• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic ☆ UTOPIA! | 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 | ☆


✩ space monarch ✩
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

welcome to sentinel city


mutant alias: (if applicable)
age: (20-30)
date of birth:
place of birth: (check the map in the docs for help)
power exception: (at least one)
reputation: (is your character high profile, or low profile? are they famous, or brand new? does anyone know their secret identity? how do non-mutants typically feel about them?)


body type:
hair color:
eye color:


virtues: (5+)
vices: (5+)
likes: (4+)
dislikes: (4+)
skills: (3+)
habits: (3+)
fears: (1+)


at least 2 to 3 paragraphs

things to consider when writing your history!
- what area of sentinel city is your character from?
- are your characters parents also mutants?
- how long has your character been a part of their guild/organization?
- why did your character join in the first place?


Q: can i make a character that isn't from sentinel city but moved there?
A: sure!! however, please give a good reason for this to be the case. if the gm team feels as if this is nothing but frivolous information, we may ask you to change it. most characters should be sentinel city born and raised.

Q: can i make a descendent of one of the founders?
A: absolutely! i know this isn't a frequently asked question at all, but you should know the option is there should you want it! just keep in character for the founder if they are mentioned please.

Q: can i make a guild leader or captain?
A: please do! however, I do ask that if there is somebody already working on one that you give them the chance to do so.

Q: can i make a character with powers that have already been claimed in a placeholder?
A: i think that has a little bit more to do with the person that placed the first placeholder. if they're okay with it, then i am as well. however, each power will have a limit of two people that can have it, because i would like a bit more power diversity!!

Q: can i make a character that shares a power with a guild/organization founder?
A: absolutely! go for it!!! no problem there, unless someone else has already claimed it!

Q: can i make a non-mutant character?
A: go for it! i'm all about fleshing out the world. however, i do ask that you make sure they have integral part of the plot and a reason to be there. otherwise they might not fit in very well.

Q: what sort of faceclaims are accepted?
A: real people only!! and not just some guy you know or some cosplayer either. please make them have some sort of following or celebrity status. models, ig models, actors, musicians, comedians, youtubers, etc.

Q: is this a first come first served roleplay?
A: it is an application based roleplay! however, we would appreciate it if you respected the placeholder. if there is a placeholder with a certain specific role (ie captains and leaders) then do not also apply until the original character is either accepted or denied. if that character is denied, you may then throw your hat in the ring for that role. same rule goes for superpowers and mutant abilities; however there can be two characters per power if, and only if, the original claimer of that power gives the go-ahead.

Q: are queer/gay/trans characters allowed?
A: fucking absolutely!!!! please bring em on! we love that!!!!

Q: why this specific age range?
A: we understand it's a little bit of an odd age range, and a little wide as well. we want to create a diverse and realistic sort of feel in terms of communities, without getting too wild with the age gaps. the gm team and i have discussed that it makes most sense that mutants can join guilds/organizations once they turn 20, and are expected to retire around age 30.




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    • Basics

      Faceclaim: Tiana Tolstoi
      Antonia Ayaka Romera
      April 9th Aries sun Aquarius moon
      Female (she/her)
      Place of Birth
      Sentinal proper
      Romera Biotechnologies
      Well known. She was a rebellious teenager, but fell off the map after her family tradgedy. In the past year she's taken over Romera tech and made headlines with her new inventions and sweeping changes. She's suspected to be a mutant, but no information about it is publically avaliable. Most assume she didn't inherit one.
      Body Type
      Antonia is tall, often augmenting her height with heels, and has dark eyes and black hair. She lacks tattoos but has a myriad of scars, and ear and naval peircings. A scar on the palm of her left hand from being handed a hot soldering iron when she was six. A branching electrical scar on her right shoulder from being electrocuted when she was twelve. Lighter scarring on her left calf and collarbone from a car wreck, and a faint scar on her temple from the incident that killed her father and brother.

      Antonia is an unpredictable and mercurial person. She’s charming, and can make you feel heard, seen, even inspired, without even realizing that she never gives up anything of importance about herself. Her primary personality is somewhat of a facade. She plays the charismatic, chaotic genius well from a lifetime of molding herself to others perceptions. Finding the individual threads of authenticity that weave together her outward persona can be a challenge even for those who’ve known her for years.

      She’s funny, loud, brilliant, dashing from project to project with seemingly endless energy. Her rebellious days are behind her but she still puts on a bit of a show of being unconventional. Despite being a terribly distrustful person, she really does love people. New employees at Romeratech are often surprised at how warm she tends to come across, and how even people she knows only casually are often called ‘babe’ and given personalized nicknames. She adores people, especially the ones at her company and in her inner circle. She just doesn’t trust them.

      Given reason, her mood and demeanor change as quickly as the weather. She’s an unforgiving person, with a naturally black and white view of the world, and contributes to her unpredictable manner. As quickly as she welcomes you in with open arms, she can turn on you. Especially if she gets it into her head that you could have anything to do with the Myriad or the Red Court. If you find yourself reeled in and swept off your feet just remember that Antonia is a powerful ally, but she will never show you anything she does not precisely mean to except for a precious few.

      Behind all of that, she’s disarmingly sweet. She’s got a nasty turmoil of garbage self esteem wrapped up with an over inflated ego. The pressure she puts on others, she puts on herself constantly. She’s lonely most of the time, and true intimacy and affection often seem very much beyond her reach.
      working with her hands, metal music, shiny things, fast cars, learning, showing off
      large crowds, criminals, sleep, being handed things
      Ambitious, sweet, analytical, dilligent, protective
      Competetive, insecure, jealous, recovering addict
      Fears: being caught in large, dense crowds, the ocean
      Habits: will write on anything, chews on pens, listens to music fast enough to make her ears ring later
Code by Nano

    • Basics

      Ivina Hayashi
      January 1st 1996, Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon
      Female (she/her)
      Place of Birth
      Hong Kong
      Society of Truth and Order (Assistant Leader)
      Ivy keeps a low profile, most people she interacts with at work or through the IronRose persona describe her as no-nonsense
      Ivy would strike an imposing figure, but she tries to avoid taking up space. Her hair is usually up and secure, and her clothing dark, well fitting, and unremarkable. Ivina does her best to fade into the shadows.

      For a long time, Ivy's mind was fully consumed by protecting others and surviving to fight another day. Years locked in survival mode build lasting habits. She's working very hard on her mental health, but her tendencies toward paranoia and protectiveness are very deeply engrained. It's been a long journey from seeing herself as a gaurddog toward seeing life as something full of varied experiences that she's determined to find a way to enjoy.

      Ivy doesn't keep her emotions on her sleeve. She buries them all as deep as possible and attempts to forget she has them. She has a problem with putting other people first and neglecting her own needs in favor of work or others. She also has a bad habit of using work to avoid confronting things in her own life, something she's doing her best to work through.
      She's trying to get better at paying attention to her own needs and getting to know herself. Her mental health is dangling, hanging on by a string, but she has developed a fierce determination to keep in in tact.

