• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Valor Glade


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
This is where one may post bio sheets for characters that they wish to use in the story. I don't care how your sheet is formatted, as long as it is easy to read and navigate, and is neatly organized.

Your bio must include the following at the very least:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Either an appearance picture or a detailed description of said appearance
  • Description of all powers, skills, and abilities, including weaknesses and flaws.
  • Personality (including moral alignment and any loyalties to any groups or organizations they may have)
  • BRIEF backstory summary. BRIEF. Please. I beg of you.
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Agent of the Greater Good - The Ash Wraith

  • Name: Steven Adams.

    Alias/es: The Ash Wraith.

    Sex: Male.

    Age: 23.

    Loyalties: The Greater Good,heroic.

Agent of the Greater Good - The Supreme Commander


    Alias/es: The Supreme Commander.



    Loyalties: The Greater Good,villainous.

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They're beautiful, both of them. One guess as to which one I like more. HINT: It's not the hero.


EDIT: One thing, though. I recognize that the Supreme Commander is quite the authority, and little about them is known, but I'll still need you to at least put a hint as to any possible weaknesses that they might maybe have, by chance.
Name~ Petra Crystal

"Awakened" Name~ Pastel

Gender~ Female

Age~ 23


She has dark grey hair and silver eyes, her skin is a pastel pale color. He Magical girl outfit is varies grays' and blacks. She has scars from when blood touched her skin.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c416bd406_image1(1).JPG.fda9f17c9ca4cff1a440cf2ac9af35c4.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c416bd406_image1(1).JPG.fda9f17c9ca4cff1a440cf2ac9af35c4.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(I was using new art pens with a brush tip, soooo)

Power~ Ghost/Spirit

Style~ She is more of a defender, evading blows, making the opponent loose balance and striking then. When it comes necessary to actually harm another, bladed staff for distance; Trying to keep space between her and blood.

Abilities~ Under stressful times, her ability to turn invisible activates, going in and out of a material existence. In that stage, she can go through walls, and objects can go right through her. She also cannot particularly fly, but floats. Staying at a certain altitude, she can stay floating. Staying in air takes a lot of energy out of her, so she mostly walks or dangles from someones shoulders.

Flaws~ She cannot control when she materializes, so it is hard to determine if something would kill her. Also, she has to potential to being stuck inside a wall. Sometimes if she is not wearing a certain outfit, her clothing will be visible when her body his not.

Weakness~ Blood,an important liquid that keeps someone alive. If she gets a single drop of blood, she looses her ability to become a materialize for a short while; grounded wherever she is. Also, when the blood touches her skin, it is like acid for a normal human, it seeps deep into her body.

Personality~ Usually treated as if she was evil, Pastel tries to do good. Easily gets stressed out in any situation, whether facing a powerful criminal; studying for a final; and even talking to a boy she likes. Most of her personality, she hides from others. Those who she lets get close, usually hurts her sooner or later.

Backstory~ She grew up in a small town in Maine, quiet and isolated. Once graduating high school, she had gone into college for a degree in writing. On night, she had gone out friends and disappeared. It was that time that she did not materialize for a few days. People thought she had died on Halloween.

It was Halloween during a full moon. Petra was out with some of her college friends for a costume party. Dressed as a dark magical girl, she headed into the night with her battle staff in hand. As they became near a forest, her friends began to dare each other to enter; acting like a 3 year old in an amusement park. They all sad yes, but to Petra's bad luck, she said "no". It was that moment, that she had to skip the party and sleep some where deep in the forest. During her stay, she tripped over a head stone of an abandoned grave, and once sitting up, dizzy, she saw a ghost; Activating her ability.

(OMG this took forever!!! but im finally done drawing & typing her out)



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Accepted, on the condition that for any given incoming attack, there be a predetermined dice roll whether it hits her or "phases" through. You may suggest a probability for this.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Snowdenfalls.jpg.a837a8e494a578b1d6b4def5cadffa3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Snowdenfalls.jpg.a837a8e494a578b1d6b4def5cadffa3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Snowden Falls

Alias: Snowden Falls; Snow; Mr. Voodoo

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Appearance: Rather gruff looking with a long over coat and dark pants. Usually seen with a tome on his side and all sorts of alchemic potions he looks rather shifty

Powers: Voodoo Magic

Style: Smart and decisive he will plan out things and make his moves like chess

Abilities: Voodoo Magic; Flight

Flaws: Gambling his life and money away Alcoholism, due to many years of talking with spirits and practicing dark magic. Self centered and ego-centric he is very much about what is in it for him. He is also very self consciousness about his receding hairline

Weakness: Holy items. As his magic has scarred him with unholy marks he is very weakened by holy places or items of Christianity Islam and Judaism. Direct Sunlight cause him to burn up as he has no soul.

