Unwanted high

[QUOTE="Badec Otnyz]Oh, okay. What;s the actually sheet?
*what's *actual

It's the first post in this thread.
Okay. I'm doing it right.

Name: Bishop.

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

Personality: This relatively chill guy, but he's known to go from zero to ten at some cases. He also has this problem with being extremely blunt. Reason being, if truth is morally correct, then why should there be repercussions? Despite that, he's really nice, just not good with his words. He spends most of his time alone, or in his mind. Socializing is NOT a strong point, and he's known to be the wall flower. On the upside, that means he can get information easily.

Race (no gods): Nephilim. (Demon/Human)

Creature/Child of: A demon named Murmur, and a human mother, whom he never met.

Reason you are here: Because most schools don't like knowing Murmur, the archivist and duke of hell, will be stopping by.

Powers: Umbramancy (the magic of controlling darkness), inhuman physical ability, and can transform into an actual demon,enhancing his ability by leagues, but only at the cost of his humanity, self-restraint, and He becomes exhausted when he returns to a human.


Bio (Optional): Oh, you know, the usual. Raised by a by a demon father, and they constantly had to hide from angels and demon hunters. Now, don't get it wrong just because his father's a demon doesn't mean he had a good childhood. His father loved him and cared for him like no other. They just had to be on the move a lot. Murmur told Bishop was a hybrid as soon as he learned what the word meant.

Classes: Signing 4, Magic 4, fighting 3, meditation 2.

Other than his magic, he has his trusty great sword, the Dakhun. This blade is linked to Bishop's mind and soul, and is also capable of transforming to every combat weapon imaginable. The exception being ranged weapons, grimoires, things that are not meant to be weapons (shields, baseball bats, skillets, etc.). Although, when Badec is in his demon form, he cannot use the sword, because that's where the remainder of his demonic power is stored. Should the blade be broken, it would leave him unable to use any of his demonic abilities, including his umbramancy.
[QUOTE="Badec Otnyz]Oh, okay. What;s the actually sheet?
*what's *actual

Not u the last guy that posted a character


[QUOTE="Badec Otnyz]Okay. I'm doing it right.
Name: Bishop.

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

Personality: This relatively chill guy, but he's known to go from zero to ten at some cases. He also has this problem with being extremely blunt. Reason being, if truth is morally correct, then why should there be repercussions? Despite that, he's really nice, just not good with his words. He spends most of his time alone, or in his mind. Socializing is NOT a strong point, and he's known to be the wall flower. On the upside, that means he can get information easily.

Race (no gods): Nephilim. (Demon/Human)

Creature/Child of: A demon named Murmur, and a human mother, whom he never met.

Reason you are here: Because most schools don't like knowing Murmur, the archivist and duke of hell, will be stopping by.

Powers: Umbramancy (the magic of controlling darkness), inhuman physical ability, and can transform into an actual demon,enhancing his ability by leagues, but only at the cost of his humanity, self-restraint, and He becomes exhausted when he returns to a human.


Bio (Optional): Oh, you know, the usual. Raised by a by a demon father, and they constantly had to hide from angels and demon hunters. Now, don't get it wrong just because his father's a demon doesn't mean he had a good childhood. His father loved him and cared for him like no other. They just had to be on the move a lot. Murmur told Bishop was a hybrid as soon as he learned what the word meant.

Classes: Signing 4, Magic 4, fighting 3, meditation 2.

Other than his magic, he has his trusty great sword, the Dakhun. This blade is linked to Bishop's mind and soul, and is also capable of transforming to every combat weapon imaginable. The exception being ranged weapons, grimoires, things that are not meant to be weapons (shields, baseball bats, skillets, etc.). Although, when Badec is in his demon form, he cannot use the sword, because that's where the remainder of his demonic power is stored. Should the blade be broken, it would leave him unable to use any of his demonic abilities, including his umbramancy.

((Are vampires allowed?

Name: Samantha Smith

Nickname: Sam

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Though vampires are known for being rude, crude and uncaring, Sam actually does care for others. That doesn't mean she always shows it in the best way possible, though. Sam is the type of girl who would get bullied or labeled for being 'gothic' or 'emo', yet she could care less. She was dead. Or, at least, partially dead. She's very hardcore and rude to people who annoy her, though, if you get past that one layer of her, she turns out to be a really nice person.

Race (no gods): Vampire

Creature/Child of: Daughter of Issabelle Durant (1875- 1920) and Samuel Smith (1875-1921)

Reason you are here: Sam joined the school because she did feel unwanted. Being born in 1892, and never dying since, she had always wanted to find a place where she wouldn't have to hide. People at the school were different, like her.

