Vampire manor rp zone

*Snort at poor Beau's internal comment about sounding like a mid-30 celibate man. I just thought that was funny.* @MuffinRPs

A slate gray cat jumped down from the top of the carriage as it began moving again, causing the driver to shake his head as he continued on his way.  Landing lightly on its paws, the feline streaked towards the vampire noble and the open door of the manor.    As the cat approached the vampire outside the manor, the cat took a leap and shifted mid-leap into a young maiden who dressed within a black and pink kimono that had a flower design on it.  


When the feline transformed, the maiden was revealed to be a Neko, a rare breed of supernatural.  The girl's hair, ears and tail were bluish-gray while her eyes were green.  The neko walked over to the noble and gave a curtsy to him before stepping back, her tail swishing behind her as she turned her eyes upon the vampires and the two canines that were holding the luggage.   

The vampire dipped his head in an informal greeting to his maid before turning back to the young pair of vampires before him.    "Ah, this neko...she will be staying with me," the noble said, his tone losing its calm and pleasant tone from moments before.    "That is no problem is it Madam?"  @mewbot5408
*Snort at poor Beau's internal comment about sounding like a mid-30 celibate man. I just thought that was funny.* @MuffinRPs

A slate gray cat jumped down from the top of the carriage as it began moving again, causing the driver to shake his head as he continued on his way.  Landing lightly on its paws, the feline streaked towards the vampire noble and the open door of the manor.    As the cat approached the vampire outside the manor, the cat took a leap and shifted mid-leap into a young maiden who dressed within a black and pink kimono that had a flower design on it.  


When the feline transformed, the maiden was revealed to be a Neko, a rare breed of supernatural.  The girl's hair, ears and tail were bluish-gray while her eyes were green.  The neko walked over to the noble and gave a curtsy to him before stepping back, her tail swishing behind her as she turned her eyes upon the vampires and the two canines that were holding the luggage.   

The vampire dipped his head in an informal greeting to his maid before turning back to the young pair of vampires before him.    "Ah, this neko...she will be staying with me," the noble said, his tone losing its calm and pleasant tone from moments before.    "That is no problem is it Madam?"  @mewbot5408

"None at all. " Octavia told him giving a smile before shutting the door. "I am Octavia roussel the headmistress of this manor, what may I call you by?" She said waving a finger for the foxes to take everything to the room as she led him to one of the many guestrooms opening the door to reveal the lovely room. "If you need anything ask me or the servants,also i advise against feeding on any of them. If you need blood we keep it stocked in the kitchen...."she explained.
Arthur continued his examination of the manor, his gaze wandering by the surroundings while getting familiarity with the manor.

He didn't bother to compliment the stranger, after all he wasn't someone from the manor so he wasn't really interested in talking with visitors. After all he was still a noble, if the Arabic vampire complimented him he would answer in the same way, but if he didn't he also wouldn't care about doing so.
The noble walked in the large home, the neko maid following behind her master in silence.   While the maiden looked around the entrance of the manor, having had very few opportunities to see the homes of rich people, the noble gave a non-committed hum as the woman spoke, his eyes flickering to the young male who had taken off to explore.  So they were not married then.  "A pleasure to meet another vampire after a few years of sleep.  That is acceptable," the noble said slowly.  "I can easily feed off of my driver and maid or go hunting if I need blood."   That would be no problem for him to teleport somewhere outside the city if needed and then come back if he were thirsty.    "My name is Anwar Tawfeeq," he said.   "If my Neko can have access to a kitchen, it would be appreciated."  @mewbot5408
The neko's fringe fell in front of his face. He opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind. He couldn't not think about what had happened. His eyes flickered around the room. He knew what he would say, "It's not that I wouldn't want to kiss you. It's just...I don't know anything about you," he felt horrible but he needed to think about what was best for him.
The neko's fringe fell in front of his face. He opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind. He couldn't not think about what had happened. His eyes flickered around the room. He knew what he would say, "It's not that I wouldn't want to kiss you. It's just...I don't know anything about you," he felt horrible but he needed to think about what was best for him.

