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Fantasy Unorthodox Horde



Junior Member

Unorthodox Horde


Dragons have always been royalty. Great dragon kings and queens have came and went over centuries. While royal it isn't about a king or queen but a prince not destined for the throne. It is known by the general populace that while rare dragons can have hordes. Cumbersome they usually are most dragons opt to not have them especially if they are often on the move. But when you are a prince going nowhere a horde is an easy thing to have. Whispers and rumors of the second prince having one reaches lots of ears, one such is a person down on their luck hatches a plan. Get close to the prince and steal as much of his horde as possible.​
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Vespera stood before the castle gates, the intricate ironwork gleaming in the light of the torches that lined the pathway. Her heart raced, a mixture of excitement and terror bubbling in her chest. She had dreamed of this moment for years, but never once had she imagined it would come with a stolen invitation tucked into her sleeve and the last of her savings stitched into the seams of a gown she’d nearly gone hungry to afford.

The dress clung to her body in the way only the finest fabrics could. It was a deep, midnight blue that shimmered with every movement, like the very night sky itself. The corset was tight, the lacework intricate—every inch of it was a reflection of the desperate lengths she had gone to in order to be here. The gown was meant for someone else, someone who could afford such luxury. But now, it was hers, for tonight, and tonight she would wear it like armor.

Her fingers brushed the edge of the stolen invitation once more, hidden beneath the folds of her cloak. It was a small thing, easy to overlook. A token meant for someone else—a noblewoman, a dignitary—but she'd taken it anyway. Her heart still thundered at the risk, but she had no choice. The invitation was her ticket, her chance to change everything. Who would notice her, after all? A stranger in a glittering gown, amongst a sea of silvered masks and swirling dancers. The guards didn’t stop her as she passed through the gates, their eyes sliding over her as though she were just another guest. She was no one. But tonight, she could be anyone.

Inside, the ballroom stretched endlessly, a cavernous expanse of marble and gold. A hundred chandeliers sparkled overhead, casting warm light across the revelers who twirled in elegant dances, their laughter lilting in the air like the notes of a song. There, in the center, was the dragon prince himself… all she had to do was befriend the man before her and get to his hoard… a few handfuls of gold would be all she needed to make a life for herself and her ‘mother’, it wasn’t like the man before her would notice anyway.
Rin swayed to the music with a lady in tow his silver mask and makeup around his eyes it made his ice-blue eyes pop. Slitted pupils kept their eyes on the lady out of respect. The mask didn't hide who he was, he stood out like a sore thumb compared to his family. His hair and scales shone a brilliant white while his family were black as Onyx. He was here cause he was expected to be but if he was being honest he would rather be doing something else other than being here. It was a ball to celebrate the announcement of his brother to be next in line. Though everyone knew it, his brother was bigger and stronger he also had more knowledge in fighting as well. He also was kind and just as well and had a sense of humor, in fact, he heard his brother's laugh ring out from the hall multiple times in the hall this evening already.

He didnt pay the lady he was dancing with in tow much thought, He knew what was said about him. A worker in the palace probably let it slip and word travels fast. He had a horde yes and he was sure the larger influx of people wanting to be his friend was because of this. But there was no way they would get it, it was his and his alone.

Finally, the song ended and everyone turned to applaud the band for the song before they got ready for the next song. Rin bowed to the lady who did a curtsy and both went their separate ways. Rin sighed and wanted to slouch and just leave but he knew he would get an ear full from his parents if he did so. So he sighed and went to the long table off to the side to eat, but not too much otherwise that would look bad. He hated keeping up appearances. He then took a glass and began to sip at it as he thought of other things other than this party. Maybe he could fake being sick to get away and go to his room?
Vespera leaned against the pillar, her gaze following Rin as he made his way to the table. She had noticed him from across the room, always a little out of place among the glittering crowd, like a lone star in the sky, too bright and too different to blend in. He was dressed like a prince, yet his posture, his gaze—everything about him screamed reluctance. She could almost feel his discomfort from here. With a quiet chuckle, she pushed herself off the pillar and walked toward him. The soft click of her heels on the marble floor was the only sound that accompanied her as she approached. When she reached him, she leaned casually against the table, glancing at the glass he held with a slight smile. "For a royal ball you sure seem ready to get out of here... you know, fake illness is always a solid strategy to escape somewhere you don't wish to be." She hoped that was enough of an icebreaker to get him talking and maybe even a dance to learn more about this prince before her.
Rin hummed as he contemplated what to do next he would go sit about and let the rest of the night go by until another wanted to dance with him. It's usually what he would do when it comes to these parties. Unless it was for him which thankfully over the years his family caught on wasn't his thing and kept it to a minimum. He at least thanked them for that it's not that he didn't love them he did he just knew who the favorite of the two of them were. While he was a loner of the family he wished sometimes....someone would love him. He took a sip of the drink with a sigh as he looked at the wall.

