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Realistic or Modern Unordinary Summer Vacation


Love is Love. No matter what sex.


Feel free to use any BBCoding you want, just have the following information. Asterisks are optional.

Realistic Image/Gif






Realistic Image/Gif

Personality: {At least 5 traits}

Bedroom #: {See Overview}


Other*: {See Rules}

Realistic Image/Gif
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Jade Reigns










Personality: {At least 5 traits}


Bedroom #: {See Overview}


Other*: Her favorite movie is The Phantom of the Opera.

She can speak Spanish, English, and French.

She has a necklace with her deceased brother's name on it that she doesn't take off.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.ac97e91a8d2c1398355d7155568185da.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.ac97e91a8d2c1398355d7155568185da.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ian Luis Deadmon

Nickname{s}*: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image1.gif.d00b94a67e0b6dc712cf2529d6e126b8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94690" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image1.gif.d00b94a67e0b6dc712cf2529d6e126b8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ian is exceedingly quiet and is more of an observer than a talker. He tends to day dream if a conversation is started about something that doesn't interest him. Not only that but Ian has a very, very short attention span and finds himself skipping between thought to thought and conversation starter to conversation starter. Ian feels that he is funnier online so he prefers to text or email over talking in real life. Not only that but his relatable sense of humor leads him to having many followers on any social media, but as said in the beginning of the paragraph, he is quite different in real life.

Bedroom #: 3

History*: Nothing too interesting, a father who's barely home due to his long work hours and an overly attached stay at home mom. One thing that is prominent is the fact that his father's work makes them move a little more than frequently. But he's been saving up for his on apartment since he was sixteen.

Other*: Favorite movie: Kill Your Darlings.

Suffers from mild depression.

Works the night shift in a convenience store on weekdays and early mornings (Four to eight) in a small cafe on weekends.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image3.gif.1dbbf49da563d4dea6235f315fe5f1f3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image3.gif.1dbbf49da563d4dea6235f315fe5f1f3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Name: Roland Lafeman

Nickname{s}*: Roe

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual


Personality: Roland dates a lot of girls, which makes him a bit of a playboy boy, but he doesn't do it because he wants to, he does it because he has to. He puts up this sort of front of an arrogant player and, in a way, he is, but not as much as he makes it up to be. On the inside, Roland's a bit of a nerd/softie who loves anything that relates to animals, sci-fi, and romance. But he also loves to boast about his achievements and new pick-ups. On the outside, however, he's similar, but also very different. For starters, he doesn't want anything to do with relationships or romance in any way, shape, or form. He doesn't want anything to do with sci-fi, which he classifies as nerdy. And the animals, well, he loves animals anytime of day.

But don't get me wrong, he doesn't hate playing his part, it's actually really fun to be a whole other person, and it's gained him quite the number of friends and popularity, but he just wishes he can be more open with himself and his friends. This fact kind of distances himself from the people he call his best friends, and sometimes he feels isolated from the group, simply because he can't be the way he wants to.

Bedroom #: 8

History*: Roland grew up in an Upper Middle Class family. This has caused him to be somewhat spoiled. He's an only child, but he owns many pets and most of the rooms in the house belong simply to him. He was raised in Texas and moved out to his new home when he was only 12. Since then, he fitted in nicely and gained many friends, eventually becoming popular.

Other*: Star Wars


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Audrey Charlotte Taylor




Audrey Charlotte Taylor


ACT, Addy, Lottie, etc.




June 8








Audrey is a kid at heart, always being fond of Disney movies, from all of the white and black Mickey Mouse cartoons to the just recent Disney movie: The Good Dinosaur. If she could, she'd reference all kinds of quotes from the variety of Disney shows or movies. She took Disney movies to heart, always wanting to find her own prince charming. Audrey can be quite gullible, believing in anything, especially, wanting to sing on top of her lungs and see if any animals come her way. She will always believe in "true love's kiss" which means, when she finds "the one", it'll be through a shared kiss in which she'll know that they're meant for her. However, even if she believes in a "true love's kiss", she won't go around kissing any frogs that may turn into a prince who's right just for her. Because of this idea or rather one of her main principles of loving or being with someone, to vy for Audrey's attention is hard, since her head is always stuck in the clouds or rather, on cloud nine. Not only does Audrey use Disney movies as a reference to her hopeless romanticness, she uses other movie ideas from varies chick flicks such as The Notebook, 10 Things I Hate About You, Titanic, and much more, to find if the man she wants to be with even has a romantic bone in their body. She'd love it if someone stood outside her window with a boombox in their hand, in fact, she'd rather someone write her a love letter, confessing their undying love for her, and maybe sing or talk to her as she's standing on a balcony, like Romeo and Juliet or Rapunzel. Since a young age, she was always ridiculed for having such ideas and belief of romance. She'd always sigh dreamily and have far off look whenever she sees people getting ask to be their girlfriend/boyfriend or whenever she sees people getting married. Audrey absolutely love weddings! They're just so . . magical to her . . seeing the couple stare into each other's eyes as the bride walks down the aisle and maybe the groom is in a state of stupor as tears form around his eyes. Audrey believes that in that moment, the bride and groom are sharing such a personal, intimate, and grand moment together, taking in and thinking, "Tes. . he / she is the person I'll spend the rest of my life with. That person will be the first person I see in the morning." And Audrey can't help but "aww" and coo at such an idea. She can't wait 'til one day . . it'll be her turn . . walking down the aisle to her love.

