Vampire Academy


"Hon, call me anything you'd like. Nothing bad, I hope."

Dawn Le Blanc


"Oh, nothin' special."


(Her eyes are a pastel crystal-like green, and her hair is a dark brown, but lighter than her brother's hair.)


"That doesn't matter, does it?"



"My mom, and my brother. Daddy's... Well..."

Her father's gone, but her mom and older brother are still there. They're also vampires.

Her brother:


(His hair is a dark brown and his eyes are a darker green than Dawn's.)

Her mother:


(Eyes are a bluish-brown, and hair is a brown color.)


"Hmm? Why don't you find out?"

Dawn is a very interesting girl, indeed. She is a big flirt, and she often blames it on her French parents' personalities. She is that kind of girl that makes it impossible

for someone not to like her, without even talking to them! She's friends with most

people and if she isn't friends with them, their loss. Dawn considers herself a normal

being, but she can make people with the hardest of shells swoon over her. She's

caring, and is a true romantic, but has never been in a known relationship. Dawn is very social, and loves going to parties and making friends with people. She's also very sarcastic, and loves to give out a good laugh. If you mess with her, her family, her friends, or anything she cares about, good luck, the kitty's claws will come out.

She's also quite the prankster, and troublemaker. She loves the thrill of running

from authority, and pranking someone.


"A lot of things."

• Hanging out with friends

• Making people laugh

• When people are truthful and trustworthy

• Being sarcastic

• Playing sports

• Nighttime

• Pranks


"A selected few."

• When people don't like her for a good reason

• Being bored

• Being accused of things she didn't do

• Obnoxious people

• Those who are mean to her friends

• Fun-suckers


"Hmm... I don't know."

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Your chara is perfect you're welcome to join the academy, I'll make some more chars, principal, popular girls, popular boys ect.
As many as you want, I'm currently working on the principle and some of the cliques at the school :)  
No problem swamp!
Can't wait 





Race / Species:



Student at Salvatore Vampire Academy (SVA)

Link to Role Play:

Damon has pale sapphire eyes and dark brown hair. He is very tall, 6'0 and has a toned muscular body.

Damon is a lady's man, but is usually the type who draws girls in with his stunning appearance, gets them in bed and then goes for the throat and uses them until he is satisfied. He enjoys playing pranks, teasing, feeding, young girls, people who suck up to him and nice cars. He is the head of the popular clique of vampires at his school, SVA, and almost every girl at the school is head over heels for him. He prefers brunettes, and likes a girl who's a challenge. His uncle owns the school, so he is very privileged and wealthy and rarely gets in trouble.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_l9tsozYDug1qdeqjto1_500.jpg.a690b6e1766307519701e829c879e340.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tumblr_l9tsozYDug1qdeqjto1_500.jpg.a690b6e1766307519701e829c879e340.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
(He's totally single bt dubs 
Tvd>>>><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Unknown-1.jpeg.e51c2c5dfa6b95f5fed90911375b904d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Unknown-1.jpeg.e51c2c5dfa6b95f5fed90911375b904d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Lillan or Lilly Rose Everson



Likes:Her friends blood her family and her reading/singing abilities.

Dislikes:Mean people anyone hurting her family and friends criticizers and threats

Family: Mom dad sister and all her friends her mom's friend kids and her dad's friend kids.

Personality:Calm,Kind sweet and very loving.

Appearance:(yeah I know it's twilight but I don't care)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f37045d221c5029f75050069d3f0c2dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f37045d221c5029f75050069d3f0c2dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other:She continues to look for a mate. She wears a ring from her mom's friend.

Other again:(Twilight ring hey it's only thing that works for the appearance)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f331e83d03f1ff898c88c9252888d3f8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15737" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f331e83d03f1ff898c88c9252888d3f8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(okay, okay. Let me clear the air here. I'm not intending to be rude or sarcastic, for the love of god. I never said it wasn't creative, and I never even used sarcasm. I first said "really..." Just like kind of, 'Are you really using twilight' Then I said creative because besides the picture and the whole twilight thing, the character itself was nice. Can you stop jumping to conclusions now? All I want to do is make a character.)

Name: Cendela Harendale

Nickname: Cendy

Age: 17

Personality: Behind the smile and the pretty face is an overall nasty person. Being manipulative is one of her strong suits, along wit deceiving most people. Some of the people she will meet will call her an angel, while others may refer to her as a devil. This is because she shifts her personality around to appeal to different people. She judges mainly based upon looks, but often times she isn't wrong about the personality behind the person. internally, she hates most of the people she meets.



