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Realistic or Modern Valor Glade

Name: Fredricks 'Frits' Tyson

Known Aliases: Prayer-Crow

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Power: Slasher State

Specification: When he is in his 'Slasher State' he has inhuman strength, easily able to lift an adult male over his head and break down doors, with effort he can lift and throw a standard size automobile. Also in Slasher State he has unending endurance, shrugging off lesser blows and ignoring minor wounds, he can also resist small arms fire to a degree, though the damage will compound eventually. The most powerful of his assets is 'Return', which is if he reaches a point that his body can no longer continue in Slasher State, he will enter a hibernation state that mimics death, and after 3 days to a month he will awake in a normal mindset with all wounds recovered. (The last power is up to negotiations of course)

Technique: He acts like a standard endurance hunter, once he finds his target, he will pursue them relentlessly until he has achieved his goal. Well versed in improvised weapon ranging from the standard axe to a section of rebar.

Weakness/Flaws: Frits needs a moment to work himself into the Slasher State, if interrupted he will most likely fail to focus and will need to try once more, if interrupted with an attack or threat on his life, he might berserk in an imperfect Slasher State and will react with blind aggression. After entering Slasher State, he will refuse orders or suggestion, only acting out on thoughts in his head. While in Slasher State, he loses all resistance to Psychic control and warping. Lower intelligence animals act aggressively to Frits at all times, an increase in aggression while in Slasher State. After exiting Slasher State willingly, he is fatigued to the point of at least a days rest required before activating the ability once more. Intense phobia of fire while in the Slasher State, he will freeze or flee from the sight of an open flame larger then a pocket lighter. He suffers from a general lack of mobility having a level of finesse and agility more akin to a normal human, with a body as large as his it makes it appear sluggish and clumsy.

Loyalties/Alignment: Personal code of Ethics that prizes purity over kindness. Will never willingly hurt or attack an innocent, but at first signs of corruption will not hesitate to use lethal force.

Personality: Frits is a rather amiable young man, often seeking out meaningless small talk and company rather then spending time alone. He values friendship and comradery, often putting himself in more challenging situations if it means that he can make a friend or teammates tasks easier. When it comes to his feelings towards the 'Heroing', what ever sparked with in the guy gave him the boost in courage and drive to actively seek out those that were fringing his idea of purity and dole out punishment.

Description: A veritable behemoth of a man, when his abilities sparked his body took another step towards a physical peak. Standing nine feet tall and built like a polar creature with a layering of fat over muscle, his presence was hard to ignore when he entered a room. His skin was a rough earthen color, the texture more akin to a swathe of burlap cloth instead of flesh. He preferred to stay in his hero persona at least a little, which included always wearing the ridiculous mask, but under the face guard was a man who could only be called well worn. His nose was large and smushed, most likely broken multiple times, clean white teeth that were almost all either patched or replaced with porcelain, and mahogany eyes that shone with the brightness of a good hearted man. One of the few genuinely handsome features he had was a strong and rugged jawline like an old film star that would smoke cigars and run a town as a sheriff.

His outfit was another odd look into his mind, a costume that had been designed mostly out of cloth he had found second hand or manipulated into being a way to hide his identity, as much as a giant man could pretend to be someone else. The main color of the fabric was a faded grey-green canvas that had been sewn with patches of black denim into a jacket that hung over his body. Next was the slate-grey coveralls he wore under the jacket, also patched with black denim when the damage became a matter of decency. The coveralls fed into a pair of black leather boots that didn't seem cared for in any way, the leather cracked and dull. The most significant of this uniform was the mask, which also seemed to be the only piece of clothing that he cared for or had put any effort into it, it was a dark stained burlap, the two eye holes had been cut out and the mouth had been crafted into a cruel smile of molded leather.