Orious' violet gaze flickered back to the neko and he licked his lips with a hum. " were acting aggressive I kissed you." He told beau and came back to the bed sitting next to him and ruffled the neko's hair lightly. "Also, if you want to know things then just ask away or spend time around me....I'm in charge of you anyways..." He said with a exhale.
"I will try not to scare anyone away unless its nessisary.." He told her crossing his legs with a hum before  flopping backwards on her bed closing his eyes. "Plus I can't let you carry everything yourself.."

(Sorry,I haven't been doing anything lately,I literally just go sick yesterday and I managed to get on my computer.)

Ethel turned around her upper body and she looked back at Elias before winking at him. "I know but it is to be said." She eventually walked over to where the lit candles were and she blew them out but leaving her fireplace lit as she walked over to where Elias was and she sat down on the bed before running her fingers through his hair. "I wish my hair could be as pretty and smooth as yours." 

Deacon had just left one of the best tailors with Elaine behind him. "Keep up or I'll make your punishment worse than normal" he warned, heading back towards the manor. Pulling on the leash to make her move faster, his cane held in hand. "You are almost as useless as your father...maybe I should just kill you" he warned as he passed through the gates knocking on the door to the manor.

Beau blushed faintly, "I want to know your favorites. What do you love and hate and your habits. I do this with all of my bosses," that last part was a lie. He just wanted to know who Ori really was. 
Deacon had just left one of the best tailors with Elaine behind him. "Keep up or I'll make your punishment worse than normal" he warned, heading back towards the manor. Pulling on the leash to make her move faster, his cane held in hand. "You are almost as useless as your father...maybe I should just kill you" he warned as he passed through the gates knocking on the door to the manor.

(Go fix your rp forms first please. :3)
Deacon turned to Elaine, grinning as he knelt down looking into her soulless eyes. "You truly want me to just end it don't you?" Touching her cheek gently before standing back up. "You are immortal my dear, I can play with you as long as I like"
Hope everyone is ready to skip to the next day! It'll be morning and please try to interact with eachother too! :3 I can only do so much at once... 
Deacon headed out to the back of his mansion, Elaine bringing a bottle of blood out and a goblet. Pooring him a glass before sitting down on her knees next to him. Taking a sip from the goblet he peered down at her. "You havnt been as clumsey lately, I guess today's punishment can be forgotten" touching her head, petting her. Elaine's tail swayed back and forth as she stood up moving to Deacons lap she took the cup from her master.  Deacon laughed as he brushed her hair away from her neck biting down. Elaine blushed as her crimson spilled from her neck into his mouth, she knew he preferred her blood over the kin he normally drank. After he finished his breakfast he kissed her neck, the spot on her neck glowing, the injury from his fangs transferring to his own body. In truth Elaine didn't have a single scar on her body, any injury, even a scrape on her knee he had transfered to his own body. Standing up he set her down looking at the rosary around her neck. "One day when you can control your own abilities....on day" he said as he headed for the front of his home with Elaine behind. The two of them making their way to a leather workers shop, smiling as the shop keeper handed Deacon a box. Deacon opened the box showing its content to Elaine. He pulled out a black leather colar with silver roses leading into a plate with Elaine's name on it. Setting the box down he picked it up putting it on her, the small silver bell jingling. 

Elaine reached up touching it, blushing "thank master"
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With the sunlight streaming in through the balcony, morning had arrived.     It was the call of the birds that woke Cinn from his slumber, the stench of blood upon the air.   Yawning, the masculine sat up before standing and walking out to the balcony to look outside.  The vampire inhaled the air and then walked back to into his room, shutting the balcony doors behind him.   That way, in case Ebony woke up, she wouldn't be tempted hopefully to try killing herself by slipping over the railing.  Cinn stretched his arms above his head and went over to his wardrobe, grabbing a fresh pair of clothing and then going into the bathroom to get a bath and change into fresh clothing for the day. Once he was clean, he just threw the bath water outside over the balcony after opening one of the doors and set the tub back in its place before leaving his room and making his way towards the stairs and first floor, wanting to go saddle Pax and head out for a ride.

