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Realistic or Modern Unusual Highschoolers

Character Outline









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Angela "Nella" Becker






Angela always keeps her word and never backs down on something she says no matter what. She's stubborn and doesn't mind picking fights with people even if she figures she won't win. She constantly lets her bright colors of being herself show. She never lets anyone try to insult her without consequence and isn't afraid to speak her mind.


-Telepathy in a 1 mile radius

-Instant transmission(teleportation) as long as she can picture to where or who she's teleporting to

-Slowing down time as long as she holds her breath

-Becoming a shadow for 10 minutes at most


-Her powers

-Doesn't back down on any promise she makes for any reason no matter what

-Doesn't need any more than 3 hours of sleep to be fully rested

-Is always herself and hardly lies

-Is a pretty great freerunner


-Everyone thinks of her as a bitch because of how she acts and talks

-Rushes into a fight no matter what if she doesn't agree with something, whether that fight is verbal or physical

-Each of her powers has a downside alongside their limitations: they exhaust her immensely, although it's pretty lucky she only needs a few hours to be well rested

-Seriously stubborn and never backs down from a fight

-She has a major soft spot for junk food and doing parkour


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.a1e59afdefb58b6be3abe70578cad0b0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.a1e59afdefb58b6be3abe70578cad0b0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She learns most things simply from watching others before randomly trying and usually gets most concepts on the third or fourth try.

Theme song-




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Work In Progress

Name: Kara Archer

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Kara is a mysterious girl, always quiet and doesn't talk much... If you get to know her well enough she has a bit of a weird, dark sense of humor. She likes to give off the impression that she doesn't give a shit, but deep down she does, and she cares about you... Well unless if she hates you.

Powers: Night Vision, Shapeshifting, Invisibility, Telepathy and Teleportation

Strengths: Being able to see in the dark, reading peoples minds


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Luna.jpg.26aaa26899022152bcb8c25e745a6158.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Luna.jpg.26aaa26899022152bcb8c25e745a6158.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Katherine (Katie) Adams



Katie is an upbeat intelligent girl. A top of her class kind of person. She is always looking for the bright side in any situation. She is also quite clueless in any social situation. This leads her to not having many friends.

Enhanced Speed, Both of the body and mind. Allowing her to move fast and think faster than normal.

Extremely Smart, Optimistic, Her Speed

Her optimism irritates others easily, Really clumsy, Hurt easily by others words. Cares more for others than she does herself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2a0jjhj.jpg.36a982433e846f8b9498f2fc20af085b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90248" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2a0jjhj.jpg.36a982433e846f8b9498f2fc20af085b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Her optimism is for the world. People around her. She never thinks about herself, even in dangerous situations.



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Ariadne said:
Name: Katherine (Katie) Adams


Katie is an upbeat intelligent girl. A top of her class kind of person. She is always looking for the bright side in any situation. She is also quite clueless in any social situation. This leads her to not having many friends.

Enhanced Speed, Both of the body and mind. Allowing her to move fast and think faster than normal.

Extremely Smart, Optimistic, Her Speed

Her optimism irritates others easily, Really clumsy, Hurt easily by others words. Cares more for others than she does herself.


View attachment 201880

Other: Her optimism is for the world. People around her. She never thinks about herself, even in dangerous situations.
Accepted, but wait for a few more people to join as well before you begin posting ^-^
Name: Kevin "Echo" Matthews

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Depending on who you ask, Kevin could be quiet, rude, nice, sweet, or aggressive. This is mostly due to his odd way of choosing his friends, as Kevin or "Echo" as he prefers his friends to call him, often is open when he is absolutely sure they would get along with him. In truth, Kevin is protective of both his friends and who they trust, but won't let someone who is hurtful to a girl go without punishment.

Powers: "Echoing" as he calls it, which is where his self-given nickname is from, although the official name for it is Echolocation. In basic terms, Kevin's ears are able to detect sound waves bouncing off of the walls and objects around him, giving his brain a mental map of the area around him.


+ Using this ability, Echo can gain a complete 360-degree vision, making surprise attacks hard to miss.

+ Kevin can be helpful in confusing situations, as he tends to easily understand most things when it has his focus.

+ Is very loyal towards friends, and when with them he can be randomly outgoing, but can be serious in a second.


- In order to use this ability effectively, Kevin must close his eyes and maintain focus, which can be hard to maintain for him.

- Too loud or too many sounds can overwhelm Echo, even when not intentionally using his ability.

- Kevin can be stubborn, or outright hostile towards strangers, and usually chooses not to understand others he isn't already relaxed around.


