Varanda High [Inactive]

Morgan Taylor

Junior Member
Morgan Taylor submitted a new role play:

Varanda High - A human school, Varanda High may be home to some less than human students...

Varanda High is a school in the modern world. But there may be some less than human creatures attending, trying t blend in. Vampires, maybe? Witches? Werewolves? Who knows? And who knows how long these undercover students keep their identities secret...
All kinds of supernatural (so basically myth-based) characters are acceptable, as well as humans and hunters of supernatural creatures.
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*The bell rings, and students start making their way to their first classes*
Kass would already be in the library, and not react at all to the bell ringing. She would apologize to her math teacher later, right now her philosophy book is much more important. Her eyes are unmoving, and her entire face shows no movement, and yet, she turns the pages steadily.
Nick watched Kass from behind his desk. She was going to be late for class if she didn't put her book away. What kind of high school student even reads philosophy?
Kass would wave to Nick, her head still static, and then mess with the choker she had around her neck.
Her shoulders would slump, and she would nod. After a second, she would walk up to Nick, typing on her phone. She would show it to the librarian, and it would read "Can you let me stay for this hour?"
Charles strode into class with disdain. He had gone through 1029 years of math classes.... and some teaching here and there. There wasn't much left for him to learn except a few of the new theorems that kept seeming to pop up around the world. He reached his seat, set his books down, and fell asleep.


Alex groaned as he made his way to math, his arm was giving him trouble. It was -never- a good thing when that happened. Not only did it hurt but it seemed to be able to tell the future of some bad event coming. He shrugged it off and simply took the pain as best he could as he opened the door to the class and found his seat. Setting the books down he looked around and waved to a few people, getting looks of both confusion and interest. "This is either gonna be great..... or really bad." When people got interested in his arm they either got used to it...... or despised it, either way it was always trouble.
"You hate geometry that much, eh?" Nick smiles. "i suppose you could stay, but dont drag me into it if one of your teachers gets cross."
Nick wondered why she bothered to type on her phone instead of just talking, but he later disregarded it and went back to his book as well, The 39 Deaths of Adam Strand.

Current Form:


Farra Rei, famous for cutting class, her hot temper and snarky attitude, and how she changes her appearance (somehow) ever so often.

"Hello, mortals," Farra says loudly as she walks into first period. Several of the students look up from their work, frightened. Others roll their eyes, and the rest applaud. Not the teacher. Usually, there would be no reaction, but considering that there was a truant officer behind her and first period was already half-way through caught everyone's attention.

"Again, Ms. Rei?" The teacher moaned. "Detention, plus extra homework. I want you to write me an essay on why school is essential to success. Got it?" Farra looked up lazily. "Sure, but it'll be pretty short. Ya know, some of the smartest people dropped out of high school. Take Bill Gates for instance--" The truant officer slammed his hand onto the desk. "WE AIN'T HERE TO MESS 'ROUND, YOU 'EAR?" He screamed. Farra's expression remained placid. She slowly turned her gaze to him, taking in every aspect of him. Then, quickly so only the officer could see, she morphed her features into the one's of the woman's on the picture he always carries around in his front pocket. "Excuse me, sir," Farra said quietly, "I think you're interrupting class." The terrified guard staggered back, much to the confusion of the class. "I-I-I..." he stammered. "Better be going, now," Farra said. The truant guard turned and ran.

She looked back up to the teacher, who was staring at her in shock and disbelief. "You didn't see anything," she whispered. And with that, she walked out of the room, the coat tails on her black jacket swinging behind her.

Farra, like usual when she skipped class, headed over to the library. She quietly entered the room, where a girl with a philosophy book was talking to Nick, the librarian. "Good morning, Nick," she said.

(Note: Bold text is loud speech, regular is normal or quiet, and italics is whispering.)

"it's about 39 deaths." Nick looks up. "i see you've scared off yet another officer." Nick continues reading. "You shouldn't do that, you could get into more trouble than you're already in."
Farra sighed. "And?" She didn't see any problem with continuing her habits; she'd been doing this for three years now, and hadn't gotten suspended once.
Nick looks Farra in the eye and then goes back to his book. I hope for her sake she's just human. I saw some hunters in town earlier this week... Nick though to himself.
Farra scanned his face. There were traces of worry in his eyes. "There's something bothering you," she said, narrowing her own eyes.
She laughed shortly. "Like that's gonna happen. I'm just gonna go to my regular spot." By her regular spot, she meant the dark hole in the back room. She stored all of her favorite books in there, from school and not.
Paxton strolled into the library, pulling at the tight collar of his new shirt. "I'd rather walk around here stark naked." He grumbled as he gave up on the task. He passed the weird blue-haired lady and went straight for the occult section.
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Mizu walked into the library with his head down. He looked up long enough to get a feel for his surroundings. " Humans, a strange bunch" thinking to him self " I wonder." But before he could finish his thought he looked over and saw some one reading a book about philosophy. Mizu walked over and sat next to her.

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