Vampire Academy

Before I submit just wondering if you're looking for an even ratio of human/vampire or if it doesn't matter.
Hello.. This is the first roleplay that I hope to be joining.. I'm still trying to figure all this out and how it works so forgive me if I do sound "noobish" which I am.. Please feel free to correct me if I do something wrong. Okay thank you! By the way I'm on my phone so it's like kinda 'blah' so yeah! :tongue:

I will also be posting my profile thingy in the morning since doing it on the phone is somewhat more difficult.. Umm okay bye!

June Cross





(Eye Color: Deep Blue)




Laura. (Adopted her)


-Only child.

-Both parents were killed by vampires.

-Laura took her in.


June doesn't care about anything or anyone. She's very rude and sadistic. She hates everything and everyone, especially vampires because they killed her parents and turned her a vampire. Before she became a vampire, she was very emotional. She cried a lot and had a lot of empathy for humans. But after she became a vampire, she became cold. She killed the people who killed her parents and stopped caring altogether. She didn't even care about her parents anymore. She believes that being alone and cigarettes are the best things in the world. When in bloodlust, she doesn't hesitate to bite the first living creature she sees.


When she was 10, June's parents were killed by vampires and June became a vampire herself. She killed the vampires in her anger and Laura saw her, deciding to take her in. Laura taught her everything she knew. She taught her that she should trust no one, even in Vampire Academy where Laura enrolled her to further sharpen her skills.





-Murder Movies

-People making fools of themselves

-Other people's misfortune



-Cute things

-the Sun

-Happy People




Name:Dean Yorkshire



Likes: Blood > :)

Dislikes: Emotional people, vegitables

Family: A single father and one sister

Personality: He is rigidly calm, but also witty. He can be crude at times.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.51c899a30f959b30c49da0a1b4d40395.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.51c899a30f959b30c49da0a1b4d40395.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Derek Jackson

Age: 18

Species: human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/handsome-teenage-boy-with-dark-hair-and-hazel-eyes.jpg.72fa587452c2165076ff55dc58d6f5a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/handsome-teenage-boy-with-dark-hair-and-hazel-eyes.jpg.72fa587452c2165076ff55dc58d6f5a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Like: Books, Astronomy, and suprisingly enough, obsession with blades.

Dislike: Being eaten. And chick-flicks. jerks, and discrimination toward human


Derek is usually mistaken for a total nerd, and he actually is. But he's so much more than that. Inheriting the obsession with blades from his late father, a Marine who was reported MIA, he always carry at least a switchblade with him, less to protect himself but just because he likes to. It doesn't mean that it's not neccessary though, considering he's surrounded by vampires who can suck him dry in a moment. He's loyal, kind and optimistiv, rather too much so for his own good.



  • handsome-teenage-boy-with-dark-hair-and-hazel-eyes.jpg
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Name: Aerrow Allistar

Age: (Looks) 19. (Actual) 2557

Species: Vampire


Likes: Drinking. Being sort of alone. Goofing off.

Dislikes: School. Know-it-alls. Present day.

Personality: He was always more of an introvert but throughout his years of existing he has come to enjoy company. Although he likes it when its small company. He can be a bit sarcastic and loves goofing off. He isn't too keen on the whole going to school thing, especially having to go to school with humans. Its like torture having to look at a meal and not eat it, but whatever. He's really into art of any kind. He loves sketching and painting and playing music, except not in front of anybody.
Name: Melody Storms

Age: 15

Species: Vampire

Likes: Reading/Books, money, sweets

Dislikes: Loud people, Irritating people, happy-go-lucky type of people, idiotic people

Family: Unknown

Personality: Alice is one of those to herself types of girls. She enjoys reading and is sort of a genius, book wise anyways. She doesn't really show her emotions since her face always has a blank expression. Rarely does she smile.