Personality: Self Centered and very aware of himself hes a rather goofy and odd character. He will tell bad jokes just to tell them. Though he cares more for himself he doesn't like seeing people being taken advantage of and has a soft side for kids. He is serious in combat and wont back down to the most gruesome of magical or non-magical enemies.

Backstory: Snow den Falls decided that his soul was worth about $50,000, That was the price the mob put out on his head for all the back debts he owed them for bad calls and his tabs at there bars. So he did what any normal person like him would do. He decided to make a deal with a Loa named Papa Ghede. Ghede said that he would make all his troubles disappear for the price of his soul, to which Snowden decided was a fair deal. When He awoke the next day he got a call from the the mobsters saying that his debt was clear and that he was no longer on the hit list. He went out and started betting again of course with little thought of the deal with Ghede. When he left that night he came across this old man who said something to him about a bad aura surrounding him but yet again he thought nothing of it till he got to his room and there stood the old man again. He was told that he was A physical representation of Ghede and that he was was there to teach Snowden on how to use his abilities to do Ghedes bidding. He was whisked away to the under world where he spent years training his new abilities. after the time spent he merged a voodoo master with the power of the dark magics under him he would go out and fulfill his part of the bargain to Ghede. Eventually his ego would get the best of him and he challenged Ghede to a wager for his freedom. The wager was a rigged contest that Snowden couldn't lose. A wager of who could go the longest without talking. Knowing the deity couldn't do that for his favorite thing to was to talk with women Snowden called forth a woman to seduce the deity. He won his freedom but with a price for his cheating. He would return to the world above with no soul. It was to be locked in a chest in and would sit at the throne of Ghede himself. Snowden seeing no reason to have a soul returned to the surface world to see he had now shadow, and in fact was not able to stand in direct sunlight. He decided that that was ok and that he could profit over the fact that he could still do voodoo magic. He went into business hiring his dark arts out to people who needed it.



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Accepted, Scarecrowe. I was hesitant at first to accept a magic-based character, as I wasn't planning on magic being a prominent force in the roleplay's world, but I'm making an exception for you. Thought and creativity was obviously put into this character, and I like his personality. Plus, he reminds me of my favorite Disney villain, Doctor Facilier.




Password accepted. Accessing database...

  • Government File: Subject 1C
    (Picture: Recovered image taken by a bystander five years ago on a cell phone. Note the peculiar energy displacement from his abilities, as well as the basic rig he constructed to supplement his powers before his theft of the suit.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-20_14-23-31.jpeg.c5c5977f6176a7539f469cb12fbe9da6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-20_14-23-31.jpeg.c5c5977f6176a7539f469cb12fbe9da6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: [FILE LOST]

    Aliases: "Treblemaker", or "Equalizer"

    Age: Uncertain, but voice patterning (as well as behavioral indicators) places him currently around 21 years old.

    Threat Summary: Subject 1C seems to align himself as a neutral entity, showing no particular allegiance to any party unless it suits him. The only motives he appears to possess are his own survival and amusement, as well as the fulfillment of any desires he may have at any given time. He seems to greatly enjoy the thrill of battle, often getting himself involved in fights between other Awakened (taking offensive actions against both parties) and generally causing chaos to occupy his time. Exploitation possible in our Valkyrie program, but it will be difficult to secure his cooperation.



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Glad he could make the cut, I spend time and research on my guys. Looking forward to being apart of the story.
  • tumblr_lz157vUyOk1rnmsl7o1_500.jpg

  • Lillian Graham
  • Lady Black
  • Loyalty: Villainous
  • Female
  • 28
  • Capabilities
    User can create, shape and manipulate darknessand shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc.
    Create/generate/increase, absorb, shape and manipulate darkness/shadow for various effects, sizes, shapes and intensity levels.

