Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Haters Gonna Hate

New Member


Vampires have Taken over, all Hope is Lost for the Humans. Humans have either Died Fighting or have been Captured to be a Slave for the Vampires. Vampires are allowed to do ANYTHING to you.


1. INTENSE Romance allowed.

2. Keep Genders even

3.Allowed to Cuss

4. Do not Kill other Characters Unless your allowed.
Ooc- Sounds cool, can I join? I'm new here, so I'm a bit clueless, but I have experience with RPing. Are we allowed to have either human or vampire or do we have to have human, or do we have to have vampire or...? Sorry obsessed with doing this right.
[MENTION=3229]Haters Gonna Hate[/MENTION]

When are you starting this RP? Also, a lot of people have posted bios, do we need to be approved or do we just jump in? How do we know which Vampire gets which human?
OOC: Hey! I LOVE Vampire books/movies/Rps/etc. I would love to join this Rp, but like the earlier posts...i'm new here and I'm not sure how to start off. Do we wait for you to start, need to be approved, character profiles first, or what. I hope we can begin soon though! I'm really excited! :D :D :D
Ah, the lulling softness of moonlit nights. A blue hue upon the stone and iron buildings. The haunting sound of piano went through the corridors, almost soothing in the hallowed halls. Then the melodic music harshly came to a halt with a short yelp echoing. A peek in the music room stood a tall, black haired vampire and a small, red headed teenager clutching her hands. Small tears roll down her pale cheeks onto the ivory keys, too afraid to look up at the man. “Do it again. And do it right,” his voice rumbled as he tapped a riding crop in his palms.

“I… I can’t,” she whimpered, looking at her bloody, reddened knuckles. “It hurts too much. My fingers won’t s-stop shaking.”

The looming creature leaned over her, his impatient lips pursed as he looked at her oozing hands. “It will be much, much harder for you to play if you’re missing your little fingers. Your master demands that you play flawlessly and you will do so. Play. NOW.”

“Master Abraham?”

Bram turned his eyes to the human slave standing in his doorway. “What is it, Joanna? Speak quickly, I’m busy.”

“I apologize for interrupting your lessons, Master,” the maiden slave said with a quiet bow. “But you asked that I inform you when new slaves have arrived in the slave house. If it pleases you, Master, I shall continue her lessons in your stead.”

He looked down to the crying girl with irritation in his sigh and his grip tightening around the bloodied crop. “Very well. I will give only one order of discipline. If she misses a note once, strike her hands. If she misses twice… remove her littlest finger on each hand.”

Joanna raised her brow in quiet judgement. “Master… is that not a bit harsh? Will her master appreciate you disfiguring her hands?”

There was a twitch in his cheek when his slave inquired about his ‘usual’ method. Oh, how he had to will himself not to smack that pretty little face. “I gave you an order, Joanna,” he said, handing his whip to her. “I expect you to follow them. Oh, and I will know if you lie to me. So do not try to spare the child from punishment.”

“Yes, Master,” Joanna said with a bow as he left the room. Bram walked with eyes forward, pulling a kerchief from his sleeve to dab the drops of blood off his maroon coat. Breaking this most recent slave has been… disheartening. Her master had brought her in a week ago, talentless, disobedient and unwilling to even learn something as simplistic as a lullaby. He got her playing simple tunes in 3 days and in a week, she was long ballads. But still she missed notes and misstep in rhythm. No matter. In a day or so she’ll be sent back a prodigy… possibly missing her minor digits.

He needed a slave he could mold into his own personal slave. Someone raw and challenging. Someone to replace…

Ah, no need to dwell on old memories that serve no memory now. He stood in front of the slave house, ready to inspect them all and to find the perfect slave.
(Yes! I LOVE YOU ALL xD My first Rp on rpnation and heaps of people are Joining! whoooooo hooo!! anyways you are all Accepted!)

Michelle Sat On her 'New' Bed...... well at least Untill She gets a Master. The Room smelt Bad, Like Rotten flesh and Dried Blood. Michelle Squeezed her nose In Repultion as she stood Up and Brushed herself off.

Let me tell you about Michelle, She Hates being told what to do! But because of the Current Curcamstance's..... Well she will Try and Obay.

She Looked at herself in the Dirty, Broken Mirror. Her Violet Eyes Shining and her Blonde Hair Silky.

