discussed what might be happening.

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- Hours Later -

"You can try~" said Moss, waggling his all high and mighty eyebrows, elated by his victory.

Later that day in the vast cavernous ruins of Fel Thalas, where the beautiful portal shed morning light upon the underground, like a tall stately window that allowed ruin delvers a glimpse of mountain peaks and groves of Wisteria trees, Moss and L offered their help to Isa as much as they could. The merman being more of a clueless, but curious listener to Isa's teachings, while the little gnome bounced ideas back and forth with Isa.

She was familiar with his mechromantic jargon, revealing a past steeped with handling ancient machines and traveling around the Templar lands and The Fridge, as she shared with him a few books from her hair where there were loose sketches of artifacts. It included pieces of ancient languages from her exploration of Fel Thalas, the oldest of which was two years ago, all with descriptions written in two different handwritings. In fact, when Isa looked at it, one was the handwriting that he saw from the letter he received from L those few months ago: smaller than most, legible, with wide loops on the e's and o's and bold crossing of t's. While the other handwriting was bubbly, with cursive and print all jumbled together and never going in a straight line, sometimes embellished with little side drawings. Some were funny, some a mix of cute buff things, and some like weaponized candy. Some parts of her notes also looked suspiciously like torn pages from different other books.

Though, her interest in the things inside Fel Thalas and other ruins differed from Isa, in that she was more into the remnants of automatons of the old age, medicinal apparatuses, and in a couple of pages where the drawings were very neat and clean, some blueprints of different kinds of artificial limbs with measurements next to descriptions of patients. It seemed that L was a prosthetist.

"That green thingy, the Templars call it Cintamani stone, from Paladin Cintamani discovering it, while the Purrsians call it Shiva. I have only ever seen paintings of stone carvings of big ones like these. It's so amaaazing." said the little gnome in wonder, after they had melted away some of the ice, and were climbing precariously from the icy shelf side on ropes to check out the jade above the portal. "It kind of makes me sad that we have to destroy something so beautiful, but it is the lesser evil." sighed L, patting the ancient stones.

When Moss was left to mostly watch the two work, he offered to keep watch on the entrance of the ruins as a birb so that he can give the two a heads up if groups of ruin delvers were coming down their way. It would do no good if they were spotted and Carvers came around asking questions. L quickly offered to do the watching instead, but agreed in the end that a bird chirp was less suspicious than a gnome yelling.

And so for a while it was just Isa and Liliana working together. The little gnome had been relaxed and easy going as they chatted away at a shared interest, but when Moss left she became unnaturally quiet. Kinda nervous and sort of avoided being near Isa unless it was to pass him a tool, help him hold something in place, or wriggle in some kind of small nook to see if it was safe to melt the ice some more and not cause something important from the portal to fall off into the black depths of the cavern below. Though Isa didn't sense anything bad from her. It was more like she was happy, but was trying not to be or show it too much.

As the hours went on though, and they had to hide every now and then when they heard some out of place bird chirping, she relaxed and just chatted random things with Isa about the ruins he's been and the automatons she's seen. She also told him more about what had gone on in the conversation with Uroburos. About how Zosimos' palace was somehow in the vault key, and that the heart wanted out and wanted a body. And how L was having a bad feeling about the heart.

"I read some of the Cheirokmeta when were waiting to ambush Foxx in the tent. Aaaaand, I read about the ways to have a vessel for a soul, and that mechromancy needed soul stones. I don't know, Isa, maybe the heart doesn't know or doesn't remember that it needs soul stones, but if it does know it needs soul stones and talks about getting a body without hesitation, then I don't know if I wanna help it in return for helping us, though I do understand if it doesn't care since it has been trapped in the palace for soooo long."

After their work, the two agreed to dinner, though Moss wanted to do some quick shopping first before returning to the caravan. He came out from Maliwan's Baboom shop and showed Isa a new flintlock pistol, and some new daggers with gearwork chains that allowed one to throw the daggers like grappling hooks, and for some reason, hid a third package from Isa and wouldn't tell him what it is.

