Vagrant [RP]


Four Thousand Club

The Sign-Up:

Humankind's reign over Earth is faltering. Eleven years ago,war was waged. The weapons quickly grew larger,more advanced,and more horrific. People always said that war never changes. The citizens of Ottawa beg to differ. When war was waged,the United States military seized an opprotunity to pillage Canada for desperately needed resources. Canada's allies sprang into action,most notably Japan. Now,the war was losing steam. The Large scale conflicts stopped,and now humanity was bombing itself to extinction. Ottawa,the capitol of Canada,is now a bombed-out ruin,ruled by scavengers. However,there was a secret project that remained untouched. Now,it launches. HMSV Phoenix,a ship that would be Canada's salvation...But only if it survived take-off.

The Phoenix is a colony ship. It can hold a huge amount of people,and still have room for cargo. You are one of the people who were assigned to this ship.

Paul walked down the gangplank of the Phoenix in his enviro-suit. He had a Scimitar across the small of his back and a Carnifex on his right hip. He was the head of the last scout team to go out before launch. Around him was chaos;the Bulwarks and YMIRs were defending the ship,keeping unauthorized personnel away.

Paul's mission was to lead his squad to an abandoned CAF R&D lab nearby,and recover any useful technology. If they found any convoys along the way,they were to send them to the Phoenix. Paul hoped desperately to find a patrol;his daughter,Gillian,hadn't arrived yet,and he was worried sick. To calm himself,Paul pulled a small,weathered portrait from his breast pocket. It was creased,and his own face was rubbed away due to handling. But his daughter's face was visible,smiling brightly. He smiled under his helmet,and put the photo back into his pocket,and awaited his squad.
:: behind paul, Marco came running up ::

Marco: "Hey Paul, we got a report"

:: he stopped for a second to catch his breath ::

Marco "we have confirmation, an air-based convoy from australia will be arriving at the time of your mission, you have a new order to take a detour and in form them of where the pheonix is... i would go myself, but my craft is missing some power coils, and that convow is carrying new tech and parts needed for the Pheonix to get full life-support running"
Paul rubbed the forehead section of his helmet with his miffle and forefinger,trying to think. Suddenly,he had an idea. "The coils in the Artemis should be compatible with your Icarus. Swap those out and meet the convoy en-route,give them the location of the Phoenix while taking as much critical cargo from that convoy as the Icarus can handle. That way,if we lose the convoy,we still have the most important equipment. Questions?"

Paul wanted to find Gillian,but he knew the rest of humanity came first. But inside,he was tearing himself to pieces. He could've used this as an excuse to range out and search for her.
marco: "sir, swapping the coils for an Artemis and an Icarus will cause overheating in the Artemis, but if i swap them back afte the flight and place that Artemis under an "out of order" section, it should be okay"

:: he just realised that he answered the question he was about to ask, so he quickly saluted and ran off toward the hacker :

:: Marco's "Icarus" was different from most, it had been upgraded over the months he has had it, and it has been given the codename "the Ra" ::

:: he went over to an Artemis, and placed a large "out of order" sign on it, and he took the coil off and put it in the "Ra" ::

Marco"Command, this is Major Vasquez, requesting permission to meet the Australian convoy en-route"
Paul quirked an eyebrow under his helmet at being called "sir". Before Marco left,he said, "For future reference,you don't call sargeants 'sir'. You call them 'sargeant'. I call you sir,sir."
:: after getting approval for the mission, Marco fired up the "Ra" ::

Marco "Paul, since we're gonna be going the same way for the first 70% of the trip, how about i give you a lift, i can carry your plane with my craft's winch untill we split up"

:: the side of the Pheonix opened up where the hangar was, and Marco flew out, with his winch dangling, he soon came up to where Paul and his plane were ::

Marco: "sorry about calling you "sir" sergeant.. i guess i just have a follower's mentallity... so, do you want a lift?"

