Varanda High [Inactive]

The only problem is I want him to stay a human that doesn't know about the other monsters...... fuck it, Alex can learn to do something later.

Yes a robot arm..... that causes intense pain every time he uses it......
Hmmmm... well, you guys figure it out cause I'm about to crash. We have end of courses tomorrow, ick. 
Night guys! Talk to you all in the morning/tomorrow!
You two as well! It's 1:30 here DX ick. Oh, and my real name is Cierra obviously, what about you guys? And goodnight and sweet dreams!!! (:
Haha mine is Finn. I've already obviously sent mine over. Im satisfied with that ending and clean-slating to the other thread :P

I wasn't there for your threadnaught a few hours back as I was asleep as I run on UK time :)

Sent from Nexus 5 because yay phones and Tapatalk
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Everything seems in order so far. The transfer seems smooth enough and I don't think the new people have even posted yet.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. Much like me. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Oh yeah there is that. They seem fine though.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. Much like me. Why are you talking to this scrub?

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