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Fantasy Vampire High

Well this was just annoying, how is it that the first day to school was the day he was very late!? Warwick ran like a mad man down the street cursing as he yanked on his jacket. In all reality he wanted to be late but just by a few minutes not like this.

He stopped for a moment getting a idea, dropping to all fours he transformed becoming a flaming hound with horns, becoming invisible he practically soared over the pavement leaving embers in his wake up until he reached the school. Transforming back, he watched as one of the students raced in the direction of the woods.

Luckily the gate was still open and Warwick enters following the other student into the woods. He frowned when he was met with the overwhelming scent of Vampires that lingered but what did he expect?

"Hey Teach...what's going on?" Warwick said clearly unfazed that he is late.
Kilo watched as Roje took off leaving them behind. With a shrug to Gene he walked off into the woods his own way. While he did have the sense of smell vampires did he did have his own little tricks.

He stood completely still closing his eyes for a few moments before reopening them the world around him now a hazy white with different colored outlines at various distances. He focused in on an orange one, orange being the color of a fauna soul, the outline of it making it out to be deer.

Slowly he made his way towards the deer closing the distance over a painfully long hour making sure not to spook it. Once he had closed the distance to roughly two hundred yards he let his body completely phase over into the ethereal plane.

He calmly walked up behind the deer as to it he didn't exist or could it smell him. He paused to take it in as objects in the real world carried a sort of distorted outline almost like looking through a stained glass window.

He slowly unwrapped the cloth on his left arm just enough to exposed his black metal looking hand with blue glowing veins and blue clawed fingers tips.

Like a snake he struck slamming his hand through the back of the deer's spine. While here the orange souk of the deer thrashed, in the real world it still munched on the grass it had been eating.

Lines of blue began to spread over soul's body quickly until it encircled it completely then began to constrict. Within less then a minute the soul had been pulled into his hand and the deer fell to the ground limp.

He retracted his hand before returning to the real plane of existence. "Up we go" With a quick exhale he got the deer up over his shoulders and began the long trek back
Warwick shuffled in placed not entirely sure on what to do, that is until he caught scent of a deer and it was coming closer though something seemed off about it...it smelled well dead and it was fresh. He was starting to piece things in place and once figuring out why they were out there he couldn't feel more excited.

He dropped to all fours as a swirling vortex of blue flames engulfed his body his silhouette showed his figure twisting and jerking violently as if having a seizure. Horns and a tail followed by a snout and claws appeared on his body. Out through the flames Warwick emerged looking completely different. The HellHound dashed into the forest leaving scorched forestry in his wake.

This should've been easy seeing how it was what he was bred for but he couldn't pick up any animal scent. Not even the scent of a measly mouse.
"Class! Listen up! There is a rule. If you are late for any of the teacher's classes, you will get 1 strike. If you get three, strikes, the teacher will report if to the headmaster. But since today is the first day of school, you shall be forgiven."
Asami walked through the dinning room and then the living room when she saw her a girl passed out on her brother Usai's lap,"Must you always bring random girls here and then later on suck the life out of them, I feel bad for some of them as well." Asami stated as she rolled her eyes a bit annoyed at how much of a player her brother actually is.

"I do what I please Asami, just like you." He told her as he looked down at the girl who was passed out on his lap and he stared at the fresh bite mark he had left. He played with the girls hair for a while.


Asami shook her head,"Just be careful Usai, I'm off now. Tell father and mother that I am now leaving," She said as she walked to the door bringing her luggage with her. "I will, you take care Asami." He told her and waved her off as the vehicle came to pick her up. She spent about two hours getting there. Asami told her butler to bring her things to the dorm she was staying in and then leave. Asami had already changed into her school uniform and she headed to her first period class.

Asami showed no expression whatsoever on her face since she didn't like worrying too much, but she was curious as to how she would get along with the students here at the high school. "Maybe I'm a little too old for this?" She thought to herself and walked in on the teacher saying the rules. She cleared her throat and walked over to the teacher giving her a note for her tardiness,"I apologize for my lateness." She said as she held her books close to her chest and scouted out the room for a place to sit.

@Kiel Farren
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Mr Bobbles shouted again." Why is everyone going into my class!? Go to Periwinkle's class right now! He is at the woods!"
[QUOTE="Kiel Farren]Mr Bobbles shouted again." Why is everyone going into my class!? Go to Periwinkle's class right now! He is at the woods!"

"Oh I'm sorry, thank you!" Asami said as she walked out and rolled her eyes a bit since she went to the wrong class on her first day thats just great. Asami walked outside and she headed towards the woods where Periwinkle's class was. "I apologize for being late," She said when she got there and saw the class as well as the teacher.
Having heard the warning from the teacher Warwick shook his head sending embers to flick off his coat. He wasn't the type that cared much for the rules of the school he felt that they 'held him back' from being his real self. He lifted his head to sky and tasted the air however this made him frown for their were far too many different scents assaulting his nose.

