Viewpoint Unpopular roleplay opinions?

It's a frikken piece of shortbread!

Shortbread cookies are decent but we don't go out of our way to differentiate them from other foods.

Also I don't like tea. Sue me.
There are so many different teas, no one person could possibly dislike them all. :)

We have more than one type of biscuit (in fact I can name about fifteen just off the top of my head). Scones should not go with gravy. That should be a crime against humanity.
I thought US biscuits were savoury scones, and on this side of the pond we used biscuits to refer to what yanks call cookies.

Also the tansplaining is getting out of hand.
When I think british biscuit I think short bread (and also oreos. Nabisco stands for national biscuit company, after all) but there is no way you call chocolate chip cookies biscuits.
I thought US biscuits were savoury scones, and on this side of the pond we used biscuits to refer to what yanks call cookies.

Also the tansplaining is getting out of hand.

ooh that reminds me of a joke I heard. So it was a British person trying to describe crumpets to an American. And the guy was like oh you mean “krimpets”. And the lady kept saying no no no. Crumpets. He’s like yeah krimpets you get them at the 711.
I have had scones with butter, with jam, and with melted cheese (not all at once) and there is nothing the Brits can do to stop me.
ooh that reminds me of a joke I heard. So it was a British person trying to describe crumpets to an American. And the guy was like oh you mean “krimpets”. And the lady kept saying no no no. Crumpets. He’s like yeah krimpets you get them at the 711.
I don't even like crumpets and I'm offended :)

I eat my biscuits without gravy. But, of course, they're not really scones. Scones are flavored and you don't put butter on them.
Tell that to my mustard cheese scones. But I eat nearly everything with butter.
that's a biscuit. Scones are kind of like muffins but shaped and baked differently. You know, you've got your blueberry scones, your orang scones, your rasin scones (ew), maybe some chocolate scones if you're feeling like some sweets...
that's a biscuit. Scones are kind of like muffins but shaped and baked differently. You know, you've got your blueberry scones, your orang scones, your rasin scones (ew), maybe some chocolate scones if you're feeling like some sweets...

You can have fruit scones (I love them with custard) but I've never seen blueberry, orange or chocolate. They're dense, buttery and mildly flavoured, perfect for jam and cream. It's like a cross between dough and pastry (I bake so I've naturally tried my hand at them).
It's really funny. This started as a serious argument about stereotypes and whether brits or americans were pricks or something and now we're discussing the semantics of baked goods.

Also I could totally see a jelly scone. A bit like a jelly donut but not quite the same.
It's really funny. This started as a serious argument about stereotypes and whether brits or americans were pricks or something and now we're discussing the semantics of baked goods.

Also I could totally see a jelly scone. A bit like a jelly donut but not quite the same.

Donuts are fried not baked you American lunatic :)
But to get us back on track another unpopular opinion is that people who talk about agendas are telling on themselves.

I have never heard an “agenda” described without it coming across as someone being intolerant towards whatever the agenda happens to be.

Bitchy British Karen was real big on the agendas and how everyone was always trying to shove agendas into things. The gay agenda, the black agenda, the Halloween agenda (Not an actual agenda but boy did she have some really weird thoughts on Halloween).

And of course any time you try to tell her there is no such thing as X agenda she would get defensive.

Honestly kind glad that Discord she was in died, she was exhausting to deal with. Made me leave the entire chat because I couldn’t deal with her toxic self delusion.
But to get us back on track another unpopular opinion is that people who talk about agendas are telling on themselves.

I have never heard an “agenda” described without it coming across as someone being intolerant towards whatever the agenda happens to be.

Bitchy British Karen was real big on the agendas and how everyone was always trying to shove agendas into things. The gay agenda, the black agenda, the Halloween agenda (Not an actual agenda but boy did she have some really weird thoughts on Halloween).

And of course any time you try to tell her there is no such thing as X agenda she would get defensive.

Honestly kind glad that Discord she was in died, she was exhausting to deal with. Made me leave the entire chat because I couldn’t deal with her toxic self delusion.
Damn I was enjoying the desert conversation

Well I think the problem is that producers of shows will often say something like "this is a feminist movie" or "we really wanted to highlight the struggles of lesbians" and it's then done in such a terrible way that when the next person goes "I want to explore these issues" it causes a groan. Especially if they're tying in real world issues, as many people watch media to get away from real life issues. When I was a feminist I didn't generally like feminist content because I wanted a break from politics and just relax and watch Batman beat up some criminals.
Don't do things unless you do them perfectly the first time.

Transcendent wisdom to live and follow.
Well no, but the problem is they'll let the politics/social messaging be so obnoxious that it turns people off the media and the movement. It can be done subtly (I really like the left wing 90s trek) but not if it's just shoved in all over the place.
defenderofberk defenderofberk I mean not what I was talking about.

I mean when people literally believe there is a “feminist” agenda and use it as a vehicle to shit on feminism.

I think it’s honestly a lack of self awareness and nuance. People thinking that as long as your being “polite” what you say isn’t offensive. When you can be “polite” and intolerant fairly easily.

plus again it’s telling on yourself. It’s presenting yourself in a negative light all while thinking you come across as the aggrieved party.
It's really funny. This started as a serious argument about stereotypes and whether brits or americans were pricks or something and now we're discussing the semantics of baked goods.
Everyone has the capacity to be pricks.
I think there's something to be said about people learning the wrong lessons from old British SF and comics where they get really into patting their own backs for talking about the same things as Pat Mills or Alan Moore, even if they did it worse.
Generally speaking, though, I don't think that's really an RP-related take, at least not on this site.
I don't know if this opinion is unpopular or just underconsidered, but more post-apocalyptic, fantasy, and sci-fi RPs should explore new societal models like anarchism.
It's less to do with the feminist themselves and more to do with how they seem to be backed by huge companies, which is what plays into the belief that there's an agenda.

I think people can also be very exclusive/rude while fighting for a more "inclusive/safe" environment, so it's not just like that's a one sided problem.
I don't know if this opinion is unpopular or just underconsidered, but more post-apocalyptic, fantasy, and sci-fi RPs should explore new societal models like anarchism.

Its interesting. I’m too much of a Hufflepuff Hippy to pull it off but it would definately be a unique take.

Me: unpopular opinion less meanie bummer roleplays, more unicorns frolicking in meadows and magical goat farms.

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