Other: He is at heart a gentleman, though if asked directly would deny it. Although not speaking to strangers unless spoken to, if in a group with friends Kevin likes to speak openly and is very outgoing when the chance presents itself.

Name: Ethan "dynamo" Davis

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Ethan is what you would call an all star. He plays really well at nearly every sport he plays, but he never brags about how good he is. He has a light and aprochable aura, that has made him quite popular. Most of the time he his calm and collected, but when angry instead of going off into a raging fit he becomes serious and cold.

Powers: he has a huge amount of stamina (way more than a regular person should have), his body is more resilient (meaning that his bones are stronger, and he can deal with more pain), and his body heals slightly more faster than a regular person's.

Strengths: he is extremely athletic, never gives up on anything, and he has a great sense of sportsmanship.

Weaknesses: doesn't know when to give up. Academically not the greatest, and he takes rivalry a little too serious.



Since the picture is in black and white, he has light brown hair and grey eyes. He is tall and langthy, but he does have a good amount of muscle on his body.

Other: he plays on the varsity basketball team, and his number is 16. The other player and coaches call him the "Dynamo", due to him being able to play a full game of basketball with only breaking a little bit of sweat.

Theme song:


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Silvey said:

Name: Kevin "Echo" Matthews

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Depending on who you ask, Kevin could be quiet, rude, nice, sweet, or aggressive. This is mostly due to his odd way of choosing his friends, as Kevin or "Echo" as he prefers his friends to call him, often is open when he is absolutely sure they would get along with him. In truth, Kevin is protective of both his friends and who they trust, but won't let someone who is hurtful to a girl go without punishment.

Powers: "Echoing" as he calls it, which is where his self-given nickname is from, although the official name for it is Echolocation. In basic terms, Kevin's ears are able to detect sound waves bouncing off of the walls and objects around him, giving his brain a mental map of the area around him.


+ Using this ability, Echo can gain a complete 360-degree vision, making surprise attacks hard to miss.

+ Kevin can be helpful in confusing situations, as he tends to easily understand most things when it has his focus.

+ Is very loyal towards friends, and when with them he can be randomly outgoing, but can be serious in a second.


- In order to use this ability effectively, Kevin must close his eyes and maintain focus, which can be hard to maintain for him.

- Too loud or too many sounds can overwhelm Echo, even when not intentionally using his ability.

- Kevin can be stubborn, or outright hostile towards strangers, and usually chooses not to understand others he isn't already relaxed around.


Other: He is at heart a gentleman, though if asked directly would deny it. Although not speaking to strangers unless spoken to, if in a group with friends Kevin likes to speak openly and is very outgoing when the chance presents itself.
Eagershadow3 said:
Name: Ethan "dynamo" Davis
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Ethan is what you would call an all star. He plays really well at nearly every sport he plays, but he never brags about how good he is. He has a light and aprochable aura, that has made him quite popular. Most of the time he his calm and collected, but when angry instead of going off into a raging fit he becomes serious and cold.

Powers: he has a huge amount of stamina (way more than a regular person should have), his body is more resilient (meaning that his bones are stronger, and he can deal with more pain), and his body heals slightly more faster than a regular person's.

Strengths: he is extremely athletic, never gives up on anything, and he has a great sense of sportsmanship.

Weaknesses: doesn't know when to give up. Academically not the greatest, and he takes rivalry a little too serious.



Since the picture is in black and white, he has light brown hair and grey eyes. He is tall and langthy, but he does have a good amount of muscle on his body.

Other: he plays on the varsity basketball team, and his number is 16. The other player and coaches call him the "Dynamo", due to him being able to play a full game of basketball with only breaking a little bit of sweat.
Both accepted! =]
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Name: Luna "Diamantine" Hawke

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Luna is a cheerful person who is able to take joke even in the darkest of situation, although most of her jokes just somewhat unfunny. However, she's known for her stubbornness during certain situations.


Shapeshifting ability and an implanted armor under her skin which she can deploy at will, giving her some extended Ability

Armor Power : Energy projection, Missile Launcher, Enhanced Durability, Flight capability, Enhanced Strength


Extremely Genius and Creative, Good at sneaking past people, Very Good Accuracy


• To turn into the full armor form she needs a lot of control which is why she's often just spawn some part of the armor she need at the moment

• Never get serious in any situation

• Sometimes become too stubborn when it come to her ideas

• Very Clumsy


• Human form


• Full Armor


Other :

Diamantine is a name given by her teacher which later used by her friends because of her stubbornness which resembles the hardness of Diamonds
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Particle9 said:
Name: Luna "Diamantine" Hawke
Age: 17

Gender: Female


Luna is a cheerful person who is able to take joke even in the darkest of situation, although most of her jokes just somewhat unfunny. However, she's known for her stubbornness during certain situations.