As a hopeless romantic, Audrey is very imaginative and creative, always making up ideas and stories in her head. Because she's such a daydreamer, she loves writing and putting notes in her journal that maybe one day she'd like to do on dates, whenever she actually gets a boyfriend first. She can be quite picky when it comes to dating, since she has an ideal type she would like to date, or she may have many different crushes on males and it may never work out between them. Some reasons would be that they didn't connect or. . the ones she has crushes on don't like her back and wouldn't want to date someone as "complicated" as her. She's not really that complicated, guys! The golden rule of dating Audrey is that kissing is not allowed. She would want to get to know the person first, see if they have any chemistry together, or rather, feel sparks fly between them. If she believes the lucky guy is the one, then she'll grant the male an "okay" to give her the kiss on the cheeks. She won't allow the lips until she fully believes he is the one, unless she's madly inlove with the other gender. However, some people may call her "childish' or "hard to get at" because she has different ideas and goals when it comes to dating and falling inlove. If she falls irrevocably and madly inlove with someone, then she'll be the happiness and most luckiest girl in the world since she knows. . . finding true love is such a hard feat. Especially knowing. . .most guys and girls have the "hit it or quit it" mentality.

Despite Audrey's romantic side, there's more to her than just thinking about love, crushes, and daydreaming of finding "the one" one day, she's very active in school related functions, always wanting to help out her professors or her classmates with anything they need. She likes lending a helping hand to those who need it, sometimes taking it upon herself to help others without them having to ask her. She's thoughtful and considerate of those around her, never wanting to become a "pest" or a burden to others. Her sense of humor can range from outright randomness or cheesiness. However, Audrey is an honest soul, too honest that sometimes her honesty can come off as "bitchy" or rude, but she doesn't mean it that way. Sometimes, misunderstandings occur because her mind works a mile a minute, always jumping from one thing to the next, never ever stopping for just a moment. Just as the white rabbit would always say, "I'm late! I'm late!" Audrey is usually the one girls or even guys may come to her for love advices, even if she may have not even dated someone before. Sometimes, she can be a busybody and nosy because of her penchant for wanting to help someone even if they don't even want her help. Audrey can be quite persistent and determined once she has her mind on something. In class, she pays attention to her professors to a tee, hanging onto every word, trying to make the grades her parents would want her to make. Audrey likes a good laugh, always wanting to be in a good mood, however, there are times when she's not in a good mood, and usually she'd like to be left alone. She's really expressive, always voicing out her thoughts and opinions, sometimes, it can cause an argument since she has her own opinions and others may not have the same mindset. As much as she is gullible, she is very trusting of others, believing they have good intentions but they may not know how to go about such actions. Audrey will trust and respect others as long as she gets the same respect and trust back. However, if her trust is broken, there's no getting it back. When someone hurts Audrey emotionally or misplace her trust, it takes her awhile to believe in them again, causing trust issues within broken friendships or tensions she may have with friends. Audrey gives second chances, but a third one is hard to come by. She treasures anything and everything she receives, always being quite an emotional person whenever someone gives her a gift. Lastly, even though Audrey dreams of finding her prince charming, it doesn't mean she needs a man. In fact, she's perfect content with being with herself and being surrounded by her loved ones: family and friends.




Her dog, Toto


Chick Flicks





Helping others


Pastel colors


Being hurt emotionally, physically, mentally

Cocky and overly confident people

Insects and other type of bugs

Her love of disney and romance being dissed

People who hurt her friends and family

Blood, skulls, and anything considered scary for Halloween

Losing trust in her friends and people


She's really claustrophobic, especially in elevators, fearing it may lock her in

The dark, Audrey always carries a flashlight with her, fearing the unknown

Haunted houses: she's deathly afraid of going there


Audrey freaks out quite frequently in the day, either from squealing due to excitement or freaking out because she may have forgotten something. (She's quite forgetful. . forgetting well . . practically. . everything, even her school books in her classrooms)

She needs to at least trip over something, once a day, if she doesn't. . well, who is she? (Quite the charmer with her clumsiness, maybe it's because of her long legs that's not right for her body . .)

