Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Username: Major Mario

Name: Leon H. Hawk

Age: 19 years.

Appearance: Light-skinned male standing at 5 feet, 8 inches. The young man has broad shoulders, a lean yet slightly flabby figure, and a slight grimace on his face. His eyes are a dull green color while his short hair and beard are dark brown. The clothes on his back are dingy, a sign of his pointless struggles against capture. A dark green-colored watch is wrapped around his wrist.

Race: Human, Caucasian.

Slave or Master: Slave

Personality: ​Temperamental, cynical, and almost always moody, Leon is not the type to go out of his way to make allies. Thrust into a new world where his fellow man would ditch him in favor of saving themselves from a vampire menace Leon believes himself to be alone in this world; a wandering spectre on a lonely string. Without the support from his recently deceased family and friends, the man has become bitter and somewhat defeated. Humans have lost and were now slaves, so what did you expect? There are times when he does not care what happens to him, or what atrocities the vampires place him under, and then there are other times where he is resistant, adamant, and stubbornly disobedient. When left to his own devices, he will usually be found writing large bodies of text on any suitable surface he can find, be it paper or toilet paper. It is one of his hobbies to write, and if it wasn't for the vampires, he would be writing a long book by now.

History: Leon had a promising future ahead of him. Enrolled in a good college, a supportive family behind him, and wonderful friends. One could say that that was all one needed to succeed, and Leon would happily agree with them. Everything changed when the vampires stepped out of the shadows. His entire college campus was decimated, every last neck bit and ripped into. In the scuffle that engulfed the whole world, the young man managed to escape and make his way back to his family only to find them floating in shallow pools of crimson. It was then that the man felt a new emotion in his heart, one that arose high above anger and sadness: emptiness. Defeated, Leon sat down in his family's house to await his death, idly passing time by writing morbid descriptions of the events in a small journal. When the vampires came back, the man scowled and spat, but made no effort to protect himself. He wanted to die, to be free of this new, cruel world, but the vampires had other plans...

Obedience Rating: 5/10.

(( Where is the starting point for new slaves? All I need is a location, and I'll be fine. Although, I hope the RP isn't entirely 1 x 1, as it seems to be now. ))
Username: Mr. Fancy-Cake

Name: Mitzi

Age: 15

Looks:View attachment 7957 Her hair is messier though :3 She wears a much too large dirty pink sweater with a kitty face in the middle, black leggings, and either barefoot or has snow boots


Personality: Optimistic, quiet with her words but loud with her actions. Cheerful and childish, somewhat detached.

History: She was an only child with only a mother who was usually out partying during the night, but in the daytimes when she wasn't working her low paying job, she spent all her time with Mitzi. She lived in a very poor neighborhood where there was lots of violence and misery, but she wasn't ever seen with a frown on her face. People usually steer clear of her being she's not....normal per say, but she loves making friends! She was walking home from the corner store late at night when she was attacked. She didn't really get what was happening so she didn't really fight back except for a few playful punches.

Obedience: 6/10
Username: Forks

Name: Yasu and Makato

Age: 17 and 16


JUST THE OUTFIT-- (the shirt they're wearing)


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Makato-- is a quiet child, doesn't talk very much.

Yasu-- on the other hand is loud, noisy, and quite annoying at most of the times.

History: <unknown> But they never do anything together unlike they used to; because of being seperated.

Obedience: 1/10 and 5/10
Username: Kinadra

Name: Cyprian Thanatos

Age: 683 years of age. Looks to be in his 20's


Human or Vampire?: Vampire.

Slave or Master?: Master

Personality: Cruel, thirsty, and heartless. He does not care about much, and won't let one know what he does care about, suffice a few people.

History: Mostly shrouded in mystery. He doesn't enjoy talking about his past. Born in Romania and changed in Romania, he has moved around a lot since that time. His cruelty towards humans stems from how humans used to treat him, they used to torture him in cruel ways, so he is cruel back.

Obedience Rating: He usually calls for a 6/10 obedience level from his slaves.

Other: He has a sword he always keeps on him.
Username: Piorrete The Black Tiger

Name: Perillia

Age: 18

View attachment 8367

Human or Vampire?: Human

Slave or Master?: Slave

Personality: Shy and quiet but can be talkative sometimes if engaged in an interesting conversation

History: Can't remember anything

Obedience Rating: 9/10
Username: VaporSnake

Name: Vito

Age: Physically
early 20s. In reality he's much older

Looks: He's tall
, and sleek looking. His eyes and hair are brown; his hair is also somewhat long, but neatly brushed. He constantly wears a plain black suit and tie, and carries a cane.

Human or Vampire?: Va

Slave or Master?: I
'm assuming master

Personality: Vito is calm, cool, and collected. H
e possesses a proud, royal air, and walks straight.

History: Vito's lived quite a while, largely as an observe
r of history, reading books and taking in information. Biding his time, he's waited until the vampires became the dominant species. Now he's free to live without restraint.

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