I hope this is good Yay go Asians! Haha

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Can someone just writing me a short summary of what has happened because it will probably take me forever and a day to read all of that. Im currently on page 10. Im not lazy, I just really want to start roleplaing :P
Hi all,

I am looking to join and even though I will certainly plow through all the pages if need be, a summary of sorts would be very much appreciated. I'll skim through the first and last few bits anyway :) ofc

Name: Evan Mills.

Age: 15.

Species: Human

Personality: Evan teeters between being upfront and being introverted. When it comes to matters close to his heart, he will not hesitate to voice his opinion or crack a joke. However, in places he doesn't know he's much more to himself, though he won't shy away from having a conversation. Growing up on a large farm in Arkansas has taught him many of life's lessons at an early age. He knows how to take care of himself and is not afraid of getting involved in brawls. Yet for all his outward bravado, he's not as certain of himself on the inside.

History: Evan was raised on a farm in Arkansas by loving, caring parents. Unfortunately his father had been building up a debt until they were forced to move. Eventually the situation got so perilous that he was placed in a foster care. Things didn't go so well. Unaccustomed to life in the city his foster parents, in an act of desperation, placed him on the only school they could find that remotely resembled the sort of countryside that he'd grown up in. They, nor he realize that this is a vampire academy.

Likes: Fishin', huntin', animals, being outside, swimming.

Dislikes: Urban prats, yanks, idiocracy, gossiping.

Notes: Feel free to take advantage of his ignorance ;)


{I Plan on jumping in with three characters whose histories are a bit tied together, if this is an issue, please, do not hesitate to let me know. I can handle them all and more so this is not a persisting issue.}

Name: Takeru Sato (Most people just call him "MT")

DOB: 27.March

Origin of Birth: Iwatsuki-ku, Saitama, Japan

Gender: Male

Race/Ethnicity: Vampire/Japanese

Personality: Takeru is a wild type, he enjoys rebelling and causing a scene. He stands out amongst crowds and is not shy to just jump into any conversation. He is not shy at all. Often standoffish or even full of himself he can be a little over powering for some people to handle. Don't worry as one gets to know him his more romantic even sweet and kind personality start to come out. He is easily defined by his "standoffish front" which makes him a single target for trouble making and getting into trouble. He enjoys a certain amount of thrill and danger in his life as well as fun and excitement. He is not afraid to tell a girl if she is pretty or not and though not gay will comment on a guy if he things that guy needs some... "help" as he collectively puts it. He is NOT a bully, he does not walk around making fun of people, it's just if you look like you rolled out of bed this morning and got dressed in the dark he is among the only people who will tell you that. He rebels against authority and it is easy to say he does not like a sense of authority.

Appearance: He can be anything and anyone he wants to be with a certian change of cloths. Today though he prefers to be himself:


Other pictures: ;) [Click] [Click] (Before I go over bored... yeah, that's all for now. xD )

History/Bio: Takeru does not like speaking of his past, it is dramatic and full of sadness. A sadness he only shares with his best friend Haruma. His family at a young age was taken from him and murdered right before his very eyes. He watched with prying eyes unable to comprehend for most of what was happening until it was all over. Blood was too much for him, he saw it every where and being a vampire this did not help him too much at all. Haruma helped him through this and helped him remind himself after the tradigty what it was like to have a friend. Over time the two became extra close and even closer when he discovered that Miura's parents both of them had died to put Takeru's family murder in the ground. Ever since they were young they had been friends but neither spoke of the past they had since they were children. He sees Haruma as a brother more now than as a friend and though his sister is pretty in his eyes, just that, a sister. He is over protective over Maki and tries to hide it making it look like he likes the girl, but he does not. Now Takeru enjoys a comfortable life as a model and an actor, he seems fitting for these jobs given his personality.