      Ivina gets in a meditation before work and before bed each day like clockwork. She relies on schedule and on little rituals to provide structure and stability in her life, consistancy and reliability are extremely important to her. Ivina is trying to discover who she is and what she likes, and building routines is one of the things that makes her feel in control. She likes to seek out things that are challenging for entertainment, like pool or darts, or puzzle games. She's picked up art and guitar casually as well and did the original illustrations for some of her tattoos.

      Her love language is very acts of service related. It's a lot harder for her to be vulnerable around people she's close with than with strangers or even casual friends. She would much rather just show someone she cares about them with her actions and pack negative emotions deep down in a little bottle and hold them there until she dies.

      puzzle books, music, playing games with friends, early mornings, defending others, rainy days
      Baking, tardiness, unpredictable schedules, hot weather, fast food
      Disciplined, determined, creative, empathetic, patient, resilliant
      over protective, avoidant, stubborn, reserved, workaholic
      Fears: people getting hurt because of her, letting people down
      Habits: collecting tattoos, getting gifts for people and then forgetting she has them, working out, playing with puzzel books
Code by Nano
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    • Basics

      Faceclaim: Zoia Mossour
      Ariel Jaqueline Lancaster
      August 4th 1999, Leo sun pisces rising
      Female (she/her)
      Place of Birth
      Sentinal South
      Team Majestic
      AJ has a reasonably popular Instagram under the handle AJBaby and has a bit of a reputation for being a nepobaby.
      Body Type
      Ariel has big chocolate brown eyes and soft, almost perfectly wavy hair. She's often a bit more disheveled than you would expect her to be due to an active lifestyle, she walks the line between formal and put together and casual streetware well.

      Ariel at first seems like a dream girl. She’s gorgeous, athletic, and charismatic. When she zero’s in on a target, you feel her full attention on you. She’ll take you out on a whirlwind date, the best dinner in the city, dancing at the exclusive clubs. She seems fun, friendly, and emotionally available. She’ll write you love poems and then never call you again.

      AJ has a profound inability to consider how her actions affect others. She’s hardly been told no in her life, and on the surface she’s simply hedonistic, and spoiled. She honestly doesn’t mean to cause harm, but her sheltered upbringing has led to a very self centered and short sighted as far as privilege and feelings of others go. She lives in the moment and avoids responsibility and consequence at all costs. She's selfish, but only rarely antagonistic or overly judgemental. Ariel is a disaster who is a great person to have as a casual friend or temporary fling.

      While she doesn't have a lot by way of professional or even personal ambition, Ariel is not lazy. Her home is well kept and she has a bad habit of making anything into a competition. While she doesn't want to think about building anything more solid than momentary fun and glory, she is willing to dive head first into almost any tasks she can gamify it or make it a contest of some kind. For being so privileged she actually isnt as sore of a loser as one might expect, she'll often request a rematch, but can admit when shes been bested. She's a very active and extroverted person, preferring to be out with people rather than watching TV or reading at home. It's become less of a preference and more of an aversion to spending a lot of time alone the older she's gotten.

      soccer, women, competition, attention, cocktails
      responsibility, commitment, bad coffee
      fun, romantic, energetic, poetic
      conceited, selfish, somewhat boorish
      Fears: isolation, AJ avoids authentic self assessment and doesn't like being along with her thoughts
      Confrontation: when it comes to fights or conversations with actual stakes, AJ turns most things into some kind of fight, and will do backflips to avoid one she isn't sure she can win.
      Habits: likes to bounce around a soccer ball or hackey sack, keeps her car in pristine shape, flirts constantly
Code by Nano
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viviana knox
  • 01
    Knox, Viviana
    Female - She/Her
    date of birth
    December 7, 1997
    bar tender
    years working

    Varying in appearance due to her mutation, Viviana typically sports raven-colored hair that rests right below her collarbones and pale sea-green eyes. While exploring her mutation at a younger age, she discovered that she could isolate changing her hair and eye color, helping her leave the salons behind and transforming her appearance whenever she pleases. Standing at 5'9", she tends to tower over most of her friends and colleagues, especially because she tends to choose heeled shoes rather than flats or sneakers.

    Viviana never meets a stranger, she has a very bubbly and upbeat personality, but it's all just a front for the darker side of her. She will use these traits to lure in victims, and then she does a complete 180, becoming an extremely brash, irritable, and borderline insufferable person. Though very few people have seen this side of her, they haven't been able to live to tell the tale, therefore nobody knows her true intentions. Although these negative traits are harder to discover, many people have boasted about how much of a joy she is to be around. She seems to light up the room when she enters and can make the most serious of people crack a smile.
code by @Nano
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    full name

    Grayson Lavicchi



    GRAY (DON'T)









    Denial Bi



    August 29th



    Sentinel Proper







    • ATROPHY;

      verb. waste away.

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  • ignatius "iggy" ectorius

    #majestic assist. captain

    #music manipulation

    #jeremy shada

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    lucille "lucy" gainsborough



    #anya taylor joy

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    renata "ren" aguilar



    #daniela nieves

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  • Vera Bryant


    #red court

    #cara delevingne

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    Silas Rafael



    #tom webb

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  • Listening now






    Isobel Winslow


    The Cormorant; Winslow;




    female (she/her)




    26th of January


    Central Sentinel




    Sensory illusions; the power to create and maintain illusions pertaining to any of the five senses.

    power limitations

    The more people an illusion is used on, the harder it becomes to maintain it (especially if it's multisensory). In addition, Isobel cannot use her powers on herself.


    The Magpies


    Isobel used to be a recognizable member of SOTO, but since her fall from grace she's gone under the radar. Since her departure, she's often seen as a pitiable case rather than the force of nature she was back then, though this is purely to the surface world. She is quite prolific in her new less-than-legal dealings, though she makes sure her face is never known.





    Body type


    h. colour

    dark brown


    ice blue

    body mods

    ear piercings; a simple cormorant tattoo on her shoulder


    a little edge, a little preppiness


    Felicity Jones



    To describe Isobel in three words would be to call her
    ambitious, intelligent and resourceful
    . Isobel does not give up, and even when she is halted, she
    always gets back up
    . The thought of
    failure fills her with dread
    , though. A shortcoming is never forgivable and must be rectified immediately; Isobel is an immense
    . This does not mean she doesn't understand other people, however. Isobel has the capacity for high
    , which is her main asset in dealing with (or to) people. It would be fortunate if this empathy extended to herself, however, as Isobel has a habit of
    neglecting her mental health
    . Her biggest Achilles' heel would have to be her
    , as she doesn't wish to seek help often for fear of being perceived as weak. This can sometimes make her come off as arrogant or
    Isobel has tempered an addiction to stimulants, which, beyond the traditional means, she got through by help of
    . This is something she sometimes
    tends to get preachy
    about. In her spare time, Isobel has not given up the pursuit of academia and enjoys
    reading and researching
    as a hobby.
    Spending time in nature
    is something she enjoys as well, though she tends to avoid
    , so her walks to the park are more nocturnal. Though she used to drink
    , she detests it now and much prefers
    green tea
    . Isobel could go on lengthily about the shortcomings of
    her parents
    , especially how they saw her as a commodity. Although Isobel strives for perfection, she despises
    being used



