• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandom Unlikely Allies - A TESV: Skyrim Roleplay {Discontinued}


...Wow. That's what happens when I try to do twenty things at once. Thanks for the notice. xD

Yeah, sorry. I'm just really stressed out and all over the place. Roleplaying certainly isn't helping, either.

Oh, nonono. Ah. Here, let me elaborate and be more specific about the quotes:

If you look at the "Overview" and "Rules" tabs specifically, you will find four quotes throughout them. Basically, I tell people to add them to their CS to ensure that they've at least looked at the information. That way, they're not jumping into the RP uneducated. But yeah. Just go look at the "Rules" and "Overview" tabs. You'll find them if you at least skim.

Thank you. Sorry for the confusion. ^^

Smi'Dar Longtail - Accepted.
@JackMonroe my character is inside white run inside the city proper unless your saying your character is illiterate and deaf he shoudl not have to ask and you may want to add where your character is in your posts
and if you get searched the guards will no doubt ask what you plan on doing going into white run in acart
dam he has some balls to talk to the woman who meteor surfed a dragon into the city and blew up a companions hall

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