Name: Haruma Miura (prefers just Miura)

DOB: 5.April

Origin of Birth: Tsuchiura, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan

Gender: Male

Race/Ethnicity: Vampire/Japanese

Personality: Haruma could not be more opposite from Takeru, he is quiet and mostly tries to keep to himself. Though social he does not enjoy walking around and saying hi to strangers. This is simply not how he does things. He does not enjoy being in the spotlight but does like some sense of popularity within limits. He is sweet, kind, always cares about others and even enjoys animals, particularly the cat Maki picked up one morning on her way to school (she calls her Kit-Kat due to this cats like in that particular chocolate brand) He loves to be around his friends (which is where the sense of popularity within limits comes from) and likes to even party some times. Not overpoweringly full of himself as his friend can often make himself out to be Haruma likes to just watch the scenery go by and read a good book. He is strange and characterised as weird. He ABSOLUTELY loves his music as well as listening to music. It seems to be his life.



Other Pictures:
[Click] [Click] (It's hard to narrow him down to only three... ~crais~)

History/Bio: Haruma was born and raised by his parents to be open and caring to virtually anyone he spoke to. Growing up like this Haruma was always open and caring. He opened doors and even his heart to anyone who walked in through the open door this was until his father walked out on him leaving his mother and him to fend by themselves until his mother married again. When she had he found himself the older brother to Maki, a bright a beautiful young girl. Being only half siblings meant nothing to him and he always showed his love for Maki as best he could. Whent heir parents died Haruma was able to keep his sister from witnessing it by covering her eyes. In this sense he was unable to rescue his parents and they were killed by the same assassin that killed Takeru's whole family. He felt upset by this but chose to move on instead of staying in the past. His decision was simply because Maki needed someone, never did he make decisions for himself. One thing he did do for himself was start a band and go into acting through this. Through his fandom he tries to make the best life for his sister who he often gets told by Takeru that he his babying too much.

Name: Maki Horikita

DOB: 6.October

Origin of Birth: Kiyose, Tokyo, Japan

Gender: Female

Race/Ethnicity: Vampire/Japanese

Personality: Maki is mysterious, laid back and sweet. She gets hyper sometimes and loves anything sugar related. Through this chocolate is not her preferred sweet of choice but she does enjoy it just as much as other sweets. She can be characterised as cute, and sometimes even girl-like but she herself loves dressing like a guy and managing somehow to pull it off. Enjoying sleepovers and some small groups of people she is not big around crowds and often gets shy and nervous around large crowds getting all red-faced and embarrassed. Sometimes she will speak randomly but this is simply when she is nervous. She often loves drawing, reading and writing in her spare time but particularly loves making Harmura worry about her. She does not open up to you quickly and it will take some doing in order to get through her nervous shy exterior.


Other Photos: [Click] [Click]

History/Bio: Maki tries her hardest not to remember the past she has lived. Over time it has eaten away slowly at her ever-living soul and through this she tries to hide it all concealing it behind her coy courageous smile and sweet personality. She lost her parents when she was only ten years old and her brother trying to raise her as best he could failed to realise by keeping her from seeing how they died he was baring her from the truth. Since then knowing they were killed she has wanted to gain revenge. Fear of being discovered kept her in the shadows for many years but finally when her brother started his musical career she started her acting and modelling career being a very pretty girl. She often tries to show her brother she can take care of herself but events like coming home with Kit-Kat has provem to set her back some.
Ikr? I was like.. I'm different.. My character is like completely different from me in real life which is sorta challenging ahha
Yeah, all of my characters are like that, Takeru the most though. >~<" Like I could not be in your face even if I tried. xD
If you looked at my character, I personally can not be quiet for the life of me. I'm actually very loud and outgoing ahaha I mean I do get good grades but they're like whatever not really like "WOAAHH" type of grades haha
I understand how that goes. Generally I am just a shy person. Even on-line it takes me like an hour to decide to post and then even longer because of my shyness and fear I won't fit in. I unfortunately get amazing grades... most people call me a suck up though...
OMG dude we are like complete opposites and it's amazing. In the Rp just talk to me, right now I don't really have any friends due to the fact that I'm sorta a loner who reads books at lunch time by herself.
Oh my god. I used to CLEAR tables by doing that, look we can take our chat to PM I think I kinda like you.

I think I still would clear tables provided I did not just skip lunch all together now. xD

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