Fredericks Tyson had grown up in a small town in California, almost everyone knew everyone, and there was every stereotypical townsmen around, including the odd recluse old man. What no one knew about the man was that he held a dark and twisted perversion with in his heart, the hunger for human flesh, and every decade he would wander into the woods and abduct some one to feed this desire until the next ten year hunger arose. Enter one of Frits' classmates, having gone into the woods with her friends to have a bonfire party the night of graduation, she was a perfect target; weak, young and supple. Frits was the only one to have spotted her ambling into the woods to take a cool breath, and to have heard the sounds of an old barely functioning truck to sputter away. Frits made his way to the home of the recluse, and when he spotted the bones and the man about to execute his friend, he Awoke. By the end of his first enraging, the man was broken at his feet, and the girl had been saved. He made his way to the town of Valor Glade, a slow journey by foot especially with his body changing do to the Spark, but it's just a matter of placing one foot in front of the other.
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I like your character, there was obviously time and effort put in, which is why I really hate to get nit-picky. Your character's abilities, coincidentally, happen to be incredibly similar to a preexisting character's abilities, so I have to ask you to change your character's powers. Everything else was really good, though. Kudos.


The old Halloween slasher vibe you have going on is awesome, but I'll need you to specify his allegiance (works for police, neutral, illegal vigilante, etc.) since that hugely affects your character's interaction with other characters, as well as their perspective and impact on the plot. As for powers, I'll need more substantial physical limits. Bullets penetrate, but not nearly as deep as they would normally go, they don't hurt nearly as much. Physical blows from an average male would do almost nothing, but if he takes more than a few blows from the metal-edged baton-staves that the law enforcement uses (picture below), he's gonna feel it in the morning. He's just as vulnerable to heat and sound attacks as normal people, but due to his weight and endurance, he can more easily resist kinetic forces. If good 'ol Equalizer blasts him in the face, it's gonna hurt like a mother, but he won't fly backwards like anyone else. No resurrection either, instead, if he is unable to continue and/or "dies" in Slasher state, he automatically powers down and enters a state of vulnerability with symptoms to being incredibly, incredibly sick and weak as his relentless Slasher spirit fights to keep his body alive. If he remains untouched for 48 hours, he revives with a slight headache and all wounds healed. How does that sound?

@The Villain King

Glad to see a response on him! All of the limitations you bring up are valid, and I was full on expecting the resurrection to be shot down, I'm happy a chunk of it gets to stick around. For the bullet penetration, I'm mostly thinking that small arms fire up to .25 (6.35 mm) and birdshot will not be enough to stop him with out a serious mag dump, so anything that is common for law enforcement, i.e. 9mm, .45 ACP, and slugs are going to stop him much faster and force him into Exhaustion. I think sonic attacks might be both equally and less effective, he's still just as vulnerable to the damage, but since he doesn't react to pain the same way a human would I think that it would take full on organ rupturing before he stopped. The batons will take a couple wacks before he's hurting but it makes a lot of sense that an officer in a super-centric city would be stronger/better trained then an average cop. All the other stuff makes sense, I'm glad that you picked up on the obvious vibe and let me keep the idea of a near-unstoppable juggernaut.

I see what you mean about making his alliances a little clearer, so I'm hoping that this will help. Keeping with the slasher vibe, his motives are mostly revenge/personally driven. He often works in line with local law, hunting down murderers, rapists and drug dealers, but he often takes it too far and will execute on the spot. I'd say he has a tentative alliance with Law Enforcement where they are glad that he's keeping the general populace safe, and he's willing to work with them, but they are still unnerved by him and ready to gun him down, and Frits is frustrated by how slow the normal conviction process takes. I'd say that he has a Hero License, if freshly acquired and after a year of Illegal vigilantism, which is why he's mostly tolerated by larger organizations but is still has an eye kept on him so at the first sign of violation of Hero Code he'll be punished.

I see. So he's technically legally licensed for hero work, but due to his checkered past, he's under supervision just to make sure he doesn't do anything drastic. That makes sense, thanks!

In regards to sonic attacks, his body isn't composed of anything not normally seen in an average human's body, so he should technically conduct sound waves just as well. That being said, he seems to be more dense and holds himself together much better than the average human as well.

