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Fantasy Uprising in the City of Amartia | CS



laugh hard, run fast, be kind
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



Appearance: (Picture or description)

Personality: (As much as you think is necessary, your character's personality will come out in the actual RP)


Special Equipment: (Equipment that plays an important role in your character's story, should have description of how it was gotten, its importance to your character, and a description or picture of its appearance)

General Equipment: (All other equipment meant to maintain some sense of realism, backpacks, torches/lanterns, etc. May also include armor and weapons if they aren't considered Special Equipment)

Magic User: (Y/N)


Name: Percival Abbidiah Hemlock

Race: Human

Age: 67

Appearance: Standing at 5'6, Abbidiah is a man who's entire looks screams "Badass old timer". Despite their age, they're very muscular and fit, making them look intimidatingly strong rather than laughably frail. They have blue eyes, a wrinkled forehead, tanned skin, a short white beard, and white hair. They also wear a red leather tunic as an undershirt with a coat put on over it made with protective padding. They have leather shoulder guards, wrist guards, and gloves as well, all red with flowery, golden designs stitched into them. Lastly, he has brown trousers with leather kneeguards and boots held by a belt littered with leather pouches.

Personality: To those he dislikes, Abbidiah acts like a menacing beast of a grandpa who's spurred on by flashbacks to Nam'. To those he doesn't know, he acts like a somewhat curt old man who doesn't have time for these damned youngsters. To those he actually likes, he takes up the role of acting as your grandfather.

Background: Born to a fisherman, Abbidiah never really expected to go far in life. He was content with living out his days as the village fisherman, and he did just that for 20 full years. Then one day, he fished up an old book. It was something along the lines of "Merry Schmidt's guide to the Magical World". Now, being an ignorant peasant who had only ever been home schooled, Abbidiah had no idea what magic was, which was why it intrigued him so much. He decide dry the book out and read it. He was quickly enveloped in a wonderful of magic. He learned the theory from the book as he searched for runes he could use so he could start using magic. Eventually, while searching a well that was rumored to have been built with a plaque made from a magical rune, he found one. He was finally able to start learning spells and the such when he was 32. Having gotten into reading due to his magical guide book, he quickly became more intelligent than the dumb fisherman he was 5 years ago. Deciding that the fisherman life was in fact not for him, he left his village in an attempt to join a magical academy. He first tried to apply to Orwell's Academy, but was quickly denied because the didn't want a self taught near middle aged peasant as a student. Deciding it'd be best to prove himself, Abbidiah enrolled in three smaller magical schools, completing each of them at the top of his class which took a total of 6 years. Now 38, he enrolled in Orwell's again. Begrudgingly, they let him in, where he proceeded to pass their classes with flying colors. Graduating in just 4 years, Abbidiah then set about using his newfound mastery of magic by assisting in studies, helping villages with their problems, or, like his current job, where he was tasked to find and fix anything out of the ordinary in he city of Amartia.

Special Equipment: "Merry Schmidt's guide to the Magical World", a black book with yellow pages that looks like it's on it's last stitches. He uses this book as his spellbook, using the blank pages left at the back to list his spells. He also has a custom made steel staff with gold etchings that he bought after a well paying job. Then there's his iron short sword, which he's not very good with but keeps around anyway.

General Equipment: He has a leather satchel and lantern on his hip

Magic User: Yes

Some small amount of swordplay

Other: This took a while to write
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Name: NULL (virus), Arabelle Wanton (host)

Race: Human (host)

Age: 24 (Host's age; the virus's age is unknown)

Appearance: NULL's host is a grey toned, drained girl (a zombie basically), eyes wide vacant and red with pink 'drops' as pupils and her hair two short twin tails in a hideous lime green, standing at a peak 5'6. As for NULL itself, NULL takes on the same structure but taller than its host, at least 5 inches extra (in this case, 5'11). Regardless of the fact NULL is in it's host or not, both it (if it is able to take physical form separate from their host) and their host wear a black sleeveless shirt with a red heart on the back of it and crossed out in royal blue, and covering the legs are red spiked boots (but only the bottom half) and lastly, they have dark purple shorts on.