"Perfect for getting a Master." She told herself as she sat back down on her bed waiting.
Kiki twirled a cotton candy pink strand of hair between her delicate fingers. She sat alone in the darkness, not allowed to have a window simply because the Vampires at this Slave House had deemed her 'Too intelligent'. They all feared she would escape and they'd miss out on a potential profit. Her red eyes skimmed the darkness. Everyone had always wondered about tnis abnormality, since red eyes were typically a feature of a Vampire, but there was no Vampire blood in this petite girl. She was small for her age, 18 being legal age for Humans. You would think they'd be easier to sell at that point, since it wasn't as cruel to have sexual encounters with a human of adult age. After all, they could consent. But no, a lot of Vampires preferred younger humans. They were easier to teach and mold. To manipulate. Kiki would not be broken.

There were new slaves coming in today, and all the humans, old or new, would be put on display so that they could be bought. Kiki didn't intend to put on a good show. Usually, she had to be dragged down the hall to the showing room, kicking, screaming, and in cuffs. But today, she realized something. If she was bought, she'd leave her windowless room, and she'd have a better chance of escaping. She didn't know where she'd go. But she'd never stop running.

Finally, two Vampires opened the door to her cell. They walked in, ready for a struggle, and handcuffed her hands behind her back. But when she was pulled from the dirty concrete floor, she didn't put up a fight. They cleaned up her pastel blue and pink dress ((in the picture on her bio)) and sent her to the line. There she stood, still chained, but completely quiet. A first group of Vampires walked in to look at the humans. She stood quietly, waiting for one of them to approach her.

(( So [MENTION=3229]Haters Gonna Hate[/MENTION] Do the Vampire RPers pick their own or are you assigning a human to each?))
Scarlet red blood dripped down her lips, tainting her teeth with the heavenly liquid. Slowly, she licked the fresh blood off her lips and teeth as she dropped one of her meals on the floor. Red eyes glowing, she slipped into the shadows and vanished out of sight.

Appearing on a rooftop and staring up at the moon, a wide grin had spread across her face as she chuckled teasingly.

"This is going to be fun.." She tilted her head and laughed childishly. Leaping down off the high-roof top, she glanced around, sensing the slaves were near by. She walked towards them, a wicked smirk on her face as she walked up to one of the boy slaves and ran her finger under his chin, making him look at her. Staring into his eyes, she suddenly backed off and removed her finger. She flashed the other slaves that were looking at her a deadly look, making them all glance down. Laughing childishly again, she looked at the other slaves, the same wicked grin on her face.
Renji was reading in his home library when he suddenly stoped getting a rare feeling of lonleyness,the feel just randomly appeared he hardly ever thought about this feeling.He felt a sudden earge to touch a woman's skin to become in a escalating passionate frenzy.The thought enlighten him. He tried to remember what he did to the last woman he was with, he could remember her arms wrapping around his neck,tangling her fingers in his hair.She embraced him putting all her secret emotions and tender feeling into the embrace.He could remember her scared to kiss him,she seemed so cute, he had To do it himself.To start the kiss off he nibbled on the conors of her mouth and pressed soft, slow kisses against her unyielding red lips. He held her tightly against his body methodically swept aside her resistance. And feeling her body against his he was egar to touch her more he began seducing her even more skillfully. His lips grazed her neck,he kissed up to her ear then back to the center of her neck. He couldn't help himself the thirst of blood got to him, he bite into her tan skin holding her tighter, gulping down her blood. Her beautiful Blue eyes looked at him see said in a quiet voice " I thought you loved me" He stopped for a moment and lifted up his head,licking the blood off his lip.He smirked and tilted her chin up "I guess you thought wrong" he continued drinking her blood till her body was limp. Renji smiled in pleasure "What a beautiful memory her blood was so rare so delectable" he licked his at the thought.

Renjis friend told him about the slave house when the word " slave" was heard his expression turned into a perverted look. The conor of his mouth turned up into a smirk. "A slave uh? Well that's sound very interesting".He was determined to buy a slave of his own.The next day he drove to the slave house,he began to think dirty thoughts about his cute little slave.He walked in to see cages,rows of cages. He smirked it couldn't be helped his thought became dirtyer.
The beautiful vampire looked around at the other slaves, her red eyes glittering softly. She noticed that more of the vampire's were beginning to appear, picking out there slaves delicately. Looking around, she spotted a few she might like. But she was reluctant and instead began walking the other direction, checking out more of the slaves.

