Vampire Academy

Alright but it's gonna take literally forever and a day to like figure out how to PM since I'm still new ya know haha :)
Oh, hon, your on Tapatalk. xD everything is easy on that thing. Plus I have faith in you. It will notify you in a moment when I PM you just respond to it.
We're totally still accepting! We'd love to have you two join, just do the char sign up thing and you're good to go :)

Appearance has to be in picture tho, no anime :)  
Perfect, I was hoping you would :)

Caedmon James Linford, known as Cae to the closest.






He is 197 cm tall, brown eyed and dark haired. He usually keeps his hair slightly styled, though not too overly styled. He is more of a suit and tie type of man than one who wears slacks and a hoodie. He’s rarely seen without the leather chain that has a diamond hanging from it, hidden under his ties when he wears them.



Caedmon is a quite formal man, despite his age. He requires class and elegance in everything, and is not a man to step on the toes of. A man of dominant nature, he’ll charm you until you do not know what foot you’re standing on, and then do as he please. He is not quick to rise to anger, though he is very jealous and possessive of what is his.

Should you get on his bad side, he will not go to physical fights, though he will run a mental game, a game that many have fallen and stumbled under.


Caedmon was raised like a prince, by the standards of his parents. As the son of two of the more wealthy people in England, in the London area to be specific, he was homeschooled. He rarely left the penthouse apartment they lived in, except for at night. He had his own room, and was the only heir to the Linford fortune and fame. The Linford family had already during the 1800’s created a company that now owned many branches, making them quite wealthy as to say. No one knows anymore what they started with during the 1800’s, though now their name is known within both medicine, fashion and cars. As a child, one day there suddenly was a shout for him to leave his bedroom, and come say hello to a young girl not far away from his age. There stood a young human girl, with a lovely brown color on her hair and with eyes as blue as the sky over them at daytime.

Never before had he seen a girl like her. So…. Alive. He could see that she had not had an easy life by then, and so, as the start of his gentleman life, he waved off his parents and brought her with him to take care of her, never letting anyone come near her without his permission.

That was, until Elizabeth came into his life that is.

Daughter of his parents friends, a vampire just like him, a year younger than himself. Same age as Caden. They are teenagers now. Him 15, her 14. She, his future fiancée. That was how things worked in their society. To keep the power at the top. Introducing them to each other at this age, they would be sure he, and she, would know each other properly by the time the agreement is made. By the time everything has decided. Both are to enroll Salvatore Academy, an academy for young vampires like himself and her, and for a handful of humans. Caden had been accepted in, both thanks to her brilliant mind, and to their power in business. There was no way Caedmon went anywhere without Caden.

A couple of years has been since then, and now, there’s another year for them at school, though after summer, how have things changed? Is Elizabeth still his to marry, or will she find another man? And what about Caden? Will she stay by his side, or will she leave at the first chance?

The necklace


Edward T. Gauntlett Williamson






Blonde, about 180 cm tall. Blue eyed, and quite athletic built. Always wears a ring on his thumb on the right hand. Has scars across his body.


Edward is a smart young boy, who seems very dull and without a personality of his own. He is completely devoted to Elizabeth, with his body and soul. He stays without much to say, always following Elizabeth like a shadow, unless Caedmon is around. He’s respectful, though he is quite protective for Elizabeth and Caden, not accepting just anything being done to the two. He can often be seen in a deep thought when he is away from Elizabeth, or seen studying, doing his best to not disappoint the people who took him in when no one else would save him. He doesn’t let anyone but those closest to him touch him. Can be seen as dangerous if those he have sworn to protect seems to be in danger.


His story starts a dark and cold December night. He was born to a mother and father who never wanted him, but who did not dare to take an abortion. He spent his first years famished, without enough to drink. He was abused in ways that should not be mentioned, and just like Caden, he refuses to tell and think of it. One day no more than a couple years old, he was left at an orphanage, with bleeding scars all over his body. Despite how much the workers at the orphanage tried, they could not help the scars, and tried to give him as much love as they could, though it was not enough with all the other children there. He quickly started to grow cold and distant, not letting anyone near himself. He grew a wall against everyone else. A wall that would be torn down.

A pair of wealth came to the orphanage one evening, asking for a boy who seemed to have a brilliant mind. Edward, who had started reading at an earlier age than the others, was quickly chosen, and then made ready for adoption.

Arriving at the new home of his, he was told that they were vampires, though he did not mind. The judgement of a boy of only 9 years of age is not like that of judgemental adults after all. They fed him, and clothed him, and showed him care, more than he had ever experienced before. The first time they tried to touch him, he flinched, going out of their touch. Soon, he accepted their gentle touch, though he always feared when food was to be served. Would he be served salt again? Would he be kept without food? No matter how much he feared, it never happened, and as he grew a little, looked a little healthier, they introduced him to the youngest daughter. This was a girl he would grow up to protect. With her beauty out of the planet, he swore he would keep her safe. He was soon introduced to private tutors, who would teach him how to fight, both with weapons and with hands.

By the age of 15, he was a perfect guardian for the Williamson princess, a perfect gentleman. This was also the year he enrolled into the school, after graduating his other schools that he had been going to, just to be worthy of being Elizabeth’s guardian.