    Isobel was born in Central Sentinel, raised to achieve excellency by two non-superhuman parents. As their only child, she was groomed from a young age to follow in their footsteps, take over their law firm. She was often left alone, in the care of one nanny or another, as her parents were in demand from more than just her.
    Once Isobel's powers manifested at age 7, her parents suddenly tended to her more. She was extremely adept at using them and her parents made sure to mention it at every social gathering they could. At dinners, she would make the food taste better, mask bodily tension with the sensation of relaxation; she would become a mediator, ensuring informal negotiations went smoothly.
    As Isobel grew up, she was academically bright, a high achiever both in terms of her ability and academic achievement. Olympiads were no stranger to her, and her prestigeous education was as easy to sink in as a sponge soaks water. Her track record only spoke of excellency and her parents expected nothing less of her. This lead to a fast track in SOTO, where she was a considerable candidate for assistant leader for a good time.
    Still, such levels of work are hard to keep up. The more was put on her plate, the more Isobel began to sink into anxiety, her systems overloaded. She needed help but could not ask for it, therefore she went for assistance of the chemical kind. Developing an addiction to stimulants was the beginning of the end for her. Her performance picked up, but the adverse side-effects did too. Slowly, the drugs took over her life and the euphoric sensation replaced any wish to progress further. With her ambition stolen and her performance plummeting, her participation in SOTO was wrecked. Her parents, whose support was not unconditional, cut her off, leaving her to fend for herself.
    The nice apartment in the central district had to go, and so Isobel downgraded and moved to an apartment in the business district. In efforts to support herself, she began dealing the very drugs that had corrupted her own life. Illusions certainly kept her customers happier than some others and her reputation began to grow. At 25, she made the decision to join the Magpies, her new skill reigniting the flame of ambition she had always held.



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  • Freya Erikkson
    Shadow Manipulation
    fc - Karla Souza
    Freya in the daylight looks fairly normal, standing at five foot five with dark hair and sky blue eyes. She's beautiful with an easy smile. She can usually be found in the business district going to and from her office job, looking wholly unthreatening. She has nicks and scars on her hands and upper arms, white marks against tan skin. Some find it odd that such a beautiful woman would work with her hands like that, but no one asks how she got them.

    She usually can be found in modest varying shades of black, gray and blue. Lots of people think she just has a thing for the colors, but it is for other Magpies to recognize her as a friend and source of potential help and a warning to other guild members of who she works for. She is easily likable and lots of people enjoy working with her. She wears subtle earrings, only studs and a silver rings in the piercings in her ears with soft make-up. She is unthreatening and kind looking.

    At night, Freya is a force to be reckoned with. Everything becomes dramatic, her make-up becomes dark, dramatic, making her blue eyes startling. Glittering diamonds and bright stones dot her ears and dangle around her neck. She wears black and navy blue clothing. Her clothing is usually business formal at night, a business woman with a glittering smile to disarm and question, to get the truth out with pretty words and the muscle at her back. A knife sits at her hip, years of nicking her hands gives her the skill she needs to flourish it in the blink of an eye and it's staple of her nightly get up.

    She has a twisting Norse mythological tattoo, an homage to her father and moniker she has chosen for herself. It's black and grey with hard lines and soft shading. It starts over the curve of her hip and down her thigh to curl at the base of her knee. It's the only large piece she has.

    Freya has been blessed with the ability of shadow manipulation. She can feel the pulses and echoes of the flickering shadows. She bends the shadows to her will, being able to move her and a few others in total darkness without being seen. At first, she was only able to walk in shadows by herself, but as she grew in prominence in the Magpies, she practiced more and more was able to bend the absence of light to hide her and her bodyguards to walk into illicit deals.

    She can travel by herself through shadows to different parts of the city. It started with just moving between shadows in different rooms. Then she practiced moving to different shadows in the house. Then outside the house, then into the neighbor's house. Then into the next neighborhood. Eventually she was able to close her eyes and feel the pulse of darkness and jump to the darkest parts of the city. It's not a guarantee, because light can always illuminated into the darkness, but she always tries regardless. It's one of the fastest ways to get around. She hasn't been able to move another person with her, but she has been trying.

    She can use the shadows to obscure things in total darkness, like the flash of her blade before it's buried in a neck or obscuring someone's sight in a dark room.

    Freya's abilities are incredibly dampened in the daylight. She can still feel the pulse and ebb of the shadows, but there is very little she can do with them. She has centered her life around not needing her ability during the day, but she can feel the weakness it gives her, and she despises it. She feels like a normal person, a non-mutant. At night, in the bright lights of the city, her abilities can be dampened, not to the same degree as in the daylight, but enough that she has to find a dark space to use her skills affectively. So, any jobs in Sentinel Proper or the Business District are her least favorite, but doable.

    She goes by the moniker Nattravnen, the Norse mythological raven that when looked upon causes death. People call her The Raven for short. She's the one they send when cargo is lighter than it should be, when there is a potential thief among their midst, or a potential skimmer. She and her bodyguards are usually the ones that no one wants to see. If the Nattravnen shows up to your door, you or someone you know has fucked up and someone has to pay the price.

    Freya is quiet and reserved with sharp eyes during the day. She is a diligent worker, and her work is often praised for being so meticulous with her numbers. She very rarely, if ever, gets her math wrong. She is polite and kind with an easy laugh that easily disarms and deceives those that work with her and know her at work. She is known as reliable among her peers, always completing a project when asked. It's an easy façade because no one usually stokes her anger. Those that do, though, catch the flash of anger that boils underneath the surface. She never quite let go of the rage the murder of her brothers gave her, and any one that even sparks a slight annoyance see the brief flash of anger under the surface as she bits back a retort.

    When she goes to work at night, Freya truly shines. She is diligent and cunning, getting the right answers out of people takes time and a disarming smile which Freya has in spades. She uses honeyed words and empty promises to get those around her to bend to her will, trying to end whatever rambling they might try and start. If honeyed words do not get her what she wants, her quick handy work with her knife usually gets her what she wants. She carries a knife with her to work, leaves it in her purse, and then takes it home with her. Because her ability does not work much at all during the day, the knife is the only thing she can use to defend herself. It's became a habit for her now to never leave home without it. She follows a ritual of changing out her subtle jewelry with her dramatic jewelry every day. She sits in front of her mirror and places them in their exact spots. She walks into meetings with glittering jewelry and a casual arrogance of someone who knows they have earned their place. In the comfort of her Raven skin, she is sharp, sarcastic, and snarky. She has annoyed many a Magpie with her remarks, even if she is a valued member of the guild. Despite being a criminal, she finds dishonesty distasteful. They might be criminals, but blatant lying is low class. The true masters of the craft are ones who can tell the truth without revealing too much. She prides herself on the fact that she can usually move through meetings with as much as honesty as possible, manipulating the situation to move away from her.