He heard her before he saw her, he could tell she was on a mission just by how she walked. The click of her heels on the marble flooring. When she stopped next to him and leaned against the table he knew she wasn't royalty. Or at least trained to be one. A peasant dressed to look the part. However, she could read him as well as he could read her. He sighed gently but didn't look at her " Unfortunately im known for acting sick to get out of situations like this..." He shrugged gently "It will be okay though... I just have to pull through...for my brother's sake." He took a sip of the drink again and finally looked to the lady in blue "So what is it that you need on this fine night? I'm pretty sure it's not the hors d'oeuvres or the drink...miss...?"
She smiled softly “Vespera… the name is Vespera… and You’re quite right,” she said softly, her voice soft and smooth as silk. “I’m not here for the hors d’oeuvres, or the drinks, I’m here for the same reason anyone comes to a ball like this… see what is happening with the royal family. So few outside these walls ever have the chance to hear or even see what goes on… the rumors are endless but I wished to see the truth.” She was truly an interesting woman, not immediately trying to throw herself at him like so many others seemed to try just genuinely curious about him and his family. She hoped he wouldn’t just go back about his evening avoiding everything… she wasn’t royalty and it wouldn’t be hard to tell if she moved from the outskirts of the dance floor so this was her one shot n
Rin eyed her out of the corner of his vision as he sipped the last of the too-few of drink. They had bigger glasses in the kitchen and yet his parents opted for the small glasses that were fancy and you could down in a gulp. But as she talked he thought of something, he knew she was a peasant then how did she get in? He knew that this party was strictly for lords and ladies. But here she was...Vespera was it. He sipped the last of his drink set it down and finally fully looked to her. "So mere curiosity huh?" He asked her tilting his head. He would give her points for braving tonight. "So Twenty questions then...fine if that is what you want." He nodded He was game it was better than watching some lady swoon over him or try to schmooze her way into his good graces. He was sure this was what it was as well but at least she was interested in his family or at least him?

He held out his hand to her for her to take "I am a bit tired of dancing but I wouldn't mind a chat I guess. There are places for rest on the other side of the ballroom that we can sit." He nodded when she took his hand and he led the way more into the room where there were tables and chairs set up. Some people sitting and chatting here and there enjoying the music as it played. Rin found an empty place for them to sit he pulled a chair out for her letting her sit before he went and sat in a chair of his own. He sighed as he looked out to the dancers and then to the lady in front of him. "So...Vespera....what kind of rumors are there?" he asked as he tilted his horned head.
Vespera couldn't shake the feeling that she’d blown her chance of coming across as a well-bred lady from some prestigious family—after all, a fine dress only took you so far when the behavior didn’t match. Still, she was relieved to find that Rin seemed intrigued enough not to immediately call her out on it, allowing her to keep her tenuous hold on the opportunity she’d somehow managed to stumble into.

She gave a slight, amused smile at his response. "For those who don’t know the royal family well, yes, just genuine curiosity..." she admitted, her tone casual yet laced with a quiet confidence.

When Rin offered her his hand, she was momentarily taken aback—she hadn’t expected such a gesture, but she accepted it gracefully. The two of them walked across the ballroom, the hum of conversation and music fading into the background as they moved toward the quieter side of the room. As they reached the seating area, Vespera’s thoughts wandered, silently weighing the questions she’d always wanted to ask. Her mind had been racing with them for years, but now, here she was, finally in a position to ask.