    Depending of the level of strength, one can blanket an entire city, country or world in eternal darkness.
  • Absolute Darkness
  • Darkness "Mist"
  • Light Absorption
  • Shadow Camouflage/Cloaking

[*]Darkness Adaptation

[*]Darkness Attacks

[*]Darkness Solidification via controlling darkness/shadow:


[*]Shadow Marionette


[*]Darkness Aura

[*]Darkness Empowerment

[*]Darkness Healing

[*]Shadow Mimicry

[*]Shadow Mutilation

[*]Shadow Stealth

[*]Weakness- The more the power is used the more stamina of the user is burned up. The stronger the attack, the quicker the user tires. Light based attacks and holy attacks easily overwhelm these types of attacks. Daylight is also not her thing, as she tends to be a bit temperamental and sluggish while the sun is out. Her full potential only being able to be seen once the sun sets. Also, surpassing her limits leaves her vulnerable to being swallowed by her own darkness or losing her sanity to it.

[*]Backstory: Lillian was the Arm Candy of a nightclub owner who made his money through the loss and exploitation of others. Having been grabbed up by this man at a young age, she was quick to conform and do as she was told, and it also wasn't a position that didn't come without its perks. Although she was well taken care of and wanted for nothing, she was tired of being viewed as just a pretty face.



Name: Elijah Price

Loyalty: Neutral but leans toward Heroic

Age: 24

Alias/Nickname: Rabbit

Powers: Enhanced Reflexes, and power.

Weakness: Still very much human but simply needs to be hit a lot harder than your average human to kill. Headshots would result in an insta-kill.

Backstory: Elijah Price was a two-bit hustled, always looking for his next easy mark. Whether it was pickpocketing or cheating casinos the kid was in it for the thrill and the rush. Loving the feeling of knowing he could be caught any moment, he took bigger and bigger risks, until he found himself facing off against a room full of armed men. His adrenaline was pumping so hard that he thought everything came to a stand still, and to him it seemed that everything had at least slowed down enough for him to analyze the situation. The next thing he knew he was reading the slightest movements and twitches of the men before him and managed to escape unharmed. He's had a series of run-ins that have tested his mettle, proving that on top of his knack for getting away clean that he could also handle himself fairly well if not exceptionally.
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  • Name: Sal Foley aka "Jaws"
  • Gender: female
  • Age: 19
  • Alignment: Hero
  • Personality: Meek and reserved outside of her vigilante work, Sal uses her identity as Jaws to do all that she was too afraid to in her old life. She is largely driven by her emotions and a desire to do what's right. Despite her gentle facade, she is brutal and carnal in the face of danger and her convictions are rock solid. While she's often conflicted and anxious when it comes to everyday matters, when it comes down to a big decision she puts all her faith in her instinct, for better or worse.


  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 140 lbs
  • Light brown hair and eyes
  • ((will edit and put in a picture later probably))




Since Sal's awakening in her early teens she strove to become a certified crime-fighter, earning a scholarship and rapidly skipping up the ranks of the institute. But despite having a sparkling academic record, she was refused certification due to her mental health and the volatile nature of her powers. Shamed but undeterred, she now continues to strive for government-endorsed-hero excellence, while occasionally doing some unlicensed vigilante work on the down-low. Young as she still is, she worries about being able to keep up with the other powered citizens, and about how long she'll be able to keep up balancing her hero life, her academic life, her work life, and her practically non-existent social life.
@DiamondJack Before I say anything, nice avatar. I've been playing Smite quite a bit recently.

But I digress.

Shaw is too powerful. He has stamina that outranks even the world's best, most honed and most trained athletes, so he can outlast almost any other person in a fight. His skin can stop anything smaller than an artillery shell, because mortars and rocket launchers are definitely weapons that law enforcement would use in a heavily populated area. Sure, he has limits, but they're ridiculously high to the point where he can't lose unless he is up against a literal army. He can run up to 40 mph. This dude could possibly win a race on foot against a goddamn cheetah. He can lift 40 times his weight? You do realize that equates to him being able to lift over five tons?

You realize this means not only can your character match the speed of the fastest land mammal on Earth, and not only will he not be tired from it, but he can lift this:


Your character can effortlessly lift and throw semi trucks. And stop bullets. And run faster on foot than a car could legally drive through the city streets. And he won't even break a sweat. So one would figure, well, he's obviously a very physically-oriented character, right? So his weakness must be a vulnerability to mental attack!

Nope. Immune.

And on top of it all, I like the fact that you described his abilities as "pretty boring by most standards". Sure, there are Awakened everywhere, but they're not all Superman.