    In the comfort of her own home, Freya can truly relax. She has a nasty habit of piling books of all kinds along the walls. She truly means to buy bookshelves, but every new book she buys is left in a stack against the wall. Organized, but not shelved. She despises when her apartment starts to get cluttered, wanting an organized home, and she is always a little annoyed walking into most meetings because papers are strewn about. On rainy days, she can be found siting in her window, watching the droplets slide down. She often founds herself wandering the Business District flitting between the book shops and peering into pet shop windows, enjoying the pitter patter of the rain. If she's not out and about during the rain, she is inside, baking, another hobby of hers that she greatly enjoys. There's something joyful in creating something sweet. She loves being able to explore the city, finding points where she can get a glimpse of the stars. Although she tends to avoid Sentinel Proper at all costs simply because it's too bright. Brightly lit spaces have very little shadows to hide in and with that, she is basically defenseless. She hates the feeling of being normal, without her ability to reach out into the shadows and feel comfort in their darkness.

    Her biggest fear is becoming like her mother, despite how unlikely that may be, she can't help but look at how Winter Erikkson collapsed and fell apart, becoming a liar and destitute as soon as her husband left her. That fact keeps Freya reserved, cautious with any man that tries to become a something more than a quick night of fun. She doesn't want to attach herself to someone just to lose them and fall apart in their absence.

    TW - murder and violence

    Freya was born in the residential district to one mutant parent and one non-mutant parent. Her mother was a café worker who caught sight of a handsome Norwegian mutant who had moved continents to start another life. Her father was no one special, he could do simple telekinesis, but her mother was hooked. Any little thing that 23 year old Aleksander Erikson did had 19 year old Winter Stevens in awe. They were young and in love, Winter quickly snagged him, and they married quick, too quick for Aleksander to realize what he had gotten himself into. Winter was obsessed with mutants, and she hounded Aleksander for any information had about other mutants. Bless his heart, he just thought she was enthusiastic. Aleksander picked up a job at a factory in the Industrial district, and they had a simple home.

    Freya came barely a year after the two were married on January 27th, named after the gods of Aleksander's home land - a name Aleksander would not have chosen for his first daughter, but Winter thought she knew best. Naming Freya was the first crack in the foundation of their marriage. When Freya didn't immediately show signs of a mutation, Winter became frustrated, and a year and a half later, Freya's brother Henry (Aleksander had a say this time) was born. The cracks deepened when Winter did not get a job after Henry. They fought often, and by the time Freya was four, and her little brother was three, Freya was able to recognize when their parent's voices changed and what came after that. She would often pull little Henry into the next room as her mother started to yell, and Aleksander retaliated with his own voice raised.

    At six years old, Freya was able to step back into shadow and disappear from sight. Her mother celebrated, joyous her child was a mutant. That was when Winter became suffocating. Always asking her to use her ability, begging her six year old child to show her, praising her for being so special. Six months later, at five, Henry displayed signs of fire manipulation. Joyous was the Erikson household. Of course, Aleksander was happy for his children, but he had started putting more hours into his job to keep his family comfortable. Winter was suddenly pregnant again not long after Henry's display. That was the canyon that started the true separation of Aleksander and Winter. There was not enough money to support them, but Winter didn't care, she wanted another child. Aleksander stayed, but after Leo was born, he started crumbling. He could barely keep the household afloat, and they had to move into the Slums just to house his family. Winter promised she would get a job when Leo was old enough. But when she didn't, Aleksander divorced Winter and moved back to the Industrial district, trying to make sure he got full custody of his children. Unfortunately, Winter still managed to get them every weekend.

    Living in two homes was torture for little Freya. She loved her father, seeing that he actually put in the work. He would sit down with her and practice his ability for her, and giving her advice on how to control hers and strengthen it. He did that with all his children, except Leo, who still hasn't shown any signs of mutantism. As much as she loved her father, Freya hated her mother just as much. The woman still lived in the Slums, bemoaning the loss of her mutant husband and children. She boasted to her friends that her children were so special, but when those children showed up, she paid them no mind. They were left to their own devices. It was in the slums that Freya started pickpocketing and stealing and playing with knives.

    One evening, a few months after she turned 18, she attempted to stick her hand in the wrong pocket, a member of the Magpies. As soon as her fingers closed around the pouch, she was put on her ass. The member recognized her for her ability and offered her a potential spot in the Magpies. "I see something great in you," he'd told her, "let's see if you can put it to the test." So he'd given her the name of a club, Social Hour, and if she could get into that without being seen, then he would train her, take her with him on his missions, teach her how to properly steal and swindle. She begged her father to take them on a field trip to the Business District, go to a movie theater or something. Aleksander, weary of raising three teenagers alone, took them to the Business District for a night during the week.

    Freya managed to sneak away from her father and brothers. The club was nestled amongst other buildings, innocuous and a bit underwhelming, but she was determined. Getting in had been easy, the club was dark, there were shadows. The man had smirked when he'd seen her, Petrel, he called himself, and night after night after that, she was taught how to use a knife, nicking her hands, but determined to be proved useful. She would sneak out from her home in the Industrial District and spend nights training, honing her ability and her skills in hand to hand combat. Still going to go the Slums every weekend to live with her increasingly crazy mother and protect her brothers from her. After a year, Petrel started letting her run her own missions, moving cargo to and from the Slums every weekend. It started small, but eventually she was able to move a truck load of cargo. She moved things back, too. She eventually started to notice inconsistences even Petrel missed. Bringing the inconsistences to his attention, they managed to catch and deal with the thief. Petrel rewarded her with more work, this time using her shadow work to spy and check cargo. All the while, she pretended prettily to her father. He would be disappointed in her for becoming a criminal, but the income she brought in from working with them was enough to help keep their home in the Industrial District. He didn't ask where she worked, he just tried to raise her and her brothers before they went out into the world.

    After she turned 20 and was secure in her position as a Magpie, one particular job ended up with some enemy guild's cargo getting caught by the authorities. She been working with a rival guild's family to topple the ruling rule. It was a dangerous job, and one that her mentor scoffed at her for, but she believed she could do it. Freya tipped the police to their movements. Anonymously, of course. Somehow, the enemy guild had known who had been the informant. They hadn't killed her, but they had come for her family. The backlash from the enemy guild was devastating. Both of her little brothers were murdered in their Industrial home, but the only body to be found was Leo, but there was so much blood and Henry was never found. She assumed that he was taken for torture to get information that he didn't have. Her father was left alive to give her the message after she returned. Aleksander was disappointed, heartbroken, and shattered. She sobbed with him, broken, but anger festering in her heart. She was determined to get stronger, smarter, clever, no one would ever do this to her again. Freya told her father to leave, so that he would never be able to be reached by those in the city. He begged her to stop, but she had made a name for herself. She couldn't give it up. So Aleksander left, and Freya had nothing left to cripple her. She fell into her role as a Magpie even more, and picked up the moniker Nattravnen, a piece of her father’s culture and tie to the mythology of her name, after someone cursed at her for bringing death in her wake. Freya's mother died six months later, but she paid the news no mind. There was no reason to, she did not care for her. For the next several years, she flourished, taking a job to work during the day, pushing papers and analyzing numbers. At night, she is Nattravnen, the Raven, the one Magpies send when shit needs to be corrected.

