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Fantasy Vandeviere's academy for non-human students.

See Saw A Guy Stumbling To The Back Of The Class And Sitting Down Next To Her I Wonder Who Is Ashley Thought As She Started To Draw, She Does That When She Nervous
Nina darted from the treeline towards the front doors mumbling " I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! " she jerked open the door and stumbled a bit as she fell forwards catching herself she ran down the hall towards the class whose number she had memorized when she got her schedule before hand looking at each door number she did know Bael was in her way till she barked into him rolling on the ground she hissed with frustration and sighed laying on the ground she glared up at the ceiling saying to herself " Nice going Nina... "

She Saw The Girl Stumble To The Ground "Um You Ok" She Said Looking Down At Her
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Bael huffed, stumbling back a few feet before turning on the cat-girl sharply. "Watch your step, you tyst!" He snapped harshly, stepping forward somewhat threateningly. Objects around rattled and moved in synchronicity with his anger, falling over and sliding across the floor b
Nina flicked her ears seeing the girl as she sat up and hearing the boy getting up she dusted off and flicked her hair before turning towards the boy and flicking her tail back and forth slowly ears facing him " I'd rather you call me by my name...its Nina, Nina Collins " she ignored the moving objects
"You look like a mutt, so I'll call you one," Bael replied harshly, leering at her. "My name is Bael Julius Lake. Former assistant keeper of Sentinel lighthouse." He took a step closer, leaning toward her. "Dead."
Nina smirked and wat heD him lean forwards, she didn't want to be mean so she leaned forwards as well and poked his nose " Alright Bae " she called him by a stupid cute nickname and stood up straight the tip of her tail swishing back and forth happily
(I suppose so; it's kinda vague)

Likely to Nina's benefit, Bael didn't recognize the term at all. He huffed, clearly disappointed with her reaction and leaned back, scowling. "Whatever, then," he said grudgingly, turning to go back toward his chosen seat.
Nina glanced around and found a seat by the window near the back which just so happens to be near Bael, though she didn't even look at him but stared out the window ears perked tail flicking bck and forth curiously her pupils dilated
"I did not think I would have to say this." He turns his attention to Bael. "There will be none of that in this classroom, this is supposed to be a calm environment."
Bael scoffed, leering at the teacher. "Have you seen my file, sir? I'm not exactly cut out for calm." He almost spat out the word, clearly entertaining little respect for the rule. A poltergeist didn't exactly do calm.
"Here you have to make yourself. You'll be happier and better off that way. If you're not enrolled i suggest you take my class for dead students, It may be helpful. But that's for another time." He moved to the front of the room to address the whole class. "Welcome to your first day at Vandevieres academy. On you'r desk you'll find two directionals to guide you around the school a bit easier. The two are the same thing but I gave you two in case you loose one, as I would have to change forms to make you a new one. Does anyone have any questions about anything?"
Nina glanced to the form and then to the teacher before turning and looking over the form she stole a glance at Bael and giggled, she didn't think he got the nickname she had given him...but was now just realizing everyone else might know it
Bael stayed quiet, sinking a touch into his seat. He had no interest in being calm or taking classes on how to be dead properly — one century later, terrorizing and torturing trespassers along the way, he had been doing just fine. Then 'they' moved him here. He tilted his head back. "Yeah, just one. How long til we can leave?"

(Fun fact. Bael's name originally was Bae when I came up with him last August. Almost immediately after people started using it as a nickname and when I started writing with him, a changed it a touch but couldn't quite give the name up altogether. I actually pulled "Bae" from Once Upon A Time.)
(Oh man, I miss one day and someone does a naughty. And also that is a fun fact.)

Kyairo had no time to shuffle his flattered but slightly uncomfortable reaction to Tara before the other students came pouring in, almost immediately spitting venom upon each other. He shook his head and took the closest available seat to the door, looking a bit like he was also ready to leave. Drawing in a breath, he shifted his gaze down to the paperwork on his desk, a pair of printed schedules that were, in fact, identical. He glanced them over, trying to ignore the mounting tension in the room. Well, I do have an herbalism class to look forward to, at least, Kyairo thought to himself. The term "class for dead students" perked his attention, and he lifted his gaze to Mr. Barlow, cocking his head slightly. He had not known what to expect upon arrival, but he only found himself slightly surprised. A slight sigh of relief exited his narrow chest as Mr. Barlow's words appeared to quiet the seemingly antagonistic Bael, at least to a degree. Kyairo's attention shifted back to the boy with the piercing verdant eyes. He's a poltergeist, he realized, how had I not picked up on that previously? His gaze settled on Bael for a moment, analyzing the way he seemed to shrink slightly after Mr. Barlow had spoken. First days are stressful, he seems to be handling his far worse than I am. I wonder what it is that he's lacking, what it is he may need. Realizing that he could have easily been accused of staring, he returned his line of sight to the teacher, not wanting to miss anything.
Nina raised her hand " Ya can I give this back to you...I've already memorized it and figured out my schedule route " she placed her elbow on the table upright and rested her hand on her hand
He scowled, looking down at the map and schedule. First hour — Study of Magic Beasts. Okay, that might be interesting. It started in about half an hour. "Right, I have a 9:00 class it looks like. I'll be going now." He stood up, wanting to waste no time and started toward the door.

(That'll be with Halla.)
Nina sighed and picked up her paper striding over to the desk and set the papers down then she went back to her desk mumbling as she sat down " What am I his maid? " she giggled and leaned forwards in her desk folding her arms up under her chest ears perked tail flicking as usual though this was more in an amused way

Glancing over she watched Bael get up and start towards the door and she called to him using his nickname " See you later, Bae! " she giggled again, I bet he doesn't have a girlfriend...yet...she thought to herself
"I would have waited for you to be told you're dismissed, but..." He sighs. "you're dismissed." he feels this is going to be a long year.
Nina smirked and got up dashing out of the room she jogged up in front of Bael walking backwards so she could face him she held her hand out " Can I see your schedule? " she asked
Bael scoffed and looked over his shoulder at Nina briefly before heading out to find the meeting area for the class — right outside the doors in the garden. When Nina got in front of him he stopped short, looking mildly irritated and handed her the paper. "Magic beasts first. I haven't looked ahead any more." He glanced at it. Herbology was on there and he had been scheduled for the class for the undead(likely not optional for him), as well as a few others.
Nina glanced over his schedule and pointed to the classes she had him with " We both have math, gym, combat, culinary arts and lunch " she chuckled and handed it back to him " I'm guessing that most of the day " she sighed and stretched turning around sshe walked forwards coming up next to him

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