Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Haters Gonna Hate

New Member


Vampires have Taken over, all Hope is Lost for the Humans. Humans have either Died Fighting or have been Captured to be a Slave for the Vampires. Vampires are allowed to do ANYTHING to you.


1. INTENSE Romance allowed.

2. Keep Genders even

3.Allowed to Cuss

4. Do not Kill other Characters Unless your allowed.






Human or Vampire?:

Slave or Master?:



Obedience Rating:



Username: H
aters Gonna Hate

Name: M
ichelle Bright

Age: 16

Looks: View attachment 6719

Human or Vampire?:

Slave or Master?: S

Personality: B
right and Bubbily, Likes to help others and stands up for what is right, She can get a bit Feisty ;)

Parents got Killed in the war Between Vampires and Humans and she Lost her Little sister to an abusive Master.

Obedience Rating:
Since it hasn't been stated else wise, I'm going to assume this is a modern day fantasy role play? As to your romance, the site does prohibit intense details/actions.

"This is a PG-13 community used for members of all ages. All pornography is forbidden to be posted, If the image, video, or post's nature is questionable then don't post it. This goes for role plays as well."

Username - Aerynne

Name: William Conners

Vampire - Master

86, turned at age 23


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William is young as far as his kind is known. He was changed a mere sixty-three years ago when he took the wrong short cut home down a dark alley. Until recently, he has kept hidden and to himself, feeding in a nearly undetectable manner. Now that the wars have sprung and the truly superior race has risen to the top, however, William gladly announces himself for what he is. He is brutal and quick to punish, generally asking questions after consequences have been given. He has just grown bored of his last slave, and now that she has served her final purpose of fulfilling his strength, William is in search of a new human to toy with.

Name: Amelia De Braun

Human - Slave

Age: 17


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Amelia was the daughter of a renounced businessman and obedient housewife until the attack on their town was made. She is now being auctioned off for the blood-thirsty monster's entertainment. Although raised wealthy, she does not maintain a stubborn attitude; she is however, unused to being treated poorly and is soft hearted.

Obedience: 8/10

(Yay, someone new too :D Hope this is all right)

Username: S-Malone

Name: Abraham 'Bram' De La Solana

Age: 250 Vampire Years, 26 Physical Years

Looks: 6' 5" Lean in build, black hair with a thick white streak, pale green eyes, burn on his right shoulder

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Human or Vampire?: Vampire

Slave or Master?: Master


His voice is what carries his personality; it is deep, hallowed and demands obedience from his slaves, slaves in training and vampires beneath his status. He collects his thoughts in silence, hasn't smiled for other reason that satisfaction and hasn't laughed in a century. While he trains human slaves into submissive obedience for others, he has a few select 'pet' humans he keeps to himself for company. He is quiet, alone, and when necessary, incredibly cruel.


Bram himself as admitted that his history has been blurred as he grows further and further away from it. It is only through the brittle and fading pages of journals he kept as a youth remind him of his life. In was in the 18
th century of Spain he was born, a spoiled child in a house of wealth. His father, a general in the military, taught him to be manipulative, controlling and to demand perfection and respect from those who served you. Bram was silent, calculating; always looking for the weak points in people to use against them if ever did they dare to cross the line. His mother taught him subtlety, quiet ways to take a person and mold them to his will. It didn’t always have to be beatings; a threat upon their family and health was good enough. He joined the military with his father, becoming a cruel officer to his men. He would kill those who attempt to defect, threatened those who couldn't be what he demanded in them, and turned each man into an obedient killing machine. His servants suffered similar attacks, his words twisting in their minds and his demand for constant perfection crippling them.

It was in his late 20’s when his was struck with a grave illness. He coughed up blood constantly, was unable to eat for days at a time and had a fever that never broke. Years of abuse towards all who came near him left him helpless, no one willing to save this bitter man of hate and demand. Even his parents left him to fend for himself, unable to cope with his bitter fury in his sickness. He would die alone. In the night where it was to be his last night on earth, there was a voice at his window. He calls her in his weakened tone and sees a figure in white step into his room. It was a woman, pale, beautiful with ruby red lips. She opened her mouth, yet he could no longer hear the words. His sight was beginning to fail, and his heart starting to die. She knelt to him, kissed his hot forehead with chilled lips. ‘I need you to live. The future of my kind needs someone like you,’ he could hear in his mind. It is there, he says now when he tells his story, where he only remembers his heart stopping and her lips upon his neck. Since then, he was pulled into the dark world of vampirism, a tool used to slaughter the humans who couldn't obey and teach the smarter ones to obey.

To this day he maintains a position as a slave trainer, taking up humans that have obedience troubles and breaking them for their masters. If a slave doesn't learn to obey and stand down, he either kills them for food, or sends them to be slaughtered by the wolves. Even his own slaves are solemn, empty creatures who don't bat an eye to his order, even if is to kill another human at his command. He has yet to find any human slaves who he couldn't break in less than a week, let alone one to keep in his collection of pet humans.

Obedience Rating:

(....Bram, why'd you come out being so meeeeaaan?)
I see you want to begin. That's good. But please do so with a new thread in the main Fantasy/Supernatural section for the RP. This keeps the flow of the RP unbroken and smooth.

Username: anonymous92

Name: Brady Right

Age: 22

Looks: He is 6"4' and 180 pounds his hair is short cropped and black. He has one black eye and the other is blue. He is always wearing a black suit with a pocket watch. He has a bull emblem on his clothes and watch.