Powers: Her fangs, and a power block. (Many powers do not have a harsh affect on her.)


Her in 1899:


Her now:


Bio: -to be added-

Classes: Algebra 1, Biology 1, Environmental 1, and Chemistry 2

Weapon: Other than her fangs, she usually uses what she can find.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27705c68_Random_Wolf_improved_by_FoxRaver1.jpg.767f4428f7989bdb01c5078aeb288964.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27705c68_Random_Wolf_improved_by_FoxRaver1.jpg.767f4428f7989bdb01c5078aeb288964.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Raygou Nehiro Samaysune(Rayisho)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet and cold. A bit shy.

Race:Angel - Demon - wolf hybrid

Creature/Child of: A wolf demon and an Angel

Reason you are here:Rayisho are here because he were hunted by Angels and Demons because he is a Angel - Demon - wolf hybrid

Powers: Control over Ice and Fire. Can transform into a wolf.


Normal: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27705c68_Random_Wolf_improved_by_FoxRaver1.jpg.767f4428f7989bdb01c5078aeb288964.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27705c68_Random_Wolf_improved_by_FoxRaver1.jpg.767f4428f7989bdb01c5078aeb288964.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weapon: Two Katanas,a White one and a Black one (blade is White/black)




  • Random_Wolf_improved_by_FoxRaver[1].jpg
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Last edited by a moderator:
subject 635]Accepted but please add a picture [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16181-rayischo/ said:
Yes I'll do. Thanks


Rayischo said:
View attachment 120534 Name: Raygou Nehiro Samaysune(Rayisho)
Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet and cold. A bit shy.

Race:Angel - Demon - wolf hybrid

Creature/Child of: A wolf demon and an Angel

Reason you are here:Rayisho are here because he were hunted by Angels and Demons because he is a Angel - Demon - wolf hybrid

Powers: Control over Ice and Fire. Can transform into a wolf.


Normal: View attachment 120534

ups one Picture two times sorry


My name is William Armstrong, but my parents and friends call me Willy or Will for short. Call me wiener and I will punch you in the face.


I am around 16


I would bet 10 bucks that I'm a boy, unless some kind of weird mutant puberty happened again that ended up changing my gender.


William is a hyperactive loose canon with a very childish behavior. He is extremely talkative and even more so hyper, he is easily angered and can be a bit perverted at times.......just......a bit.......perverted. On the other hand, despite his outgoing and hyperactive behavior, he can be very calm is bad situations, and knows just how to cheer up even the moodiest of people. He has a very big heart and tends to be a bit to trusting towards others. He also tends to put other peoples problems before his own, which tends to put him in complicated situations.


I believe on my birth certificate that it says Mutant

Creature/Child of:

I was born under two mutants in South Australia. Can't really tell you much since I didn't really know them that much.

Reason you are here:

I'm just trying to figure out the next stage of my powers. If I can unlock the true potential of my powers then I can bring the world great happiness.......or destruction..........still haven't decided what I want to do in life when it comes down to the whole good/evil thing.


I am actually a technopath. I can control and communicate with all electronic devices. I also can control static electricity, but I tend to overload and blow stuff up when I don't concentrate.


Can you please stop starring?



Now where should I start?......Actually never mind. I don't really feel like telling my little boring story to someone I don't know. Ask me when you get to know me.


Going off this here paper I got from the principal, I seem to have Robotics 3, tech 3, and Magic 2


I tend to have my favorite bow that I had made last year.

BloodRain said:



My name is William Armstrong, but my parents and friends call me Willy or Will for short. Call me wiener and I will punch you in the face.


I am around 16


I would bet 10 bucks that I'm a boy, unless some kind of weird mutant puberty happened again that ended up changing my gender.


William is a hyperactive loose canon with a very childish behavior. He is extremely talkative and even more so hyper, he is easily angered and can be a bit perverted at times.......just......a bit.......perverted. On the other hand, despite his outgoing and hyperactive behavior, he can be very calm is bad situations, and knows just how to cheer up even the moodiest of people. He has a very big heart and tends to be a bit to trusting towards others. He also tends to put other peoples problems before his own, which tends to put him in complicated situations.


I believe on my birth certificate that it says Mutant

Creature/Child of:

I was born under two mutants in South Australia. Can't really tell you much since I didn't really know them that much.

Reason you are here:

I'm just trying to figure out the next stage of my powers. If I can unlock the true potential of my powers then I can bring the world great happiness.......or destruction..........still haven't decided what I want to do in life when it comes down to the whole good/evil thing.


