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Fantasy Vandeviere's academy for non-human students.

Rad frog father

fight me Helen
The school is gorgeous. It resembles an ancient castle lost in time, complete with overgrowing greenery which was rampant yet well maintained. The school is filled with students of all kinds and all ages. It is a place of acceptance.

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The school bell rings, it sounds similar to a church bell. However, due to it being a new year students are expected to go to their home base class at the beginning of the day as opposed to the end as an introduction to the new school is in order. The headmistress silently walked the halls in order to catch all students that tried to skip out.

Lesley was in his physical form, which he planned to soon change as the dead-fish-eyes, the prominent blue veins spread across his face, and the smell of blood and death that followed him was unsettling to some students. He was putting papers on desks, two on each just in case a student needed a new one.

Tara did not immediately head to a class room as she wanted to linger in the lobby in order to check out the people who flocked into the school. Though she had no plans to talk to any on her own she thought it would be beneficial to see where she might fit in.
Chelsy Walked The School Halls To Her Class, She Put Her Hood Up And Headed To It She Walked To The Class Door And Smelled Blood And Death, Whats That Smell Ashley Thought As She Entered The Door. She Seen A Transparent Figure Putting Papers On The Desk's. Chelsy Went To Her Desk And Sat Down.
In his physical form he is fully opaque. He looks to the student who walked in. "Oh, I apologize. I meant to have all this done by the time any students came in." He was almost done placing the books. In his high collared shirt his bullet wound on his neck was almost fully concealed.
Having just arrived for the first time, Kyairo was unsure of exactly where he was, let alone where he was supposed to go. The cries of the bell seemed to resonate in the air surrounding, and he found himself in what appeared to be a lobby of sorts. It was certainly not vacant, and a thought crossed his mind to ask someone for directions. His pale crystalline gaze turned to the nearest person, whom had happened to be Tara.

"Excuse me, madam, I don't mean to bother you," he began in a gentle tone, "but do you happen to know where exactly it is that we're supposed to go? I'm sorry to intrude, but this is the first school I've attended."
"its Ok She Said" Taking Off Her Hood Showing Her Purple-ish Blue hair "Im Chelsy By The Way And Your Lesley Right"
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"I-" He cleared his throat. "Do you usually call your teachers by their first names?" He asked, sounding a bit confused.

"Oh uh..." Tara's voice was soft and sweet. "We have to go to our home base and ah..." She paused for a moment. "Where's your home base class?" she asked, taking off her backpack and looking for her schedule.
"No But I Don't Know Your Last Name But I Know Your First Name" She Said Getting Organized

Kyairo blinked, confusion beginning to mildly contort his expression. "Home Base? I'm not sure, to be honest. I don't think I've gotten my schedule yet. I think I'd heard something about a Mr. Barlow, is he the Home Base teacher?" He stood before her, feeling uncomfortably ignorant. It seemed most of the other students had at least some vague idea where to go, whereas to him, 'Home Base' sounded like some sort of military-esque bunker.
"My last name is Barlow, please use my last name." He finished putting out the last pieces of paper.

She looked her schedule up and down. "Oh uh, I have that class too, you can walk with me I guess." Silently in her head she wondered what he was and what he could do. She wondered that with every human looking student she passed. She never asked but her curiosity was still powerful.
"well Nice meeting you Mr. Barlow" She Said Finishing Getting Organized, "I Hope This Will Be A Good School Year"
"Nice meeting you too, and I am sure that it will be." His body starts to turn translucent as he returns from his spirit form, his figure losing all the characteristics of a corpse. However, as he turns back into his spirit form his shirt becomes stained with blood, starting at his neck and seeping down to his chest. "Are you in one of my classes?" He asked.
"Um Yeah I Am" She Said Looking Around The Classroom "Nice Class You Got"
"Thank you." In his spirit form his voice is much more hollow, much more empty. And his voice does not come from his mouth but instead all around him. There is an eerie quality to it

[QUOTE="Rad frog father]"My last name is Barlow, please use my last name." He finished putting out the last pieces of paper.
She looked her schedule up and down. "Oh uh, I have that class too, you can walk with me I guess." Silently in her head she wondered what he was and what he could do. She wondered that with every human looking student she passed. She never asked but her curiosity was still powerful.

"Thank you," he murmured, slightly embarrassed. "My apologies for interrupting your morning. I greatly appreciate your help, though." Although Kyairo seemed to be a bit more focused on learning to navigate around the school itself, ready to notice and pinpoint any landmarks that might assist him in reaching classes on his own next time, he too was not without curiosity of the others. Everyone appears to be human so far, he thought to himself, but it could be a facade. He turned his attention back to Tara. "I'm Kyairo, by the way." His tone regained its sense of polite but stoic formality. "Who might you be?"
"It's no problem." She smiled softly. "First days are hard." She held up her hand for a handshake. "My name is Tara, nice to meet you."
Kyairo accepted her handshake with a slight bow of his head, his grip more subtle than one might have expected. "A pleasure to meet you, Tara," he said, returning her smile. "You've been very kind."
"Nah." She smiled and took her hand back. "I'm doing what any decent person would do." Tata finished as she came up to the classroom.
Chelsy Sat Waiting For The Rest Of The Students To Come In, She Saw The Last Of The Students Come In. Chelsy Sat In The Back Of The Room Away From Anyone Else Because There Was Alot Of Desk That Weren't Taking
As they neared Mr. Barlow's class, Kyairo smiled. "Exactly, and thus you've shown kindness." He reached for the handle of the door and pulled it open, gesturing for Tara to enter first. He caught sight of some of the other students inside and offered a polite nod.
Tara laughed quietly. "You are quite the gentleman, you know that?" She took her seat right in the middle of the desks before taking a look around.
Bael was apparently displeased with joining the school. He stood aside in the halls, glaring at the others and not armed with any supplies at all. Clearly he had no intention of putting in effort.

Halla, meanwhile, was at the edge of the woods, leaning against his staff and mentally finishing his checklist. He looked back at the building, cringing at the idea of going back in, and after a moment of preparation, headed back in to wait on classes.
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