She dipped her head in gratitude as Rin pulled the chair out for her, settling into the seat with a quiet hum of thought. When he asked about the rumors, she allowed a small smile to form on her lips. "Oh, the usual," she began, her voice light but with a touch of amusement. "A dragon prince with a hoard of riches, a treasure trove hidden somewhere in the kingdom. That’s always a favorite." She glanced at him for a brief moment before continuing. "But there are plenty more about your family dynamics—being second in line, the rumors surrounding dragons in general... People love a mystery, especially when it comes to your kind."
Rin sighed when she confirmed his suspicions about the rumors, so it had reached from outside these castle walls after all. But there were others as well, he gave an amused small smile. "Do they now... it's nothing special I assure you I'm considered a backup heir in case something were to happen to my brother who will take the throne when my family is ready." He wouldn't tell her how his parents didn't know how to act towards him due to him being stark difference in color from the rest of the family. "But don't get me wrong they don't treat me as such they love me as a son." It was a semi lie but who was checking the facts?

He nodded before he hummed "Okay with my question answered... it's your turn....what would you like to ask of me Lady Vespera?" He asked her emphasis on the lady bit. It was a light tease on his part, he had no intention of telling anyone of course. Why take away the only entertainment he had for the evening? If he had to trade some family secrets so be it, he was game.
Vespera couldn’t help but notice the subtle shift in his tone, his amused smile more of a mask than genuine mirth. The way he spoke of his family—there was more there than he let on, but she wasn’t about to press him for details. After all, the royal family had their own secrets, didn’t they?

Her lips curled into a faint smile at his teasing, the “Lady Vespera” ringing a bit more formally than she was accustomed to. It was almost as if he was trying to coax something out of her. She raised a delicate brow, studying him, her gaze soft but calculating. "Well then, Lord Rin," she began, her voice smooth and deliberate “since we are taking turns with secrets and rumors.. tell me how is it you seem so comfortable being the as you put it back up heir..? Are you completely uninterested in the throne…? Any of it? I suppose if one has as grand a hoard as the townsfolk seem to believe you do I wouldn’t blame you..”
Rin hummed as he sat back "Even if we are complete opposites, I love my brother he is one I would gladly follow. But if something were to happen, I would step in to help him. Not cause my family expects me to but cause I want to. To help him." He was the only one who treated him like he was a brother and not some weird thing because of the color of his looks compared to him. He would do anything for him. He sighed and shrugged "As for the throne, it's not something I'm trying to take, but if I have to, then I will." His horde was just a horde of things he liked that he collected.

He watched her with his blue eyes. "my turn now? I guess I will stop beating around the bush now; I know you are a commoner...how did you come across your invitation and your dress? It's not something of your...wealth would have." He tilted his head more so curious. "I won't rat you out; I'm not one to make drama. It's more so a security concern, unlike me, I'm sure many here would be appalled that lady of status was with us tonight when it clearly stated that it was a gala for lords and ladies." He gave a small, cool smile "Would you please tell me, Vespera? Pretty please?" he asked politely.
Vespera tilted her head, her long blonde hair swaying gently with the movement. Her expression remained calm and composed, but there was a subtle spark of genuine curiosity in her eyes. “Isn’t that the role of the second-born? To assist the first-born, the future king, when necessary?” She observed him closely, surprised at the contrast between the man before her and the rumors she had heard. He wasn’t the treasure-obsessed figure she had imagined, nor did he seem to desire the throne, which left her puzzled. “But why is it you’re not interested in the throne?” she asked, aware that the question might go unanswered, given their turn-taking exchange.

Her gaze softened as she responded, a hint of amusement in her voice. “I’m not surprised by your curiosity. But like everyone else, I have my reasons for being here. Since *the* prince is asking so nicely, I suppose I’ll answer you… The invitation came through… let’s just say it wasn’t exactly given to me. I may have...borrowed it." Her tone grew a little more serious, though she still held an air of respect. “As for the dress, well, let’s just say I have a knack for finding what I need, when I need it.” She rolled her eyes with a touch of exasperation. “Oh, I’m sure they’d be appalled—honestly, that’s half the reason I bothered to come. They’ve been bothered by my presence even on the streets.”
Rin watched her as she spoke about how she borrowed the letter and the dress was procured rather than made by some well-known designer. He didn't mind it actually looked very nice and she looked wonderful in it. "Hmn okay..." he spoke in response to her answer "Well one less stuck-up stuffy royal to deal with I guess. No scales off my back I guess?" he shrugged a little and shifted in his seat to correct his posture that he so totally wanted to break and slouch to his normal stance but his parents requested to look presentable tonight. "also I commend you for coming tonight then and having courage? Not many would as the saying goes venture into the lion's den."