    What's the drive in being alive when you don't know who you are?
    © pasta
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  • basics





    • basics

      Rex Issac



      full name

      Rex Isabella Issac









      place of birth

      The Slums

      date of birth

      January 17th, 2000


      demise, assistant captain.

    ♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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  • majestic.

    Midnight Sun.




    • 01.



      Rowan Lyer Booker



      "Midnight Sun"






      cisgender female (she/her pronouns)






      Sentinel Proper



      Team Majestic Captain



      ana de armas




      body type.

      being on the taller side, rowan has the appearance of a thinner woman; slightly lean, not a lot of muscle, most people see her and believe they can knock her over in one hit. but, being a skilled and talented mutant, she's got a lot of strength hidden in her body. definitely a bit of a surprise to those she meets for the first time.

      hair color.

      rowan's natural hair color is a dark chocolate shade of brown. not dark enough to be mistaken for black, but with the caramel highlights she regularly gets, there's a degree of contrast between such light and dark colors.

      eye color.

      a stunning hazel; the perfect middle point between brown and green, her eyes serve as her most noticeable feature.


      rowan has been advised many times to not get tattoos in the spirit of keeping her identity secret, but rowan has simply learned to mask her tattoos with her magic. she has a few along her arms, even snaking around to her shoulder and back. her favorite one is a massive piece on her right thigh.


      due to her upbringing, rowan has many scars along her body. it's what she attempts to hide with her tattoos as the scars remind her of her past.


      rowan LOVES dressing up. the only time you will catch her not dressed to the nines is when it's her day off and she's chillin at home

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • David Whitlock
    cis male
    October 17
    East Sen
    Enrichment Center

    body type
    Slim, slightly muscular
    hair color
    eye color
    Bee sting allergy
    Jeremy Allen White
    To find yourself, think for yourself.
    Once a walking ball of anxiety and overwhelming emotion, David has gotten a hold on his feelings as he's grown up. Now more withdrawn, outsiders may feel he comes across as unapproachable or much too serious, but once you've talked to him it's clear he's not at all the cold man he's sometimes perceived to be. He really does care about others, especially his students, and is extremely patient with others, not getting frustrated with them and instead taking the time to understand them. Honest, he never tries to hide the truth. However, this can cause him to be a bit blunt at times due to him believing that mincing the truth is unhelpful for everyone involved.

    Highly intelligent, David values knowledge and strives to gather and apply it as best he can, especially when it comes to psychology and controlling powers. He often has his head buried in his work, you may not see him for an entire weekend, with him being hidden away in his office trying to figure out how best to help a student. He can be a bit cynical, seeing the worst in and situation as he thinks he'll be able to manage things better if he prepares for the worst. If he comes up short in his work he is often self critical, although he tends to hide this by being withdrawn, sulking away in private. He's hard to read, and it takes a keen eye to figure out his innermost thoughts and feelings. He himself is an observant individual, he got good at recognizing and processing his own feelings (however private he may be about them) and now he is able to recognize other's feelings as well, which is especially helpful for teaching.
    Self critical
    Loud noises
    Impulsive decisions
    Warm weather
    Quick + rational thinking
    Deep breaths when he feels overwhelmed
    Spaces out a lot when alone
    Loosing control
    Dying alone
    David was born in East Sentinel, the youngest of three children to two non mutant parents. His father was a banker and his mother a receptionist, they were high school sweethearts who had gotten married shortly after graduation, his oldest sibling arriving only four months after their marriage. A year later, the next child arriver, then, nearly three years after that, David came into the world.

    His early childhood was overwhelmingly average, his picture perfect nuclear family was not remarkable or noteworthy in any way. That was until David, at the age of twelve, disappeared right in front of his parent's eyes. It wasn't like no one knew where he was, his clothes were in front of them in the shape of David... there was just no David visible to them.

    It was clear that David was a mutant. His parents weren't too fond of this development, to be honest they were a bit scared of what they didn't completely understand. All they wanted was a normal happy family, they couldn't fathom that their son would deviate away from the perfect image in their minds. His older siblings weren't too kind to him once they found out, they began experimenting, trying to provoke him into going invisible through means such as harsh words or throwing food at the dinner table. His abilities were erratic and seemingly uncontrollable, this upset David which only made any attempts at control harder.

    For a while, his parents held on to their hopes for an average child, thinking he'd naturally get a grip on his powers with time and simply sending him to the traditional school his siblings went to. In that time, his life felt like hell. There were actually a few mutants at his school, but none of them seemed to struggle as much as he did, having abilities they could at least somewhat manage and either not become a public spectacle or use their ability as a cool party trick. While he unexpectedly became invisible at very inconvenient moments, he gartered a lot of attention, most of which was unwanted. He had no idea what to do, feeling completely lost and alone. Eventually a teacher took pity on the young boy and had some choice words for his parents, finally convincing them to send him to the Enrichment Center, where he could learn to harness his ability.

    Life at TEC wasn't immediately all sunshine and rainbows. There was a steep learning curve and David still felt rather hopeless. With the help of instructors, he was able to draw a line between his abilities and his emotions. In order to be able to control himself, he needed to first be aware of his own feelings. After a lot of work, which took a few years, he was able to get a grasp on his ability and manage to control when he went invisible a solid majority of the time. As he became more in tune with his emotions he became more and more withdrawn, realizing that internal processing allowed him to gain maximum control and eventually he became able to use his powers at will.

    Once he became mentally strong enough that he could manage his powers, he went off to university, flying under the radar, not letting anyone know he was a mutant since he didn't want to stand out again, like he did in his early years. He studied psychology, knowing that many mutant's abilities are impacted by their feelings. He wanted to figure out the most effective ways to harness the mind, both for himself and for others. An excellent student, naturally craving knowledge for his own betterment, he graduated at the top of his class.