Their day had gone well. No one noticed them, and Isa was confident he will finish fixing the portal tomorrow after some smithing work.

* * * *​

That night, Moss gave Isa the okay, and spent the time before dinner, firing off gunshots some ways away down the hill from their camp together with Max. Anyone looking out of the caravan windows towards the merchant's road could see lamp glow and the big muscly man joking together with him and correcting his form, as Moss learned how to use the flintlock pistol under lamp light.

There were no teachings about portals in the Cheirokmeta, rather, it's focus was on alchemy and the transfiguring of things into something else, but L was more than willing to lend him her notes of Fel Thalas, and teach him the ancient language of the place. And asked if she could borrow the Cheirokmeta later too. Isa was able to grasp the basic flow of the sentences of the Fel Thalas runes and slowly after understanding the translations, he finally discovered a pattern that Liliana had missed.

As someone who had an interest in the Southern Lights, Isa discovered that the portals were attuned to the leylines, specifically where they intersect, and more than that each portal's runework and arithmetic calculations was artfully worded and made in line with a popular Southern Light animal, its constellation in the sky, and a poetry about it. Poetry he had read in the book he bought when he went looking for Ninjas of Love, but mostly from songs he grew up with as a kid.

The Fel Thalas portal was the Gateway of Sleipnir, or the now extinct horse. And come to think of it, Fel Thalas was full of crumbling carvings of warriors mounted on the ancient beast. Whatever the city was before, whatever The Fridge was before the war, it was probably a green land with rolling grassy meadows and wide plains where horsemen roamed, instead of the icy flatlands spotted with hills and groves of autumn trees.

The runes of the portal read:

Manes and tails flowing
As they gallop through time
They were never yours
They were never mine

As they dance and prance to the drums of the earth
Their spirits unbound on silver wings they fly
Proud strength beyond worth
Noblest creatures under the sky

On the other hand, the portal in Windshear was the Gateway of Vedrfolnir , or the hawk symbolized by the wings of freedom. And in all their runes their magical lines spanning across the machine followed the constellations. And it seemed that in the culture of old, they believed that calling on the spirit of these animals allowed them to cross from one end of the world to another through the leylines. Now that could be art, or that could be true. If it was, it meant that the myths that spirits lived in the Southern lights was indeed real and that they do guide people. And if a land was so connected to that spirit, a portal can be opened there where the spirit can guide the ones crossing to the other side. It still didn't explain how Isa's portal in Windshear went wrong. It was a little confusing. A mix of spirit and magic and machine, but perhaps studying another portal can sort this out.

And so, after a good study, when it was time to get ready to make dinner, Moss came in the bedroom looking pleased and asked Isa for help with the cooking. People liked the pizza so they were having pizza again, although different flavors, and this time it was Wild, Sassy, and Max who chose. Moss gave Isa all the dough to squish and form, and because Isa taught him ancient things, Moss taught him more about pizza.

Vidya talked about not receiving any word from Barad Eithel. That ruin was like Sanctuary, where people have adapted it to live there in the areas that didn't have a lot of monsters. There was a messenger post there that received message spells as well and the messenger at the desk said it oddly has not been answering for the last week, though Vidya said all was fine and normal since she left the place two weeks ago.

Katsuya Katsuya
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- Isa Bianchi -

Isa stayed casual around L, even when Moss volunteered to be on watch as a birb—— a fluffy birb he wanted to snuggle with-! He acted the same, though a little distant as he finally recognized something from L. Still he stayed casual as he rather not put the gnome on the spot nor bring unnecessary ire from his boyfriend. After all, Isa would sooner eat a old worn out shoe from The Godfather’s stinky feet than hurt the one he loves. Nor would he embarrass the gnome for having feelings.

However, should she bring it up, then Isa will politely decline and end it there.

He read the books she offered, picking up the two different handwriting. It was like she shared a book with someone else—- the real L, the guy who actually sent the letters to the group. He wondered if everyone else noticed that L isn’t L at all, but a gnome that’s helping L. Their circumstances were terribly strange, yet Isa kept his thoughts to himself. It wasn’t his business after all. He cares about searching and stopping his uncle’s plans.