Personality: NULL forms a personality depending on the host, and thanks to residing in the body of Arabelle... NULL is easily frightened, loves to socialise to meet new people and do new things, giving NULL the outlook of this enthusiastic extrovert to hide their true feelings which is really a goal to control, brainwash and spread itself throughout the world. But another weakness on top of inheriting Arabelle's easily to startle personality, NULL has an particularly strong fear of the unknown - the void, for who knows what could be living among the dark. As for NULL 'without' a host, NULL itself is a short fused and aggressive being, and particularly manipulative to get what it wants in order for their real goal to succeed.

Background: NULL is a virus, an infection, and is particularly contagious, meaning NULL can infect people in a nearby range to each other (10 feet) - and pretty quickly, too. NULL will make the infected re-live the past events from 3 hours ago while the actual current time happens before their basically blind eyes (causing stress as a result), then leading them into sleepwalking and internal bleeding. When the infected is vulnerable enough, NULL sinks their teeth in and eventually kills them, the blood being too much for their body to hold in, killing them and then reanimating them as borderline dead zombie minions for NULL and NULL's needs alone.

But as for the origin of NULL, they came about from a medicinal failure in the hospital, the doctors having failed at fully following instructions while making said medicine that was to be used on a patient. Not much happened for a long time, as NULL spent the time to develop it's method of infection and lethal ways to even be classified as anything, so it was mostly unknown, even to the doctors who accidentally created NULL - and until a few years later, nothing was heard of at all, until NULL finally began to develop.

Within 10 years in the hospital NULL was created in, NULL managed to develop a way to infect and eventually kill those it infects; thus turning a once busy hospital full of doctors and healing patients into nothing but dead bodies. NULL was concealed for the next 2 years because of this until it managed to take control of it's host, a girl named Arabelle Wanton, and broke out of the hospital by using the girl's body (still alive appearance) as a shell to mask the fact NULL itself had escaped from within her. NULL is still using Arabelle as a shell to this day, and is considered its own entity.

Special Equipment: NULL over time has learned that in the world, you always - always - have to defend yourself. So they had themselves a weapon; or more accurately found it within a grove NULL found upon exploring the world after finding its host, of which has since been called the Heart Breaker. It's a red katana styled blade with green 'root' shapes along the curve of it's blade, and it is NULL's main weapon of choice when it comes to fighting.

General Equipment: A lantern, a hilt for the Heart Breaker, and a small black backpack for all other items NULL finds.

Magic User: Yes

Skills: NULL is able to use their own virus traits/powers as poison and necromancy magic, having practised said magic types to be able to do so (particularly skilled at doing this in question thanks to already being able to do so via said virus traits/powers).

Other: NULL's name is an acronym. It stands for Negate (and) Use, Living Lie.
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Name: Percival Abbidiah Hemlock

Race: Human

Age: 67

Appearance: Standing at 5'6, Abbidiah is a man who's entire looks screams "Badass old timer". Despite their age, they're very muscular and fit, making them look intimidatingly strong rather than laughably frail. They have blue eyes, a wrinkled forehead, tanned skin, a short white beard, and white hair. They also wear a red leather tunic as an undershirt with a coat put on over it made with protective padding. They have leather shoulder guards, wrist guards, and gloves as well, all red with flowery, golden designs stitched into them. Lastly, he has brown trousers with leather kneeguards and boots held by a belt littered with leather pouches.

Personality: To those he dislikes, Abbidiah acts like a menacing beast of a grandpa who's spurred on by flashbacks to Nam'. To those he doesn't know, he acts like a somewhat curt old man who doesn't have time for these damned youngsters. To those he actually likes, he takes up the role of acting as your grandfather.

Background: Born to a fisherman, Abbidiah never really expected to go far in life. He was content with living out his days as the village fisherman, and he did just that for 20 full years. Then one day, he fished up an old book. It was something along the lines of "Merry Schmidt's guide to the Magical World". Now, being an ignorant peasant who had only ever been home schooled, Abbidiah had no idea what magic was, which was why it intrigued him so much. He decide dry the book out and read it. He was quickly enveloped in a wonderful of magic. He learned the theory from the book as he searched for runes he could use so he could start using magic. Eventually, while searching a well that was rumored to have been built with a plaque made from a magical rune, he found one. He was finally able to start learning spells and the such when he was 32. Having gotten into reading due to his magical guide book, he quickly became more intelligent than the dumb fisherman he was 5 years ago. Deciding that the fisherman life was in fact not for him, he left his village in an attempt to join a magical academy. He first tried to apply to Orwell's Academy, but was quickly denied because the didn't want a self taught near middle aged peasant as a student. Deciding it'd be best to prove himself, Abbidiah enrolled in three smaller magical schools, completing each of them at the top of his class which took a total of 6 years. Now 38, he enrolled in Orwell's again. Begrudgingly, they let him in, where he proceeded to pass their classes with flying colors. Graduating in just 4 years, Abbidiah then set about using his newfound mastery of magic by assisting in studies, helping villages with their problems, or, like his current job, where he was tasked to find and fix anything out of the ordinary in he city of Amartia.