I'm sorry if you find this offensive or cynical, but I was simply overwhelmed by your character. "Weakness to heavy artillery and rockets" isn't really a weakness to begin with. "Blowing shit up" is usually an effective tactic against most every enemy, if you blow up the right things. Plus, by the way you worded it ("These can wound or even kill him") the bio seems to suggest that explosives and heavy rounds are actually less effective against him than other targets.

"Mental instability" isn't a weakness either. Have you ever heard of someone becoming less dangerous because they were insane? Insane people are locked up in asylums for a reason: they're a threat to everyone around them.

I will say that I like his backstory. I like the aesthetic of the character, and I like that he isn't high-profile, that he doesn't have an agenda other than to be able to eat and survive. It's just that he's just too...godlike. It's not just the fact that he is really powerful, because if that was it, then I'd have rejected @HellKnight 's character too. Lillian is a goddamn force to be reckoned with. Complete control over darkness, hardening it for offense/defense, healing wounds while in the shadows, turning invisible in the shadows, teleporting from one shadow to another, like hot damn. I will admit that at first I had reservations about accepting Lady Black without making HellKnight make some power adjustments first. But then I thought about it.

Sure, she's a veritable goddess during the night. But she makes up for being so powerful for 50% of the time because the other 50% of the time she is nearly powerless, becoming "temperamental and sluggish" in the daylight. Plus, all of her attacks drain stamina proportional to the strength of the attack, so even if it is nighttime, Lillian still has to be careful how much shadow she slings around or else she'll get too tired or even risk being injured by her own abilities.

So keep that in mind.

tl;dr - Rejected, needs more balancing of strengths/weaknesses and toning down of his powers.

  • Photo on Record


    Full Birth Name: Emma Rose Devins

    Alias: Devins, Little Devil

    Age: 17

    Sex: Female

    Loyalties: Survivable Good




Chrono Xavier


Himself/Anti-Hero (Easily swayed to Villainy or Heroics)









Earth Manipulation

Crystal Manipulation

Sand Manipulation

Metal Manipulation

Mud Manipulation

Lava Manipulation


Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of his power.

He cant control the matter in other people.

He can't completely control Metal, only bend and shape it.

The lava, sand and mud has to be nearby to control it.


He can be considered as manipulative and tricky. In a way he likes to start shit. Not many people get close to him to know much about his true personality. He's known as cunning and tactical and likes causing trouble among the masses. He is quite skilled in street smarts and blades. He at times seems uncaring and bored. He knows how to charm people and sweet talk them into getting what he wants. He's very cocky and arrogant, he clams to be better than everyone. He only works for those who can give him something that benefits him.


Chrono lived a pretty fucked up past. He had rich parents, sure, but they never really cared for him. Even when they found out that he had a mental disorder they could care less, this led to a very unstable boy. Maybe that was their downfall in the end. They had debts to pay with the local Mafia , they offered Chrono as a payment. The boss took the boy under his wing and Chrono ended up being medicated for the first time in his life. He went through the training that every soldier went in the life, though he found that he was more adept with gathering information through manipulation. His "father" found out about this and enlisted him to gather information for them, from enemies or people the boss thinks has valuable information for them. When the mafia spread to Valor Glad, Chrono took residence there at 15. This was only because Chrono found out about the power of the Earth he had. He studied at the Academy and it is his Junior year there. He lives in a loft in the downtown area. Little does anyone know, Chrono has his own plans for this "Utopia".


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Accessing database...

~Valor Glade PD: Wanted Persons~

Open File 77


Alias: "Ghoul"

Name: June Carnegro


The picture on the bottom was taken by a recovered security camera that had fallen to the ground after a lengthy confrontation between "Ghoul" and a specialist task force assigned to investigate widespread rumors of a "hellish creature" that had been reportedly prowling around a residential district of Valor Glade. The task force employed a mixture of corrosive chemical agents and flamethrowers, as well as a weaponized adhesive to hinder the creature's incredibly nimble mobility. Despite having over 60% of its flesh corroded away or seared off, the creature managed to escape by voluntarily severing its own foot from the adhesive holding it down, proceeding to drop to all fours and force itself down through a nearby storm drain.