:: Marco has never been good with ranks ::
Grayson shook his head. "I can't! We're taking a Giant and the Hermes! Go get that convoy!"
Ryth was on a civillian convoy ship, walking around. He felt unsafe, still, but that was only him. His metal boots clanked on the floor, and mostly everyone looked at him almost as if 'Damn, hes a complete cyborg!'. He looked around, negetively looking to the ground and looking around. Atleast he had that taste emitter, otherwise, it would suck. The taste emitter goes in the cyborgs, making a delicous taste. Even though theres no food, it was actually cool tasting super bubble gum pop all 'round his mouth. What really sucked is that it has a horrible aftertaste. He slowly reached in his pocket (In this moment i felt a 'lol, boom boom boom' moment as if he was pulling out a uber weapon, but he wasnt.), and grabbed his book. It was quite boring, seeing as everyone was either sleeping, or helping. He rubbed his metal back, his hand only having three fingers, but that comes as a advantage sometimes. His black and orange eyes was just slightly depressing, but it was also repressing emotions. His Zodiak sign was a pisces, as simple as that. He read it online about the pisces sign. 'Often holds back at yelling and forgiving, leaving it behind a long and lonesome wall and forgetting.' It wrote. He put his legs on a seat, and read a Judy Blume book that was out of date for years. He had it for awhile now.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The Convoy flew around the town square, seeing the ship. "We are green. I repeat, i see the ship." Ryth stopped reading the book and looked through the window. But by then, the ships engines failed. It twisted and tryed to retain its power. "Shit! Everyone, brace for impact!" The pilot yelled, and the Convoy went in below into a building. Ryth hit the metal of the aircraft, being temorarily disabled for 19 minutes. Once he woke up, the aircraft hanged by its wings, being dented easily. Ryths arm was bursting out pressurized air. He used his other arm and closed his arm 'pipe'. He opened the door to the pilots area. All dead or seriously injured. Ryth jumped through the window, and landed on the controls. His hand went on the joystick accidentily as he landed, and the ships wings moving parts went up and down, loosening the ship even more. "This is the worst time to be a hero." He mumbled, and broke the window, and landed on the floor. His feet took more of the damage. The aircraft fell through the ceiling, and almost landed on him. He jumped for the ground, and looked back at the aircraft. He got back up, and looked around. He took it to himself to walk around and get familiar to the place and then find his way out. He walked on the aircraft, and went through a small hole, barely fitting in. He slammed onto the rubble. He gripped the rubble and he tried to get up. He got up and started walking into the town square. "Anybody here?" Ryth said.
: Marco noddded, and flew off, son getting into contact with the convoy ::

Marco: "this is Icarus craft "Ra" please respond"

Convoy: "this is Convoy "Salim" we are reading you"

Marco: "whats your status?"

Convoy: "we picked up a Cannadian convoy en-route, all have been checket and they are safe"

Marco: "good, i'm sending you the co-ordinates"

:: he sent them the directions, but these weren't the right co-ordinates, the convoy knows this, but they know what to do after they reach the location, head directly south-east ::

Marco: "good hunting!"

Convoy: "i's appreciated"

:: the convoy broke off, their massive crafts completely overshaddowed Marco's small craft ::
Reese felt quite insignificant in her new position, the helms crew of the Phoenix was at least 20 to 30 people. With the size of the ship, this was no surprise to her…but she still felt a little nervous about having the lives of this many people on her hands.

Enough so, that she had to question her qualifications for being there, and run down on the control panel enough times that it was burned into memory. Not that the multiple flight stimulation tests she had to take before-hand did anything.

Sliding on a head set for real this time, she breathed as calmly as she could and waited for the cue to start. Although last she heard, they were still waiting for a convoy to return….

“Daniels” she jumped, than realized it was her head set that came to life.

“Yea…?” she trailed unsure of who it was,

“Open up hanger bay 3, their waiting for you...” the voice noted

Eyes widening, she jumped forward in her seat and pushed the buttons she hoped would lead to the correct response.
:: as the bay doors opened, the Australian convoy entered, their massive crafts bringing parts and supplies needed to bring the pheonix up to 100&, including over a dozen tonnes of high-quality Uranium, from the central-desert mines ::

:: the cargo was unloaded, but en-route back Marco got a message ::

Message: "h-*stattic-us, hostile arma-*static*-s coming in, bae Seira, Tango, Charlie 1132 has fallen! i re-AAAAGH!!"

:: the message cut off with an explosion, Marco contacted the Pheonix ::

Marco "Pheonix, come in Pheonix, i have recieved a message from Base STC-1132, transmiting now"

:: he sent them the message ::

