Unwanted high

Name: Zornader Blazeblight

Age: 19 in appearance real age is unknown (He forgot how old he was)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: He likes his space and he can be known as a pretty popular person, he is VERY FLIRTATIOUS (no matter your gender), can be quite overconfident on occasion, enjoys a good swim/bath, eats ALL THE TIME, and is very smart and observative.

Race: Primordial Anti-Nephilim (The first demon/man creature)

Child of: A Transcendent Demon (Diablo)

Reason here: Just trying to pass along his life one day at a time and gain better control of his powers each day.

Powers: Enhanced strength, Fire manipulation, Nothingness manipulation, and Overburst of power (Cant do it very often, is extremely hard on his body)

Appearance: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_NevObVcXoPeFJBaFp4OGdWdm8/view?usp=sharing

Bio: will think of as i go

Classes: Robotics 4, Weapons training 4, Culinary 3

Weapon: Custom made dual edged chained scythe/pike (see appearance -.-)

@The Unamed Character

las0r0o7 said:
Name: Zornader Blazeblight
Age: 19 in appearance real age is unknown (He forgot how old he was)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: He likes his space and he can be known as a pretty popular person, he is VERY FLIRTATIOUS (no matter your gender), can be quite overconfident on occasion, enjoys a good swim/bath, eats ALL THE TIME, and is very smart and observative.

Race: Primordial Anti-Nephilim (The first demon/man creature)

Child of: A Transcendent Demon (Diablo)

Reason here: Just trying to pass along his life one day at a time and gain better control of his powers each day.

Powers: Enhanced strength, Fire manipulation, Nothingness manipulation, and Overburst of power (Cant do it very often, is extremely hard on his body)

Appearance: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_NevObVcXoPeFJBaFp4OGdWdm8/view?usp=sharing

Bio: will think of as i go

Classes: Robotics 4, Weapons training 4, Culinary 3

Weapon: Custom made dual edged chained scythe/pike (see appearance -.-)

@The Unamed Character

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