Vagrant [RP]

Konn certainly wasn’t crazy, as his thought process made worry and disappointment fill Reese’s psyche as she followed him. The direction of the conversation was immediately picked up by her and she was left with a decision when they had finally reached the Comm. Room. Contemplation crossed her features, as she wasn’t the one to be making these kinds of decisions on the captain’s behalf.

“Dial out to the Ascension’s main command” she noted,

With that, she approached the screen and waited; there was nothing she could think of that would make the captain deny.
As Alex rode upon the massive ship, he slowed his motorcycle down and got his paperwork ready. Coming upon the stations entrance he was met by 5 guards, all with their weapons drawn at his chest.

"Easy guys. I'm just here to get on board. The names Alex Johnson. I'm supposed to be a pilot. Its all here on the paperwork." Alex replied to the guards.

Reaching down, Alex soon turned off his 1998 kawasaki ninja. he took his backpack off and shifted it around in front of himself. Opening the bag, he reached in and pulled out a fairly thick portfolio of all his background.

"Not sure if you need this, or if you can just pull it up. But this is just in case." Alex said with an unsure tone.

He was unsure if he was too late to get on, or if the guards would believe him. He just wanted to get on that ship since most of his stuff is already on there. He worried that if he was to not get on the massive ship, what would happen to his plane that he has been building. He spent most of his fortune developing a design and propulsion system to work in outer space. All those games that he played, all those countless hours. He could not let them go to waste.
As Nathan exited the medical section and re-entered the hanger, he saw a rich pompous looking kid on a restored antique sports bike, a very stylish ride. He was surrounded by the ship's security personnel.

"Whoa! what's with the guns! we're supposed to be evacuating refuges, not shooting them"

Cramming his tools back into his coveralls pocket, he walked over to the new arrival and stuck out a slightly grease-smeared hand in greeting.

"Welcome aboard our last hope for survival, try not to mind the soon-to-be turbulence, it's just bad timing"
Looking down at the man's hand, he politely shook his head. Placing his papers back into his back pack, he looked up at the man.

"I'm sorry about that. But i am here because i was recruited as a pilot and i do not want to be greasy when i come across a commanding officer. I want to look tip top shape and not look like a grease monkey trying to steal a pilots position." Alex replied to the man as he nodded back at the guards.

"He checks out. Go on ahead sir." one of the guards said towards Alex.

"That's what i thought. You better let me through. You had no idea who you are talking to." Alex replied as if trying to intimidate a military officer.

Looking back at the greased up man, he got off his bike and started to push it towards the ship.

"What is it you do here anyway?" Alex asked.
"I fix things!" Nathan declared proudly, as if it were the greatest job in the world. "well, I at least try to keep things running the best I can"

He glanced over his shoulder at the guards they just passed up and dropped his voice to a low whisper. "I also do modifications to personal equipment... you know, off the record"

He resumed his normal stride and glanced over at the Alex's bike.

"Nice ride, shall I take that off your hands while you present yourself to your commander? I'll take good care of 'er for you"
Looking at the man, Nathan shook his head once again.

"I do not let anyone touch my things. No offense, but i have put a lot into this and i would like to secure it myself, if you do not mind." Alex replied.

"And by the way, what is your name mister?" Alex asked as they continued to walk.
Nathan took a sweeping bow "Nathan Haile at your service, Mechanic and tinkerer extraordinaire. Now, if you'd follow me, I'll show you where you can safely store your bike. though I doubt you'll get much chance to use it from where we're headed."

he straightened up, and attempted to smooth out his jumpsuit, actually smearing more grease on the outside then getting wrinkles out.

"So, you're a pilot, huh? I thought all the pilots had arrived a week ago. What's your take on things Mister?"
When the line opened up fire could be seen in the background and people shouting could be heard from every direction. The person on the other end had a pretty deep gash across his forehead but was still conscious enough to speak coherently. "HMSV Phoenix, we hear yo-" the line cut for a second, quickly being reconnected by one of the Comm's from the HMSV Ascension, this time all that could be see was a hole in the hull to the outside. The ship had been in the midst of taking off into space. Approximately 4hours earlier than expected.

Seconds later, the Commander of the HMSV Ascension connected to the open line
"I am Cpt. Greg Marryl of the HMSV Ascension, as of yesterday we were attacked by two-" Static was increasing, the line becoming more unstable. The lights in on the Main deck had cut out. "- and soon after we-" The line went dead as an explosion was heard from the other end.