DNA Analysis of the discarded foot, as well as digital facial reconstruction techniques have confirmed the creature's identity as June Carnegro, an up-and-coming Academy student 19 years of age who was declared missing halfway through his first year at the Academy, and confirmed dead after his mangled body was found stuffed into a dumpster in a crime-intensive neighborhood. An autopsy was performed, but the body subsequently was misplaced and disappeared before it could be buried. This places his reappearance at a little over 5 years after his body disappeared. It is unknown if June was "resurrected" right away, or it if was a more gradual process, but the latter is most likely the case.

Currently, the only theory regarding his revival is a second Awakening that triggered upon his death. This has not yet been confirmed.

ABILITIES: Retrieval of June's Academy student file revealed that, in essence, June was capable of controlling his own bodily functions. He could consciously alter his heart rate, metabolism, even manually release chemicals in his body like dopamine or adrenaline. These abilities are reflected in his current self, as he has been observed to maintain above-average adrenaline levels and heart rates as well as shut off his pain receptors, particularly when threatened or confronted. June has also demonstrated a myriad of new abilities that he never possessed before his death, which mainly revolve around biological augmentation and cellular regeneration.

June can manually reshape his body, shifting organs and bones around to allow him to fit into tight spaces or dodge incoming attacks. His bones can be protruded out through his skin and even manually sharpened, most often utilized to turn his fingers into veritable claws. His fingernails can also be similarly sharpened, and he will usually default to fighting with his nails unless he requires the more durable option of using his digits instead. He can alter the chemical composition of his stomach acid, allowing him to regurgitate or sweat out said chemical through his skin for offensive or utility purposes. In this fashion, he can also exhale chemicals in gaseous form. So far, June has demonstrated the capability to produce the following chemicals:

  • an enhanced, more potent variant of stomach acid, used to combat armored opponents
  • a black adhesive compound, most commonly discharged toward his target's eyes in an attempt to blind them, but sometimes also aimed at the feet to hinder movement
  • a foul-smelling transparent fluid, used as lubricant to escape capture and assist movement through tight spaces.
  • a modified version of his own blood, infused with an additional unidentified chemical. The smell alone is usually enough to nauseate and weaken organisms that inhale its stench. Usually utilized at the start of a conflict for an early advantage, and almost always exhumed through the skin for a longer-lasting effect that follows him.
  • a noxious crimson gas, essentially organic tear gas, but much less potent, and with much more temporary symptoms.
  • a black, cloudy gas saturated with various strains of common pathogens. Causes sickness within 24 hours in virtually all subjects who are unfortunate enough to inhale it, can be especially dangerous to subjects with poor immune systems.

Agents are to be warned that this list is not definitive, and to always observe the standard chemical safety protocol when engaging the subject.

The last ability the Ghoul has been confirmed to possess is a primitive regenerative power. He can regrow lost limbs within 24 hours, major lacerations and broken bones within an hour, and surface cuts within seconds. This regeneration can take place automatically during physical activity such as combat. June's behavior and ability to return to a fight after fleeing suggest that this self-healing can occur much faster while resting.

BEHAVIOR: While June has clearly gone through many psychological changes as a result of his revival, a part of him still seems to resemble his former self, curious, resourceful, and never lacking in conviction. His changes are marked by a significant increase in hostility, almost always responding with violence when approached by law enforcement, task forces, or any other specialist teams. He does not engage in crime for the sake of greed or desperation, interestingly enough, his patterns and behavior seem to indicate he is undertaking an investigation of sorts, most likely the cause of his own death. The targets he have visited so far display intriguing backgrounds, but as of yet he has not visited anyone with whom he had a personal connection in his past life. June is perfectly capable of assuming his normal, human appearance, as shown in the picture above on the left, but often chooses to assume his more grotesque form for the sake of intimidation and, perhaps, so as to avoid the city's facial recognition software in security cameras. His normal human appearance is used primarily in the daytime for the sake of subtlety, often wearing sunglasses, shades, hats or clothes with hoods to conceal his face from cameras and officers of the law.

June has also been confirmed to be capable of speech. Transcript logs of the audio recordings can be found attached to this file. Administrator access is required.

PROTOCOL FOR ENGAGING SUBJECT: While definitely a versatile and tricky individual, the subject's abilities can only affect a small area around him, and thus, long-distance engagements are highly recommended whenever possible. However, the subject is accustomed to such offensives, and so in some cases a close range engagement is unavoidable. Avoid blunt instruments and physical blows, as June can recover from these types of injuries much faster than any other. Standard firearms are not typically effective, as the wounds they cause are small and can be easily remedied. Recommended weapons include the standard weaponized adhesives, blades, and tasers or stun batons. Electricity will often interfere with his otherwise unimpeded control over his own body, weakening him and allowing easier capture. Flamethrowers have also shown to be effective for containment purposes.