Rin tilted his head "I suppose I'll take your earlier question for yours this go around...Why im not going for the throne? I feel like I would not be a good fit for it. Sure I have ideas what I would do but they are just a handful of them a small list. That and my interests are not to lead people... I'm more interested in things a queen would be more suited for...cooking, reading books, crafting. Things like that are not meant for a leader to know and won't help if we are invaded...or if I have to be diplomatic. Plus I'm not exactly...great with talking to people like them...." he sighed and shrugged "So that's why I don't want the throne...it will be best with everyone if I don't rule."

They traded questions back and forth for a bit he didn't mind it was better than having to dance and get flirted with by every lady trying to get on his good side. While he was sure Vespera was the same she held more of a curiosity rather than trying to get in good graces with his family which was refreshing. Eventually, he ran out of questions and he quietly watched the people dancing to the music. He slowly looked back to Vespera who had been entertaining him for the evening "So how long do you intend to be here for? Not trying to kick you out or anything...just these parties can get pretty boring and tiring..." he shrugged a little, he then got an idea to hell with being careful he was tired of it, to be honest. He looked at her with a sparkle in his eye "Would you like for me to give you a tour of the castle a lady of your...standing I'm sure you are curious." He spoke with a smirk.

(Heyaa im so sorry this took a bit i got distracted making products to sell at conventions and stuff before I realized how long it's been! ahhh so yeah sorry for the wait!!)
Vespera's lips curled slightly as she listened to Rin's response, her eyes never leaving his face. She could tell he was trying to adjust his posture, probably due to the expectations that came with these type of events. She raised an eyebrow at his comment about "one less stuck-up royal," but chose not to comment further, finding it not entirely meant as an offensive thing. She however smirked when he commend her on her bravery and laughed “what’s life without a little bit of risk and danger? Besides the worst that could have happened was being kicked out.”

When he spoke of not wanting the throne, she studied him with curiosity. “I don't think being a ruler means you have to abandon your own interests. You can care about cooking, reading, and crafting, and still be a strong leader. The throne doesn't change who you are, it simply asks you to lead from the place you're strongest. It's not about pretending to be something you're not, but about understanding how to connect with others. Not everyone has that gift naturally though I do not blame you for disliking the idea…. Being a ruler seems like such a boring life though no offense to your brother…”

She hummed as they traded questions for a while seeming to genuinely be enjoying the conversation as she quickly learned a lot about him. He was no longer this terrible hoard greedy person but a young prince who seemed equally as lost in life as she was. She innocently shrugged “ah I mean so long as it is entertaining enough to remain, I’ve been enjoying the night so far.” Her gaze shifted to meet his, intrigued by the spark she saw in his eyes. She was taken aback for a moment, then smiled with a knowing look. “A tour of the castle, hm? How very generous of you to offer someone of my status, Rin." Her tone was playful, though she couldn't quite hide the amusement behind it.”I would be honored.”
Rin still smirked at her to hell with being careful anymore he was bored out of his mind at the party so he stood "Wait here..." he told her before he strolled off. He then found his father and mother talking with some royalty he approached and then waited for them to look his way then bowed "Forgive me for interrupting your conversation." they nodded and he looked to his parents "Father, mother. Is it alright if I turn in for the night? I'm feeling a bit exhausted..." he spoke to them and they looked to him knowing full well how he was. He was practically the opposite of his brother, a recluse the fact he lasted this long into the night was good enough for them. They nodded and he gave a smile and then to the two and bowed once more. "If you would excuse me." He then turned and then walked off through the crowd to where he left Vespera.

He walked over and nodded "Come, let's leave." he held his hand out for her to take. When she did he pulled her to feet and then led her off to the side of the room and through a door. When he shut it behind them it got dark, the hall only illuminated by the soft glow of the lamps here and there. A stark contrast to the room they just came from, the darkness made Rin let out a sigh of relief. He closed his eyes for a moment still holding the lady's hand that was with him. He opened them slowly and looked at her "Now...shall we go?" he asked as his perfect posture slacked to a more comfortable slump. He nodded and let go of her hand and slowly began to stroll off in a direction. "Sorry it's a bit dim we usually have it a little brighter but with the ballroom in full blast we didn't want to risk blowing a fuse or something." he nodded "It's never that bright though lake the gods... I'd go nuts." he spoke as he walked with her "So you saw the ballroom, of course, its actually the biggest room we have in the castle. Otherwise the second biggest is the dining room but you could fit like three of those in the ballroom." he informed as they walked. "the castle is actually not that big my parents opted for the smaller castle when building it and i kinda like it...it takes less time to get places." he chuckled as he turned the corner.