Then he heard L’s suspicions about the heart. Isa froze mid turn to tightening the gear back in place. His eyes widened at the idea that ran in his head. It’s a wild idea, but it would explain why Theosebia and his uncle is at Barad Eithel. It would explain why his uncle is collecting soul stones for years. Why Uroburos needs a body-

“I think my blasted uncle is trying- trying to revive Uroburos’ body....”Isa muttered as he straightened his back, staring at the gears in front of him. Surprise was written all over his face. ”All those souls he collected...it would explain why Theosebia has so many souls in her fleshy-“ The redhead violently shivered.

”Next time we talk with Uroburos, we tell him about what‘s needed to help him. That someone else is trying to take his body too. Should he know and still willingly do it then we can definitely stop helping him....though I wouldn’t mind offering my uncle’s rotten soul to him....” Isa growled at the end. He could care less about his uncle’s wellbeing.

“Better for the world, really...” He grumbled u dear his breathe.

There was another thought that crossed his mind once more as he continued to learn more of the ancient language while fixing the portal. He forgot where he heard it—-he thinks he overheard L saying something similar or it was two months ago when Moss and him were invading the kutulu camp—- but he remembered something.

Wasn’t Theosebia trying to revive her love, Zosimos?


Isa gleefully kneaded into the dough, gloves off, and sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He needed a break. Stimulate something else in his brain. As much as he loves researching, there is a limit and he is glad that Moss lets him knead dough~ Ah, the squishyness ~ so pliable that it can fold on itself and form under his fingers. He perked up when his beau taught him more about pizza and it’s toppings, nodding his head with a bright smile as he listened.

“This is just making me hungrier.” He said, playfully brushing his lips on Moss’ before leaning back, humming as if he ate something so much more pleasant. He made sure no one was looking.

“I can wait now~” Isa chuckled as he continued to knead the dough.

During dinner, where everyone shared their day activities, Wild Flower patted Vidya’s shoulder when it was her turn to share. The redhead nodded warily. “If ya believe it’s okay, then we believe ya. Just know we got your back on this.” Isa chimed, grinning. “Same to you, Wild, Sassy, Max. We’ll be back with the cure as soon as we can.”

Then Wild flower mentioned her day with Sassy, amazed that the woman created a huge sandwich for lunch. “It was bigger than me! It was yummy too!” She said with a smile. As usual, the caravan was sparkly clean and cozy. Once everyone said their piece and causally talked with each other about random things while eating pizza, Isa nibbled on his tenth slice. Looking happy and relaxed as he sat next to Moss.

When they decided to turn in for the night, the redhead started to clean up his notes that were all over the place. It was like Moss has stepped into a crime scene investigation with how the papers were piled and all over with strings connecting one another. It held his theories about Uroburos and questions about who exactly is Theosebia resurrecting with his uncle , the runes and the pattern sequence that he found, and lastly, his plans of building that bomb and eject trap for the jade orb within the portal’s temple.

”Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away.” Isa chuckled as he finally tucked in the last piece of paper on the shelves.

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- Moss Adamaris -
" Isa's Caravan "

"Okay. I wonder why they want Uroburos. Like who is he?" Liliana mused to herself.

* * * *​

After dinner and feeding Okami, Moss strode inside the bedroom patting his wet hands on his sides from washing the dishes. "Whoa . . . " he shook his head. "Not complaining. Looking at all this makes me feel like things are getting done." he said in wonder, tip-toeing around the papers and peering curiously at their contents. "Here, let me help you, Isa." he bent to help pick up stuff carefully.

He smiled at his back. Isa had been working very hard. Moss wished he knew more about antiquities and mechromancy to help him, but all he can do right now is cook and protect him. He thought about what he could do more, as he rearranged his new pistol and gearworks daggers in his leather holster and hung them above their bed to give more room for Isa's research . . . He glanced at the open Cheirokmeta on the table, and absently turned its pages.