This is where the difference between his powers and Ghoul's powers can be seen. They both have that sort of style of shrugging off damage, but they go about it in different ways. Where Ghoul is more like a zombie, you can shoot him and blast him and he'll take damage, but he'll just regenerate and keep shambling over to you anyways, Raven-Crow takes more of the juggernaut route, busting through walls and ignoring attacks with gritted teeth and enraged brute strength. If we're putting them in animal terms, Ghoul is more of a predatory cat, stalking his prey with stealth and enhanced senses, dispatching them with claws and ambush tactics. Raven-Crow is more of a rhinoceros, charging right in there and stomping on everything.

That being said, a city chock-full of dangerous Awakened people results in a super badass law enforcement trained in fighting people with abilities. Ghoul is definitely a tricky opponent and can easily outmaneuver/outfox most melee combatants, but against long-ranged folks like Treblemaker or the armed-to-the-teeth task forces, he usually has no option other than retreat because the task forces literally have weaponry and devices for almost any situation.

So! If your character sheet is updated and you're ready to begin, then you're welcome to post!
@The Villain King

That's what I was thinking in terms of damage, and I'm glad to be accepted after the few revisions! The sound thing is spot on, and for the animal comparison I was thinking that Prayer-Crow is more like a bear than a rhino. Not to be that guy, but it is Prayer-Crow not Raven-Crow, like scare-crow but he answers the prayers of the citizen. I'll be posting tomorrow, work and what not, but since I've already started here, I'd like to ask about power progression. I'll move it over to OOC for the answer, but will people be getting stronger?

Sorry, my memory failed me and I was too lazy to go back to the sign-up thread.

Yes, people will be getting stronger, but only if their character development justifies it. It doesn't happen automatically over time.

Third person is fine. I adopted first-person present tense to immerse myself more. It's whatever you want.

Applicant: Lucius Roy Allcaster, Academy Graduate with Honors


M/F: M

Weight: 155

Height: 5'11"

Eyes: Bright Cyan

Hair: Dirty Blonde

Blood Type: O-

Family History of Disease: None

Allergies: None

Misc. Health Comments: Blood type notable, ensure available donation blood in case of severe injury.

The chief set his jaw and looked up from the file to glance at the applicant. The youth was waiting patiently in the chair on the other side of the desk, watching an ethereal butterfly dance around his fingers. The chief grunted and raised an eyebrow, but when the lad looked up attentively, the gruff man had already set his eyes back to the documents.

Power Profile

Lucius has proven himself capable of conjuring, as well as communing with, a wide variety of, for lack of a better term, "ethereal" creatures, hereafter referred to as "Companions". They usually (but not always) resemble specimens of Earth wildlife, and seem to possess no will or sentience of their own, despite clearly being able to express emotion. What their bodies are composed of, has not yet been determined, but fast-motion capture and frame-by-frame analysis of the summoning process seems to suggest they are composed of some exotic form of energy that can be molded into solid, physical shapes.

The Companions that Lucius summons act like computer programs; Lucius issues basic directives and instructions through physical contact, and the creatures will perform the given task to the best of their ability. However, regardless of distance or the context of the situation, Companions will always automatically maneuver to defend and protect Lucius if he becomes severely injured, unless specifically commanded to do otherwise. Like computer programs, they also have limited memory, and can only carry a fixed amount of information individually. Because of this, multiple Companions are often required to collectively execute complex instructions. Lucius, as of a recent ability screening dated XX-XX-XXXX, has shown his current summoning capacity to be around 3 Companions active at one time, depending on size. Generally speaking, the smaller the Companion is, the more of them can be summoned.

Companions will last indefinitely, requiring no rest, food, shelter, or other physiological needs. They only expire when dismissed manually by Lucius, or if they sustain lethal damage. Their durability seems to vary from specimen to specimen, the larger ones obviously requiring more physical force or energy exposure to defeat, but this rule only loosely applies. Some Companions, regardless of size, will endure certain environmental hazards better than others, and each Companion appears to be suited to executing certain commands in a specific context. For example, when walking around on day-to-day business, Lucius is very fond of having a wolf-like Companion accompany him as a personal bodyguard.

The chief looked up again. The wolf sitting next to the kid perked its ears up, grinning and panting happily. The inside of its mouth and throat glowed blue just like its eyes and the runic patterns across its dark cobalt-blue fur. The wolf turned its muzzle towards the kid, who smiled warmly and petted its head, making sure to scratch behind its ears.