    Upon graduation, at the age of twenty, he got a job teaching at the Enrichment Center. David was going to do exactly what he studied to do, help young mutants harness their powers, focusing on how emotion and psychology impacts abilities. He wants to help others to not feel as lost and alone as he once did. While students are somewhat intimidated by his withdrawn and cynical nature, thinking that he will be a strict, no nonsense instructor, they quickly learns that he's not very disciplinary and cares deeply about his student's success. He is generally well liked and genuinely loves what he does.
    power exception
    David's invisibility works on his body and his body only, so in order for his presence to actually be visibly undetectable he'd have to be in the nude, otherwise he just appears as floating clothes. His power can also be highly influenced by emotion. He's mostly gotten this under control, but he does have rare moments of extreme emotion where he looses control.
    Only very slightly known, mostly recognized amongst student mutants and those interested in the education of mutants. He never did any heroing, not taking on any sort of alias or taking any action that the general public would be excited about. He doesn't believe his ability is very helpful and doesn't use it much, most of its use comes from demonstrating to students. He is well liked among the students at the school, especially those that are finding their powers to be particularly overwhelming and seek him out for help.

    coded by Stardust Galaxy

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    Bisexual Biromantic
    The Magpies
    . ・゜゜・ To put your best foot forward ・゜゜ ・.

    Obnoxious, carefree, fun by all accounts, life's a breeze when you are Leiko. Caught up in the moment of fun and excitement, the thrill of the chase and the unmatchable buzz of a high when things go her way, the thief comes across to most people as a friendly face. Charismatic and seemingly easy-going make up smaller qualities that lead to the virtue of being so charming – though it teeters on the edge of being manipulative when needed. And let’s not forget the award winning smile. It might be easy to assume the least about Leiko, and she certainly uses it to her own advantage.

    Leiko certainly knows how to draw attention to herself whenever she wants it - often using disturbances and chaos to make a quick getaway with her extroverted personality. However, Leiko’s attitude can change with a flip of a switch. A bold and sometimes dense persona created in order to get what she wants and make her line of work simpler by luring people in with ease, she’s quite certain in her abilities. What was once flirtatious and jovial can turn into a reserved and detached escape artist, hellbent on saving their own ass.

    . ・゜゜・ Lying for attention just to get neglection ・゜゜ ・.

    When it comes to the true Leiko, their sociable act is only skin deep. Under the surface, the cunning criminal is surprisingly awkward and unsure when it comes to conversing with people on a natural wavelength. It is considerably difficult to form a friendship and there is an intense lack of trustworthiness in the thief. As for acting dumb in order to be perceived as less of a threat, she is considerably intelligent and calculating, planning routes with a narrow margin for error.

    It is hard to tell which end of Leiko one might receive, a made up perception of herself, or someone who is impossible to reach and prefers grunts over conversation.

    Incisive ✧ Alert ✧ Adaptable ✧ Fearless ✧ Creative
    Unattached ✧ Arrogant ✧ Deceitful ✧ Boisterous ✧ Manipulative​

    ✧ Likes ✧
    Thunderstorms, conspiracy theories, sour and spicy foods, knife throwing, escape rooms, cats

    ✧ Dislikes ✧
    Heatwaves, slasher movies, small-talk,

    ✧ Skills ✧
    Pick-pocketing, good stamina, endurance

    ✧ Habits ✧
    ✧ Leiko enjoys a good smoke break from time to time, even during stressful moments
    ✧ When not caught up in an act, her face has the tendency to show her emotions clearly
    ✧ Cracking of her knuckles during what she perceives to be an awkward silences

    ✧ Fears ✧

    Born in South Sentinel, Leiko starts her story as a rather ordinary child born to particularly average citizens. Hardworking, middle class, though sometimes slipping, her parents tried their best to raise their daughter to be someone of substance. At first, everything seemed to be just fine. Leiko went to school, did her homework, made perfectly fine friends, and had a relatively easy childhood. It was when she was in junior high that her father lost his job and the family began to slip even more than normal. Missed rent payments, loans taken out, the inability to sometimes afford the necessary amounts of groceries for the week; these were all things that Leiko couldn’t miss. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, the child did what she had only known in movies or novels, something of stories rather than real life. She began to develop sticky fingers. It was a difficult task at first, learning to lift an object from someone without them noticing, and it was then that perhaps out of necessity, an ability that had been dormant woke itself. Leiko found a bit late that she was a mutant with the power of telekinesis, and this opened doors for her that she never knew possible. Rings, wallets, watches, the like began to go missing across patrons of South Sentinel, all too easy in the artsy and fun district where their original owners were often distracted. These items began to pave the way for not only Leiko’s alliance with the Magpies, but also created a road of opportunity for herself and her parents. After a hard year, they were able to right themselves once more – though Leiko has passed her criminal acts off as picking up a job to help make money. By all accounts, it was technically true.

    It might not come as a surprise that Leiko moved to North Sentinel to be part of the section of the city that never sleeps as soon as she possibly could. While she wasn’t considered part of the Upper Middle Class, exactly, she was quite capable of keeping herself afloat in a slightly lower class, one bedroom apartment on her own, selling or trading her findings for sums of money to pay for her expensive move. After a careless teenage upbringing, lying to her parents while still taking care of them, at age seventeen, Leiko graduated school early and left for the North. Continuing on with her petty thievery with just the use of her fingers along with difficult jobs assigned by random strangers (rich people have a lot of money on their hands and many people that they wish they could steal from themselves – instead they settle on dealing out tasks with large payments) in which she used her ability or her created personalities, life was something to enjoy with ease.

    When one dangles a shiny thing in front of her face, it is incredibly hard for Leiko to say no. This is where The Magpies come in. While using her ability for petty crime was one thing, the guild had caught wind of someone who was doing quite the job at keeping people in the Upper Class happy and was making money for herself with sticky fingers. In the same area of the city as the Social Hour, Leiko found herself with an offer she couldn’t refuse, something promised to her that was practically eternal glory (or comparable in the eye’s of a thief) and a close knit group of people working together to make it happen. With that, the name of Leiko Kay disappeared entirely, and an alias was picked up along with created names and multiple fake IDs. While she could take or leave the idea of close friends, keeping her line of profession and continuing to make money surrounded by a group that emitted power, Leiko joined the Magpies at the early age of 20.

    Name ✧ Leiko Kay
    Alias ✧ Saccharine
    Age ✧ Twenty-five
    Gender ✧ Female
    Pronouns ✧ She/her
    Sexuality ✧ Bisexual Biromantic
    Date of birth
    Place of birth ✧ South Sentinel

    Power/ability;; Telekinesis- the absolute simplicity of moving things with one’s mind, a psychic ability perfect for the person that seems to have two halves to make up a complete personality within her mind.

    Power exception;; As useful as her ability is to the Magpies when it comes to lifting important items, when distracted, it is incredibly hard for Leiko to move any sort of object, regardless of the heft or appeal. Utmost concentration is required for what she does, so a lack of distraction is consistently necessary. Additionally, lifting objects of heavy weights is no easy feat, and then same goes similarly for moving multiple items at once. Things such as emotional dysregulation and

    Reputation;; When it comes to the persona that Leiko puts on, her character often dresses up in disguises and is hard to recognize, other than for the fact that in some form, they are a flirtatious entity and pose little threat, or perhaps are bold and loud, annoying at most, but nothing eluding to a sticky fingered thief. Due to this, it’s hard to pin Leiko down and she could be considered low profile to most, though possibly well known in the Magpies for being the first one to make a scene for a distraction. Considering that Leiko is hard to reach to both mutants and non-mutants alike, any person without power might find her the slightest bit intimidating, though she means them no harm.