There were many spells here. Spells he can do to help Isa. They were going to attack Theosebia and Manuel, but recalling their collection of weaponry, they don't exactly have much . . . he wondered if those tentacle-mouthed-horrid-face-sucking Khlûl′-hloo will be there . . . In that case they'd probably need bombs to take on that much, or sleeping potions and other things if they're going in quietly to find out what happened to Vidya's mother and her friend Magni. Come to think of it, she had been going around Sanctuary looking for jobs for funds. Maybe he can help with that . . . But he didn't want to leave Isa alone . . . But then again he can take care of himself.

"Isa, I think I won't be helping you with the portal tomorrow. Or wait, hmmm, maybe L can get bombs for us . . ."

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

“For all we know, Zosimos’ clone.” Isa replied mindlessly.


Isa looked over at Moss, blinking owlishly as he just plops himself down on the furred rug; sitting with pages in his hands. He tilted his head to the left, a smile growing as he found himself enamored while watching the merman ponder.

”Bombs, love?” He asked, wanting to know what he is thinking about to reach said conclusion. “Wanna help with the bomb activation, my dear?”

Zer0 Zer0
- Moss Adamaris -
" Isa's Caravan "

"No, bombs for when we get to Barad Eithel. Remember when we sneaked around those tentacled freaks' camp and could barely take on a handful of them? I'm thinking about acquiring more firepower for that." He noticed his look and smiled at him, taking the Cheirokmeta and plopping next to Isa.

"Getting more firepower and learning more battle magic from this book." He patted the pages. "How . . . good at fighting is Manuel?"

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

His smile grew warmer and leaned his head on Moss’ shoulder. “That old wingbat is decent at fighting. Annoyingly so because he knows the basic of Darlosaa' ohoao—- dimension door. The thing I do with turning us into ashes? Yeah, that.“ Then he pondered for a moment.

”I’m aware that he usually fights with guns and fists. Not that great with magic though, preferring machines and items more. He is also not that sneaky, not physically anyways. It’s why he hires thieves, to steal things for him before he ditches them afterwards without paying them. He likes researching more.“ Isa nudged his head back and gingerly kissed under Moss’ chin.

”I think it’s a fine idea to have more firepower in case of the kutulus being there too. I’m just worried for the drows......oh! I wonder if I can hijack that link they have over the drows....” Now Isa started to ponder, mindful of the slow and gentle kisses he is leaving on the merman’s neck and shoulder.

”What made ya want to have more firepower, my dear?”

Zer0 Zer0
- Moss Adamaris -
" Isa's Caravan "

"To uh --- uh," Moss stuttered, turning red, unable to concentrate, "fight . . . win."

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Isa dragged out a husky hum, his smile twisted into a teasing grin as he placed another slow kiss on the neck. His tone stayed innocent. “To win, huh? Sounds reasonable and valid~” Another peck. “Wanna train then?“

He leaned back, still grinning impishly as he watched Moss’ cheeks turn red. So cute.

Zer0 Zer0
- Moss Adamaris -
" Isa's Caravan "

"That . . . yeah . . . But t-tomorrow, bombs." he stuttered. "Wait," he put up a hand, smiling, knowing he must look funny all out of it from Isa's teasing, "before I forget, I have a present for you." He closed the book and went over to their bags to rummage inside. He pulled out that third package he had hid from Isa earlier, and plopped back on to the bed. "I thought about us destroying the portal and how yeah, it is beautiful and we travel a lot and pass by beautiful things. I thought maybe you'd like to, you know, look back on them clearer. And to help with your research too." he smiled.


  1. Camera
    Pops out a developed magical black and white photograph with moving pictures right after taking a picture.
  2. x1 Camera Film
    A set of 20 films.

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Isa chuckled, plumped cheeks turning pink as he watched Moss gather himself again. Then he perked up, surprised to receive a present from Moss. “Oh?” He got curious, leaning to his side to watch Moss rummage through their bags. He slightly pouted that it was wrapped, still hiding the surprise as it slightly bounced on their bed. He looked back up at the merman, seeing his smile.