Konn looked over to Reese, then to the Screens that showed the external camera's for the HMSV Phoenix. On the Southwestern Camera, a bright flash of light was seen, half a second later a large light, nearly half as bright as the sun shined from the same direction. A few seconds later a large explosion was heard, the wind pressure, though weaker, still shook taller buildings and knocked people over who weren't behind a wall.


The HMSV Ascension was... no more. Soon after Dubbed Phoenix MkI.

Konn was speechless. It was gone, just like that.
Reese was left staring at the screen and bit at her lip, emotions rushing to the surface under her blank face.

“Connect me to the captain” she noted, quietly

Luckily one of the member’s had heard her, and dialed out to main command. Although she would like to spend the time grieving about the people on the Ascension, her priorities pulled her away. No matter what happened in the outside world, the ship had to make it into orbit. She sighed and leaned into Konn a little, as she tried to think about anything but the people who had just lost their lives.

“It’s busy” one commented,

With that note, she turned on her heel, wiping at her face just in case, and started making her way up to the main command desk. If he was too busy for call from her, she would just have to go where he couldn’t avoid her anymore.
Paul's attention was suddenly caught by a bright light to the Southwest. He stood,transfixed,as an atomic explosion lit up the crimson dusk.

He instantly feared the worst. He began to broadcast on the public address channel, "What the **** was that!? A nuke? Was Toronto nuked!? Somebody,answer me!"
Konn felt Reese lean against him for a second. He had no idea what to do so he rubbed her shoulder hoping to help make her feel better. When the Captain of the Phoenix denied speaking with Reese, she became furious and started walking to the Command desk. Konn followed her as she did so, hobbling faster now than before. Though the injury hadn't been a life threatening one, it did slow him down.

People were rushing around everywhere aboard the ship, most not knowing what had just happened. Only knowing it wasn't good. Konn heard what Sgt. Grayson had said over an open channel, "What the **** was that!? A nuke? Was Toronto nuked!? Somebody, answer me!", "We have no idea right now Paul, but we do know that the Ascension is down... W-we were on a Comm Link with the Captain when..." Konn trailed off.
Konn had followed Reese towards the main command desk, and she was surprised he kept up with her despite his injury. He had tried to help her with her inner turmoil back there, with a rub on the shoulder, but she preferred that he came here. There was no way she could face the Captain alone, as even the room even scared her half to death.

Slowing to a stop, she directed her attention back to Vainte as he talked on his channel to Greyson. Although it hurt to think about it, she tried to remember the passengers of the Ascension, seeing if there was family. As far as she could remember, Greyson didn’t have anybody on the ship, but her memory only went so far.

Pulling out from the reverie, she gathered up her courage and typed in the code for the door; her heart nearly stopping when it slid open and most eyes were on her.

"Captain..." she started, making sure to salute despite the nature,

"It seems the Ascension has just been hit by two from an unknown party. It just went down in Toronto, not too soon after it launch." she reported.

Paul was floored. "The...Ascention? Are you sure? The only way for it to go up like that would be...Would be if the reactor was breached...Are you certain? When? Who? Why? How?" Paul didn't like this revelation. With the Ascention lost,and all contact with any other province cut off,he suddenly felt very alone without Gillian around.


Captain Anderson looked over his shoulder,and saw Daniels standing at attention at the door. He turned around,and returned the salute. "Lieutennant Daniels. At ease. We know. We saw the blast,too,then tried to make contact. Just...Dust and echoes. We're prepping for launch. ETL,two hours."
“We managed to make contact, but only barely…” Reese sighed

“Okay… I’ll be making my way down to the bridge then.”

Captain Anderson had always made shivers crawl up her back, speaking in such a dead panned way with little emotion. Curling up on herself, she folded her arms and turned for the doorway, intent on getting back to bridge. She only made it out of the doorway before the nauseating feelings surfaced, and she broke out into a run for the nearest toilet.

Tears were usually the solvent of all her problems, but this time the thought of death just made her sick to her stomach. She was still a little too soft for the job, but she didn’t expect anyone to just stare plain-face at a loss like that.
As they stood in the cargo bay, Alex and his new acquaintance, secured his bike to the wall and made sure it would not be damaged. Throwing a large cloth sheet over the bike, he then turned towards Nathan and he proceeded to take his helmet off.