I am actually a technopath. I can control and communicate with all electronic devices. I also can control static electricity, but I tend to overload and blow stuff up when I don't concentrate.


Can you please stop starring?



Now where should I start?......Actually never mind. I don't really feel like telling my little boring story to someone I don't know. Ask me when you get to know me.


Going off this here paper I got from the principal, I seem to have Robotics 3, tech 3, and Magic 2


I tend to have my favorite bow that I had made last year.


Name || Nicolas (Nick) Bell

Height || 5'7"

Weight || 128 Ibs.


Age || 15

Gender || Male

Sexuality || Demisexual Panromantic

Personality || Nick is all over the place. He has an overall innocent outlook and tries to be as kind as he can. He is often naive and gullible so watch what you say around him. He isn't afraid to help those in need but can be a bit shy and timid. He prefers the sweeter things in life and admires those stronger than him. He can be a little childlike at times but when it comes to emotions he knows a lot more than you think and can be helpful with that kind of stuff.

Race (no gods) || Human

Creature/Child of || Father is unknown. Mother a kind, sickly woman in France. The two parents met in the U.S.

Reason you are here || To become more comfortable with others


Powers ||

-Empathy/Emotional Intuition

-Pheromone Manipulation

-Skilled with a bow

Bio (Optional) || Nick, being the shy kid he was, started avoiding all people at any cost when his powers heightened. He couldn't take the emotional overload and became an emotional wreck himself. He had to take pills and avoid more populated areas for a couple years. Finally, his mother suggested a school where he could be himself and learn to get used to others.


Classes || What are they? In any case, he takes a wide variety.

Weapon || A handcrafted wooden bow

Name || Mimi Miyamoto

Height|| 5'0"

Weight || 109 Ibs.


Age || 16

Gender || Female

Sexuality || Pansexual

Personality || Mimi is positive, friendly, and enthusiastic. She tries her best to be positive but inside, she's really sad. That is something she hides with great effort though and something she hasn't told anyone. She believes if she's sad and lets out her true feelings no one will want to be her friend. Since a lot of her sadness comes from being lonely, it'd be very hard to change this about her. She loves to be included in things and have fun.


Race || Inugami (A form of Japanese dog spirit that usually needs to be summoned. Inugami love to have owners but for this to be, they need to be summoned or granted an ownership.)

Creature/Child of || She originates from Japan. Other than that, no real family has been established.

Powers ||

-Enhanced Strength/Speed/Agility

- Portal Creation (For transportation)

- Wolf Physiology/Morphisis


Bio || In all of her time as an Inugami, Mimi has only had one summoner and they were very cruel. Ever since, she avoids getting summoned and keeps to herself for fear of someone being so cruel again. After the loneliness and need for a summoner got to be too much, she has come to the school to find someone.

Classes || Any

Weapon || The claws she grows/Her own fists/A small knife she carries


Maxwelle said:

Name || Nicolas (Nick) Bell

Height || 5'7"

Weight || 128 Ibs.


Age || 15

Gender || Male

Sexuality || Demisexual Panromantic

Personality || Nick is all over the place. He has an overall innocent outlook and tries to be as kind as he can. He is often naive and gullible so watch what you say around him. He isn't afraid to help those in need but can be a bit shy and timid. He prefers the sweeter things in life and admires those stronger than him. He can be a little childlike at times but when it comes to emotions he knows a lot more than you think and can be helpful with that kind of stuff.

Race (no gods) || Human

Creature/Child of || Father is unknown. Mother a kind, sickly woman in France. The two parents met in the U.S.

Reason you are here || To become more comfortable with others


Powers ||

-Empathy/Emotional Intuition

-Pheromone Manipulation

-Skilled with a bow

Bio (Optional) || Nick, being the shy kid he was, started avoiding all people at any cost when his powers heightened. He couldn't take the emotional overload and became an emotional wreck himself. He had to take pills and avoid more populated areas for a couple years. Finally, his mother suggested a school where he could be himself and learn to get used to others.


Classes || What are they? In any case, he takes a wide variety.

Weapon || A handcrafted wooden bow

Name || Mimi Miyamoto

Height|| 5'0"

Weight || 109 Ibs.


Age || 16

Gender || Female

Sexuality || Pansexual

Personality || Mimi is positive, friendly, and enthusiastic. She tries her best to be positive but inside, she's really sad. That is something she hides with great effort though and something she hasn't told anyone. She believes if she's sad and lets out her true feelings no one will want to be her friend. Since a lot of her sadness comes from being lonely, it'd be very hard to change this about her. She loves to be included in things and have fun.