So the redhead went closer to the bed, still sitting on the furred rug, and reached to unwrap the present. He lets put a gasp, eyes widening as he excitedly held the camera. His fingers delicately traced the brass and gold metals, exploring the contraption with an inquisitive mind to know what it can do. He peered through the eyehole at the back, letting out an ‘eep’ when he accidentally twisted the round braces of the lenses before smiling wide. Then he carefully placed the camera down on the rug so that he can hug-tackle Moss on the bed without fear of breaking it. Bouncing on the bed for a second and settled, legs interwoven.

Cupping his tanned cheeks as if he was a treasure, Isa leaned down and kissed him. Pouring his happiness for this thoughtful gift. After a couple of more deep kisses, he barely moved away, whispering on his reddened lips. “This is wonderful, Moss— you’re wonderful~ thank you.” And one more kiss. Definitely longer.

”I love it~” He purred, smiling. Eyes bright and reflecting inside those pools of indigo is Moss’ image.

Zer0 Zer0
- December 20, 600 -

Moss was happy Isa was happy, and hugged him. "You're welcome, Isa~" he said fondly, tucking his long red side fringes behind his ear, and kissed him back sweetly. He enjoyed their long kisses, familiar and homely.

He looked up at him, contentedly rubbing his sides. "Looking forward to all the things you love in your photos." he whispered, all relaxed to see Isa this way. Moss' bright teals mirrored him back, image surrounded by twinkling warmth like sunlight across the ocean on a nice afternoon. It was cozy.

Their night passed in familiar pleasantness, and the next evening, they received another surprise.

* * * *​

Their next day came and went on smoothly. Isa finished the portal with Max for company this time, while Moss, Vidya, and L paid a visit to The Gentleman and triumphantly returned with a couple of job offers from him, a visiting vampire from the Blood Moors, and a witch hunter under heavy debt, that could set them up with enough firepower for their mission if they choose to take one of the jobs and finish it.

As they ate dinner, Max told them of the things he's learned the past days he was looking for help. The messenger that had visited The Godfather was none other than Echo Muses and she had successfully convinced the polar bear to aid Lady Giantsbane in defeating the Templar army camped in the Three Horns Divide. It was lead by Grand Marshall Lothar, the faction's most talented commander, and the bandit lord was eager to deal a crippling blow to the Templars by removing him. He and the crime lords under his rule who use Sanctuary as a place of refuge and to trade their ill-gotten goods were also not keen in letting that faction control the trade route. In return, Lady Giantsbane was to have her young blacksmith Sen share his knowledge in enchanting and weapon crafting, and to look the possibility of creating motor bikes from scratch from the things his craftsmen learned from tinkering with Isa's bike. "Maybe she can tell him of the portal. And no one can know we got involved in it."

Vidya, L, and Moss also explained the job offers. The places were along the way to Barad Eithel, and the bombs and weapons they can gain in exchange of one job done can be given to them now, but they have to go under a blood oath to promise to finish the job and not just skidaddle when they were done with Manuel and Theosebia. It was a lot of discussion, and they decided to wait on taking the jobs at least until they've talked to Echo. Maybe something will change and they can have support from someplace else. Vidya wasn't keen on the delay from doing sidejobs, but she understood that one can't just go in there unprepared. She was getting more restless though, and told L that maybe she wouldn't be able to do the jobs with them because she at least wanted to scout Barad Eithel out. Apart from weaponry, they needed some information about the place. And she reeally wanted to know if her mother and Magni are still at home.

And so they finished dinner talking about how to tell The Godfather about the portal.

* * * *​

Meanwhile, in a certain village in the southern sea side of the Forbidden Forest . . .

An old man would hear a tap, tap, tap from outside his window at eight in the evening, and see a red paper plane floating on the other side of the glass trying to get in.

Katsuya Katsuya
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- December 20, 600 -

That next morning, Isa chuckled under his breath as he took his first picture: Moss’ sleeping figure. Being careful to not wake him up and placed the corner of the covers over the lightbulb to not brighten up the room too much. He couldn’t wait to fill up the film. He even took a picture of the portal, to remember the pretty view inside and beautiful artifact that holds this wonderful piece of history.