    Standing at a neutral height of 5’7 with muscles and toned arms built from quick getaways, Leiko’s physicality could be considered athletic though agile. Carob wisps of mostly straight strands lay on delicate curves of shoulders, either left to fly free or pulled completely out of the way. Messy is too strong of a word but one cannot call the general style sleek, strands often in a state of slight disarray. It just looks better this way. Umber colored hues ring around a barely darker pupil to form deep wells of careless merriment masking careful observations. As for any sort of body modifications, Leiko intensely prefers to keep her skin clear of anything remarkable, nothing that can trace others to recognize her more than normal. As such, there are no qualities such as permanent markers in or on her body, no tattoos or piercing holes. If she wants the illusion of having any markers, she simply uses clip-ons or temporary lines to stain her skin. Despite the lack of body modifications, Leiko has never been able to avoid scars in the sense that they are simply part of her line of work – she even sports a very permanent vertical scar going up her calf from a climb up a wall gone wrong in her youth. Otherwise, one might find little scratches and such all over the thief. What can she say? Her getaways are often the rockiest part of her job.

    Simple clothing in cool and neutral colors, resembling that of the The Magpies hues, though not in the most obvious of ways. She often forgoes the motif of birds or other animals, aside from tiny embellishments of feathers in the sense of keychains, little metal pieces, or perhaps an embroidered piece hidden somewhere. When pretending to be someone she’s not, Leiko might choose a dress and heels with a wig of sorts, though all clothes used for missions that include a character have been modified as needed for her master plans to make a getaway. Otherwise, comfort and ease line the staple clothes for a regular day’s attire.

    Faceclaim: Han So Hee

    © pasta

    • 04
      full name
      blaire kato
      female - she/her
      date of birth
      january 3rd
      place of birth
      north sentinel
      blaire kato – epione

      Remedy Knowledge




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use right arrow key to scroll



Lumi Belmont






Male | He/Him



Date of Birth

February 26th | Pisces

Place of Birth





Works in a cafe as a Barista, though he helps out with baking if they are short-staffed

Let Me Down Slowly

Alec Benjamin




4'11" | 150 cm


100 lbs | 45 kg


Lumi generally shows little concern for what his messy blonde locks look like and simply allows his bangs to fall over his forehead.


Blue-gray orbs shaded by thick eyelashes. His eyes will turn a stormy blue whenever he is upset.


Willowy and slender, he posses little to no muscle mass and looks as if a stiff breeze could knock him over. His blue eyes and blonde locks are his most noticeable feature, set in a heart-shaped face with rounds cheeks, full lips and a delicate nose.


Achromatopsia (Monochromacy)- Since he was born, Lumi has been unable to see any colors other than black, white, and shades of gray. This also causes his eyes to be sensitive to light, especially outside, so he tends to wear sunglasses whenever he goes outside. Some bright lights such as florescent lighting can cause discomfort as well. He has an app on his phone that identifies colors for him by using his camera, but it isn't always accurate and it struggles with distinguishing between shades that are similar to each other.


Lumi isn't the biggest fan of needles so he does not have any tattoos or piercings, he can barely stand to get shots. He has a raised burn scar along the inside of his right wrist where he badly burnt himself while frying food one day.

Clothing Style


asamayolo from Instagram



With quick smiles and a laid-back personality, Lumi comes across as a charming person. He is quick to try and use this charm to defuse situations or calm those that are angered. Lumi is never one to back down from a fight and will meet any in-coming challenge with his head held high. Once he sets his sights on something, hardly anything can deter Lumi from reaching his intended goal. Though his trust is hard-won, once he grows to care for someone he would do whatever it took to keep them safe. He is a stead-fast friend and is quick to jump to the defense of those that he cares for.

There are times when Lumi digs his heels into the sand and refuses to back down, even if it means his own life is at stake. When it concerns the people he cares deeply for, Lumi would toss his own safety aside and rush head-long into danger to try and keep them safe. Often times Lumi gets the urge to press someone's buttons just to see how far he can push them before their patience snaps, especially those that present as cold or distant; he can't help but want to break their icy exterior. His proclivity towards dramatics can also wear on the nerves, a skill he wields with glee. Lumi avoids talking about his problems like it's a game of tag. Instead of confronting his negative emotions in a healthy manner, he simply shoves them down and refuses to address them. This, of course, can lead to his bottled up feelings over-whelming him and causing him to break down.


Charismatic, Courageous, Determined, Cheerful, Loyal


Stubborn, Reckless, Annoying, Emotionally Repressed, Rowdy


Sweets, Animals, The color of the leaves in Autumn, Baking, Soft blankets, Coffee, Music


Spicy foods, Weird textures in food, Crowds, People interrupting him in the middle of talking


➳ Enclosed spaces: One of the kids in the orphanage thought it would be funny to lock him in a closet when he was young; he's been terrified of small spaces ever since.
➳ Accidentally losing control again and hurting someone else with his ability.


➳ Flirts with others in a teasing manner but will become a flustered mess if anyone flirts back
➳ Will collapse like a house of cards the second someone with a more dominant personality gives him push back
➳ He will find your last nerve and tap dance on top of it
➳ Love language is physical touch, most definitely touch-starved
➳ Knows how to play the flute well, plays in his spare time or whenever there is too much on his mind
➳ Most cherished possession is a jade pendant of a lotus flower that his parents left for him, that he wears on a leather cord around his neck
➳ Allergic to seafood and shellfish
➳ Problems? What’s problems, he’s fine
➳ Dramatically leans on stuff
➳ Does not sit on furniture the way it is intended: Drapes himself across armchairs, sits backwards in chairs, etc
➳ The second he finds someone shorter than he is, he’s using them as an arm rest
➳ Will laugh in your face as you try to kill him
➳ Uses sarcasm and snark to hide his pain
➳ Has frequent nightmares but will pretend he doesn't know what you're talking about if asked about them
➳ Careful of waking him up, he wakes up swinging
➳ Very protective of those he cares about
➳ Can and will throw hands to keep them safe
➳ Don't touch his food, he'll bite you
➳ Seriously you will lose a finger, even if he likes you
➳ Hunches over his food and barricades' it with his arms as if he's afraid someone is going to steal it
➳ Eats like he will never see food again
➳ Sticky fingers; don't leave your valuables near him, they will be gone before you can blink
➳ Scrunches his nose when he is confused about something
➳ Fidgets with things like his hair whenever he is nervous
➳ Terrible to share the same bed with, tends to cling to whoever has the unfortunate circumstances of having to sleep in close quarters to him
➳ Hums softly to himself whenever he is concentrating on something
➳ Wraps his arms around himself to self-sooth
➳ Restless at night due to nightmares, sometimes gets very little sleep because of it
➳ Likes to sit and listen to the rain, it helps calm his over-whelmed mind
➳ Sketches in his free time, is actually a good artist despite what his hand-writing might make you think
➳ Terrible sweet tooth, can absolutely be bribed with something sweet
➳ Tends to smell like lilacs from the oil he uses in his hair


Drawing | Baking | Crocheting


His slender frame allows Lumi to be rather agile and quick on his feet. During his time living on the streets, he would often use this to his advantage to pickpocket and steal food.

