News [URGENT] RpNation Apps/Tapatalk Discontinued for Now

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Beautyoftheland said:
I did as was suggested. And I did not get the version with the shield, I just now did it
Redo it in a little bit to get the Shield, the image must be circulating via the CDN atm.
Sunkissed said:
Already did it this morning. Aren't I ahead of the game
I did this a year (or two) ago on my iPad. I'm very ahead of the game :troll:
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On apple devices, click the little share button (the box with an arrow coming out of it) and click the plus sign that says to add to home screen (on the front page)

[QUOTE="Aeri Rosevier]I logged in through my tab but did not get the message. Is there a way to do this manually?

LupusDeUmbra said:
I don't get the add to home screen option... I'm using an iPad 2 with Google chrome
As for android I don't know
Hunnyhelp said:
On apple devices, click the little share button (the box with an arrow coming out of it) and click the plus sign that says to add to home screen (on the front page)
As for android I don't know
Well, this only works in Safari and I am way too against safari to make a safari shortcut lol... I usually have a tab with RPN open at all times, and if not, it's always in my "Most visited" section and is one click away when I open Chrome. I felt that I should add this though to let all iOS users no that you cannot add a home screen icon outside of safari. You also cannot change your default browser to anything but safari, because y'know... "Customer freedom" is a foreign concept to Apple. Lol
This is quite unfortunate. I don't have a lot of time to sit down at the computer, so a mobile app is useful. /:

It sounds like Tapatalk was pretty sketchy, though. I'm glad to hear you've got your own app in the works. I'm looking forward to December. :)
You'll work it out! It's just great that you care so much about our experience! Things don't always work out but it should get better! You're awesome Dark Wizard!
I have recently discovered this site, but it has instantly become my favorite site, and I regularly sacrifice my gaming and anime time to visit this site. It helps me improve my writing in a fun and exciting way. Thanks so much for your continued dedication to the website! :D
If you still have the idea to make a mobile app, why not asking the community to help? There would surely be a few who know about application development who might be happy to help.
There is an app currently in development now. We're just waiting for it to be finished, then we'll hook you guys up. :)
Kaerri said:
There is an app currently in development now. We're just waiting for it to be finished, then we'll hook you guys up. :)
If you need any help, I think I know a few people who could help.
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