The redhead appreciated Max’s expertise with machinery, it’s nice to bounce ideas back and forth. Thanks to him, they were able to finish fixing the portal and sneaked out of the area with Isa’s illusions. Wild Flower once again stayed in the caravan with Sassy, skulling out the area and making sure no one was nearby. When it was dinner time and everyone was together again to discuss, the white rabbit perked up. Her ears pointed straightened in attention.

“Young Echo is here?? I do miss her...” Wild Flower muttered at the end, looking down at her half-eaten plate, smiling. Then she looked at everyone at the table, determination sparkled in her eyes. Her cotton tail wiggled. “If you young ones need someone to hint the portal to her, I’m more than happy to do so. After all, I do want to help in this fight.”

She mentioned about this trip to Sanctuary will give her an excuse to sell off the items she found as well as any other items the group wanted to give away. With that and talking about a few other things, dinner resumed.


Meanwhile, in a certain village on the southern sea side of the Forbidden Forest where the waves crash into the sharp edges of the cliffs, an old man looked up from his reports. Golden molten yellow eyes that spoke of wisdom beyond his years peeked at the wooden grandfather clock. Hearing the usual melodic ‘Ding ding’ as the arrow hit eight. Then he followed the tapping sound. To his surprise and suspicions, there was a red paper airplane....hitting his window?

He heavily sighed, rubbing the bridge of his structured nose, feeling the smooth golden rings on top with his rough and scarred fingers. Dropping the reports on his scratched and old oak desk as he leaned back on his rocking chair. He closed his eyes. “Ancient Loki, for what has your children done to send me a holler? Truly, why are they a bunch of pranksters and cause me mayhem?” He is getting too old for such nonsense, then again he was once a prankster as well- BUT THAT’S WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER. Mid thirties, man. He is in his seventies, for Loki’s sake.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it as if he was releasing his troubles, the old man slowly stood up from the rocking chair and walked over to the window. Pushing it open and hearing it creak loudly to let the red paper airplane inside. Then he prepared himself for what the letter might be about, steeling his eyes in a glare, his frown deepened.


Zer0 Zer0
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- Montagna al Tramonto -

The red paper plane flew in smoking, then rose, tearing and refolding into paper lips.

A young man's voice, rising and falling in the musical Nazja accent filled the room. It would have been a clear, light, and pleasant voice, except that it was magnified to a fog horn's.


It went on like this for about five minutes.



And then the Howler burst into flames and into a pile of ash on the floor.

Katsuya Katsuya
- The Sect of Loki -
“Montagna al Tramonto’s cliffs”

The elder’s glare softened to one of surprise and curiosity, listening to this stuttering mess of a letter that’s screaming. Seems like he wasn’t the only one who was confused to this mess as more pairs of eyes peeked inside to listen as well. He shall not scold them as he didn’t blame them; he was still trying to understand what in the world is this letter going on about. He doesn’t have a grandson after all; granddaughters is more realistic.

That is, until they all heard a familiar and very missed name. The youngest of their own. Father Ryn held his breath. He hadn’t heard any news from that brat for years and now...now someone is asking for Father Ryn’s blessing to court him?

The members in the hallways started to chatter, most of them smiling in relief. Amusement and joy twinkled in their eyes the more they listened to the screaming letter. Father Ryn hushed them and they quietened. Sometimes some of the members chuckled or laughed under their breathes as they listened to this stranger’s words. Others were surprised of what has become of Isa and what he has done for others before shaking their heads in disbelief.

Once the letter has ended and ripped itself apart, the chatter started. Words jumbled around.

“Oh my Loki dearest! It’s Isa! And he got himself a-!”

”A boyfriend!” Clapped a woman in ropes, hopping in place with a elf man. Squealing in glee.

”So humbled too.” Commented an elderly dwarf. Leaning on her staff.

“A-and he loves animals~” mumbled the shy priest.

”He’s got a funny sense of humor though. Doesn‘t he know that this letter howls? Like a scream? And he was so incoherent.” Grumbled a scholar, pushing his glasses up.

”Ahhh~ but that’s makes it so much more sweeter~ Maybe he wanted to announce his love for our little brat~” teased a mature woman, cupping her left cheek in a provocative manner.