Marco: "request permission to extract survivors"
Matt found himself in a bit of a predicament. He had been on a civilian ship when something had gone wrong. There was a loud blast, then the ship had gone down. Worse yet, his daughter was with him. She loved to come with her daddy, calling their outings adventures. This always made him smile and reflect on how far he had come from a simple fighter on the streets to a caring and loving father. But this particular trip, he wished she had stayed at home with his wife and son. When the ship had went down, he restrained her from flying forward with just his arm. But every ounce of might he had had to go into it. When all had settled, everyone was either dead or unconscious. His daughter, Rain, began laughing and clapping her hands, saying things like "Do it again, do it again!" and "That was fuuuun!". He couldn't help but to grin a bit at that, despite their situation. She truly was his daughter. But, Matt soon realized, that this ship was still suspended, holding onto something he could not see. So, grabbing Rain in his arms, he made his way to the nearest door very carefully. The door was jammed, so he had to kick it open. After four mighty kicks, the door buckled and gave way. From there, he pried it the rest of the way open. Then, he was able to look down and see that they were suspended further above the ground than he had hoped. The fall would snap his legs like twigs, if not kill him. He needed something soft to land on. That's when he realized it. There were dead, useless bodies lying around. So, putting Rain down, he gathered up a few corpses after making sure they were dead and threw them out of the door, aiming to stack them atop one another. After around seven or so, he figured he had enough of a landing pad. So, he gathered up Rain in his arms and held her close to him.

"Hold on tight, honey," Matt said as his arms shielded her from what was to come. He took a deep breath, then stepped out the doorway.

The fall itself didn't take as long as he thought it would. But the landing hurt like hell. He landed on the corpses like planned and that had given him some padding. But they still had bones, which he heard many of snapping and creaking under his weight of the landing. He had landed in a crouched position, giving his knees the brunt of the force, and he was damn lucky and glad they hadn't snapped. As he landed, he rolled forward with Rain still protected in his arms. She had screamed at the fall, the landing, and the roll, but it seemed like a gleeful scream. After several minutes of lying on the ground trying to catch his breath, Matt sat up with Rain on his chest. "That was fun, daddy!" All of a sudden, there was a long and groaning creak. He knew what was happening immediately. Quickly gathering Rain in his arms, he cleared the area with enough space so the ship hadn't crushed them. And it worked. Not three minutes later, the shuttle came hurdling down. He then thought he heard a voice, but he couldn't be sure. But Rain definitely heard it, for she piped up "Here we are, mister! We're over here!" He strained his good eye to see what the figure was, but it was humanoid. Matt was wary and hushed Rain immediately.
Ryth, afterwards when he got out of the hole, he could easily go back in. Thats when he heard some people, alive. "....Huh?" His voice sounded a mix of monotone and a young boys voice. He peeked through the hole and seen two people. One, a man, that was possibly the young girls father. It was a easy anticipation. Ryth tried to climb out of the hole, but landed on his back once he was done. "...ow.." He mumbled, and got up. "Didnt know there were any survivors. Hey." He greeted, trying to ignore the bodys.
Matt noticed the young man and immediately scooted Rain behind him in a defensive manner.

"Stop," Was the only word that Matt uttered.

He noticed that the boy wasn't normal, in a sense that he was a cyborg. He thought to himself, assessing the situation. On one hand, this "boy" could be the cause of the ship wreck. On the other hand, he could just be a survivor. Either way, he had to protect Rain. It had been a while since he last had a fist fight, but he still retained the knowledge of it. Plus, he'd never fought a robot before. But he was sure he could at least stall it long enough for Rain to get away. But, maybe Matt was just being paranoid. The cyborg boy looked injured, which aided to the survivor claim. Not to mention, he was klutzy. But that could be due to the damage. He wasn't too keen on cybernetics or anything like that. Hell, he could barely operate a computer without crashing it.
Paul looked over his shoulder as the Giant and Hermes came out of the bay behind him. The hermes was completely guttet,to make room for any cargo. As the Hermes passed,he hopped onto a ladder on the side,and climbed into the gunner's seat. He shouted to the driver, "You know where we're going,right?" "Nope! We were told to follow you!" "There's a base nearby! We think it has something! Go east a few kilos!" "Alright,sarge!"
The connection changed and Reese found herself talking to one of the pilots who brought in the Australian convoy. It seemed her job already started without them taking off, but she could expect no less in a state of war.

“Permission granted. Be quick about it, though” she noted, knowing that the expedition team would be taking off by now.

“Oh, and make sure to leave room for survivors” she trailed,

Leaning back in her chair she glanced down the nose of the bridge, waiting for the next report on either situation. Although she had a low amount of hope that anyone on the civilian ship had survived, according to the statistics it sent.

Now to find out what or who was on it…. (Mecha I'm using)

Gunfire could be heard all over the place, the world had gone to hell a long time ago. What does that make this... Konn thought to himself. "Ralph, what's the radar show for the next 10kliks??" He was getting worried about the safety of the cargo, it's been relatively silent for far too long. He checked his own scanner seeing no life signs, knowing how unreliable it was in this chaos.

