Vagrant [RP]

“Damn it” Reese cursed, looking over the bridge

While she was looking over the ship’s files, it seemed like a lot had happened at once and she was stuck behind. Luckily, most of the people on the ship knew how to get their jobs done and they took out some American fliers for Vasquez.

What was bothering her was that she received a mayday signal a bit too late, and couldn’t reconnect to Vainte. Who, by her log books, was the one in the ****-pit and sending her the signal for distress…

Rubbing her brow, she connected to the carrier on the expedition;

“Come in, Phoenix to Hermes.... If at all possible, try and find Vainte…over” she noted, not too sure how to speak over the com yet.

Marking a new statement in the log book, she jotted down the names of those on the convoy that Vasquez had found. Such losses were normal in times like these, but it still made her heart clench in her chest at how easily they sent the letters home to family. She couldn’t think of losing anyone close to her, and there were 493 people dead on that convoy…
"This is Private Ackerman,driver of the Hermes Light APC,and Paul's two steps ahead of you. We've already removed the hostiles,and we're extracting Sargeant Vainte and his escort now."

Meanwhile,Paul was addressing Vainte. "Negative,Sargeant! You need medical attention! Get on this thing,we'll bring you back to the Phoenix."


As soon as the the Ra banked away,revealing the American drone,the three Bulwards opened fire. It was a wall of lead,and the drone was reduced to tiny pieces of scrap flying through the air. Nothing remained of the thing.
“Well, well, well, happy to hear that…” Reese chimed,

At the note, she felt a little joy spread across her skin. The actual 'wins' of the battle reminded her why she loved the job, despite the many losses. They gave her hope that one day they would win the war and be able to live peacefully.

“Would you like someone to come for them, or are you heading back?” she questioned,

Most of the time reality pulled her back, though.
Ackerman listened to Paul for a moment,and said, "We'll be coming back,but have a med team ready. After we drop off Vainte and his escort,we'll be heading back out to our original objective."
Reese switched links without an answer, ordering a team from the sick bay onto the landing dock. Often times she did things without thinking, so the thought of response never crossed her mind. Although, making sure that the medical team was prepped and that the landing dock was in place came to her like eating and breathing.

Finally clicking her channel back in place, her retention kicked in and she repeated his message to herself before answering.

“If Vainte’s out of the Mech, what kind of state is it in?” She asked,

Then just in case,

“If it’s usable, make sure it’s not…unless you plan on bringing it back too” she added.
"I'm only getting on that if we can save everyone and the essential equipment." Konn knew he'd be in trouble later, but the lives of the civvies and all those on the Phoenix was more important than his own. "So how's the load up??"
:: Marco relaxed a bit, and put the Ra onto autopilot, coming into the Pheonix's docking bay, he got up and went t the back, where the survivors were :

Marco"everyone alright?"

Soldier: "i hit my head and cracked my helmet, appart from that..."

Mother: we're all okay over here, but we're understandably shaken"

Marco: "okay, well, the drones are scrap now and no doubt a salvage team will be bringing in any remaining tech from those drones once they hit the ground"

:: when he got back tot he pilot's seaqt, the Ra was coming down to dock, the legs came out and he touched down ::

marco: "controll this is Major Vasquez, survivors are safe and i am docked, request 10 minute break before next objective, over"
Paul ran a few thoughts through his mind. "We can fit the equipment,you,and a handful of civilians in the back. Everyone else is going to have to walk alongside the Hermes." Paul activated his radio,and said, "Master Warrant Officer Freathy,we need you here. How quickly can you get the Giant over here?" After a brief silence,she responded, "Six minutes." "Alright,see you in six. Sargeant Grayson out."

He turned to the others,and said, "Get the wounded inside the Hermes! Go,go,go!"
Konn looked throughout the group that had followed him and Mendez out into the war. He breathed in heavily. "Well, we're almost back. We have nothing left but the guns in our hands. This equipment is an essential part of our mission and the civilians take priority over all else. I ask you now, if running alongside the Hermes is what you all want." He looked through the faces he knew so well over the many years. He knew it was a more dangerous route, but it would probably save more lives.

"Since when have we ever taken things the easy way 'Sir'" Ralph said, smirking. "We're going with you Konn, and you are taking a ride, not a walk." Hugh continued "Now get your ass in there Sarge. We got some skulls to crack." He laughed. The others moved forward agreeing with the other two. "We can take down the bandits while Sgt.Grayson brings everyone back." Jack added. "Can't forget, we'll have back-up soon. God knows how many people we've already lost, you know Command won't allow any more losses." Faith finished.

Konn laughed. "Well then, hurry up and get this stuff loaded, let's get moving!!" He hobbled his way to the Hermes.
Koriko, in his lab on the Phoenix, patched into Paul Greyson's commlink.