Isabella flicked her hair back, swinging her hips slightly as she walked up to a tall, handsome looking boy and leaned towards him, nibbling his neck gently, but not enough to draw blood. The boy gulped and clenched his fists, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Tell me, boy.. Are you afraid?" She asked in an overly sexy voice. The boy gulped again and gave a quick shake of his head. The vampire giggled to herself teasingly and licked the part of his neck she was about to bite. Finding a sweet spot in his neck, she bit down hard, and drank the heavenly liquid. He gasped only a little, stepping in towards her.

She pulled her face away from his, blood dripping down her chin. She wiped it away and grinned, pulling away from the boy.

"You taste delicious, boy. I might just buy you so I can have you all to myself.." She pulled him closer until he was inches away from her. His eyes were wide, but unafraid.

Deciding she had been having enough fun, she pulled away completely and slipped past the boy, leaving him with a harsh bite mark on his neck. He wasn't the one she was looking for.

"But he sure tasted delicious." She said in her sexy-toned voice, than licked the remaining blood off her lips and wandered off to look at the other slaves.
Upon arriving to the slave quarters, Bram found that one other had arrived before him. Scarlet was her name, if memory recalled. He watched as she made any male slave she approached shrivel in her presence. A touch of her finger seemed to make men into mice, and Bram knew a poisonous smile when he saw. Her behavior was… irritating to Bram; she had a look on her like a child… ‘A child who’d rip legs off of grasshoppers for pleasure,’ his thoughts echoed loudly.

He ignored her taunting smile to the other slaves and began to look over some for himself. The ‘fresh meat’ that was brought in looked young in age, though some were malnourished and sickly. They looked to the ground with dead eyes, voices broken by war and famine. Breaking them would be hollow victories on his part. Nothing was catching his eyes. However, the two standing guards of the slave quarter open the doors with a woman in blue at hand. They placed her lined up with the other pitiful humans, her body and color of the face seeming healthier than the others.

Bram studied this new meat briefly, taking note of her quiet stance. She looked intelligent, had eyes that still burned for life and freedom. Perhaps a candidate for his personal slave collection? ‘Perhaps indeed,’ he thought as he stroked his trimmed goatee. He held his stare for a moment longer, and then turned to look over the other slaves. Father always did say never pick the first one you like immediately. Wouldn’t hurt to see who else there was for him to take home.
Isabella placed a finger on her lip in a teasing manner before slowly approaching a vampire(Bram.) who seemed to be searching for a slave as well. Another wicked grin spread across her face as she stopped when she was a few feet away from him.

"There's so many choices, isn't there?" She asked him, placing her hands on her hips and giggling slightly. She knew he probably wasn't the flirting type, but she didn't really mind that much.

Flicking her hair back once more, she took a few steps towards him, still looking at the slaves. Her eyes glittered playfully as she stopped almost when she was right next to him.
He looked at her wild a mildly annoyed glance before turning back to the current slave he was looking at. It was male, someone with a strong back and eyes forward in bravery… yet such terrible teeth. Even he was allowed some vanity in picking his slave. “So many choices, yes. Pitiful, disgusting and intolerable choices,” he said forcefully shoving the boy’s jaw away. “But I suppose if you’re only use of them is to taunt and gorge yourself on them, I suppose looks don’t much matter.”

He walked passed Isabella to the boy she had bitten. The gash upon his neck was bleeding profusely and his face was turning white. “A waste of possible potential. No one has ever taken the time to tell you that you can do more with humans other than making them piss in fear. Am I right in this assumption?” The boy couldn’t even look Bram in the eye let alone stand straight.

“Why are you even here, may I ask?” Bram sneered as he looked at Isabella with disapproving eyes. It was clear enough her vicious, uncouth behavior had rustled his feathers. He had known well of some vampires picking slaves for feeding purposes alone. But to take a bite of an apple before purchasing it from the stand, then putting it back? Disgraceful...
Isabella could only laugh childishly before turning towards the vampire fully. The grin still remained on her face, even after all those harsh words.

