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Fandom Unlikely Allies - A TESV: Skyrim Roleplay {Discontinued}

score one for GITTIN POSTIN' lol. Unless you need me to edit the post and have Dra'ziik interact with the others a bit? Offer his severed head to kyne?

oh, shit, my bad, it was my turn xD
yee. oh, and here's a tip, when you're roleplaying, tell a bit more of what's going through your charecters heads, how they feel about things, past experiences, etcetera. it'll add length to your posts, as well as charecter development.
yee. practice it a bit more, cuz i mean, Dreet-shei is almost a perfect stranger aside from the encounter in riften, you have to explain what's going through Ryu's head about how thankful he was that he taught him how to make the potion of blood so he wouldnt have to eat anyone soon
I changed my mind.

I've already watched the movie, apparently.

Jesus, wait for me. :c

Also, do you guys want Roxii to come back and check out the situation? Perhaps help with the issue?
i wouldn't be suprised if Javax's real name was Roxii, she seems to like using that charecter alot. Lemmie know if i guessed right.
Okay yes I'm making Sarah a designated healer and mage of the group so yeah

Also Sarah is based off of what I would be like if I was in skyrim and so her talents reflect what I would be good at personality wise. I am better at swords and stuff though in the game when I play it, but personality wise I'm better at magic and healing
i feel ya. Im playing as a mage right now, but Dra'ziik's picture is like, my actual first charecter i made in skyrim. Sadly, it glitched up when i downloaded the DLC and i switched to an argonian mage

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