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Realistic or Modern Unlikely Couple ( W/ SpicyBoi)


Slyph of Space
( SpicyBoi SpicyBoi our starter ♡ )

The pale light of the sun was now covering the fair streets of london. Birds chirped and danced along in the freshly bloomed trees, picking at insects and blossoms to munch on. Azriel, a demon with good looks and charms, walked out of his small house. His house may have been above a small game shop, but he didnt mind as the shop owner let his plants grow in front of the shop. He checked on the growing tulips and then headed to his local coffee shop. He wore a hawaiin shirt that was unbuttoned to his chest and it was tucked into his jeans and wore casual shoes. His eyes were sharp and his teeth were jarred, pointy and lookef like they belonged to a shark. He had a messenger bag hanging on his shoulder and he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, lighting it and taking a big swig of it. He walked down the street, people passing him and sometimes a demon or two whom would wave or highfive the man. Soon enough he made it to the cafe, he threw his cigarette on the ground and put it out with his shoe and walked into the cafe. He was greeted by the cashier and he walked to his booth, set up his laptop and laid out his documents. A waitor came by and poured him some tea and he happily gave a grin and ordered a scone. He sighed as she walked away, he just looked at his laptop screen "Just another day, doing the same documents..." He groaned and rubbed his forehead. Hopefully SOMETHING would happen today.
(( here is a drawing I did of Azriel and another character (which is originally his bf out of rp) Azriel is on the right and thats his outfit ))


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((Dayum! You're a good artist! When I have the time, I'll draw Sam))

Mondays were Sam's specialty. He loved the way everything was bustling and busy, and living in the heart of the city amplified that feeling for Sam. He'd taken his dog on an early run through the park, and had decided that afterwards, he'd get a coffee. However, there was the problem of hiding his dog, who wasn't technically allowed in the cafe. Ace was a puppy, but he was still not the smallest puppy. After all, he was growing bigger each day, and it wouldn't be long before he was a big, adult German Shepherd. Sam stood outside the cafe, holding the puppy in his hands. Finally, an idea came to him, and he put on the hoodie tied around his waist, hugging Ace to his chest and carefully zipping up the hoodie so only the front of the dog's face poked out, and could be hidden by Sam's chin. It was kind of obvious, though, that Sam was hiding something, as there was a huge lump on the front of his hoodie, and Ace's tail was poking out a bit, and could be seen wagging. Plus, Sam had to hug himself to keep Ace from falling out of his sweater.

Walking in as nonchalantly as he could, Sam waited in the line at the counter, suppressing giggles when Ace licked his neck and chin. He was nearing the front of the line when Ace started wiggling, impatient with just sitting there. "Ahh!" Sam yelped as Ace hopped out from the hoodie and ran over to Azriel, barking and wagging his tail. "Ace! Get back here!" Sam shouted. He ran over to try and grab the puppy, who was jumping around Azriel's feet, putting his paws on the demon's leg to try and get him to pet him.
Azriel was rather spooked by the small animals presence, in fact, he flinched rather harshly, used to having something thrown at him. He soon removed his arms and looked down at the cute puppy below him, pawing him anxiously, awaiting attention. Azriel could only chuckle, his dark and deep voice echoing the cafe. He then placed a clawed hand on the dogs head, petting him and softly scratching behind his ears. Azriel then handsomely looked at the young man before him. When Azriel spoke, his accent was horribly thick, the british tongue beyond obvious.

"Hey, he's 'ight. Little lad is bright, cute too." Another low chuckle let out and continued to pet the small dog. "Ace was it? Yeah, you're a good boy Ace! Aren't you?" The excited puppy was all over the demon now, making him laugh. Soon enough the young man had picked up the puppy and Azriel adjusted himself more to be able to sit up and look at the man in front of him. "The name is Azriel, Azriel Behemoth, Sinner Tally." He made a click with his mouth, a toothy grin following it.