An explosion heard above startled Konn as he kept walking through the ruined city streets. He moved the optics upwards and saw a ship shot down, a rarity in these late war days. Self preservation WAS the prime-evil of everyone's life after all now. "I got nothing Sir." Sighing Konn replied "Cut the formal military shit... Do you think I give a !@#$??" Mendez flipped on the visual feed "Would both of you shut up!! We have highly volatile equipment with us, and civilians. I don't want ANYTHING bad happening on this run. Got that!" Konn knew Mendez was right and did exactly that. A few more explosions flew through the air.

The civilians were getting restless, probably due to the close-by explosions and gunfire. Still though, nothing was happening. "We're about an hour out. Please, calm down, we're almost there." The road up ahead was blocked, the squad already knew that and took the same detour as before, only in reverse. The scenery was surprisingly beautiful, in a twisted way. No bodies, blood, or anything of that sort. Just a twisted looking plants covering the roads and spreading up the walls of buildings. Failed experiments?? They were pretty though, not much else to say.

The dust clouds flew by quickly, but they left destruction in their wake as four rockets hit the convoy, three of which hit the Squad leader alone causing the Mech he was in to explode half a second later. The other rocket hit one of the HAPC's filled with civilians, killing the drivers instantly. Konn opened up fire in the direction of the rockets with his .80cal Machine gun (Where the Guass Cannon is) not knowing the damage. AR's were detected by the systems from the left and right side, doing minimal but constant damage to his suit.

A short -fwoosh- was heard then everything went black. Unknowingly amount of time later Konn awoke, still gunshots being heard though luckily no more rockets. He was sitting in his Mech's cockpit bleeding profusely from his leg. "Mayday!! Mayday!! Maday!! This is Konn Vainte to Phoenix, do you read me??"
Ryth stopped immediately. "....Sorry." Ryth mentioned. But right then and

there, the pipe had a released mechanisim. The wheel went in reverse, and the pressurized air came out. He tried his hardest so it wont do it again, but that cannot be assured. He looked at himself. "Im sorry for scaring you two." He assumed. He didnt have anything else to say, as he kept holding the small wheel being pressurized. (Cide, sorry for such a short post. I have other sites to attend to, so...yeah.)
Still feeling a bit uneasy, Matt continued guarding Rain. The boy apologized, which made Matt feel a tad better. But it was still just odd. A loud hiss from the boy's arm grabbed Matt's attention for a moment, but only for a moment. He was back to analyzing this character. He seemed pretty injured, at least from what Matt could tell. And he was an expert on analyzing people's physical status, at least as to how worn out they were. That was his job. Find a weakness, exploit it, and take the enemy down. So far, he found that the boy's arm was a major weakness. That could be exploited. Also, the boy was just that...A boy.

"Who are you?," Matt asked in a low tone. Matt never talked much, but his daughter did. Must've been a trait she'd gotten from her mom, Matt supposed.

"Hiya! My name's Rain! Who're you? Are you hurt? What'd you do? How'd you do it? I hope you can fix it! I remember one time I got hurt and my mommy put a bandaid on it and kissed it and gave me a cookie and made it all better! Do you want a cookie?," Rain spilled. The words came out quickly, often spilling into each other. Matt simply ignored his daughter's rant, and kept his focus on the boy.

(It's no problem, Tricky. I understand.)
:: Marco's Icarus, the Ra landed at the ruins where the comm came from, there were tire tracks over 5 metres wiode, clearly a massive transport, it looksed like the place had simply been run over, but there were signs of battle, a tiretrack with a crater in it, bulletholes on the bits of wall that the outpost still had, and approximately 15 canadian soldier corpses as well as one destroyed mech, ammo shells lay everywhere ::

Marco: "Vasquez to Pheonix, curently at STC-1132.. or whats left of it... uhh, heavy signs of battle, approximately 15-25 dead, uncertain, a lot of the corpses are just burned mounds now.. no sign of survivors"

:: a bit of wall fell down, Marco spun around, pulling out his pistol, pointing it at the hole... there was a raged family and a soldier in torn uniform with them, the sldier was shaken, but he knew to put his gun down ::

Marco: "Pheonix, we have 7 survivors, 3 adult, 4 children... one male adult, three female, three male children, one female"

:: he lowered his weapon ::

Marco:"what happened here?"

Soldier: "american soldiers... 3 transports.. they hit us with mortars, killed some civilian stragglers, then they came on foot, we dug in but they hit us with an orbital missile, that took out most of the settlement, and it took out the bunker... this family was the only one to survive the mortars, the orbital missile and the troops.. the rest are dead"

Marco: "how many were here before this happened?"

Soldier: "over 500"

Marco:"jeesus... and only 7 surived... okay all of you, get on the Icarus, i'll take you al back to the Pheonix!"