There were times growing up where the orphanage caretakers would forget to give him dinner or they would withhold meals as punishment. Lumi learned how to pickpocket and steal as a means of survival and over the years he has honed this skill to the point where he can lift items off of others without them noticing a thing.

The orphanage caretakers nether wanted to see him nor hear him. If they deemed he was making too much noise they would punish him. As such, Lumi quickly learned how to move silently: where to place his feet to make the least amount of noise possible, how to move his body to prevent his clothes from rustling, how to blend into the shadows to remain unnoticed.



(TW: child abuse and neglect)

On one rainy morning in the Outskirts, the buzzer for the front door to the orphanage rang, but when one of the caretakers opened the door, the only thing that greeted her was a squirming bundle laid gently in front of the door. There was no note and nothing to distinguish who this child was. No one was in sight and no one would ever contact Lumi through the years he was growing up; he doesn't even if know if his parents are still alive.

Growing up in the orphanage was its own type of hell; he would get beat for the slightest thing and was often locked in the closet when the caretakers thought he was misbehaving. Most nights he went hungry due to some perceived slight the caretakers had seen and his dreams were filled with a happier life.

One day the pot boiled over and Lumi seriously injured one of the caretakers during a beating and fearful that he would get locked away, Lumi fled the orphanage at the age of seventeen. He lived on the streets for a month, stealing what he needed to survive, until someone from Greenfield found him and took him in.

They helped him get settled into a peaceful life, even trying to help him with his unstable power, though he still struggles with freezing whatever he is holding when he gets upset. Now he works as a Barista at a cafe, where he occasionally helps out in the kitchen when they are short-staffed. Though he is enjoying his life, the fear that his past will catch up to him haunts his steps.






description here


description here


Child of the Frost


Cryokinesis: Lumi can create, shape, and manipulate ice, as well as freeze water into a solid state. Anything with a solid shape can be frozen by him, but the larger the object, the more energy it takes to freeze it. If he were to shape ice into something, it must be an object he has seen before and nothing with complex parts. His ability also grants him a higher immunity to colder temperatures; lower temperatures may not feel as cold to him and it would take him longer to develop hypothermia or frostbite from exposure to freezing conditions.

power exception

Lumi must make direct contact with whatever it is he is trying to freeze and higher temperatures will have a direct effect on how sturdy the ice he creates is. Not only that, Lumi himself is largely affected by higher temperatures, more prone to heatstroke as well as any burns he sustains will take longer to heal and will most likely leave scars.


Aside from the incident at the orphanage where he accidentally hurt a caretaker, Lumi is rather low key with his ability. Very few know his secret identity and he finds comfort in the concept of obscurity. He isn't sure if his past will ever come back to haunt him but he would rather be safe than sorry; he is content to stay out of the limelight.


Pinterest Board
Playlist here

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • home (filler tab)

Electric Guest

This Head I Hold

identities: roman, cass, fidget
age: 27
dob: march 6th, 1996
place of birth:
cis-male, he/him
sexuality: pan
power: shade-foresight
power exception: when cass or fidget are present
guild: myriad
reputation: prefers a lower profile/to remain enigmatic despite his experience with myriad’s work over the years. his identity isn’t a secret, and most know about his power, and guild association.

weight: ~180
height: 6'2''
body: medium-build, though he does not appear particularly muscular or toned, he is deceptively strong. and combative.
style: dark, muted colors and more casual than anything. dark, tapered pants or joggers with t-shirts aplenty.
ailments: dissociative identity disorder. major depression disorder. physically, scarring underneath tattoos. from what, you ask...?
body modifications: full sleeve tattoo, flowing into shoulder piece on right arm and right shoulder; descends to some script underneath his collarbone. who knows what it says. small gauged ear piercings, with one in each lobe, black. rear helix ring, silver. left nostril ring, silver.
face claim: zac hart (?)
other: can be volatile, moody. stands straight, confident, but not stiff. deliberate and controlled body language.

music, it's a catharsis
drinking on the job
drugs on the job
free love and often
emotional honesty with anyone
fascists, political figures, and authorities
shade-foresight allows him to see three to five ghostly versions of himself from a few seconds in the future, giving him advantage in hand-to-hand combat and stealth since he knows the immediate consequences his actions have.
getting out of literally any near-death predicament
memorizing the lyrics of anything set to music uncomfortably quickly
singing loudly
street art, often illegal
long walks, "thinking walks"

closed off. u
nless you spend relentless amounts of time getting to know roman and proving time and time again that you are somehow trustworthy, he will never confide in you; though he'd listen to you and whatever your ailments were until you were out of breath.
too trusting. contrary to roman's suspicion of everything that lives and breathe, fidget's trust is something thrown freely to whoever looks at him with a smile or any semblance of care, often landing roman in trouble as he deals with the consequences of unintentionally forming bonds and being taken advantage of.
what's a savior complex? roman couldn't tell you. but he can tell you that your feelings and troubles are somehow more important and valid than his own. self-sacrifice is near roman's identity's core, most likely due to his mother’s death- er... murder-
vengeful. a professional grudge-holder, roman can let seething loathing get the best of him for years on end.
addicted to who-knows-what. non-stop crisis mode quickly drove roman to seek out psychoactive substances at a young age. his current fascinations are dependent on the day and the alter. oh, and cigarettes. whatever's on sale.

. roman's loud and he knows it. from blaring music to (occasionally) expressing his few and far between emotions. dance parties are always an option. raves, more like.
joyful. cass' and fidget's joy is typically contagious, despite his past pains and sufferings. it's a point to build up those around him, though often to his own detriment.
confident. seemingly fearless, roman walks a fine line between confident and cocky, strong-willed and reckless. he gets what he wants when he wants it. after years living as a part of the myriad, you figure out how to command conversation. and more.

major major major tw: dv
roman's father was a member of myriad when he was a child, rising to some semblance of infamy during his time. a serial abuser with shouting being his only means of communication, he chased his partner and son away for the first time when the boy was around eight. fast forward a few years, on roman's eleventh birthday, the argument turned dire. in trying to defend his mother, roman was injured and ended up running away. he didn't know he'd never see his mother again. whether she ran, too, or worse, he would never find the closure. his father found him again after about a month of streets, alleys, and prayers. dropped off at myriad, he'd never see his father again, whether he ran, he would never know. adopted by myriad, sixteen years later, he's hatching an escape plan.

cass and fidget were born out of this trauma. fidget being the childlike version of himself roman left behind at the age of eight, cass being all of the hope, dreams, and joy he'd never experience again.

♡coded by uxie♡
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