”I hope he’s ready to feed that little blackhole.” Joked a buff Drow, grinning and revealing his sharp dentures. “We should use that nickname too. Probably gonna hate it, hahah!”

”YEAH!!“ Then the elf gasps with excitement in his eyes. “Let’s message him!! Isa should be aware! After all those letters can’t go to the receiver unless the sender knows them. He must know that his boyfriend wrote this letter.”

”We should tell the rest of the Sect! Come with me, Poppy!” The woman grabbed onto the shy priest who was stuttering his response, dragged away as the woman screamed throughout the whole building and above. “ISA’S ALIVE AND GOT A BOYFRIEND!”

”Everyone. Leave.” The elder ordered, narrowing his eyes at the rowdy bunch. “Now.”

The members scattered, chattering nonstop as their footsteps faded. Once the hallways was quiet once more, Father Ryn released a shuddering sigh as he leaned heavily on the desk. Covering his teary eyes with a wrinkly hand as he could finally smile in his secrecy.

”Of course...of course, you have my blessing, you brat.” He whispered in the cold air, his deep chuckle resonated within his office. Once he collected himself together—- he stopped sniffling—- the elder reached inside his long sleeves and pulled out a natural wand made of rowen wood. Carved with runes all around and an orange materia at the bottom end. With a wave, he sent a message to the redhead.



Right as Isa was getting ready for bed and teasing Moss again, he winced. Reaching up to rub his temples as he was suddenly bombarded with messages in his head. Voices that he haven’t heard in a long time suddenly tsunami-ed their way in. Sitting up and slightly hunched over as he tried to focus on only one of the messages.

Zer0 Zer0
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- Moss Adamaris -

Moss, who was trying to gently rub Isa's arms dry after applying ice on his healing bruises, as Isa made him blush and laugh, looked up questioningly. "What's wrong?"

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

“Nothing’s wrong, just got a bunch of messages from...almost everyone that’s in the Sect.” Isa groaned, his face turning red from the teasing. “Seems like your letter made a very loud impression—— Agh! Okay, I refuse to hear anyone’s messages except gramps!!”

Silence in mind. The redhead sighed in relief, a hint of a smile quirked. “Ya did know that a howler letter screams out what ya say, right?——ARGH!”

”YOU BRAT! YOUR LETTER GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!” Grandpa Ryn screamed. Isa’s grin became impish, obviously amused despite the yell. “Ahh~ good. Then ya would finally get some bed rest, you old man.”

”Just when I thought you left to the southern lights, I get this letter— do you know how happy I am to hear that you’re still alive?!” The redhead stayed quiet, his grin wiped away as he looked down. Guilt is pinching his heart.

”I’m not gonna die, Gramps....Ya already scolded me for that.”

”You better remember well then! And for the love of all things natural, please stay in contact with anyone in the sect. I don’t care who.”


”Good...now tell your boyfriend to be careful of his muttering. The howler recorded everything he said. What is his name?”

”His name is Moss Lysander Adamaris.”

”Is he kind to you? Does he really feed you?”

”...He ...” Isa turned red again, though he smiled bashfully as he stared at the merman in front of him. The redhead’s tone softened to a sweetness that rivals honey. “He is wonderful, Grandpa. He cooks like home and takes care of me. He’s icing my bruises and drying my arms right now.”

”So he knows of your situation with your arms? Did he react well?”

”He helped me find a cure...”

”.......very well.” Isa heard him sigh. He can imagine the old man shaking his head already. “Tell Moss that I give my blessing —- BUT I MUST MEET HIM. YOU BETTER NOT RUN OFF WITHOUT A WORD LIKE LAST TIME!”

”FINE, OLD MAN.“ Isa yelled back before cutting off the message. He hugged Moss tight, smiling wide. “Ya got his blessing, but he wants to meet ya.”

Zer0 Zer0
- Moss Adamaris -

Moss sat up and threw the cloth he was using in his bag of folding. "Why would it make a loud impression?" he looked confused. "Yes, I knew that, but that's not what I did, did I? I thought I did the part where you just send something as a letter? Oh no . . ." his eyes widened in realization.