Standard gas masks, or, if necessary, a layer or two of cloth over one's nose and mouth are sufficient to protect the wearer from any of the harmful effects of inhaling any of the subject's chemical attacks, and plastic armor or hazmat suits will protect against any corrosive chemicals produced by the subject. The subject's body, though its strength can be temporarily enhanced with adrenaline and muscle enzymes, is built more for speed and agility, and as such the subject will most always prefer to subvert any physical obstacles rather than force his way through them.

When engaged, the subject's primary form of attack is an aggressive assault with sharpened fingernails or sharpened digits. The subject's abilities seem to improve its memory as well, as it has demonstrated a mimicry of the martial arts utilized by the various task forces it has faced since its reappearance. These primitively-copied martial arts, combined with feral slashing attacks, compromise its fighting style. It seems to utilize few tactics, preferring to attack first and ask questions later, and only flee when it is outmatched or if it has severe injuries that require its attention. Remain alert if the subject flees a fight, it will often return to reengage after it has rejuvenated itself. Trickery is also sometimes employed by the subject. On one occasion, it "played dead" by slowing its heartbeat to a near-stop, waiting for the unsuspecting purge squad members to approach and lower their guard before it sprang to its feet and attacked.

Exercise caution at all times.
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Four things:

Your character sheet doesn't have any indication of moral alignment or loyalties he might have.

His powers don't seem to have any inherent weaknesses or flaws. He doesn't have good control over them, but that's his weakness, not a flaw in his abilities. Also, full-on mind control is a no-go.

You skipped writing a backstory for the cliche "forgot his origins" crap. I'm sorry if I seem rude, but I really hate it when people default to that. It doesn't really make sense that his abilities would rip holes in his own memories, and even if he does forget his backstory, you still need to include one. Just because he doesn't remember it doesn't mean he has no past.

If he is unable to use his abilities for personal gain and he's living homeless on the streets, there's no chance that he would have survived. If he doesn't even have control over his abilities, then there's no way he could use them effectively to find food and adequate shelter, let alone defend himself against criminals and other homeless people.
NAME: Charles Davis


AGE: 28


Charles Davis isn't one for flashy costumes. He regularly wears a leather jacket, and heavy combat boots while he's walking around for any reason. Jeans, and a t-shirt are enough for him. While his physical appearance changes depending on the situation he's in, his natural appearance is that of a thin build, standing at average height with pale green eyes and brown hair. He has a thin face with a slightly larger than normal, hooked nose, and thick expressive eyebrows.


Charles Davis is a survivor. His only constant ability is his fast healing. But this stems from his body's extremely fast adaptations. An enemy slashes his arm off, he'll grow a new one with armor. He breaks his fist striking an enemy, the bones mend harder than before. Any struggle he encounters, his body automatically adapts to overcome the challenge before it. While his healing factor is incredibly fast, it isn't perfect and an adaptation always occurs when his healing does. Strangely, hotter climates seem to cause his adaptations and healing to take longer. Charles theorizes that his body's changes cause intense body-heat and his instinct to survive will not allow his internal temperature to increase too far. On top of this, his body is highly efficient; metabolism, memory forming, senses, and caloric/and oxygen consumption. However, Charles lacks control.

His adaptation, and healing are automatic... and so he has not trained until recently, after discovering he CAN, learned to control even the fewest of adaptations. Those being, increasing athleticism, changing his basic appearance, growing armor plating (bone like material), and slightly increasing cognitive processing speed.

His powers are limited however, specifically by the body's natural fuel. He must eat incredible amounts after he uses his powers. And though his body efficiency IS enhanced, healing and changing uses the fuel his body needs much faster than normal. He can fight for a good amount of time, using his adaptations and healing for about ten to fifteen minutes if needed. But afterwards he'd be starved and need to consume as much food as he could hold within his body... in that state, TWICE as much food as even the most notable competitive eater. This is the main limit to his power, his body is however affected by anything that affects a normal body unless an adaptation has ALREADY taken hold to resist it.


Charles Davis is a lazy, but just man. He strives to obey the law, and enforce them, but doesn't hesitate when the laws are abused for darker intent. His alignment would be best labeled to neutral good, as he isn't above breaking the law in order to serve the greater good. Breaking the law for this reason is always a last resort.