"Now, now.. No need to be so harsh." She purred, walking up to the boy and running her nail deep into her wrist, causing it to bleed. Making the boy open his mouth, a drop of her blood dripped into his mouth. Immediately, the bite mark on his neck healed in seconds, and he returned to his normal stance, but slightly stronger than before.

Pleased with herself, she turned back to the vampire with a daring look in her eyes.

"I am here to pick a slave, the same as you are. I taste my slave's blood before I mark that they are rightfully mine." She ran her finger of the boy's neck, making him wince once again.

"But this one, is not the one I desire." She murmured, meeting the vampire's gaze with piercing red eyes. Tilting her head and circling the vampire, she giggled teasingly. She was obviously enjoying herself. This vampire in particular was fun to tease.

"You seem tense, vampire. Maybe you need to loosen up a little bit.." She whispered in her usual sexy voice, running her fingers gently down his arm.
If fresh lively blood was beating through his blackened veins, his face would turn red with anger. His composure wouldn’t allow him to show how flustered he was with this woman. But damn it all to hell, how could she keep such a teasing, luscious smile on her face. She looked at him with the giddy joy of a child annoying an older sibling. He pulled his arm away from her and snarled in warning. “I grow weary of your childish giggling,” he growled. “Keep that grimy tongue in your mouth or I’ll find reason to rip it out for you.”

He then turned an eye to the healed boy, drying blood staining his shoulder. By the gods, this woman’s methods were raw and inexcusable. He could even smell that tiny, tiny drop of blood she had given the boy running throughout his body. He was Isabella’s toy she had quickly grown bored with, treated it like dirt, and fixed as if her behavior would go unnoticed. She was out of line, a thorn that planted in Bram’s side in this brief meeting. His hand clench in frustration and his teeth clench until…

In a flash, he grabbed the healed boy’s neck and with inhuman strength, ripped out his jugular. His face was stoic and still as the helpless human clutched his throat and fell to the ground. Other humans in the line screamed, trying to step away as far as the chains let them. Bram’s anger quietly faded as he took his bloodied hand under Isabella’s chin and lifted her head up. “Anything tainted by someone as ill-mannered and uncivilized as you is worthless,” he said in a harsh whisper. “These may be your toys… but I’m here to break them.” He dropped her chin and turned walk down the line of slave, still searching for a new project of his own.
Isabella didn't even wince when Bram killed the boy she had teased earlier. A wide smile formed on her mouth and her razor sharp teeth glistened in the moonlight.

"Break as many of my toys as you want. But you can not change who I am." Her eyes began glowing fiercely, and the teasing method she had just performed made her grow even more childish. Laughing slightly in a more mature way, she met Bram's gaze.

She smirked again, closing her eyes for a split second.

"And if you think I'm ill-mannered and uncivilized," She paused and snickered, staring him down with her red eyes.

"Than you have no idea who I am." She spat so forcefully, that a few of the other humans around her shivered in fear. The anger building up in side her was deadly, and almost uncontrollable. If she ever got angry, she would kill everything in her path without mercy. But that wasn't who she was anymore. She is actually a sweetheart for a vampire if you get to know her. The teasing and flirting is only a disguise to cover her niceness.
Ah so the tables had finally turned for Bram. Like himself, this vampire femme had fury in her, buried deep in that blackened heart. She could hide it behind all her sweet as sugared ice smiles and her flirty giggles. But Bram knew that kind of flourishing anger. The kind with the deaths following your path, with splattered blood deliciously heating cold skin. The kind that ended with an ecstatic climax in the end. Bram shuddered, wondering when the last time he simply took his fury out on a crowd to such a degree. But he had control, necessary discipline…. And so did this woman. This… Isabella. If he pushed her buttons just a bit further…

He finally chuckled before licking the dripping blood from his palm to the tip of his index finger. “You are simply adorable,” he said facetiously. “Perhaps you’re a little more than just a child looking to cause a little pain for her pleasure.” He shrugged, and then looked over the fearful slaves. “You’ve proven to be quick a… shall I say, sadistically odd master. You’re slaves will simply have a field day over you… or they’ll look at you the same as I do and give no respect for your presence. Just fear.”
Her fists began to clench and her eyes grew brighter and brighter with every word he spoke. This vampire was making a mistake. Making her angry was the last thing she wanted.

"Don't tease me, vampire." She snarled, her voice turning into a high-pitched hiss as she bared her fangs at him. He was taking this too far. If she got any more irritated, she would surely blow up with such rage, that it's almost unbearable.