When she's nervous, Audrey will usually bite her nails, so usually she has her nails done so she won't instinctively start biting on them.

Audrey can be a little OCD, especially when her books are being bent when there's messy tables, taking it upon herself to clean up the mess after people.



Audrey was a child born from a love affair between a wealthy businessman and a young waitress at a coffee shop in New York City. However, because their two worlds were far too different, Audrey's birth mother gave her away to her best friends: Zachary Taylor and Marissa Taylor. The two couldn't bear a child no matter how hard they tried, but, when they heard Clara, Audrey's birth mother, was pregnant with a child that she does not want because it brings back too many painful memories, Clara decided to give her two best friends the child. However, the catch is that Audrey must never know that she, Clara, is her real mother and her real father was Michael Talloway. In the end, Audrey's now-parents, Zachary and Marissa, decided to move away from New York City, wanting a fresh starter with their now-daughter: Audrey Charlotte Taylor. The couple moved to Newcrest, New Hampshire, and raised Audrey in the small town. They were one of the "newly neighbors" at the time and so fitting in was tough. Competiton skyrocketed between neighbors. Zachary and Marissa aren't well-off, however, because of Zachary is a doctor and Marissa is a lawyer, they consider themselves under weathly, but above middle class. Despite their occupation, they don't make it known how much income they take and are rather humble people. Audrey loves her parents dearly, just as much as they treasure her. Their relationship are built on trust and honesty (even though Audrey doesn't know about her real birth parents) and because of this Audrey is very close-knitted with her family and would go to the ends of the world for them. They don't put their ideals on Audrey and would rather her pave her own road and choices to decide what she wants to do in the future. But, if Audrey wanted, she could always work with her father at the hospital or work with her mother at her law firm. However, Audrey is still undecided and is still looking at her options of what she'd like to do.

As the age of 11, her parents had given her a puppy and she named him Toto, since he reminded her of Toto from the Wizard of Oz. However, it was at this age where things took a turn for the worst. Audrey got deathly sick coming down with pneumonia. Her father was stressed to the point grey hair started growing as wrinkles formed in his restless face. Her mother on the other hand, tried to remain hopeful and at the same time logical, hoping their daughter would pull through. Audrey stayed at the hospital for atleast a month before she had gotten better. Thankfully the infection of the pneumonia didn't escalate as her fever and infections started dying down. Her friends came to visit her in the hospital and she was glad for the company. When she finally got out of the hospital, Audrey had celebrated with her friends and family, but since that sickness, she made sure to always take care of her health in fear of getting deathly ill again.


Bedroom #:


Favorite Movie:

A Walk to Remember


Audrey doesn't know that she's adopted 'til this day. She grew up looking similar to her adopted parents, having similar character traits such as having the same button nose as her father and smooth and silky skin as her mother.

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Alice Waters




Bedroom #9

Alice has naturally curly brown hair, usually bound up in a bun or two braids. Her eyes are a piercing hazel, shot through with gold that give meaning to the saying of “eyes are the windows to the soul”. Though she is short, she is lean from years of athletics, giving her the extremely misguided appearance of fragility. Her style is a strange mix of edgy prep, school girl skirts and knee socks paired with Dr. Martins and graphic sweaters. Her obsession with strange sweaters and socks regularly add a unique flair to her outfits. Alice is known for never leaving without some sort of sweater, believing them to be the perfect pairing for any outfit.

Alice is short, standing only at 5’3, but she makes up for her lack of height in personality. Spunky and sassy, she is very outgoing. With a quick wit and a sarcastic tongue, she can come off as cheeky, though if she does offend anyone, it certainly is never on purpose. She is smart, her mind fine-tuned for the sciences and music. Alice is always ready to laugh, finding the most absurd things hilarious, a smile always playing on her lips.

Alice was actually born in France and lived there till she was 9. She speaks fluent French, though shows no accent from the misguided years in middle school when she covered it up. Though it come out full blown in times of anger and extreme excitement. When she is especially worked up over something, her speech has been known to dissolve into French. Though she moved back to the states in hopes of finding relations connected to her American born mother, that was not the end of her moving. Alice grew up in the foster system, having only been out of it since she turned 18 two months ago. She now lives on her own in a small apartment funded by her own savings and job and a monthly check from the foster system. Besides those two facts, which usually come out sooner or later, Alice is very reserved about her past and childhood.

Others* Alice always wears a necklace with a round, flat, gold pendant about the size of dime inscribed with Les Pays Natal, the French word for native land. The chain is medium length, the pendant falling to lay just above her breasts. She does not even take it off for sleep or bathing. Alice received it the day she left France for a social worker who was particular taken with her.

Her favorite movie is Les Misérables.
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(T^T) Stella Rose Alexander (???)


? Seventeen ?

? Female ?