Sam nodded. He seemed slightly wary of the demon and stood back, eventually whistling so Ace hopped out of Azriel's hold and ran back to his owner. "I should go..." Sam mumbled, glancing over at the cashier, who was giving him an angry look. Dogs weren't allowed in cafes, around all this food. Sam knew he'd get in trouble with the store's manager if he lingered any longer, so he picked Ace up with one hand, holding the puppy close, and used his other hand to grab his coffee off the counter. The man walked out of the cafe without a second look at Azriel, and sat down in one of the chairs on the patio. Now, Ace was allowed to run around Sam's feet and roll around in the dirt of the flowerbeds. Sam sipped his coffee and took out his phone, scrolling through his notifications and taking a few pictures of Ace to send to his friends. Not once did Azriel cross his mind, since he hadn't gotten the chance to get a good look at him. However, if Sam had had the chance to look Azriel over, he would have realized that the demon was just. his. type.
Azriel saw the man hurry out and gave an odd look and a bit of a sigh, he instantly went to assuming it was the fact he was a demon. He could only let out an angry grunt as he typed for about five more minutes before getting too frustrated to continue. He shut his laptop, shoved it into his bag and papers as well. He sipped the last of his tea, ate the last crumb of his scone and laid down the pay on the table. He got up, thanked the owners and waiters and walked out. He then saw the man at the table, he blinked and decided to confront him. His black pants were tight on him and every movement he made showed the muscle he had on his legs. Azriel then came up to the man, his sleek figure towering him only a foot and a few inches as the man was sitting down.

"Hello." He said blankly. "Did I scare you or something?" His voice went down in a sad and melancholy tone. "I seriously hope I didn't I mean, I know I'm a demon but I'm a good man, I do not hurt people, my people do not hurt the innocent, I hope any stereotypes people have told you got to you....I-I just feel like I did scare you off." He scratched behind his head and then pulled out a pack of smokes, they were his go to reliever.

cryptidroast cryptidroast
Sam looked up, raising an eyebrow. Ace ran over to Azriel and started hopping around his feet, occasionally shaking off so the dirt in his fur flew everywhere. "Huh? No, no. I'm just not supposed to have Ace in there, that's all," Sam replied. He crossed his legs and sipped his coffee, hazel eyes scrolling over Azriel's body. He was pretty cute, Sam had to give him that. Still, being around a demon felt odd. Sam still had a hard time believing that they were real, and not just some elaborate ruse created by people wearing costumes. He knew, though, that it was irrational to think that. Demons were second-class citizens anyway, so even if they were real, they didn't have the same privileges as Sam.

Part of his bias against demons stemmed from Sam rarely being exposed to demons, and even then, only in the way of meeting them at the bus stop and such and just making small talk. If Sam were to spend a little more time among demons, maybe he'd realize that there wasn't much difference between them and humans.
SpicyBoi SpicyBoi
Azriels eyes relaxed and he nodded softly. "Okay. I just, god I hate being treated like shit for being who I am, honestly, it gets tiring and it kills me in ways I can't explain." He lit his cigarette and took a swig, facing away so the smoke he puffed wouldn't touch the dog or the man in front of him. He put his hand behind him to keep the smoke from drifting to them. "It's like we were all thrown back in the god damn dark ages." He shook his head, his yellow eyes glancing at the man now and then. Azriel did like the looks of this man, he was pretty good looking and he seemed nice enough.

He took a few more swigs of his cigarette before ashing it in the ash tray in the middle of the table he was at. He then bent down and gently picked up the puppy, cuddling him and chuckling at the kisses. "Hey, of you don't know much about demons, how about we hang out at my place, we could get to know each other." He gave a sweet grin. "I won't kill you trust me, a Sinner Tally killing someone? I'd be fired in seconds." He laughed. "I'm kidding, I'd never hurt a soul." His laughing expression soon turned very sweet.

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