"Well, since we are going to be stuck on this large vessel together, might as well introduce myself. I am Alex Johnson." Alex said to the man as he took his helmet off.
"Alex Johnson?!" Nathan exclaimed. "My father used to work for a guy named Alex Johnson. I always figured him to be a bit... older?"

Nathan took a step back and examined Alex

"So you funded a good portion of this crazy endeavor, did you? Good job, saving humanity and all. Or were you just trying to save own skin?"

Nathan slid his tools back into a built-in cabinet as he talked, slinging a duffel bag with his name stitched into it over his shoulder

"Actually, you don't need to answer that. It doesn't matter anymore. main thing is we have a chance to survive out there, and we're going to do it together."
Alex laughed a little. He did not actually think that anyone on this hunk of a ship would of actually known who he was.

"Well, actually, i funded a large portion of this despite my father. He said that it was a useless project and that it would get nowhere." Alex replied to the man.

Looking at Nathan, Alex thought to himself fr a minute. If he is an engineer, maybe he could help find something, or even help with the location of something.

"Hey my good man. By the looks of you, you know this ship pretty good? Am i right?" Alex asked as he awaited the response.
Nathan face brightened up for a second.

"Know it? I watched my father design the original blueprints. I learned everything from him I did, and I've carried on his work since his unfortunate... accident."

Nathan choked up on the last few words, but the feeling quickly passed and Nathan blinked away his misty eyes.

"But yea, I know every corner of this ship, and have technical access to almost everything for maintenance purposes. If you're looking for something, I can find it."
Alex smiled at the response that he got.

"I am sorry to hear about your father. But in his blueprint, i had him make a room so secret, that no one but him would find it. Did he ever show that to you?" Alex asked as he set his helmet aside.
Nathan paused to think for a few seconds

"I've seen hundreds of rooms, could you be a little more specific? does this room serve a purpose?"

Nathan pulled out a PDA-like device out of is pocket and scrolled through some floor plans

"Is this just a secret living chamber? Was the general quarters not good enough for you?"
"This room is going to house something the size of a jet. About 50 feet long, and 35 wide. 15 feet tall, and this room was supposed to be secured so no one besides your father and i could get in." Alex replied to nathan.

"In this room, i have something to show you. Something that i have been designing for about 6 or so years." Alex said as he looked upon the pda that nathan just pulled out.
Nathan entered the aspects of the room into his PDA and scrolled through large sections of text ard lines before stopping.

"I've got five direct matches for the room in question, but three of them are open to public. That leaves the other two in restricted parts of the ship, so one of them has to be it."

Nathan pocketed his PDA and re-shouldered his duffel bag.

"I do have clearance to those areas, but it's on a strictly maintenance basis, so i can't just go rushing in with no excuse. Tell you what, soon after we break gravity, meet me at the bar in Deck 7. Trust me, I've seen them all in design stages, it's the best one. I'll dig up an excuse to visit the restricted section by then."

Slipping out of his coveralls, he stuffed them into a locker

"...So try to get settled in until then. You're going to be here a while, or so they say. Might as well get comfortable."
Alex nodded towards Nathan.

"Ill meet you there when we break gravity." Alex replied as he walked towards the door.

Heading out the door, he turned to his right and headed for the personnel cabins.
Reese rinsed her face; splashing and rubbing at it before checking the mirror looming over her, just in case. The toilet she found was in a cabin, an unoccupied one, in the personnel wing. Or at least, that’s where she thought she was…her run was blind and thoughtless so she hadn’t bothered keeping track.

Patting down her pockets for gum despite knowing she had none, she looked about the empty cabin for mouth wash. Meanwhile her fingers dialed the code for the mechanics’ bay on her line; she might as well get something done while creeping around. The cabin was empty though, and didn’t seem to have any sort of commodities or belongings hanging around.

The search stopped then, and she plopped herself down on the bed, waiting for someone to pick up the line.
Koriko got the YMIR powered up,and Paul resumed his position in the Hermes' gunner's position. "Move out! We need this base's tech!"

The Hermes and YMIR left the cargo bay,and made tracks towards the base they were to salvage from. Fifteen minutes later,with not difficulties,they arrived at their destination. There was a massive steel door acting as the only entrance to the base. "We need to find some way in..."


Captain Anderson noticed another person by the door. "You may speak freely,soldier."

(OOC: Coro has given me full control of his character,Koriko.)

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