Race || Inugami (A form of Japanese dog spirit that usually needs to be summoned. Inugami love to have owners but for this to be, they need to be summoned or granted an ownership.)

Creature/Child of || She originates from Japan. Other than that, no real family has been established.

Powers ||

-Enhanced Strength/Speed/Agility

- Portal Creation (For transportation)

- Wolf Physiology/Morphisis


Bio || In all of her time as an Inugami, Mimi has only had one summoner and they were very cruel. Ever since, she avoids getting summoned and keeps to herself for fear of someone being so cruel again. After the loneliness and need for a summoner got to be too much, she has come to the school to find someone.

Classes || Any

Weapon || The claws she grows/Her own fists/A small knife she carries

Name: alex nova

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: clumsy , nice , thoughtful

Race (no gods): void walker

Creature/Child of: cat person

Reason you are here: to learn to use powers

Powers: void manipulations/creation, cat transform

Appearance: ( https://www.pinterest.com/pin/519462138241264123/ )

Bio (Optional): ( love the options)

Classes: (( uummmm help ;3; ))

Weapon: staff/scythe
Name: Ryle Serpent

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Ryle is a quiet, secretive girl who has a short temper when angered so don't get her angry just a warning. She hates hunters, as well as assholes that work with hunters. She doesn't smoke, but only when she acts like she is innocent or when she is very stressed out from something though its a special cigar that whenever you light it. The smoke is blue, as if something was to appear.

Race (no gods): Tiger/Human

Creature: Tiger

Reason you are here: Her shape shifting abilities went out of control, so she had to run away. She joined the school late, while she wears a gauntlet that helps her with her shapeshifting powers

Powers: Based of a tiger, can shape shift into any cat from a tiger to a lion to a black Panther


(As a tiger)

(Her gauntlet)

Bio (Optional): You really don't wanna know, she likes to keep things in secret

Classes: Self Defense, Combat, Magic, Shifting 101

Weapon: Her sword, her other gauntlet
, as a tiger
Name: Juniper

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, Sweet, Easily frightened, Timid, Loner.

Race: Unicorn/Elf

Creature/Child of:

Reason you are here: To learn more about magic, and for safety.

Powers: Healing and magic.



Bio (Optional): She was born from magic, between an elf and a unicorn. She is the only one of her kind, and was shortly orphaned due to both of her parents being killed by goblins. She was taken into slavery and abused by a ruthless king who bought her form the goblins. The king soon died of old age but Juniper still looked as young as before, until she realized she had a very long life span, just like an elf and a unicorn. She escaped many other slave owners and made her way to the school, hoping she'd be safe there.

Classes: Magic, English, Music, and health.

Weapon: Her horn.
The Unamed Character]Name: maka moon Age:18 Gender:female Personality: shyish quiet doesn't talk much but very loyal to her friends Race (no gods): Elvin wolf hybrid Creature/Child of: and elf queen and a wolf Reason you are here: randomly showed up here Powers:necromancy and heighten senses Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/uploadfromtaptalk1435593026211.jpg.d7038d0d94e6a29fab330ed8ef35142c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/uploadfromtaptalk1435593026211.jpg.d7038d0d94e6a29fab330ed8ef35142c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Bio (Optional): Classes: animal classes cooking Weapon: katana and bow [ATTACH=full]136441 [/ATTACH][wolf form/QUOTE] Sent from my x1 using Tapatalk [/QUOTE]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/uploadfromtaptalk1435593351124.jpg.04a2b792b5d8dfd9efe14ecec4c9c672.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/uploadfromtaptalk1435593351124.jpg.04a2b792b5d8dfd9efe14ecec4c9c672.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>[URL="/monthly_2015_06/uploadfromtaptalk1435593026211.jpg.d7038d0d94e6a29fab330ed8ef35142c.jpg said:


  • uploadfromtaptalk1435593026211.jpg
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[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Name: Juniper
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, Sweet, Easily frightened, Timid, Loner.

Race: Unicorn/Elf

Creature/Child of:

Reason you are here: To learn more about magic, and for safety.

Powers: Healing and magic.



Bio (Optional): She was born from magic, between an elf and a unicorn. She is the only one of her kind, and was shortly orphaned due to both of her parents being killed by goblins. She was taken into slavery and abused by a ruthless king who bought her form the goblins. The king soon died of old age but Juniper still looked as young as before, until she realized she had a very long life span, just like an elf and a unicorn. She escaped many other slave owners and made her way to the school, hoping she'd be safe there.

Classes: Magic, English, Music, and health.

Weapon: Her horn.




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