He then opened a door and let her look in "This is the kitchen it's a bit bigger than most only cause my parents like to have huge dinners for us every Sunday. It's sorta a tradition...so we needed a place with multiple ovens and stoves and all that...the pantry is pretty spacious too." he shut the door and walked off. he pointed down a hall they passed "The dining hall and studio art gallery combo is down that way. Wanna see the studio? The dining room is just kinda a dining room." he said with a shrug.
Vespera eyed him curiously when he smirked, clearly working up some idea in his head that he wasn’t suppose to do. She watched him walk off over to what she assumed where his parents, clearly they were the king and queen before returning to her a short while later. She eyed him mischievously when he offered his hand and pulled her up so easily clearly having a plan in mind. She followed closely, taking in the surroundings, but her focus remained on Rin as he led her through the dimly lit halls. She could feel the change in the air as soon as they left the bustle of the ballroom—much quieter, much more intimate. It was clear that this was a place he was far more comfortable in, away from the eyes and expectations of the larger crowd. “Well I’m glad I do not have to deal with a prince going nuts.. though I agree this lighting is far make peaceful then the ballroom.”

When he spoke about the castle's size and the traditions of his family, Vespera couldn't help but smile slightly. "A smaller castle, huh?" she mused. "That sounds nice though not something I would have expected… I thought kings were all about having big castles to show their strength and wealth…?” She followed beside him and glanced around as they passed the kitchen door, intrigued by his words. "Multiple ovens, huh? Sounds like your parents know how to host," she said with a playful tone. "But it’s nice, traditions like that... a place for family to gather and spend time together…" She seemed momentarily a little sad but quickly pushed it from her mind before she focused on his words again.

At his suggestion of seeing the studio, she raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Sure, why not? A studio sounds far more interesting than a dining room anyway. Lead the way.” While she had come for her own gain and need to learn more about the royal family she couldn’t lie she was truly enjoying her evening with him
Rin shrugged. "If it's anything m and dad agree on, a smaller castle is easier to protect. If we ever wanted something bigger, we can always make it somewhere else." He shrugged before he nodded, "Sure, let's go then." he walked with her down the hall and up to a door that slid open. Vespera didn't know it, but this was the room that you would see his horde out in the open together other than his room, of course. There were paintings from my mother here and there that she was working on, but also his bones that he was in the middle of carving into.

"This is the studio, my mom likes to paint here and there and i usually carve designs into bone when im bored. Me and mom sometimes parallel craft its nice. Feel free to look about if you want." he spoke as he stepped in more to inspect one of the deer skulls he was working on.
Vespera glanced up at him, her thoughts swirling as he explained the smaller castle. The more he spoke, the more perplexed she became. Everything she had heard about the royal family painted them as greedy, hoarding treasures while people like her struggled in the streets. Yet, with every word Rin said, she found herself growing more confused. He seemed so... normal. Just like any other person, and someone who didn’t even want the throne.

She stepped inside, her gaze flicking to the various pieces around the room. The space was surprisingly calming, a mix of art and intricate craftsmanship, with the air heavy with the scent of wood and bone. She wandered around slowly, taking in the paintings, some unfinished and others vibrant with life. She paused near one of the deer skulls, studying the delicate carvings Rin had started.

"Your mom's work is impressive," she said softly, admiring the bold strokes of color and texture in one of the paintings. She shifted her focus back to the skull Rin was working on, the careful attention to detail catching her eye. "You really have a talent for this. What do you usually carve? Just random designs, or something with meaning? It is quite impressive as well… I see where you get your talents.”