Special Equipment: "Merry Schmidt's guide to the Magical World", a black book with yellow pages that looks like it's on it's last stitches. He uses this book as his spellbook, using the blank pages left at the back to list his spells. He also has a custom made steel staff with gold etchings that he bought after a well paying job. Then there's his iron short sword, which he's not very good with but keeps around anyway.

General Equipment: He has a leather satchel and lantern on his hip

Magic User: Yes

Some small amount of swordplay

Other: This took a while to write

Abbidiah is approved!

Name: NULL (virus), Arabelle Wanton (host)

Race: Human (host)

Age: 24 (Host's age; the virus's age is unknown)

Appearance: NULL's host is a grey toned, drained girl (a zombie basically), eyes wide vacant and red with pink 'drops' as pupils and her hair two short twin tails in a hideous lime green, standing at a peak 5'6. As for NULL itself, NULL takes on the same structure but taller than its host, at least 5 inches extra (in this case, 5'11). Regardless of the fact NULL is in it's host or not, both it (if it is able to take physical form separate from their host) and their host wear a black sleeveless shirt with a red heart on the back of it and crossed out in royal blue, and covering the legs are red spiked boots (but only the bottom half) and lastly, they have dark purple shorts on.

Personality: NULL forms a personality depending on the host, and thanks to residing in the body of Arabelle... NULL is easily frightened, loves to socialise to meet new people and do new things, giving NULL the outlook of this enthusiastic extrovert to hide their true feelings which is really a goal to control, brainwash and spread itself throughout the world. But another weakness on top of inheriting Arabelle's easily to startle personality, NULL has an particularly strong fear of the unknown - the void, for who knows what could be living among the dark. As for NULL 'without' a host, NULL itself is a short fused and aggressive being, and particularly manipulative to get what it wants in order for their real goal to succeed.

Background: NULL is a virus, an infection, and is particularly contagious, meaning NULL can infect people in a nearby range to each other (10 feet) - and pretty quickly, too. NULL will make the infected re-live the past events from 3 hours ago while the actual current time happens before their basically blind eyes (causing stress as a result), then leading them into sleepwalking and internal bleeding. When the infected is vulnerable enough, NULL sinks their teeth in and eventually kills them, the blood being too much for their body to hold in, killing them and then reanimating them as borderline dead zombie minions for NULL and NULL's needs alone.

But as for the origin of NULL, they came about from a medicinal failure in the hospital, the doctors having failed at fully following instructions while making said medicine that was to be used on a patient. Not much happened for a long time, as NULL spent the time to develop it's method of infection and lethal ways to even be classified as anything, so it was mostly unknown, even to the doctors who accidentally created NULL - and until a few years later, nothing was heard of at all, until NULL finally began to develop.

Within 10 years in the hospital NULL was created in, NULL managed to develop a way to infect and eventually kill those it infects; thus turning a once busy hospital full of doctors and healing patients into nothing but dead bodies. NULL was concealed for the next 2 years because of this until it managed to take control of it's host, a girl named Arabelle Wanton, and broke out of the hospital by using the girl's body (still alive appearance) as a shell to mask the fact NULL itself had escaped from within her. NULL is still using Arabelle as a shell to this day, and is considered its own entity.

Special Equipment: NULL over time has learned that in the world, you always - always - have to defend yourself. So they had themselves a weapon; or more accurately found it within a grove NULL found upon exploring the world after finding its host, of which has since been called the Heart Breaker. It's a red katana styled blade with green 'root' shapes along the curve of it's blade, and it is NULL's main weapon of choice when it comes to fighting.

General Equipment: A lantern, a hilt for the Heart Breaker, and as mall black backpack for all other items NULL finds.

Magic User: Yes

Skills: NULL is able to use their own virus traits/powers as poison and necromancy magic, having practised said magic types to be able to do so (particularly skilled at doing this in question thanks to already being able to do so via said virus traits/powers).