Briefly, Charles Davis was a biology major at the University of Washington before his awakening. Born and raised in the pacific northwest. Ironically enough, the evolutionary science specialist became the embodiment of his studies. Finding the topic drab now, Charles went to try and use his new found abilities for good. So he went to Valor Glade and became certified to use his powers alongside law enforcement.

((I am sorry... I didn't realize I had to submit characters first. :( ))
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Don't sweat it, dude. I like your character, but to avoid overpowered-ness, I will need you to select one of the following restrictions, specifically for his adaptation ability.

Option #1: His adaptations only last for a set amount of time. For instance, a flamethrower might allow him to grow flameproof skin, but after a pre-established duration, his skin would once more become vulnerable to fire.

Option #2: His adaptations can last indefinitely, but he can only have a set number of adaptations active at one time, and has to sacrifice old adaptations if he desires to switch to a new one.

Either way, his adaptations will require adequate time to develop once exposed to any given danger, the time increasing with hotter weather or a shortage of nutrients.

Other than that, everything looks good! If you want, you could talk to @Riddle78 about your character and his character possibly being coworkers. I think it'd be an interesting prospect.
My original idea, given his body is sped up, was that he can adapt to an infinite number of things. But id the adaptation isn't used for more than say five minutes, it starts to fade away. Within seven, being completely gone. But I can argue for option 2 as well, saying that your DNA is only so long as to contain so much information.

Which do you prefer?
Also, we could combine them.

His body separates willful modifications from automatic ones. The adaptations that are automatic could work on the timed system, while intentional modifications are only available 5 at a time.
Your combined idea doesn't sound optimal. It allows for immunity to too many different things at once, and your character is already tricky enough to defeat as is with his regeneration. I'd prefer the second option, with no time limit but a limit to the number of adaptations. It's easier to work with, and we don't have to argue about passage of time or any of that. It makes it clear-cut what he's currently immune to and what he isn't.
I'm honestly the Supreme Commander got accepted,considering the fact that they're functionally a Grey Goo scenario.

Alias: Swarm

Name: Vincent Rudel - Age: 23

Occupation: Pest Control.

Abilities: Insect Host. Vincent's body hosts a variety of insects in him. Ranging from wasps, ants, and beetles. He can control any insect produced in his body and the insects are released through crevices in his arms. It is not painful for Vincent, but he got used to the unsettling sight after awhile. Vincent never releases the few egg-laying insects inside his body that can replenish any lost insects. Wasp stings can cause paralysis and numbing with enough stings. Ants can burrow and deliver painful bites. They lock on hard. Beetles are carniverous and restore energy to Vincent when they consume flesh. Vincent is weak without his insects. If a majority of them are wiped out, he is left vulnerable. The egg-laying insects take a few hours to repopulate within Vincent. All of his insects are susceptible to fire and wasps are rendered flightless and weak when wet. Vincent has a heightened metabolism due to the fact that he is hosting swarms of insects within him. Without food, his insects become weak and die-off if he is starving. Due to his job, he can have his insects feed on the pests in peoples home.

Moral Alignment: Neutral. Vincent simply wishes to survive. Typically his actions further his own interests.

Personality: Vincent is very cautious. Never seeking conflict with anybody. If he does enter a fight, it must be under good conditions for his insects to survive. If not, escape is the preferred option. Vincent is also typically withdrawn, preferring the company of his insects over people. Plus many people are disgusted when/if they find out that bugs live inside him. Vincent always tries to be polite and neutral. Hardly making an opinionated statement as to not offend anyone or take sides. Unbeknownst to him, however, he will have to face a choice or face death.

History: Vincent was awakened while walking through the park. A person ran past him, shoving Vincent headfirst into a pile of leaves. A few bugs within the leaves were caught in the impact and some were accidentally eaten by Vincent. He soon felt some stomach pain and went home to get some antacid. Vincent decided to sleep it off. When he woke up, he found slits on his arms. He exclaimed in shock when he saw bugs crawl out from his arms. They seemed to follow his command too. Vincent had always heard of people acquiring new abilities. Many of times, criminals or vigilantes-gone-wrong who appeared on the TV had powers. Vincent never knew it would happen to him. He continues on with life, not doing crime as to avoid run-ins with the police. As well as not trying to be a vigilante as not many would respond well to his insects.
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