Taking a deep breath, she unclenched her fists and met his gaze once again.

"Making me angry is the last thing you want. Unless you want every last human here to die by choking on there own blood, I suggest you back off for now." She murmured, her same old smirk coming back
It wasn’t in Bram’s nature to back off from an impending fight. He wanted to see this woman in her mighty rage, her hands soaked in the blood of poor bystanders. He wanted to push her over the edge and watch her fall. Even the sound of her threatening hiss was music in his ears. Oh, if only she was a human slave, someone he could torture and break at his own will. What lovely sounds her sobbing would be. Alas, he held his hand up and concedes.

“Fine, fine, Miss Isabella,” he said, a hint of his lost Spanish accent lacing his words. “I won’t take up anymore of your eternal time with such a pitiful spat. At least, for now I’ll stop.” He turned back to the cowering slaves, coming close to simply picking on to torture and sup from slowly. “However, if you find yourself in possession of a slave that you simply cannot handle… well, you can find me.” He gave her a burning glare with his starling colored eyes, a genuine intrigued look painted on his face. "And I hope one day to see your full fury in swing. Don't hold back next time."
(You Guys dont have to Have full on Paragraphs if you Guys want :) Oh and You can Pick your Slave)

Michelle Stood Up and Ran her fingers through her hair and Sighed.

"Show time." She said Sarcastically as she opened the Door and saw Two Vampires there. They Chained her Up, and she rolled her eyes and smirked.

They Took her down to the Main area for where The Vampires Picked their Slaves and she stood next to a Nervous looking Slave girl.

Michelle Felt sympathy for her.
Kiki saw a Vampiress enter the room. All the male slaves were eyeing her, apparently desiring to be picked. She teased one slave in particular, biting and talking to him. Soon after, a male entered the room. He caught her eye for only a moment before looking away. He and the woman argued for awhile about the picking and treatment of the slaves, then he finished by ripping out the jugular of the boy she'd teased before. Kiki didn't flinch, she'd seen much worse before. She stood silently, watching it all unfold in front of her. Her cuffs jingled slightly as she scratched one of her wrist bound by them.
The soft sound of chains clinking together caught Bram's sensitive ears and he turned to look at the slave in the blue dress. Ah, yes, he had nearly forgotten about her. He stepped close to her, his stance towering over her. He lifted her chin up and forced her mouth open to look at her teeth. Her tongue didn't seem paled from plague and her teeth seemed decent. He then shoved her jaw aside and grabbed her wrist harshly to look at her palms. "You're a bit older than what I had in mind..." he muttered as he twisted her hand to look at the other side. "And it seems you have few scars; you've never stayed with one master long. You just might be an interesting challenge..."

He dropped her hands and then moved to Michelle, roughly grabbing her jaw and opening her mouth to give her the same look aver as Kiki. "Hmm.... your eyes are too bright," he said as well as inspecting her mouth. He let go and moved to the ribbons in her honey colored hair. "And someone's allowed you to look so... childish. It's unbecoming." Bram had gone into his regular nitpicky, professional mode, looking for any flaws he could rub out of a slave and perfect them. Oh, but who to choose in this stable of human slaves?
The vampire grinned once again as Bram began walking away. Biting her lip with her fangs, she chuckled slightly striding along towards a few other slaves. A boy slave looked up at her and smirked, his eyes bright with fierceness. This boy was gorgeously handsome, and even Isabella couldn't help but stop and stare at him. The same playful look danced in her eyes as she sweeped towards him, taking his chin and forcing his face to hers.

"My, my.. You are probably the best looking slave I have seen so far." She murmured, her eyes glittering as he chuckled slightly.

"And you, my dear, are probably the most beautiful vampire I have ever seen." He stepped closer to her and grinned wildly. Stepping back and letting go of him, she laughed, beginning to like this boy so far.

"Why thank you. May I ask of your name?" She twirled her hair playfully, but when he was about to open his mouth, another vampire stood behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"This boy belongs to me.. Do not tease my slave." The vampiress hissed, pulling the boy away from her.

With a childish giggle, she turned her back to them.

"Very well. You can have him." And than she walked off as if nothing had happened. She was having trouble picking a slave, and she was almost ready to just leave without one.

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