Pawing at his snout Warwick refocused on catching prey. He scoured the woods for a few minutes before his sights on a fairly fat fox.

He lowers himself to the ground, as his invisibility cloaked him from sight. He crept forward pretending that the Fox was like a human who had sold their soul to the Devil and he was here to collect. He stepped forward watching as the animal twisted it's ears listening for an enemy it couldn't see. The hackles raised as the fox barked in alarm and in warning.

With a quick burst of energy Warwick slammed into the fox sending into a tree knocking it unconscious, he bit down into its neck picking it up giving it a vigorous shake like a dog would a pull-rope.

"Wasn't that hard."

Warwick trotted back toward the class when he smelled a familiar yet new scent, another vampire. He reached the teacher and the student dropping the now charred around the neck fox to the floor. The HellHound looked up at the newcomer.
Roje had come back with a horned deer and she tossed it onto the ground. she had a little blood on her cheek "Well that was a easy kill." she grinned as she looked at the other students who were around
Del went to the woods, made himself look like a female deer and caught a male deer. He killed it and brought it back to the teacher.
I would just stare at the teacher, having been in the class right after them, but also seemingly before them. I would just look around wondering what we are going to do in class, hopefully something fun, it has been a while since I had some real fun. I start drawing in my notepad, drawing some seemingly unimportant girl. no one should no her here. Unless she goes here now... that would suck. I don't want to be around her, because last time we talked it was pretty awkward. ( hinting at possible other OC or something )
For goodness sake will anyone look at the overview?

As Mr Bobbles saw another of the so called 'specials' he began to shout at the boy. "Get out of here! Scram! Vamoose! Go to the woods!"
lostsoul said:
I would just stare at the teacher, having been in the class right after them, but also seemingly before them. I would just look around wondering what we are going to do in class, hopefully something fun, it has been a while since I had some real fun. I start drawing in my notepad, drawing some seemingly unimportant girl. no one should no her here. Unless she goes here now... that would suck. I don't want to be around her, because last time we talked it was pretty awkward. ( hinting at possible other OC or something )
* thought didn't count as special *

[QUOTE="Kiel Farren]For goodness sake will anyone look at the overview?
As Mr Bobbles saw another of the so called 'specials' he began to shout at the boy. "Get out of here! Scram! Vamoose! Go to the woods!"

I would grab my things, heading off towards the woods, wondering why there are so many specials, and so little vampires. I would eventually catch up to the people in the woods, waiting for the person to say something
"Hello, Alex. Please ask your classmates what I told them about the rules. Now, go hunt. A lot of your classmates have finished hunting." Mr Periwinkle says.
I would turn to my right, looking at someone, remaining silent. he wasn't use to talking to new people. he just mouthed the words.
Asami was pretty much a fish out of water with no indication of what to do but when she saw a kid bring back an animal he had killed she finally understood that it was hunting class. Asami headed back into the woods and she lurked in the darkness trying to find an animal for the kill. She finally saw a large bobcat. It was lurking as well trying to spot it's pray which was a deer,"No, you're mind." She said as if she was talking to the bobcat. Just when the bobcat was about to pounce on the deer she quickly leaped out and grabbed the bobcat by it's stomach, smashing it against the tree. Asami pressed down on the angry bobcat as it began to scratch her vigorously,"I'm sorry, it's not my fault." Asami spoke and she leaned down quickly and sunk her long fangs into it's neck, the animal stopped it's struggling when Asami was done with it. She took the animal by it's leg and threw it over her shoulder. When she came back she threw the animal in front of her and looked around, she wiped the corner of her lip that had blood and she licked her finger that had the blood that she had just wiped from her lips.

"Clearly it has gotten your tongue if you can't speak," She said in a kind of cold just joking tone of voice. "My name is Asami, and yours?" She asked as she turned to look at him with her hand on her hip. @lostsoul
"Alex..." I say still quiet, it doesn't help that the person is messing with me. I look up from the ground and look at the girl infront of me. trying not to seem awkward.
lostsoul said:
"Alex..." I say still quiet, it doesn't help that the person is messing with me. I look up from the ground and look at the girl infront of me. trying not to seem awkward.
"I won't hurt you Alex, we're both the same so there is no need to act strange around me." SHe told him seeing that he was a vampire just like herself from the red eyes and how his fangs were peaking out a bit.
"I am just not used to talking to vampires after the last one..." alex says thinking about the last vampire and first vampire he met. " S-Sorry if I am being rude..."
lostsoul said:
"I am just not used to talking to vampires after the last one..." alex says thinking about the last vampire and first vampire he met. " S-Sorry if I am being rude..."
"No it's alright, I've met many like you. I understand and I respect your wishes," She told him in a polite way and she turned her head and stared at the other students who went to go hunt and the ones who had come back from hunting.
" w-what are the rules, for this class." I ask my eyes glowing a bit, as people start staring at me, wondering why two vampires are in the specials class. ( note... not emotionally stable completely ) @sprouhtt

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