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Fantasy Unleash the beasts

Marcus is part of the Legion of Beasts, same group the Nelly ran away from. They take Beasts and use them to try to intimidate and threaten cities and people. Marcus is unaware of what they do since he trusted the "General" who helped him when he came back from almost certain death.
I lost my internet for a while and have no

idea what's going on, and as I'm too lazy to read through could someone please summarize?

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Everyone in the 'main group' is in Feral forests, heading towards Evergreen for a job, anyone else I think Gemono.
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Dear god, I think I need to get a map drawn up for this.
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Yeah it's all fine, just need to like on the rules, and good diversity with the thylancine
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Most are heading to evergreen, in feral forests, and you might be able to work a way to jump in. I can't say for sure though

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