The neko maid belonging to the vampire Anwar had been awake since first light.  As soon as the shops had opened, she had taken some money from her master, enough to buy some different food things, including a bit of fruit as her master enjoyed fruit, before coming back to the manor, courtesy of the elf driver who had chastised the neko for not asking him to pick her up in the morning.   The girl was now within the kitchen  set aside for her and preparing a light breakfast for her master, available for conversation should anyone decide to speak to a lowly slave.  

Sayuri may have been awake right now but Anwar was still sleeping, until a shout from outside his door woke the Egyptian from his sleep.  His eyes opened and he let out a low growl at his sleep being disturbed before getting to his feet, dressed within silk pajama trousers and no shirt at all.    Walking to the door, he opened it and saw one of the maids had dropped a basket of dirty linens and clothes.  The vampire shook his head before slamming the door in the maid's face and went back to his bed, rubbing at his temples as he did so.   Looking around the room, he didn't see Sayuri anywhere.  The noble changed into fresh clothing, this time settling for clothing that was common in Ancient Egypt before opening the door again and leaving the room.  Seeing the maid still there, the vampire spoke.  "Nobody but myself, my elf and my neko enter this room," he growled to her.  "Pass that on to your...companions."  The maid's quick nod and then scurrying off down the hallway caused the Egyptian to breathe a sigh of relief.  He shut the door and then made his way downstairs to investigate the rest of the house.   

(My characters are open for interaction.)
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Logan stood at one end of the circle, waiting to see who his next challenger would be, a man stepped into the makeshift ring, hefting up a big axe, "Hopefully you'll prove a challenge!" Logan yelled to the opponent as he drew his sword, grinning. The crowd cheered as Logan and the man circled each other, waiting to see who would make the first move. He let the crowds cheers and yelling calm him as he focused on his target. 'Big and bulky, he can't be too fast, espically with that heavy axe on him.' He thought to himself, deciding being quick was his best move. He charges the man, sliding under a sweeping axe blade and kicking in his knee, causing it to buckle, Logan stood, disarming the man with a slash along his arm weilding the axe. "Too easy. Leave before I lose my mercy." The man scrambles up, fear in his eyes as he darts away and into the crowd.
(The stupid forum was backing up when I tried replying.)

Anwar had done a quick run through of the house, not bothering to go into the resident wing of the manor.  The only room of interest to the vampire was the ballroom.   He had then left the manor and shifted into his hawk form before flying to the city, unsure what to do with his time here.  The ancient vampire had only been in London twice before, once when it was Londinium which was back in 43 AD when founded by the Romans and been a mere settlement and once during the time of the Tudors. The hawk flew over London, wanting to stretch his wings and observe the city below from a bird's eye view.   Up in the sky, the vampire was free and floated on thermals that took him half a mile into the air before flapping to another one which took him further into the sky.    

The hawk spiraled down to the earth below, turning in tight circles before flaring open his wings to stop his descent.  Landing upon the roof of a home within the poorer area of London, the hawk turned his head and watched two humans talking about some type of a fight going on a block down.  The hawk waited until the humans were out of sight before shifting back into his human form and jumped down into the alley, landing lightly on his feet.   Good thing about vampires is they were a bit like cats, always landing on their feet no matter the height they fell or were pushed off of.   Anwar followed behind the humans who were apparently going the same way, finding himself within a large crowd of humans surrounding two combatants within a ring.    He arrived to catch the end of the fight between a man with a sword and one with an axe, the axe wielder being brought to bear before running off.   Interesting.   @LoneSniper87