? Bisexual ?

? Bedroom #7 ?

? Hopeless

? Generous

? Calm

? Sentimental

? Bubbly

? History ?

Stella had a pretty peaceful childhood as an only child. She didn't have both of her parents though but she didn't mind at all. Her mother played both roles in Stella's mind. Her mother was a pretty chill and calm person as well so she grew up in a zen type of environment.

? Other* ?

Beauty and The Beast


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Cris Alexander LaCroix













Easily Frustrated

Bedroom #:



All his life, Cris lived in a bubble. People would do and say things in his favor just because he was huge and looked amazing. And, for the longest time it went unnoticed. Hew was happier then. Until he was made out to look like an idiot by someone he'd grown to trust over some period of time. The two of them were "dating", and during that time the guy got Cris to do some unimaginable things. Things you only do for someone you love. As it turns out, he was just a part of an ongoing social experiment that ended up humiliating him thoroughly. Rather than cry and hide from the world, he took it out on the dude's face. After spending some time in jail and in a mental institution, this is the option Cris went with to "transition" back into home life.


Home Alone 2 is one of his top 10 favorites.

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Name: Daniella Jean (Danny)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bedroom: 6

Personality: Fun and flare is the perfect way to describe her, with tattoos covering her body and a style straight out of a thrift store, she has always marched the beat of her own drum. Despite her stone cold confidence and intimidating personality, Danny has a big heart and those who are in it know she'd do anything for them. Danny spends her time livening up whatever situation she's in or getting into some sort of adventure, whether it be skinny dipping or trespassing. Her sassy stature and hypnotizing personality leave her a crowd favorite, but few know of her depressions and fears, the ones that tell her she isn't good enough and no one really cares.

Hobbies: Danny enjoys getting tattoos, doodling, dancing, and having a good time. As long as she's making other people laugh, she's happy.

History: Danny is your average rebel teen whose parents would prefer she didn't come home for Christmas. For as long as anyone has known her, Danny has always been the life of the party. But when she turned 17 everything changed. In midst of her parent's divorce Danny ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, eager for acceptance and a group of her own people. But after one drunken night of skinny dipping and bags of glossy pills, Danny ended up arrested and placed in a rehabilitation center with no contact home. Now she's back and ready to return to her family and friends, a new person, or is she?

Other: Clockwork Orange

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Name: Nadia Kaufmann

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual


Personality: Nadia has is from a wealthier family than most. Therefore it's easy to expect her to be very stuck-up, a narcissistic hypocrite, and not at all down-to-earth. However, she has two sides to her persona. In her normal state, Nadia is very quiet and modest. She has never been a very social person, but she is surprisingly more sympathetic than you would expect her to be. She tries to be enthusiastic as she can, sometimes to hide her own personal problems. Her posture and voice are a bit unrealistically formal, but this was due to her mother always forcing her to look "as good as she can." She likes to be very casual and not as bratty as she was often forced to be by her mother. She can be quite outspoken and straightforward when she wants to, but often decides she doesn't want to insult other people for problems that may not have even been caused by them, just like her awful formal attitude. She can be sarcastic herself and is perfectionistic just like her mother. In her second state of her mind, she is very anxious when talking and you can hear terrible trembling in her voice. She may be emotional, most likely from talking about something she hates to talk about, and doesn't like to approach people with that anxious attitude.

Bedroom #: 7

History: Nadia grew up in a wealthy home. Her mother, Edith Kaufman, was incredibly strict to the extent that she was abusive and was a narcissistic perfectionist. She claimed that she loved her children even though she didn't really. She did everything she could to keep Nadia inside the house. She made so many excuses for her not to go outside 5 miles of their secluded mansion home. If she ever did, she would be severely beaten. Ever since Nadia was 8 years old, she was beaten by her mother for not being a perfect young girl. Every time she made even a very simple mistake, she was beaten without remorse. Her mother was arrested, sentenced to only 10 years in prison, and Nadia was given to another loving family by Child Protection Services once she reached the age of 14, but this didn't heal her intense scars. These beatings gave Nadia the severe anxiety and PTSD she now struggles with.

Other*: Favorite movie is Batman: The Dark Knight.​



Name: Donovan Pierce

Nickname{s}*: Don

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Snarky, smart mouthed, pretty obnoxious, selectively nice, sarcastic, intelligent, occasionally helpful, rude, loud, mischievous, annoying, childish, lazy, honest, rather nosy

Bedroom #: 5

History*: Donovan Pierce is the oldest of four children with sisters who think him a pain in the neck and a brother who adores and admires him. His friends have often thought him a waste of good looks and his parents have often lamented over his personality and love of gaming.

Other: Loves the movie X-Men Days of Future Past

He hates bugs and cold or sweet coffee with a passion. Donovan's a clean freak and phone addict

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