Other: NULL's name is an acronym. It stands for Negate (and) Use, Living Lie.

NULL and Arabelle are approved!


Name: Y’isvia Andr’marzes Mavxius

Race: Tiefling

Age: ~19-25 years, their answer varies

Personality: Sarcastic, flirty, arrogant at times. However also sweet to children and the elderly, a lover of the fine arts and the art of mischief, and an avid hater of the rich. If they don't know you, there is a passing respecting; if they like you, you are a trusted friend and together the pair are thick as thieves; if they hate you, watch yourself for the wrath fo the Hells is coming.

Background: Marzes is the opposite of an open book when it comes to their past. They make sure to tell very little about their background, and anything they do reveal just creates a complex web of lies. However a few things are certain: they are a con man, they live on the road, and probably only hired due to their people skills and their seedier connections.
But in truth... they don't know much about their life before a certain point.

Special Equipment:
- Silvertongue and Fang: A rapier & dagger pair. Not particularly special in appearance, but Marzes refers to them by name. Received as payment from a wealthy weapon smith for saving their child.
- Coat: A large, bulky coat that clearly doesn't fit Marzes. The colorful coat is far above their wealth, so of course it was stolen, though off of someone dead rather than someone living. The tiefling never seems to take it off if possible. (See pic for coat).
- Book and Wand: A spellbook and a wooden wand. The spellbook has some horrible scribbles in it, and the wand is old and worn, with an equally worn holster that houses the two items. Also stolen off a dead man, though a different one that that of the coat.

General Equipment:
- Backpack
- Ball bearings (trap)
- 10 feet of string, 50 feet of rope, & a Bell
- 5 candles, 2 flasks of oil, & Tinderbox
- Hooded Lantern
- Crowbar, Hammer, & 10 pitons
- Fine Clothes & Common Clothes
- Disguise kit & Forgery kit
- Marked deck of cards & weighted dice

Magic User: Yes, but very limited

- People skills
- Lying
- Swordsmanship
- Drinking lots of ale
- Giving horrible but relatable advice

Other: ...
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Name: Y’isvia Andr’marzes Mavxius

Race: Tiefling

Age: ~19-25 years, their answer varies

Personality: Sarcastic, flirty, arrogant at times. However also sweet to children and the elderly, a lover of the fine arts and the art of mischief, and an avid hater of the rich. If they don't know you, there is a passing respecting; if they like you, you are a trusted friend and together the pair are thick as thieves; if they hate you, watch yourself for the wrath fo the Hells is coming.

Background: Marzes is the opposite of an open book when it comes to their past. They make sure to tell very little about their background, and anything they do reveal just creates a complex web of lies. However a few things are certain: they are a con man, they live on the road, and probably only hired due to their people skills and their seedier connections.
But in truth... they don't know much about their life before a certain point.

Special Equipment:
- Silvertongue and Fang: A rapier & dagger pair. Not particularly special in appearance, but Marzes refers to them by name. Received as payment from a wealthy weapon smith for saving their child.
- Coat: A large, bulky coat that clearly doesn't fit Marzes. The colorful coat is far above their wealth, so of course it was stolen, though off of someone dead rather than someone living. The tiefling never seems to take it off if possible. (See pic for coat).
- Book and Wand: A spellbook and a wooden wand. The spellbook has some horrible scribbles in it, and the wand is old and worn, with an equally worn holster that houses the two items. Also stolen off a dead man, though a different one that that of the coat.

General Equipment:
- Backpack
- Ball bearings (trap)
- 10 feet of string, 50 feet of rope, & a Bell
- 5 candles, 2 flasks of oil, & Tinderbox
- Hooded Lantern
- Crowbar, Hammer, & 10 pitons
- Fine Clothes & Common Clothes
- Disguise kit & Forgery kit
- Marked deck of cards & weighted dice

Magic User: Yes, but very limited

- People skills
- Lying
- Swordsmanship
- Drinking lots of ale
- Giving horrible but relatable advice

Other: ...

Marzes is approved!

Also the lore page has been updated with a summary of Tiefling history and culture. If there's anything you ( frenchie. frenchie. or anybody else that's thinking about playing a tiefling) thinks should be added or changed to the tiefling lore, feel free to say so in the OOC.

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