(I thank you google images. I really like this picture.)

Other: Currently too lazy to make a bio.



Vladimir Todd






"Uhmm ok I guess this is the part when I explain myself? Alright. My name is Vladimir Todd but I highly request you call me Vlad. I dont really like my full name that formal I guess. Anyway getting off my name topic. I am not a 'ladies man' well to me im not. Hell no. Im pretty awkward which is why im not a ladies man, to them I guess i'm just something nice to look at since they know when the approach me I will just freeze and be awkward. I like to watch monster movies especially vampire ones, most vampires think it offensive but I think they're funny. Am I a nerd? Most likely, I like to make cheesy references and stuff. Blood habits? I will never ever drink from the source. I dont like the thought of hurting someone for my own selfish needs which is why im labelled as 'The sensitive vampire'. I use blood bags and occasionally put them in the microwave. My past isnt anything special, a few ups and downs, betrayal, the usual. I dont like talking about it all that much. I have a brother Joseph Todd, he attends school with me and keepSo I guess that sums everything up for now."






O blood and AB

Scary movies




Has a cat named Ninx

Has a spider named Devil




Joseph Todd






"Hey there. Im Joseph and sadly I am human. My brother Vladimir is a vamp which I think is motherflipping cool, he doesn't like it but I would kill to be a vamp, all those super cool powers i'd for sure get an A in gym! Anyway I am the complete opposite of my brother, he is all antisocial while I just want to have a good time and go to parties. I'm a flirt and a pretty determined one apparently to my brother. When I see a girl that I want I make it my own duty to get her, sometimes I fail sometimes I dont. Even though me and my brother are complete opposites I love the guy, we have a close relationship considering all we had were eachother growing up, our parents died in a fire and our aunt took care of us. Vlad always kept things to himself while im a pretty open person though I never told anyone about vampires, fearing i'd get killed or some crazy crap. Anyway I'm not gonna sit here and give you my whole life story, just ask and i'll tell but the crazy adventures between me and my bro stays a secret unless I have permission to tell.




Sunny days






(Oh and Bex just before you jump to conclusions your self I do like twilight but not completely I watch the Hillywood show's Twilight Saga parodies to and still love twilight)
(Still looking for someone to play Elena's sister Lana, the rest of you guys are accepted. Great jobs with your charas) 
Full name: Cynthia Corbin

Students must address her as: Mrs. Corbin, or Principle Corbin

Species: Vampire

Age: 51


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Unknown.jpeg.5689f6d85b6b050e61ad3aeb2ef51447.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Unknown.jpeg.5689f6d85b6b050e61ad3aeb2ef51447.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cynthia is the Principle at SVA, and is very strict when it comes to the rules. Though she isn't flexible in the least when it comes to others, Cynthia has a soft spot for her new fiancé's nephew, Damon Salvatore. She is engaged to his uncle and is running the school for him so he can retire as principle and she may take his place. Humans were not allowed to attend before she convinced him to let them and they have been ever since. Cynthia has been known to get away with cruel and unusual punishments to students who violate the rules, or as she calls them; laws of the SVA.



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  • Jack Freil
{First time playing a black guy. We'll see how it goes}
Sure I'd love that, and what kind do you want for Lilly, like appearance wise and personality
Appearence:(she is older though)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.14fbe8e68da05ae15b66783e1bf0b90f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.14fbe8e68da05ae15b66783e1bf0b90f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Lover kind quick learner sweet sister to her sis and a best friend to everyone



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Name: Calliope Hale "Call"

Gender: Female

Age: 17


Likes: Rain, clouds, flowers, chocolate, the night, reading.

Dislikes: sunlight, jerks, strawberries, bugs

Family: Mom, dad, sister, and a brother.

Personality:Calliope can be rash and bold at certain times but she has a calm cool head. In a way, she can be bossy with out meaning it yet she means well for everyone. She is also very stubborn When first meeting Calliope, she can seem to come off as cold hearted and distant. When you have gotten to know her better she is kinder and will forever be loyal


I will add a bio later.
Ok, I'll make it now. Should I just put it in my chars? Or like.. 
I thought that was her. She just looks too per fin that pic (no homo) We'll start either tonight or tomorrow. If you miss any days we'll just say you were absent or if you come on and only some of us were on then we'll pretend the rest aren't there. It's a little complicated lol.
Everytime I see Megan fox I think of that one movie where she is like killing all dem boys.... The one with the satanic band that like throws her in the water.

Idk. That movie was weird.
Guys I feel so bad for 5 year old Mia who plays Charlie in Good Luck Charlie Pm me if you want to know why

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