Shapeshifting ability and an implanted armor under her skin which she can deploy at will, giving her some extended Ability

Armor Power : Energy projection, Missile Launcher, Enhanced Durability, Flight capability, Enhanced Strength


Extremely Genius and Creative, Good at sneaking past people, Very Good Accuracy


• To turn into the full armor form she needs a lot of control which is why she's often just spawn some part of the armor she need at the moment

• Never get serious in any situation

• Sometimes become too stubborn when it come to her ideas

• Very Clumsy


• Human form


• Full Armor


Other :

Diamantine is a name given by her teacher which later used by her friends because of her stubbornness which resembles the hardness of Diamonds
Accepted! I suppose we have enough peeps to start rping! :D

@Ariadne @Silvey @Eagershadow3 @Particle9
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Name: Roxanne Atkins



Bubbly and upbeat, with a tendency to ramble about whatever comes to mind. She's very curious, and wants to know as much as she can about everything. This often leads her into all sorts of trouble... A little bit absentminded when it comes to getting her work done, but she's never really been hurt enough that she had to focus her attention on one subject.


Luck- She's absurdly lucky, almost like the world around her wants to have things happen to her.

Pyroknesis- She makes fire, but can burn herself. An extra layer of air around her skin normally protects her, but it takes effort to maintain and isn't around all the time.

Sound manipulation- Normally she doesn't use this other than making life a little easier, since it comes so naturally to her, but it can be used to vibrate sound waves to a deafening roar.


She's a fast thinking, energetic, semi sarcastic individual who will never live up to any standard but her own.


Cannot stand waiting around doing nothing. Group projects don't agree with her, and she'll easily lash out at anyone who she thinks is morally scum.




She's a huge nerd. And a little bit of a hipster.
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TwilightFire said:
Name: Roxanne Atkins



Bubbly and upbeat, with a tendency to ramble about whatever comes to mind. She's very curious, and wants to know as much as she can about everything. This often leads her into all sorts of trouble... A little bit absentminded when it comes to getting her work done, but she's never really been hurt enough that she had to focus her attention on one subject.


Luck- She's absurdly lucky, almost like the world around her wants to have things happen to her.

Pyroknesis- She makes fire, but can burn herself. An extra layer of air around her skin normally protects her, but it takes effort to maintain and isn't around all the time.

Sound manipulation- Normally she doesn't use this other than making life a little easier, since it comes so naturally to her, but it can be used to vibrate sound waves to a deafening roar.


She's a fast thinking, energetic, semi sarcastic individual who will never live up to any standard but her own.


Cannot stand waiting around doing nothing. Group projects don't agree with her, and she'll easily lash out at anyone who she thinks is morally scum.




She's a huge nerd. And a little bit of a hipster.
Accepted! ^-^
Rowan Autumns.



Kind, sad, haunted (covers those last two up best as he can), relaxed, sarcastic, calm, ready to fight.

Extremely fast/strong/agile with great reflexes and heightened senses, can occasionally stop time for a random amount (dangerous, there's always a chance it won't start again), and one unknown.

Strong, Fast in wit and physically, Loyal to his friends, great writer, able to keep his cool in extreme situations, not easy to get to.

Cold at first, sometimes too ready to fight, hates math, sad, tries not to involve others with his problems.

Dark, feathery hair falling down his shoulders that's occasionally pulled into a ponytail, steel blue eyes, tall, always wears one coat/jacket, precise hands with long, thin, dexterous fingers.

Always keeps his left shoulder covered...
BELL said:
Rowan Autumns.


Kind, sad, haunted (covers those last two up best as he can), relaxed, sarcastic, calm, ready to fight.

Extremely fast/strong/agile with great reflexes and heightened senses, can occasionally stop time for a random amount (dangerous, there's always a chance it won't start again), and one unknown.

Strong, Fast in wit and physically, Loyal to his friends, great writer, able to keep his cool in extreme situations, not easy to get to.

Cold at first, sometimes too ready to fight, hates math, sad, tries not to involve others with his problems.

Dark, feathery hair falling down his shoulders that's occasionally pulled into a ponytail, steel blue eyes, tall, always wears one coat/jacket, precise hands with long, thin, dexterous fingers.

Always keeps his left shoulder covered...
Accepted! :)

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