Mother: "t-the pheonix?... i thought that was just a pipe-dream"

Marco: "afte the world really went to shit, we forgot about money and built it, it would have cost over 400 trillion dollars to build, but givent he situation, our payment is survival, now come on!"

:: the family came out, the little girl was shy, but she was carried out by the mother, they soon got onto the Icarus ::

Marco: "attention Icarus, STC-1132 is gone, 7 survivors out of 500 plus... we probably have incoming of 3 American heavy transports, ful of soldiers and armed with heavy ordinance, and it seems that the americans still have soem ordinance in orbit, please relay this information to the high-command"

:: the Icarus took off, Marco accesed the power-reactor inside the base, as they got further away,there was a massive flash of blue light as the reactor exploded, standard procedure after a base is lost, its to make sure no tech can be salvaged by the enemy and that they can't use the ruin as cover or to store supplies, it also wipes out any enemy forces in the surrounding area ::
"We read you,Vasquez. We have Grayson out looking for some tech,and Vainte rounding up survivors. If they see anything,they'll report in. Anyway,we've yet to see the Americans take down a YMIR,and we have two guarding the Phoenix now,along with three Bulwarks. Nothing is gonna touch the Phoenix unless we want it to. ETA on RTB?"


A few kilometers away,Paul picked up the mayday call. "Shit...You heard that,right?" "Yup,we did,sarge! Want us to help?" "Do you even need to ask that question? Get us in there,private!" "Yes,sargeant!" The Giant operator moved her mech inside a nearby bombed out building,and said on a secure channel, "Grayson,I'm staying here with the Giant. Come and pick me up when you're finished with the mayday." "Yes,ma'am. Stay frosty,I don't want anyone dead on my watch."
Marco "ETA 5 minutes, we-SHIT!"

:: Marco tilten, just in time to dodge some rounds fired from an american fighter drone ::

Marco: "Command, requesting backup, i'm under fire by... an american DDQ-61 assault-drone!"

:: he banked a hard-left, dodging some more rounds ::

Marco: "damnit, i need some help here, now!"
"You have hot waffle. Those things use a thermal lock,so use the waffle to throw off the missiles. Lead the drone here so our Bulwarks can take em down."


The Hermes reached the battleground,and saw a Flash Light Assault mech lying on it's side,on the ground. "Please tell me you're alive in there,Vainte! This is Sargean Paul Grayson,coming to bail you out!"

Paul opened fire on the hostiles. They wore armour fashioned from scrap metal and brick. Heavy,but very durable. He saw one level a Carl Gustav 83mm rocket launcher at the Hermes,and quickly gunned him down. After a few more went down,the hostiles thre down their arms and ran. "Alright,Vainte,you're clear. Looks like they took out your port knee. That mech's a total loss;bail out and get into the Hermes. Do you copy?"
:: Marco dropped the "hot waffle" and set it off, the missiles went after it, luckily these drones were old, they could only follow heat ::

:: the drones stayed on him ::

Marco: "okay, everyone hang on"

:: the civilians held on tight, and Marco fired the boosters, heading to the Pheonix, in 2 minutes, he was in range of the Pheonix's weapons ::

Marco: "OKAY! they're in range, take them out! now!"

:: he ducked down, opening the drones to direct fire ::
Konn opened up visual coms "How's Mendez??" He started to climb out of the mech seeing nearly the entire squad dead. They had put themselves behind some scrap metal that flew off the Captains mech while others hid behind and inside the APCs "Ignore what I just said... Alright everyone, gather up the working equipment and the civvies, then move your asses to the Hermes. We are leaving now!!"

Konn looked over to the Hermes seeing it was definitely the only APC. Looking at the remaining civvies and Troops he sighed. "Negative, you're taking the Civvies first. We'll hole up around here." He collapsed when he hit the ground outside of the mech seeing his leg was worse then he first assumed. "Ray, I need you over here!!" He yelled over to one of the soldiers who rushed over and helped Konn into a sitting position on the Husk of Mech.

Ray quickly pulled something out of Konn's leg then moved onto bandaging it. "It's not a vital wound, but it'll slow you down." Konn spot on one of the Bandits remains "Then we move ASAP." He looked at everyone "Get the Civvies safe Grayson and send someone else to pick us up, we'll hole up a few blocks closer. Across the D-Sec."

He stood up using Ray's help and hobbled towards the buildings, with that Ray went off to finish other preparations while Konn found something to use as a crutch. He finally counted the exact number of people left, Eight soldiers and 12 Civilians, Half the tech and equipment gathered to help the Phoenix was destroyed but some important stuff remained.

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