The police chief raised an eyebrow once more, clearing his throat loudly to get the boy's attention. The wolf's happy demeanor vanished instantly, and its head swiveled towards the official as it began assessing him as a threat. The young applicant gently returned his hand to the wolf's head, and the beast relaxed once more.

The officer spoke. "You've got some damn impressive abilities, kid. We get too many Academy graduates that are only suited for incredible amounts of destruction, but it looks like you have a lot of potential for non-lethal takedowns."

The kid smirked. "I never pick fights, sir, but I assure you, I can end them."

"I can see that. Good reputation on campus for diffusing conflict between peers. Captain of the debate team, stellar grades, student council, Honors..."

"Please, sir. You flatter me."

"Perhaps. I see here in your Power Indexing, your Control statistic is considerably high. That's something I like to see."

"The Academy taught me well. The professors are top notch, sir."

"Hold on, there's a note at the bottom of the Indexing: 'emotional attachment'?"

"They're like family, sir. They protect me, I protect them."

"Son, if you're going to join this department, I need to know that you won't place the lives of one of your animal friends over the life of a fellow officer."

"Of course not, sir. I would sooner order my Companion to jump in front of a bullet than consider letting a human take the shot. Their purpose is to protect and obey, to the end."

The chief set his jaw again, looking at the kid and exhaling heavily.

"All right. Let's see your physical exam scores...hmm, not bad, kid. You're in shape."

"My father once said, 'Even the most well-guarded king is only as safe as his armor.'"

"Your father sounds like a smart man, kid. Moving on to 'Personal Equipment'. Upon entering the station this morning, you were searched, and were subsequently relieved of a pair of twin bladed weapons. Is this correct?"

"Yes officer. With all due respect, one can never be too careful."

"...Quite. Are these the weapons in question?"

The officer reached under the desk and set a metal object onto the desktop with a loud CLUNK. It resembled an escrima fighting stick, but crafted from wood and metal, and carved with Oriental imagery. A crease in the middle, bordered on both sides by a metallic band, indicated that the weapon could be separated into two parts.


"Yes, sir."

"You have a spotless record and you're an upstanding gentleman, so I'm going to give these back to you. Can I trust you to be responsible with them and keep them sheathed indoors?"

"Yes, sir, thank you. They belonged to my grandfather. My mother taught me how to use them since I was little."

"Good man."

The police chief shuffled the documents in front of him. As he did so, he caught a glimpse of an ornate whistle hanging around the lad's neck.


"What's the whistle for, son?"

"Helps with my Companions, makes simple movement commands easier. A short breath and a raised hand calls them to my location. A short breath and a pointed finger sends them in that direction. A long breath dismisses all of them. I have other signals, all basic positioning, but you don't want to hear me ramble."

The police chief wrote something down on the bottom of the preliminary report, then pushed it across the desk to the young applicant and leaned back in his large desk chair. On the bottom of the preliminary report was written, "Accepted. C. Wynnfield~".

"We will be sure to keep you very busy. Don't let us down, Luke."

The youth stood and shook the chief's hand.

"Thank you very much, sir. And please, I prefer Lucius."
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Accepted! I like his powers. Insects are not a force to be taken lightly. It's nice to see a character that isn't necessarily an obvious good or evil, he's just doing his job and trying to live a life as a civilian. My third character, shown above, is the same way. He's a gentleman, and works for law enforcement, sure, but he's not overly zealous about his job, and he's just a young bachelor trying to secure a future for himself.

Perhaps your character and my character could interact? I think together they could show a perspective of the story that we haven't seen yet: the perspective of the average citizens. Sure, we've seen what it's like to be in the middle of all of the battles and fights, but what is it like to be on the sidelines? How do the actions of the high-profile characters affect all of the pedestrians and normal people? Lucius and Vincent together, I think, can help answer this question.

