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Fandom Unlikely Allies - A TESV: Skyrim Roleplay {Discontinued}


Hey, side note, Khajiits don't hiss all their s's like that. Have you played any of the eso games yet?

yee, that was a good game
Alstromeria said:
Hey, side note, Khajiits don't hiss all their s's like that. Have you played any of the eso games yet?

yee, that was a good game
Elder Scroll Online is for plebs. I've played every chapter. And it's just a character thing.
Also seeing as the question is set up to fail in a meta sense as you have never said what kind of staff it is I would like that clarified before I post

And who do you think could it be the ancient elf he is ridding a cart next to apprently
it is not an attitude just yeah without any pre existing answer there was no way to guess it was a daedric artifact

did you ok the whole champion of a daedra thing with Javax i ask just to make sure we won't get called on it latter also i hope the see one of your kind means in a dream not seen a flesh of blood dwemer

any thoughts @Javax as you have thus far let us do whatever

Sorry; I'm doing college application stuff and summer homework.

Ah, I'll let it slide this time; I'm not really in the mood to make a big deal out of it. It's just if anyone has some kind of artifact that's only obtainable from daedra or the sort, be sure to okay it with me and include how you got it somewhere on your CS or tell me on here or PM.

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