Human or Vampire?: Human

Slave or Master?: Slave

Personality: He is very mellow with everything but is easily pissed off and can talk back. He is a hard worker and enjoys the service life.

History: Ever since Brady can remember he has been of some type of service. Often his parents would rent him out to work but one day they were scammed sighing a contract. He has now been moving from home to home for the highest bidder. He is known for his exact cleaning ability and cooking skills. Brady is also renowned for his musical abilities.

Obedience Rating: 7/10

Name: Renji Lieberch


Human or Vampire: Vampire

Slave or Master?: Master

Personality: Flirty,Seductive,Charming,Formal,A bit of a perv,Humorous,And I mustn't forget an excellent kisser.

Likes: He has a bad habit of smoking but really enjoys it. Renji also likes well i should say LOVES the innocent shy type of girls,he finds them quit cute and very pleasurable.

Dislikes: Renji hates being annoyed and disobeyed. If you just annoy him he just gets angry and treats you with a well big amount of disrespect and on the other hand if you disobey him he will simple just have to punish you

History: Renji decends from royalty his Uncle had all the money but after his Uncles death he was next for the family's fortune. His Uncle was greedy and was offered for the chance of never growing old,his Uncle took it knowing with out aging he would forever carry the family's riches,so he became a vampire. Renji was close to dieing at the age of twenty his uncle couldn't bare to see him at this state so he bit him giving Renji full heath,unlimited life,Fast healing,and the thirst for blood. After the transformation his uncle left leaving the house and money in Renji's name.

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Username: KaitWink

Name: Kiki

Age: 18

Looks: Gallery/cute anime lolita girl - everything2inspire.jpg

Human or Vampire?: Human

Slave or Master?: Slave

Personality: Kiki doesn't like her role, quite obviously. Trainers have ways feared having to work with her because she is so uncooperative. She is terribly intelligent and that's something else some trainers fear: that she'll outsmart them and escape. Because of her wit and clever mind, she usually is locked in a windowless room, and trainers advise Vampires against buying her unless they're up for a challenge. However strong willed she may be, Kiki is shy, quiet, and likes hiding in boxes.

History: unknown

Obedience Rating: 1/10
Username: ♥Lost_In_Paradise♥

Name: Isabella Rose.

Age: 19 years old.

Looks: Anime/Konachan_com20-2012261020sample.jpg

Human or Vampire?: Vampire.

Slave or Master?: Master.

Personality: Isabella is EXTREMELY flirtatious and very mischievous. She loves to tease people and always has some kind of wicked smirk on here face. Being a trickster is what she constantly does, unless she's flirting instead. Other than being a tease and a flirt, she is quite a sweetheart for a vampire and isn't the type to hurt people. She is only violent when she needs to be, which is practically never.

History: Born a Vampire, Isabella is expected to despise humans. But truthfully, she doesn't really at all. She treats them with equal respect as she treats other Vampires. Her family, however, is not very happy with this. Since they do not like Humans at all, and treats them poorly. She doesn't really like her family and prefers to stay away from them.

Obedience Rating: 2/10.


Username: essie12345

Name: Emily Johnson

Age: 18

View attachment 6903

Human or Vampire?: Human

Slave or Master?: Slave

Personality: Emily is a very shy girl, but when put in certain situations can be very outgoing.

History: Emily's whole family died in the war and she is the only one left.

Obedience Rating: 7/10

Hey. Can i join or is it too late?

Username: Yistae

Name: Azeel

Age: 17

Looks: short snow-white hair, black eyes, small muscular build, and has his ear pierced

Human or Vampire?: human

Slave or Master?: slave

Personality: Azeel tends to act violent or sarcastic around people he doesn't know or doesn't like but opens up around people he likes.

History: He orphaned at a young age and lived on the streets, mostly stealing and street preforming to get money/food.

Obedience Rating: 6/10

So can i join?
Username: Kinadra

Name: Evangelium by the old Latin version of her name, she now goes by Evangeline Aeternus(Eva for short).

Age: Looks about 16-18 years old, but she is one of the few first generation vampires left, that is, one who was born vampiric.


She also has one necklace that she always wears, a sealed vial of blood with anornate wire pattern around it. She enjoys wearing Gothic/Victorian clothing.

Human or Vampire?: Vampiress

Slave or Master?: Master

Personality: Surprisingly nice to humans for most vampires. Is feisty if provoked, and is usually hiding the power that comes with her age. She dislikes a fight with no purpose, and hates being treated as a child. Interestingly enough, still has non-dulled emotions, where emotions commonly dull with age.

History: She was born already a vampire, but rarely lets people know about it. With her normal sanguine vampire abilities, she was also born a psi vampire, that is, one who can feed off of energy and can sense or manipulate energy as well. She is so sweet comparatively towards humans because she can sense their energy, their emotions, their pain, their everything. Her family had died long ago from assassinations, odd "accidents", or the like, and she herself stopped aging around 16. She loves to read and has amassed quite a library. She lives near the coast, in a beautiful Victorian style mansion. Throughout the years she has gained a large sum of money, as a number of vampires have, and thusly cares for her slaves well.

Obedience Rating: She requires some amount of obedience from her slaves, probably around 4 out of 10. And she herself is not obedient at all as her family is dead, so she has no master/sire.


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