"Hey, Greyson, how're you holding up? I just managed to load up my copy of the YMIR blueprints to the lab computer. Need me out there in one?" He asked, locking the computer with a security code, now that it held important data.
Paul was startled when Koriko called him on the radio. "Tsuyoshi!? Why are you still on board the Phoenix? You're on my roster! I know you're a civilian,but you have enough experience with military environments! Get suited up and meet me at cargo bay six."

As Paul cut the link,a Giant stomped past the Hermes,and began to load the cargo inside. At least Cindy's alright. When the cargo,Vainte,and seven wounded civilians were loaded into the rear,Paul ordered a tight formation,moving only as fast as the slowest person. He kept a vigilant counter-clockwise scan,but never saw anything. When they approached the Phoenix,Ackerman hailed them, "This is Recovery Team Sierra,dropping off some stragglers,and Sargeant Vainte. Several wounded. ETA,two minutes." Paul barked into his radio,on Koriko's frequency, "Two minutes."
Koriko grinned.

Sprinting through the Phoenix, he managed to get to bay six within the two minutes, and waved to Paul.

"Hey Sarge! Along with loading up the data, as an extra treat, I managed to do maintenance on one of our two actual YMIR. I'll be taking this bad-boy out with us." He explained to Paul as he went over to the maintenance area and lowered the YMIR from the platform. Using the controls on the platform, he had the YMIR set down near Greyson, and ran over to his side.

"Ready Sarge?" He asked, now missing the grin.
As the cargo and wounded were unloaded from the Hermes,Paul simply glowered at Koriko from under his gas/rebreather mask. "From this second forward,consider yourself an honourary member of the Canadian Armed Forces,ranked Corporal. Proper planning is crucial for when we take off. If you're going to be late again,give whoever's supposed to be waiting for you ample notice. Now,to your original question,yes. I am ready. How fast can that thing go? Last I checked,they can move at a jog."
"If I put the pedal to the metal, she'll put out a bit more, but that's about right, Sarge." Koriko replied, nodding.

"Are we gonna get a transport, or are we footing it?" He asked, ready to load the YMIR up, and get going himself.
Paul responded, "What you see is what we get. The Icarus won't be able to carry us all in one trip,and who knows what we'll find in that base. Anyway,if you're piloting that YMIR suit,you might as well take point."
Nathan leaned out over the gaping opening of the docking bay as the Icarus class dropship sailed in, covered in the dust and grime of the ruined city. Nathan wrapped a greasy rag around his fist and tucked it into his back pocket. He should be working on the final checkups before the launch, but he had heard whispers of survivors, and that meant a slight possibility of his brother showing up. Chances were pretty dismal though, and Nathan expected as much.

But enough with the moping around, there were diagnostics to run. Nathan slid off the catwalk and over to the docking board sliding his ID chip into the scan slot to check the progress. They were running slightly behind, and needed to get off the ground before some major hostile firepower showed face. "hmm..." muttered Nathan, "as soon as that ground party gets back in, I can finally seal off the docking hatch for launch..."
Konn looked out when the Herme's finally drove in. The place was running as it should, busy, and loud as hell on ice. "Hey, no need to rush me, I'm no old man you know." He told the Onboard Medics who we're arriving only as he exited the APC. "Now th-" He spoke as an alarm went off and an explosion was heard in the distance. A couple of Gunships had flown by in an attempt to destroy something on the Phoenix and only one managed to fly away unscathed, though it's attack failed.

"Dammit!!" Konn tried to run towards the Comm Room but collapsed a step later and blood spurt everywhere. The Medics placed him on a stretcher a second later. "Dammit, I need to get to Comm's NOW!!" They wouldn't have it though. They started rushing towards the medical bay, though the wound was not a fatal one. Konn cursed many times along the way.
As the Hermes arrived inside the Phoenix; Reese seemed to be in her own world, pacing around the bridge, her station handed off to someone else. Her plans were to head down and talk to a mechanic about the mech probably lost in battle. The response from the recon team never reached her ears, so she wasn’t sure what had happened.

The med-bay’s workers channel crackled to life, and she heard some shouting on the other end but no real report. Vainte had just arrived, and must have been complaining about something or rather…She supposed she could get the story from the pilot.

“Man the stations people, that American flier got a little close” she announced to the bridge,

After a few nods, she headed towards the medical bay in the massive expanse of corridors and elevators. Muting her channel for a moment, she entered the bay and scanned the room,

“Vainte!?” she called.
Nathan clamped the docking Hermes with the temporary magnetic lock, standard procedure as they were nearing launch and the last thing the crew needed was a loose craft tumbling around, causing havoc the bay in the likely case of a bumpy departure. His fingers danced across the keypads, drawing the vehicle in for a solid hold, as medical staff suddenly swarmed the small craft. A hostile encounter maybe? or just injured refugees? I mattered little to Nathan. Nathan's worries were centered more on the craft they came on.

