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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)



another day, another life
In the world of Dacorna everyone has a beast within that can be unleashed, to some the beast is a weapon, a friend, to others a corruption, a disease. It matters not what it truly is, but how you use it, what the beast is to you, that's what matters. Remember, every one has a wild side, so what's yours?

(Read the overview before creating CS)
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Hunter walked along the worn trail his hood over his wolf ears, right now he was on his way to the nation's capital, Gemono, a place for anyone and anything, it was here he was searching for a job, he looked at the city walls when they finally came into view.
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Dawn was has lived in Gemono for 10 years now and still hates it here. "Mom I'm heading out!" She called to her mother and walked out after hearing her call back. "Alright honey have fun."
Hunter was walking down the streets when he bumped into someone smaller than himself making his hood fall off revealing his black wolf ears, he looked down and saw a mop of blonde lighter shades than his own.

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Aizen was on a mission in Gemono apparently he had to assassinate a worker who was trying to start a strike all he knew was what he looked like and the company name and he said under his breath "I hate my job" as he moved swiftly through the city.
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Usagi was just another newcomer coming through the capital of Gemono, and stood most of her time staring in awe at the tall and complex structures of the capital. Her auntie had told her to go to Gemono to make something of herself.
Hunter looked at girl before he decided to mess with the girl, so he put on his most intimidating face and made his eyes change to his beast eyes, "how about you watch where your walking kid." He said his voice deeper and more gravelly than normal due to the transformation.

Alex was out and about, walking around the city and enjoying the calm breeze. Then he notices the two telling each other to "watch where your going" and decides it's best to avoid them and not get involved, so he walks around them, minding his own business.

@kenryuko @Lucifer666
Aizen was at a full sprint when he saw this man scaring this girl and he decided it would be hilarious to watch this happen
Char was sitting on a street bend, watching people pass and absent mindedly humming. He was enjoying the peace, as he had had no job for quite some time, and even though he knew he would have to get one soon... Well he would enjoy the here and now instead of worrying about the future.
She looked back at him with her Phoenix eyes. "Don't mess with me or you will feel fire hotter than the flames of hell" she grit her teath knowing that if she changes in public again she'll be put in prison. @kenryuko
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Char noticed a slight disturbance going on a little way away, in a less busier alley. This wasn't unusual, things like that happened all the time but still... Even though he liked the quiet he was kinda bored... It would be something to do...

He decided to just watch for now and get involved if things got interesting
Hunter laughed his eyes and voice returning to normal, "Wouldn't be the first time!" He said as he tamed his laughter, "ya got spunk kid, seriously though, I can see it in your eyes, you never killed before," he said as his tail start to sway from under his jacket, his wolf ears twitching.

Hunter smirked before burst towards the girl at full speed, changing to his wolf form dwarfing the girl with ease, and pinned her. His paw lightly on the neck as not to break it, his fangs bared right over her face with a growl emitting from his throat, yellow eyes staring into her blue showing no fear to kill her then and there.

Allen walked into the nearest pub he could find. And sat on the first high stool he could Aquire, then ordered a large pine. A few minutes after drinking Allen looked at the small parchment in front of him. "Should I accept this mission?" The parchment in front of him was a mission which he was assigned by his boss.
Aizen found a nice glistening mahogany bench to sit on and it was right in the shade. He thought how convenient as he turned his attention back to the action.
Marcus was making his rounds about the city. "Protect the city?" He spoke to himself. "Of all the missions I could have gotten." He came around a corner to see a wolf attacking a young child. "Well at least I get to have some fun." He spoke as he approached, dawned in full armor of the Royal Guard. He drew his club from his waist and tapped lightly on the wolfs head. "You are aware that it is an offense to change in the city of Gemono during the day, are you not?" He questioned knowing that the wolf wasn't some random creature form the wild. @kenryuko @Lucifer666
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Hunter looked at the guard that tapped him on the head, and shifted back, he realized his ears and tail were probably a give away to who he was, he had a reputation in the world both good and bad, "Not in particular, oh and do you report to commander Leonidus? If so ask him if the monthly poker night is still on." He asked nonchalantly his ears twitching all the way.

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A few minutes later, Allen walks out of pub with a large bottle of whiskey in his hand. "I can finally go home and have some rest" He shouted this caused the people within the vincinity of his shout to shudder slight. He then slowly started walked while taking small sips from his whiskey bottle. He came around the corner to notice two figures fighting against each other. But he was simply too tired to give a damn, and walked past the two.
Aizen got up off of his bench and approached the man in royal guard armor. He looked at him for a few minutes and realized he stopped the only thing in this city that seemed somewhat fun but heard what the wolf had said and said to the officer "Am I invited to poker night"
Hunter looked at the new comer, discreetly took a sniff of the air 'Frog, panther, and... Fried chicken?' He thought to himself figuring the different animals around, "Wait, you said shifting was forbidden during the day? That can't be right, last time I was here animals were on every street, who's the ruler?" He asked in secession trying to figure what had happened
Marcus chuckled at the guy who just came up. "I would not be aware of any poker game going on tonight in the East District." He calmly said. "That would not be the place to go for such festivities." He nodded his head and held out his hand. "Miss may I help you up." He said ignoring the two guys now. He was not planning on answering any questions that may throw his mission into jeopardy.

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