So now, he’s been there a year, never far away from Elizabeth.

the ring
Name: Caden Wallis

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Caden is a fighter, you tell her she can’t do something and she’ll make sure she does it just to prove you wrong (especially if the reasoning is because she’s a girl). Safe to say she can handle herself and knows exactly what sort of situation she’s in being the minority race in the school so she can and will defend herself when necessary.

Bio: Caden never had the best childhood to say the least, her dad was a junkie and her mother an alcoholic. Every day she only just managed to get enough to eat which only got worse when she was five. Her stupid parents managed to light their home on fire and they died in the blaze, everyone just assumed she was with them so no one looked for her. This was when she learnt how to survive on her own and that the word ‘no’ always had a loophole. However things looked up for her eventually after she hit rock bottom. She doesn’t remember how, since she tried to ignore a lot of her earlier memories, but Caden was taken in by a rich family, or more their son Caedmon, and treated like a part of the family. A complete opposite to her earlier life, Caden soon noticed there was something slightly off about this family and eventually discovered that they were vampires. But by this time, she didn’t care really. Caedmon is about the only person she will let get protective over her but where he goes, she goes it would seem really.



A necklace she always wears:



Name: Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Williamson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Personality: Beth is quite a shy girl at a first glance and can take a while to get used to people but once she does she comes out of her shell. She’s a kind hearted girl with a strong sense of loyalty once it’s earned and is very stubborn when she wants to be.

Bio: Beth grew up on a country estate just outside of London with a very rich lifestyle but a very lonely one. Her parents were always away on business of dealing with other important people. Plus they didn’t really care for her as she was only a business asset, her older brother was the heir to the family fortune and not her. When she was ten, her parents brought home a young boy whom, according to them, was to train as her bodyguard, since as she was a girl she needed protection. A few years later aged fourteen, Beth was introduced to Caedmon who was a year older than her as their parents reckoned they’d be a good marriage match, with a deal benefitting both their families. Once again she was just a tool but right now she was past caring. Now having been enrolled at Salvatore Academy for a few years and the details of their engagement pact are almost complete, for better or for worse.


Accepted, both of you :) Tomorrow at 3:00 sharp :) I will more than likely be on then and as well as most of the other students. I love your characters, amazing plot!
Oh just you wait until you get to see us in action. We tend to add a bit of drama ;)

Though, no matter how harsh our characters may act to each other, do not worry, ooc we're great friends and know just how to make everything exciting with each other :D
I can't wait to see you guys in the rp, it should be really interesting. If you like, you can skim over the rp we've had so far, it shows pictures of the dorms which are all alike except for Damon's (He's the founder of the school's nephew) and the gym and cafeteria.
Shall do -saulutes-

And yes @LittleWolfie A FAIR BIT OF DRAMA! Seeing how this time we're not complete enemies, I have some other ideas ;)  
And @Vampirelovee it is alright that humans and vampires shares dormroom, correct? Because Caden and Elizabeth would most likely share room in that case, and Caedmon and Edward because of protectiveness and possessiveness :)
Name: Colin Lerman

Age: 16

Species: Human

Bio: Colin is shy, but friendly to people he warms up to. To him there is nothing in the world like a good mystery novel or comic book. But he also has had a sort of thing for Vampires, and has studied them ever since he was twelve. After hearing about the academy, he begged his parents to let him go and eventually their stiff walls caved in and they enrolled their only son in SVA. It wasn't only Colin who was aware of Vampires, his parents had studied them even more than he had, which must've been a lot, because he knew the species like the back of his hand. Unfortunately, Colin had to attend a wedding on the very first day of school, so he came in the next day.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_static_tumblr_lso2dafel01qlyc1ro1_400.gif.62d3f6fe6ee82297dc73907ed878c571.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_static_tumblr_lso2dafel01qlyc1ro1_400.gif.62d3f6fe6ee82297dc73907ed878c571.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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I Hope its not too late to breath some new life into this RP

Im going to post my char 
Name: Dominic

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Personality: Usually quite quiet and introverted, He can be outgoing when he gets to know the person or if he feels he must know something or someone. Is most time very slow to anger and does not wish to fight if he can avoid it.

History: He came from a tribe where his family was "blessed" and in being as such he was treated with respect and love from all others, as well as a hefty responsibility was put upon his shoulders. The safety of his tribe, so when a stranger came calling about a school for his kind his parents sent him off to learn and develop any and all powers he might posses, supernatural or otherwise.



Other: His eyes are a bright gold (First time i'm playing my actual race (that's native american)
name: yuki snow

age: looks about 16 but is really a lot older " hey never ask a girl her age its rude "

race : pure blood vampire

likes: fighting rps , blood , and cats

dislikes : bullies and pervs

favorite color(s) : dark blue , dark pink/purple , light blue , silver , back , and red

rping style ex:(using him as a bully or something ) -she hugs you softly as she picks him up throwing him across the room as he hits a wall he says " oww " she smiles at you - are you ok?

personality: calm, kind , sweet when she wants to be , mysterious in many ways , shy at making friends but after she knows you opens up a lot but very cold and mean to bullies & pervs

family :

cat: (pure black cat with blue eyes ) luna moon

mom: dead

dad: jon de snow

little siser: libby snow

appearance: looks like profile pic.
Ok first of all that is not my character sign up, and you were requested to actually put the picture in. Also, anime is not permitted as stated in the rules. Sorry, I'm not going to accept that. 
Also, that rping 'style' is not what anyone on here does. We need a minimum of three lines.

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