"On no! My poor baby!" He cooed to the humming vehicle. "Did they reckless ground crew manage to scratch you again?" Flashing a playful smile down to the ground crew beneath, working the craft, to show he meant no insult, he redirected his efforts straight to refueling and rearming the craft. The dents could be worked out later, if there was a later to turn to. For now he needed to concentrate on keeping functionality of as many ship systems up as he could possibly manage.
Grayson noticed one of the engineers securing the Hermes. "Don't secure the Hermes,just refuel and rearm. This is a touch-and-go! We didn't get to the base yet! We'll be back within the hour!" He turned back to Koriko,and said, "Get that exoskeleton powered up. We're leaving yesterday." Grayson hopped inside the gunner's position on the Hermes,and assisted in the rearming. He was an engineer,too,so he was well versed in this procedure.

(OOC: Sui,the Hermes is a land vehicle,an APC. If you feel unsure on what something is,chech the Tech thread. Everything you need to know is there.)
Nathan grunted in acknowledgment, his torque driver clenched in his teeth as he climbed on top of the Hermes to access the power lock connected to the burnt out exoskeleton. With practice ease, he wrenched off the bolts and tossed the blackened plate to the ground. It was still hot, and Nathan wiped his slightly singed hands accross his jumpsuit as if it would make it hurt less.

An assistant tossed up a fresh plate, a creamy white, that stood in stark contrast to the dinged up gray-smeared exterior. Nathan snapped it down, and bolted it in place before powering it up. "Looks like she's almost good to go!" Nathan shouted the ground crew as the fresh munitions were wheeled out to be loaded into the vehicle. "Get her out and back to us as fast as you can! we need to get off the ground yesterday!"
Konn was strapped down, the medics thinking he may have been shell shocked or something. Triggered by the American gunships, perhaps. He bit one of the doctors who was now getting medical attention himself, and ordering the others to do 'this and that'. Konn looked over to Reese as she walked in calling his name. "I'm over here, get these guys to unstrap me, please!!" One of the medics looked over to her shaking his head in fear adding the word "No" as he did so.

"If we don't get moving now, Ascension is going to be attacked!!" he yelled out. He seemed to believe what he was saying to be true. "I'll explain when I'm untied."
Nathan slid off the APC and landed lightly on his feet. He peeked over to the emergency medical side connected to the dock where the medical staff was attempting to restrain a frantic ground crew member.

"Woah, woah... keep the kinky stuff off my bay, okay?" Nathan elbowed his way past the medics to get a closer look.

"He's not hurt, is he?"

Shining his penlight into Konn's eyes, he looked into his eyes and noticed the desperation.

"Don't get yourself killed, okay? and try not to get us killed either. If you're wrong, this will look bad for me."

Nathan popped the straps off and stepped back.

"Don't screw this up"
"The Ascension?" Reese quipped

Giving a glance at the medical workers, and then the rest of the bay, she quirked a brow.

“What are you talking about Vainte?”

Although she had questioned him, she was running over the schematics in her head; what did and didn’t matter in flight and if they had damaged them yet. A mechanic seemed to be reading her mind, though as he headed over towards them as the thought train continued on. The struggling soldier was put in the back of her mind’s pocket for now, until the mechanic had freed him from the restraints.

“Stand down” she ordered towards the medical workers despite their frozen state,

Turning towards Vainte and the mechanic, she crossed her arms and waited.
Konn knew he could do nothing without someone else giving the order. Reese gave the order after contemplating something that Konn had no idea what. She questioned him asking what he meant and a mechanic walked in wondering what all the fuss was about, and making a joke about it at the same time. He had walked over and unstrapped Konn allowing him to move again. "Thank you. Now Reese, about the Ascention." He hesitated for a second looking at the medics then back to Reese.

Konn had seen the mechanic around before, they never really spoke though "It may be a couple thousand people." He decided to move on to the important topic right away. "We need to get to the Comm Room now and get a hold of Ascension in Toronto." He began walking towards the Comm Room. "We may be in the Capital of Canada, but a couple of American gunships made it past our defenses and almost hit us. Now think about what will happen to other places like Toronto. It may seem like a guess but I can almost guarantee that it will be attacked soon. They are also going to be the first of our ships to launch into space." He paused as they reached the Comm Room. "They need to be warned about an approaching attack, even if it's a false alarm, it is best they be prepared."

Konn paused again, with a few people from the Comm Room staring at him. "It's your call on the action taken." He waited for her response.

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