He went quiet as Isa had the conversation. And then immediately shook his head silently and waving his hands in alarm when Isa gave his full name. But oh, too late.

Moss captured Isa in the hug. "Okay, that's good!" he said in a fake-happy voice, grimacing. "That . . . my real name . . . it was supposed to be a secret, ohhhh, I didn't tell you to keep it a secret . . ." he buried his face in his hands.

Isa's grandpa is going to find out what he did before Isa does. If that happens, then no way. No way was he going to let Isa be with him.

"A-anyway, I would love to meet your grandpa! Does he live . . . does he, uh, talk to merefolk . . . they visit . . . it's in the coast . . . they would probably . . . so . . . everyone knows who I am there?"

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Warm hands cupped his tanned cheeks and gently urged Moss to look at him. Isa gazed at him quietly, feeling guilty for what he caused. “...Is...Is this about the secret ya don’t wanna tell me? The thing that other merfolk know?” He is guessing yes from the merman’s reaction. His thumbs rubbed those cheeks tenderly as he pondered.

“...I don’t believe everyone does. Even when merfolk visit. I don’t recall Gramps talk about ya.” He answered honestly.

“It’s that bad, huh?” Isa asked, leaning in to lightly bump foreheads in hopes to comfort the panicky Moss. “I’m not leaving ya, ya know?”

Zer0 Zer0
- Moss Adamaris -

Moss looked up at Isa. "Yes . . ." he whispered, afraid. "Yes, it's bad . . . He may have heard of me ten years ago. " He didn't look like he believed Isa won't leave. He took a deep breath. He didn't want the one he loved to learn about his past like this, but looks like the time has caught up with him . . . and he just got the blessing from his grandpa too . . . But Isa deserved the truth . . .

He pulled away, sitting on the bed, looking cornered and trying to muster up the courage for what he was about to say. "Isa . . . about my secret . . . it's . . . about why I was banished . . ." He took a deep breath. "I did squander my inheritance, but . . . u-umm . . ." he shook. "I . . . did more than that . . . I . . . I was drunk and . . . I was brash and I was arrogant and --- and dumb . . . Me and my friends, we were messing around, spending my fortune with Ophelia and Apollo, the princess and Prince of Sparta and I . . . I told them to try skooma . . . it's a . . . it's a drug? A-and . . . It was something me and my friends mixed up, our own spice, you know? And we were . . . drunk and I must have given them the wrong dose . . . We woke up, but they . . . they were . . . " he trembled, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. "I killed them, Isa . . . and . . . we should have come clean, but we were scared . . . we tried to hide it. I got caught . . . And . . . I swam, but they knew it was me . . . and the Spartans wanted to execute me, but I didn't want to die, and my sister and father, they couldn't do it either, so . . . they banished me. And rightly so!" he added immediately. "But . . . that . . . that reignited the war we've been having with Sparta . . . I . . . I broke that peace . . . and . . . I killed two of my friends, and . . . I didn't have the courage --- still don't have the courage --- no, that's a lie, I . . . I stopped caring about doing the right thing . . ."

He couldn't look at Isa. "I mean . . . talking about it now, the guilt doesn't even get me that much . . . I'm only scared about what you'll think of me . . . That's . . . this is the kind of person I am . . ."

Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

Isa’s brows furrowed deeper as the merman pulled away, slightly tilting his head to the left. Questioning. “Moss?” Then he spoke up about his past, causing the redhead to sit up straight. Giving his full attention. Is he really going to talk about it now?

So Isa listened. He watched Moss tremble. He watched Moss start to tear up. He watched Moss breaking bit by bit as he quietly listened to his secret. By the end, the redhead stayed. Gazing at the troubled merman as he finally realized what Moss meant before; about him not being so different to Isa’s uncle. He gritted his teeth and took deep breaths.

And yet-

A pale and bruised hand reached out to tenderly pat his shoulder. “Moss. Would ya like to know what I think of ya?” Isa asked gently.

Zer0 Zer0

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