Orious had fallen asleep that night with beau in his arms snuggling up to the neko in his sleep fondly. He loved cats and beau was no acception to that,in fact the neko was too cute that he couldn't help it.  Orious had woken up that morning to get up and go change into some clean clothes. He was only shirtless when he went over to beau ruffling his hair  lightly  and calling his name."beau!"
Ethel woke up that morning and she saw that Elias was still sleeping so she changed her clothes into the ones she wore on her selling day, tied her hair up and stuck it into a hat and grabbed the clothes she had planned to sell. She went over and kissed Elias on his forehead and left the room quietly so that she didn't disturb anyone still sleeping. She went into the stables and found Chestnut, her horse, and she saddled him up before leaving the manor and went straight for town. She eventually got there and she started setting up where she usually worked in the shade and she waited for customers. Her red eyes were still visible but no one ever thought anything of it but there was some rude people like that. While she was waiting for customers she took the time to tie up Chestnut to a nearby tree and she went back to her little area.
Arthur once more for distracted with his own exploration of the manor, ending up staying awake during all the night while strolling by the gardens.

At the coming of dawn, he stopped strolling for the first time for the sake of observing flowers, being more specific, he got attracted by only one kind of flowers: the roses. During the whole morning his figure could be seen caressing the crimson petals of the Gallicanae roses, his nose slightly twitching while degusting the pleasant smell that came together with his breathing.
Deacon made his way back towards the manor, Elaine had a gleam of life back in her eyes ever since he had given her his present. "Hurry it up Elaine or I'll return it!" He warned as she scurried up behind him. 

Once the two of them had arrived Deacon knocked on the door and awaited one of the house staff to answer.
Cinn was on his way towards the barn to saddle Pax up to go for a ride.  Part of the path towards the barn was a short walk through the gardens.  The gardens were what he enjoyed most about the place, partly because it was quiet and he could relax or write in peace when the weather was good, partly due to he still had the gardens his father had given him behind a stone wall that had been tended to during his years as a prisoner.  The Roussel son soon caught the scent of another person within the gardens and decided to investigate, turning towards where the roses were.    Moving carefully through the gardens, he soon came across the source of the scent, glad it wasn't anywhere near his own small garden, something that would have upset the Roussel heir.  "Excuse me but who are you?" Cinn questioned when he had approached the person, stopping behind the figure which was obviously male.  Was this person a guest of his mother?  Never had Cinn seen so many guests in his home, except after his father's death and his own rescue when the funeral had been had.  @Spanner
"Oh, it seems that I forgot to make my presence known to the other inhabitants of the manor while distracted in my own thoughts." The Vampire quickly explained, the previously melancholic expression that he had when looking at the roses changing to a more friendly countenance.

"My name is Arthur, Arthur Dragwlya, a guest." He said, his pale blue eyes focusing their gaze in the vampire before he continued his talking. "And by your appearance, I can guess that you're one of Octavia's kids. Am I right?"

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Cinn watched in silence as the figure turned to him and introduced himself as Mr. Dragwlya.   The guy seemed to like roses, which was fine with Cinn.  He didn't know many masculines who enjoyed gardening and the arts.   "Yes, I am one of Octavia's kids.  Cinn Orion Roussel," he said slowly.   "Does my mother know you are here Mr. Dragwyla?" he asked.   It was possible she did, but he'd rather not deal with his mother if she didn't know about this... "You are one of us yes?" he questioned.   Cinn had made the mistake once of bringing in a werewolf to the manor when he'd been a child.  His parents hadn't been pleased with him at all about that.   He'd best be sure as he didn't want to experience his mother's temper about another werewolf roaming the manor and grounds.   @Spanner
Deacon leaned against the railing for anyone to come to the door. Reaching down Deacon had begun to pet Elaine, making her purr. "If It wasn't her home.....I'd tear the door down....and kill everyone inside and put their heads on a pike!!!" Deacon yelled growling. 

Elaine rubbed against Deacons hand hoping it would calm him down. " is morning here"

(Directed towards anyone at all)

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