She glanced back at him, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "It must be nice to share something like this with her." For a brief moment a pang of sadness flashed through her eyes, she’d have given anything to still have her mother and be able to do something like this together. Unfortunately that was a long lost hope now since her passing but maybe her and her adoptive mother could…?
Rin leaned on the door frame as he watched her looking at the art made and the art in progress. He nodded when she complimented his mother's art. "Yeah she's been painting before I was born, so a long time." He nodded as he looked at the painting she was working on. But he chuckled when his own creations were given their own credit. "Ah, thanks I guess. And not really. I mostly follow the natural curve of the skull or bone I'm working on then fill it in. Nothing too fancy." He nodded, but when she spoke about sharing something like art with her he tilted his head. "Hm, yeah I guess? It's nice." It was all he had to say cause in truth even if they did create she like his father didn't seem to know how to treat him. They were nice and sure and treated him with respect but there was a definite distance or void between them. He gave a soft smile. "Hmn we haven't made art together in some time. She's been busy helping father with getting my older brother set up to take over."

Nodding he stood straight. "Shall we move on then? Though there isn't much else really i mean we have a library and a sitting room. Other than that it's bedrooms. The castle doesn't have a lot of fancy rooms like the bigger ones have. He chuckled. "So I guess we could take our time with it." he nodded as he moved out of the way so she could walk out when she was ready.
Vespera watched him carefully, the weight of his words settling in her mind. She could hear the subtle emptiness in his tone when he spoke about sharing art and the way his mother and father treated him—respectful but distant. It was a strange concept to her that a family couldn’t figure out how to interact with their own son which left her with more unanswered questions in her mind than anything.

She paused, her gaze lingering on him for just a moment longer before she gave a small, understanding nod. "But you’re right. We can take our time." Her tone lightened slightly, a playful edge creeping in. "Lead the way, then. I’ve never seen a castle that didn't have some hidden surprises tucked away." She gave him a small, teasing smile before stepping past him, giving the room one last glance. With art like that his family had to have vast beautiful hoards… right..?
Rin chuckled as she poke about the castle having secrets. He knew what she was after but what she didnt know was she was walking among his horde. Every fur that seemed to not being used, an odd placement of crystal here and thete, any bone that had intricate carving into it was his. He took the gamble and it seems like he was winning. He hummed as he walked with her “yeah whats a castle without a few secrets??” He wondered if she would realize and how let down she would be by his horde contents? Would he have to tell her in the end? Either way he lead the way back down the hall.

When they got back to the main hall he strolled down another hall “this is the way to the library its where dad spends most of his time hes a bookworm as it were.” He nodded as he walked down the hall and through a open door. The shelves were lined with books of different topics “its my fathers domain so there isnt anything cool like romance or fantasy. Its like family history, normal history, herbology, and gardening books. He shrugs a little as he watched her look at everything.

He then smiled deciding to have a bit of fun. “I will tell you though…this room holds a secret.” It wasent his horde his father wouldent allow any of it in here but it did hold a secret room to a office he would read in. It was as simple as pulling down the right candleabra on the opposite wall of him. Would she be able to figure it out though??
Vespera's curiosity was piqued as they moved through the halls, her gaze flickering from one strange detail to the next. The small bone carvings, the crystal placements—everything about the castle felt like it was hiding something. She had always been drawn to things that whispered of hidden meaning, and now, with every odd fur or delicately etched bone she passed, she felt as though she were walking among pieces of a mystery.

Rin's light chuckle didn’t escape her attention, but she played it cool, keeping her thoughts to herself as she subtly examined the surroundings. “Secrets, hm?" she murmured, her voice laced with amusement as she glanced at him.

She paused just long enough to trace a carved bone with her fingertips, the intricate patterns calling to her like a puzzle she couldn’t solve yet. Before her eyes landed on a rather shinny crystal that immediately drew her attention as she paused in realization “wait…” She turned rather quickly to face him not realizing she’d gotten so close in her exploration and nearly ran into his chest “this stuff’s not all just decorative is it….?

As they reached the library, she took in the sprawling shelves filled with dense, dry volumes—nothing like the stories of intrigue and adventure she’d hoped for. She let out a small laugh at Rin’s description of it, her gaze flicking over the spines of books on herbology, history, and gardening.

“So, nothing exciting then, huh?” she teased, poking fun at the lack of romance or fantasy novels. "Maybe I’ll find something in the gardening section. Who doesn’t love a good plant story?"

But when Rin leaned in with that little glint in his eye and dropped the mention of a secret, her interest was piqued immediately. The prospect of a hidden room or an unseen passage—now that was much more her speed.

"A secret room?" she repeated, her voice low with intrigue. "What’s behind this one, then? A hidden stash of treasure or maybe those missing fantasy books perhaps?"

She stepped around, her eyes scanning the walls, looking for any sign that might give it away.

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