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Fantasy Vampire High

Kiel Farren

The Little Bunny Named Cute
This is a school of vampires. It teaches things very well. There are some humans and other races in it. Sadly, the principal doesn't like it. If the headmaster sees you doing something that a vampire doesn't do, you will also become a vampire, courtesy of the headmaster. By the way, vampires are immune to sunlight now.
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Heres my character sheet

Name: Lexton Riverson

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: yet to be seen

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 195

Tattoos/Scars/Birthmarks?: has one tattos on both biceps. Left arm: forsaken and damned. Right arm: nurtured and absolved


Personality: aggresive when fighting for something he believes, generally closed off only open to select few, believes that he can get the job done even if he has to break something/someone to do it. Has a short temper in some instances but overall an intelligent and strong individual. He has to hold himself back to prevent from hurting others.

Weapon(s): proficient with blades and small hand-guns some high experience with certain rifles.

Species/Race: vampirism

Likes/Dislikes: loves torture, sushi...anything raw and dripping with blood, reading, and cats, cleaning his weapons and always training to better himself wither mentally or physically.

Hates: werewolves with a feiry passion, hates a schedules but will perform if neccessary, his past or anything to do with it is a touchy subject, being seperated from people that he cares about.

Bio: lexton was born somewhere in russia. At a young age he always longed to be something. His parents (mother was demonic and father vampiric) didnt acknowledged his existance but lexton still cherished them. At the age of 12 his parents and home were consumed by a raging fire. Broken and lost at such a young age he joined the maffia in hopes to protect those he loved in the future from succumbing to the same fate. Five years later, after gruelling and intense training that no normal 12 year old should go through it all paid off. He got his big break when he recieved an acceptance letter saying they'd been watching him and that he could be very beneficial to the school. Without any hesitation he packed his bags and left for japan in hopes of being someone to remeber.

Marital Status: none

Crush?: none...for now

Noted Achievements?: was born and raised in russia, after his parents died in a fire around 12 he joined the russian maffia where he learned all the skills necessary to make him into a trained killing machine
Has my luggsge all propped up against the wall of the main office, "geez, this school is a ghost town more tgan a vampire academy
The gates to the school open. They look a little bit creepy as it is a school for vampires. A speaker box tells all students to go to the assembly hall.
Kilo stood off to the side of the mass of students waiting out in front of the gates music playing through his head phones.

He was off in his own little world when he noticed that the crowd of students had begun moving forward meaning the gates had opened. He took a step forward accidently bumping into a girl with bright pink hair who also had a pair of headphones on off in her own little world as well.

The two stared at each other for a minute before he held out his hand for her to go first. With a nod she went first the two bringing up the rear of the mass.

Upon reaching the assembly he got separated from her as students began to take seats with their friends. he walked around looking for a seat when someone tapped his shoulder. Turning around he found the same pink haired girl point to a seat that she had saved.

With a nod he took a seat beside listening to his music while waiting for the assembly to start

The headmaster appears and says "Welcome, students to Vampire High. As you all know, we have a no-human policy. Everyone who is a human shall not be torelated. There shall be special students who are not vampire nor human. They were specially accepted in our school. Do not make fun of them. That is all I have to say."
Of course, Roje was late to class. Not that she really cared. Hunting class was her favorite class simply because there was nothing to study about it. Just remembering things and thats it. Walking through the building she looked for the hunting class and when she did, she walked in. Looking at the other students that had been sitting down and talking softly to their friends and looking at her. Roje raised her eyebrow "What." she said before walking to a seat and sitting down, ignoring any stares that were thrown at her.
Then, Mr Periwinkle takes over and tells the whole 'specials'(those who I accepted) to follow him. He brings them to a field. Now class, I shall teach you how to hunt.
Roje of course follows the teacher with her arms crossed. She sighed softly "Someone could have told me that we headed out already." she grumbled as she continuned to follow the teacher.
Kilo took out his head phones as the teacher came walking up with another student who obviously look flustered at being in the spot light but then again their was always one.

She took her place at the back of of the pack beside him grumbling under her breath as the teacher began to pair the students off leaving him with the new girl.

"Don't feel bad. I feel asleep through first period so I was the one in the spotlight then"

Roje looked over at a student who had been speaking to her "Hey, at least you were sleeping and didnt have to be flustered." she pointed out "I on the other hand had to be brought to the class because no one had told me we were out here." the guy seemed pretty cool. Not scary either. Not that'd he scare her anytime soon "I'm Roje." @Sazabi
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Genevieve stood outside the gates with the other mass of students. She was using illusion magic to make herself look like a vampire, hardly a difference, only changing her teeth to having vampire fangs, and her skin a bit paper.

It seemed they had begun moving and she bumped into a guy, with very unique bright eyes. They seemed to stare at each other before seperated from the crowd, much to Gens dissapointment.

As they were taking seats, she saw he had no where to sit and instantly got up and showed him a seat next to her. Deciding she actually had to listen, she out her headphones round her neck and did. She followed the teacher and sat once again next to the guy with the bright eyes, he was conversing with a girl behind him and she decided to just out her headphones back on.
"Today's class will be about observation. Look closely at the grass. Tell me about them." says Mr Periwinkle.
Kilo couldn't help but snicker as everyone kneeled down looking at the grass. Noticing the pink haired girl behind him wasn't paying any attention tapped on her leg.

Looking at him she quickly crouched and the three broke out in chuckles. "Grass is pretty isn't"
Roje couldnt help but grin and lightly laugh "Well Mr whatever-your-name is, this is just grass that has bugs in it. I'm sure there's no bunnies in the grass either cause we're around." There was no way that Roje was going to kneel down in the grass and try to find a bug to munch on. Even if she was a vampire, that was just utterly gross. "What are we supposed to be looking for anyway?" she asked the guy she had been speaking with. Sure enough the teacher was just making a fool out of them, no?
Genevieve continued to laugh, and lightly came to end. "Mmm what intreasting peice of dirt." She remarked sarcastically with a slight chuckle.
"This dirt is very interesting.....it's so dirty" He whispered. "Name is Kilo. One of those 'special' non vampire students that the headmaster said not to make fun of but singled us out anyway"

@Britt-21 @DarknessSpirit
Roje nodded softly and looked between Kilo and the pink haired girl. "Well I have no reason to make fun of you so you're in luck. Becides, being a special..I dont see anything much different. Only the smell is different with you guys. Other than that, nope. Pretty much the same." and they didnt drink blood like she did as a way of living.

@DarknessSpirit @Sazabi
The teacher had them all stand up and head out into the woods in groups of three to four. "Your assignment now is to get to know your classmates and utilizes your senses to try and hunt down a creature."

"Genevieve" The pink haired one stated.

"So...why make yourself look like a vampire Gene you don't smell like one

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As Mr Periwinkle walks to the woods, he says to be cautious as there are a few dangerous creatures inside. He commands the class to search for some prey and bring it to him.
"now that is more like it." Roje said with a grin as she looked at Gen and Kilo "I'll be back." she said before darting off to find her prey. Of course, she was going to get a male deer that wasnt a leader. Cause if she went for the female, Roje would be taking away the potential for the deer to rebreed. Luckily, Roje had that common sense.
Lexton: running into the oods trying to catch up to the class, "wait up guys!" I had slept in this morning damn alarm clock didnt go off such bullshit. I stand behind Mr. Periwinkle panting a little my hair a mess and uniform haphazardly put together, "im sorry im late sir."

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