Welcome aboard! Begin posting whenever you are ready. Treblemaker, Darwin, and Ash Wraith are currently engaging in battle, so Rid, Silent and I are doing that in a PM to avoid crowding out the RP with posts, but there are other people to interact with in the meantime, and I will post Lucius's first post soon.
NAME: Amy Marrison

GENDER: Female

AGE: 22



POWERS: Hyper-perception, heightened eye sight, supernaturally fast mental processing. Allowing her perfect perception of cause and effect instantaneously. Perfect aim with projectile weapons such as; firearms, bows, thrown weapons, crossbows, etc.. Prediction of movement by means of observing even the slightest muscle movements.

Trained in all firearms tactics and warfare tactics. Her improved mental acuity has allowed her to become a great hacker, inventor, and problem solver. She's amazingly athletic. And one of her most obvious skills is her business sense. Even before her awakening she had been an amazing business woman, capable of telling from a glance whether deal was rotten. But since her awakening, her businesses have flourished.


White Shield Security-

Private paramilitary security company based out of Valor Glade. Well known for being the best in the business due to their preparedness for awakened encounters. And their employment of Awakened individuals.

-Artful Artifice Co.-

Technology research and development company. Focusing mainly on the creation of weaponry, protective gear, and security equipment.

-Red Dogs- (Secret)

The Red Dogs are a secret section of Amy's personal security personnel. They act as every other security agent normally. However, when ordered, these highly efficient and deadly people (usually awakened) act as her personal enforcers and assassins.

Her obvious weakness is that she's basically human. Anything that hurts a human can hurt her. She is very dependent on her technology.

PERSONALITY: Fiercely independent. Hateful of her fathers' expectations. She's vengeful, angry, and sarcastic. She's only aligned with whoever pays her the highest sum. Her willingness to do whatever it takes to fulfill a contract is a testament to her devotion to her goals.

BACKSTORY: Born to General David Marrison, she was always expected to join the military and keep the family legacy going. She was rigorously put through every athletic program her father could find. Groomed to be the perfect military commander from the age of six. Her mother nowhere to be found, she was put through everything involved in war. Forced to kill her own pet, a dog she'd grown up with, at the age of eight. Tortured until passing out, revived and further tortured until she could no longer feel the pain. When she was thirteen, she tried to volunteer for a peace keeping organization only to learn the organization's head was killed in a freak accident that crippled their finances.

Instead of continuing to escape, she gave into her conditioning. But her mind was warped, and her goal became a reality when she refused to join the military at the age of eighteen. Instead she had started her own business, a security company. And with her father's eager help, turned it into a paramilitary organization. Upon her awakening she realized that she could essentially monopolize the security industry through fear tactics, buying out her competition, even murder... there she found her true joy.

Murder... and so she became an assassin. Using her new technology research and development company she created a suit and custom firearms. And after 'getting rid of' the developers she used her new equipment to become the 'Black Swan'. An assassin that never misses with her signature sniper rifle 'The Reaper'.
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As far as I know, there are no athletic programs on Earth that involve literal torture, especially not at the age she was. It seems like an unnecessarily dramatic element to her backstory.

Also, why would she kill the developers of her equipment? What could she possibly gain from that? What if her equipment breaks or fails and she needs replacements? Wouldn't it be useful to keep the developers alive, in case she wanted an upgrade?
Her father is an extremely evil man when the public eye was away. Keep in mind that not all of these 'programs' were official and in fact many were of his own making. His reasoning was so that she would be able to hold up against torture when she would eventually, according to his plan, join the military, she would have an edge when being put through the formal training that special operations soldiers go through.. The torture and traumatic portions of her history as a child were to give her a reason to not just dislike her father in a way that she could just cut ties with him. But to give her an active, hatred in which she would see him as an object to be used and disregarded as she sees fit. In essence, it was to give her a believable case of Borderline Personality Disorder early in her life, and to give her a drive to become what she is in the end.

She killed the developers only after fully understanding the suit's functions, and how she would repair and even add onto it. This was so she would have nobody with the ability to identify her as the Black Swan. On paper, it appears that somebody broke in, stole the suit, and killed them in the process.

Fair enough. You should probably add those justifications into the bio. In any case, accepted. Keep in mind that since it is public knowledge that Treblemaker broke into a facility and stole a suit of his own, government officials will think that they are working together.

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